Author's Chapter Notes:
I want to thank, thank, thank Nikole for helping me with my plannings and letting me bounce some ideas off her.

"So..." Justin trailed, sinking into the couch across from Trace. He held two bottles of beer between the fingers in one hand, his phone in the other. After the girls had gotten their moms to drink more than they should have and both women were sound asleep upstairs, Kendall, Tani, and Zoe had left in a fit of giggles.

"Yep," Trace replied, eyes straight ahead. His jaw was tight as he chewed tensely on a piece of gum. Trace had nodded and smiled while his mom was around. And while a lot of what she said and what he and Justin had talked about made a lot of sense, it still didn't diminish the way he was feeling. It didn't help that he wasn't sure himself why he was feeling so angry about everything and why he couldn't just let it go like he usually could.

Extending a hand, Justin offered one bottle to the shorter man leaning across the small table. "At least ya didn't swear at me," Justin joked. "Baby steps Momma said." He took a sip of his own beer. Both men continued to sip their beers, eyes everywhere but each other.

"Dude, she called our moms," Trace finally busted out. His laugh started softly under his breath and soon he was full out laughing, "I can't believe she sold us out like that!"

"Oh come on," Justin said between his own laughter, "It's not the first time Zoe's told on us."

Trace nodded in agreement. "But shit, I don't tell her momma her dirt."

"Yeah," Justin added, "she had good reason to though, you know."

"Not really."

"Oh come on," Justin chastised. "You refused to answer my phone since we've been back and I missed a collabo offer."

Glaring, Trace took a sip from his beer. "So you're really just mad you lost money? That's it?"

"Absolutely not. Come on Trace, really?"


Justin threw his head back in frustration. "I have my days, I know, but shit Trace. You know you're my boy right? Thick and thin. You're the only one who's able to knock me in my place and doesn't back down when I throw shit in your face. Clearly. You do know you're here to keep me grounded."

"Pretty good job I've been doing lately then," Trace snapped.

Still with his head back against the couch, Justin eyed Trace with one eye. "I haven't even been working in a month. What could I have done that bad?" Silence.

Trace took a deep breath. Might as well get it out in the open. "Oh, you know, fucking every girl you see."

Justin straight up laughed. "That's it! You're mad cuz I'm getting pussy and you're not? Dude. Come on. Why didn't you just say that." Justin set his beer down on the table and reached for the phone. "That would explain your pissy moods. Sometimes I totally forget about your personal life Trace. Sorry. Lemme call up...who do you want? Dorle was pretty into you. Trisha was kinda freaky like you like 'em."

"I don't want you to call up anyone Justin," Trace said shaking his head.

Justin tapped his phone against his leg, then scrolled through his phonebook. "Nah, it's no problem T."

"I can get my own goddamn girls Justin," Trace yelled.

"Whoa, ok." Justin held up one hand in surrender. With the other he continued looking through his phone. "So..."

Trace chewed fiercely on his piece of gum. "Just, just stop seducing girls that I like man."

Justin's head popped up. "What?"

"You heard."

Justin tossed his phone on the table. "Who am I seducing." He leaned forward clasping his hands in curiosity. "Who do you like? Seriously, I can give up any of the randoms if you're that into 'em. And it's not like we've been hanging around anyone but the girls."

Trace locked eyes with Justin.

"Oh." Justin nodded. Then realization set it and he eyes grew large. "Oh! Anna? Really Trace? Alright, I can see it."

"Don't b.s. with me Timberlake."

Justin grabbed his beer again, taking a short sip. "No, I had no idea Trace. You think I was seducing her?"

"You fucking slept with her dude!" Trace cried swinging his beer wildly.

"Since when is sleeping with someone synonymous with seducing? Seducing involves actually taking an interest is something other than tits and-SHIT. Trace I didn't sleep with her," Justin laughed when Trace's eyes widened, "who told you that?" Trace didn't respond. "No. Man, Anna's nice and all, but that's it. Thought hadn't even crossed my mind."

Trace eyed Justin from the corner of his eye, "Never crossed your mind? Fucking liar."

A sly grin crept to the edges of Justin's mouth. "Alright, alright. I mighta thought about it once or twice. I'm not blind. But she's just-she's Anna. I don't know. I don't want to sleep with her. I would, but I don't have to."

Trace shook his head and let out a small laugh. "Did we just spend an hour arguing about a girl neither of us is fucking?"

Justin finished the last of the liquid in his bottle, "It appears so." The dull sound of his phone vibrating against the table interrupted the silence.

"Hey," he smiled before standing up and walking into the kitchen, "just thinking about your pretty face."


"What about this one!"

Anna groaned and tossed a paper plate into the garbage. She walked into the living room where Arlen was sitting with her laptop. Anna had been unnerved by Justin's call the other day. When she'd called him back, he acted like everything was ok and he'd sorted it all out. However, knowing him for the short time that she had, she was pretty sure Justin didn't sort things out in a three hour span. She didn't want to be nosey and push it, but it hurt a little that he didn't think he could share whatever he was going through with her.

Then she hadn't heard from anyone in three days until Zoe called her halfway through her dinner with Arlen. How she'd let it slip to Arlen that Zoe had invited her to a Halloween party she didn't know. What she did know, however, was that he was having way too much fun trying to dress her.

Leaning over the back of the couch Anna looked at the costume on the screen. "Absolutely not."

"Why not," he asked clicking on the photo and enlarging it. "No body parts are hanging out. Sorry boys."

Anna tapped him on the back of the head. "Do you know how many times I'll get asked if I'm looking for any seamen if I wear that."

"Ohhh," Arlen cooed, "guess I just figured out my costume. At least one of us will get laid this Halloween." He looked behind himself just in time to see her shake her head.

Anna went back into the kitchen to finish cleaning. Arlen continued looking.

"Fine, you don't wanna be a whore. Even though that's what Halloween is for. But girl you know both those boys are gunna be waiting to see what you have on and I'll be damned if we don't wow them."

Anna stuffed half of a fortune cookie in her mouth, throwing the fortune in the garbage without reading it. "Did you not hear a word I said tonight?"

Arlen turned his shoulder so he could see Anna in the kitchen. "Yes I did darling. What I heard is that Stud Muffin is jealous and you slept with Fancypants."

"I did not sleep with him!" He turned around and started clicking on the keyboard. "Arlen I didn't sleep with him."

"How do you feel about the Cowboys?"


"I love Halloween," Justin mumbled under his breath. His head rested against the back of his chair, both legs lazily out in front of him. His Memphis Grizzlies hat was pulled low over his head. He'd have it even lower and be sleeping if there hadn't been two girls staring at themselves in the fitting room mirror and giggling about six feet to his left. He wasn't about to tell them that their matching slutty nurse costumes were cheap and nearly transparent.

"You fucking hate Halloween," Trace called out from the room in front of him. Justin could see his stubby legs under the door. He didn't want to stare at Trace's leg hair all day. He could think of a thousand other ways to spend his day.

He had no idea how many costumes Trace had jammed in the room. But he had a good idea how long this would take. They went through this every year. After three trips to the local Halloween superstores, Trace never finds what he is looking for. Nothing seems 'right'. Then they'd go to a few costume rental stores. Nada. Next thing you know Trace finds a pair of overalls at Walmart, throws on a John Deere hat, and calls himself Bud the Farm Stud.

"Correction," Justin said shifting in the chair and resting one leg on the knee of the other. "I don't like dressing up. It's gay."

Trace pushed his door open. "What's so gay about it?"

"Dude," Justin groaned, covering his face with one hand.

Looking down at the white and green one-piece, Trace innocently asked, "What? No?"

Justin pulled his hand down from his eyes, keeping the rest over his mouth.

Trace nodded. "You're right. The red ranger was better anyway." Trace turned and walked back into the room. "You have to get a costume. Zoe will not let you in without one."

"She gunna have security manning her Halloween party," Justin joked. He turned his attention back to the girls down the hall. One still stood in the nurse costume, obviously liking how she looked in it. Justin did too. Her friend, though, had changed into what he assumed was a Miss Muffit costume. Thoughts of offering her some of his curds and-

"Fuck you!"

Trace's eyes widened as his fitting room door slammed shut behind him. "What?"

"You heard me. Fuck you."

Trace turned to look at himself in the mirror. The two girls stepped back when he got close.

"Mariska Hargitay," Trace bowed with folded hands. He skipped back toward Justin. "The beard is itchy. But damn if the little slippers don't feel good."

Justin smirked. "Yeah Trace, why don't you wear that. I'm sure NO ONE will confuse you with a gnome. Long beard, robes, shorter than shit."

Trace flipped Justin off before throwing open the door to his room again. Justin heard rustling as Trace changed yet again. "Yeah, so, you should go look for something to wear."

A buzzing in his pocket sent Justin reaching for his phone. "I already got it covered," he proclaimed punching the keypad.

"What," Trace asked poking his head out.

"None of your damn business. You'll see," Justin answered.

Back in his fitting room Trace replied, "I still think Mario and Luigi woulda been funny."

"People would think we were gay Trace."

"No. It would be funny."

"Grown ass men in overalls. Matching overalls. With porn 'staches and conductor hats. No."

"I'd let you be Luigi."

Justin let out a soft grunt. "No one wants to be Luigi!"

"Whatever. I think I found it."

Justin's brain didn't have time to register the mischeviousness in Trace's voice before it registered the costume. In fact, it took him about 30 empty seconds to respond at all.

"What the hell!? No. Fucking no!" Justin shot straight up in the chair, phone falling from his hands. He looked frantically from right to left to be sure no one else was seeing what he was.

Trace walked right past him and up to the mirror. Miss Muffit and Nurse who had become Angel and Bumblebee both covered their mouths at Trace's arrival and proceeded quickly back to their rooms.

"No," Trace said, "This is definitely it. The red looks fantastic on me."

Justin's eyes kept trailing over to Trace, but as soon as they would focus he'd rip them back to the white of the fitting room door. "Are you wearing underwear?"

Trace turned a little in the mirror. "No."

"Dude! That's sick."

Trace turned again. "I tried it with the boxers, but I couldn't get the full effect. This looks, dare I say, hot!"

"It's a dress Trace!" Justin shook his head, "At least I think it is supposed to be. But your fatt ass makes it look like it's a fucking shirt. Stop turning! Everything keeps flapping around."

Trace stopped. Then he gave himself a little wiggle from right to left, "Oh, shit, you're right. Need to ask Kendall for one of those thongy things. That'll hold it all in, right?"

"Change, NOW!"

Trace strode back towards Justin. He bent to pick up the phone Justin had dropped.

"Trace!" Justin cried covering his eyes again.

The shorter man frowned, "Well if I can't get it, can you at least take a picture?"

Justin's mouth dropped open. "What the hell for!?"

"Because," Trace explained shoving the phone back into Justin's hands, "if I'm ever in a situation where someone is like, 'I wonder what Trace looks like in a dress' and I know I look damn good, but no one else will believe me, I'll have proof."

"Where would you be that that situation would come up?"

"Just take it," Trace said leaning against the door frame.


Anna shouldn't have been so happy for Scary Movie Night. But when Trace had called asking if she wanted to hang out and watch a couple movies after work the thought that she hated them hadn't even crossed her mind. Honestly she'd just been happy to hear from him again. He had apologized for the things he had said explaining he and Justin were having some issues and didn't mean to put her in the middle of it. She wasn't sure how to digest that bit of info and how she fit into it, but an apology was an apology.

Now, however, her happiness had hit it's peak. Curled up in the corner of the couch while Trace sifted through movie titles, Anna ebbed into nervousness. She didn't like to be scared. Much more so than a normal adult should.

"So I'm thinking The Thing and or Quatermass and the Pit, " Trace rambled holding up two boxes.

"No one wants to see that lame ass movie," Justin's voice echoed from the kitchen.

"No one asked you," Trace returned.

"Exactly," Justin smirked, now standing behind the couch. "But see, Little Annester here doesn't know your passion for weird ass movies, so I was just educating her."

"At least I only watch weird ass movies, not act in them," Trace shot back.

Anna's mouth dropped open in surprise. Then she began to laugh. "Burn!"

Justin tapped the back of her head. "I used to like you Anna."

"Kids, movies, focus, please," Trace announced shaking the boxes again.

"I'm out," Justin said stepping back and leaving the room. "Anna might like Seven."

"That's got Brad Pitt, right," Anna asked, somehow remembering that she'd seen that. "Can't we watch a normal horror movie, like Scream?"

Trace choked. "Seriously? That movie shouldn't even be in the genre of horror. It's like the worst-"

"Ok," Anna laughed at his seriousness. "Just pick one where there aren't too many body parts flying around and nothing jumps out at you."

Trace cocked an eyebrow at Anna, "My dear, what kind of fun would that be?"

Justin checked the time on his clock, then walked to the window. Anna's car was still in the driveway. Almost with a sense of giddyness he crept towards the stairs. So Trace liked Anna. Anna seemed to like Trace. People didn't actually watch scary movies together in their living rooms just to watch movies. He should get his camera...blackmail was a bitch. As he rounded the corner into the kitchen his mind was busy anticipating what he might see that he didn't notice Anna until he bumped into her.

Anna let out a muffled scream as Justin reached to cover her mouth. Shaking in his arms, Anna tried to shove him away.

"Anna, Annester, it's me," Justin whispered. She seemed to relax immediately.

Then she punched him. "That wasn't funny Justin." She was still shaking a little.

Justin switched on a light over the stove so she could see it really was him. "I didn't mean to scare you. Honest."

"Then why were you creeping around like some," she paused looking for the right word, but could only come up with, "creeper."

"Hey," Justin defended, "it's my house. I can creep around all I'd like. The question is, why are you creeping around my house at 4 in the morning?"

"I fell asleep."

"Likely story," Justin smirked, "so, you two had a good time, huh?"

Anna nodded and gave her lip a little bite, "Yeah. As good a time as I can have when I'm not nervous or scared."

"Next time we'll watch some Disney crap, sound good?"

"And by Disney crap do you mean Mickey Mouse Club? Because I think I actually have those on vhs and-"

"Get out of my house you traitor," Justin laughed.

Anna nudged his shoulder, "No, I'm serious. You just committed yourself to that. You said 'Disney crap'."

Justin took Anna by the shoulders and let her towards to door. "See Anna, if you knew me you'd know not to use the word committed around me."

Anna leaned against the door. "See, Justin. I think I do."


"Holy decorations," Tani cried pushing open the back door. The whole back deck was covered in bats and snakes and bloody body parts and things Tani couldn't even tell what they were. "Where did all this crap come from."

"Tani! Good. You're tall, hang this," Zoe cried running past her and shoving a string of silver lights into Tani's hands.

"Dont' even try to object," Anna said strolling up next to Tani. "I stopped by for ten minutes to give Kendall something. Three hours ago."

Tani raised an eyebrow. "She won't let you leave?"

Anna shrugged, "A bit of she won't let me leave and a bit of guilt."

From the corner of her eye Tani caught Zoe yelling at Kendall and pointing, so Tani quickly found a chair and scooted it closer to the eve of the house. With a grunt she pulled herself up. "Guilty about what?"

Anna handed Tani a staple gun that was laying on a table nearby. "I don't know. I always feel guilty when people have huge parties to do. I know, it's weird. Just my thing."

Tani smacked the gun, stepped down, then scooted the chair over. "So you were little Ms. Homecoming Decorations Committee then?"

Anna laughed, "Oh hell no. I have no artistic bone in my body. Physical science Tani, remember? Facts and figures, not colors and shapes."

Tani gave the staple gun another smack. "Right." She sat in the chair for a second, looking over at Anna. It was hard not to like Anna. Tani did have to admit she was sweet and given that Zoe and Kendall had pulled her into their whole world without knowing what she was getting into, Anna was handling it very well. Tani just didn't like that she was so nice and so sweet and so perfect. No one was actually as perfect as Anna appeared to be. And Tani knew she and Zoe could get over whatever it is that will eventually surface. But Trace, Justin, and Kendall were wrapped around her finger pretty tight. Even if none of them knew it. Tani wasn't ready to have to be there when it all fell apart.

"So, what girl were you in high school," Tani asked standing back up as Zoe made another round past the two of them.

Anna shrugged. "I didn't really hit my stride in high school, if you know what I mean. I was just normal, I guess."

"There's no normal in high school Anna." She slammed down the last staple and stepped back to inspect her work. "Like me, I thought I was normal. I really did. Then I met all these folks and realized I was part of the jocks. Surprise to me since I didn't play a sport. Unless you count making out."

The two shared a laugh. "I was in the National Honor Society," Anna admitted.

"Tell me something I wouldn't have guessed," Tani joked before tossing an arm around Anna's shoulder.


"This is stupid. I'm not wearing it. I'm not going. I'll watch the house, have fun. See you soon."

Anna smacked her forehead while laughing. "Just shut up. You're going." She pulled open the bathroom door and walked to her bedroom where Justin was putting on his costume. "What's the problem?"

"This," he said holding out a brown wig as if it were a dead animal. "No matter what I do, it won't look right."

"Are you putting it on right," she asked taking the wig from him. She pushed against his shoulders making him sit on the bed. Standing it front of him she tugged the wig down over his head. Anna motioned toward the mirror Justin had been using. "Are we good now?"

"No," Justin pouted, "it's fluffy. It's not supposed to be fluffy."

"Oh god," Anna cried throwing her hands up. "If you hadn't played with it so much. Let's go put some product on it or something then."

She tugged Justin by his shirt into the bathroom and shoved him down on the toilet seat. While she worked, Justin fidgeted with one of the rhinestones in her dress.

"Thanks for keeping my costume."

Anna tugged a comb through the wig. "No problem."

"I've got nosey friends."

"So I've heard," Anna smarted. "All done."

Justin stood and looked in the mirror. "Miracle worker Annester," he said giving her cheek a kiss. "So, you ready to roll?"

"Do I look ready," Anna asked pointing to herself. "Ten minutes of make-up and I'll be set."

"Need help?" Anna watched Justin's lips curl into a smile.

"Not unless you want my fairy dust all over your outfit," she answered before leaning over the sink and picking up her eyeshadow again.

"That's a new name for something," Justin pondered with a smirk.

The two sat quietly for several minutes. Anna wasn't bothered by the fact Justin was watching her. "You sure you don't wanna show up solo," she asked suddenly.

"Why would I want to do that," Justin asked in the process of opening and closing the sliding glass door of her shower.

Anna turned to lean against the sink. "Well, you show up to a Halloween party with a girl and people get the impression you're together."

"With that little outfit I don't think I'd mind that," Justin said with a wink. "But really we're gunna know everyone there anyway."

"You'll know everyone," Anna hohumed.

With one arm Justin pulled her down onto his lap and gave her a one armed hug. "That's the beauty of showing up with me Anna. You'll meet everyone in no time."

"I'm not going. I'll watch the car."

Justin slammed his door and walked around to yank Anna's door open. "Funny."

"No," Anna said crossing her arms. She looked around Justin's frame to the dark decorations blowing in the night breeze. A ghostly yowl floated out of a window and Anna squeezed her forearms. "I'm serious."

Placing one arm on the roof of the car he leaned in closer to Anna. "What's the deal?"

Anna bit her lip. "I...something's going to jump out at me. Or chase me."

"It's Halloween Anna. What did you expect?" Justin asked with a sigh. She shrugged. "You were just fine watching the movie with Trace."

"He held my hand."

Justin laughed. "Fine, I'll hold your hand then."

"If something jumps at me will you kick it?" she asked taking a firm grip on the hand he offered. He only laughed and pulled her along after him. Anna walked pressed up against his back, eyes closed.

"We're in Annester," Justin whispered behind him. He pulled her around in front of him. "It's safe."

Anna slowly opened one eye. It was dark. But there were lots of little lights. And most of the costumes weren't too scary. "Thanks."

"Anything jumps at you, you come get me, aight?" He gave her side a pinch before he was dragged away by someone Anna didn't know.


Trace took one look at Justin and burst out laughing.

"At least he wore a costume," Zoe admitted eyeing Justin. Then she turned to her other friend. "I didn't know you saved your Jeeter uniform Trace. On wait, that's right, you didn't make the basketball team."

"Oooo, burn," Justin cried high-fiving Zoe above Trace's head.

He pushed the two out of his way, "Don't be jealous you don't look this good in yellow mesh."

"If that's good..." Zoe trailed.

"At least people know what I'm supposed to be," Trace defended, arms crossed.

"Gay?" Justin and Zoe snickered.

"Says the guy dressed like a Disney Parade."

Justin scoffed and took a sip from his cup. "At least I know every girl in the room has dreamed about me. And my costume."

"It doesn't count if they were eight Justin," Trace played. "And really, Prince Charming? You couldn't have been any less creative."

"80's basketball player," Justin asked, eyebrows raised.


"You helped put it all up. It's just plastic. Nothing will hurt you," Anna mumbled to herself as she walked through the house. She knew the kitchen would be the safest place to be with the fewest possibilities of things jumping out at her, so that was her goal.

"Anna Banana," Zoe cried as soon as she entered the room. Anna let out a huge sigh of relief and ran to Zoe. "Aren't you adorable. Don't tell anyone, but did you know the real TinkerBelle is actually an asian man and that-"

"I have a feeling they have a new one these days. That story has been around since I was a kid," Anna answered. She reached a hand out to smooth the shoulder of Zoe's costume. "I like this."

Zoe smiled, then spun around. "Thank you. It's real. Justin got it when he went to Japan once. I thought if I'm gunna be drinking, which I am, I don't wanna have to worry about falling out of my costume. Which is a responsible thought, I think. So a robe and some white face paint, and drunken geisha it is."

"It suits you," Anna laughed.

"Zoe, there's a guy at the front door who isn't in costume," Kendall informed them as she walked into the kitchen. "Hey, Anna, love the costume. And the make-up! Oooh, the glittery eyeshadow."

Reaching for a plastic cup on her way to the keg Anna smiled. "Thanks Ken. You look very...spirity."

Kendall giggled, "It's real, do you know? I have a friend on the team; we were in hip hop classes together a few years ago. Now that she's with the Lakers she is set. It's nice because she's mostly in the same place all the time, but I'd get bored being in the same place too."

She took a sip on the beer before responding. "Are all of your costumes the real deal? Cuz I don't usually go all out for Halloween like this."

"I swear to God he puts his balls in my face one more time," Tani cried as she walked into the kitchen.

"What," Anna and Kendall chorused.

Tani yanked open the freezer and grabbed the Bacardi. "Trace. He's walking around shoving his balls on people."

"Ew," Kendall cried popping a carrot into her mouth. "What is he that his balls are out?"

"Speak of the devil," Tani moaned before tipping the bottle straight into her mouth.

"Love you to Tan," Trace smirked smacking her on the back before stealing the bottle. Then he noticed Anna. "Hey! Look at you."

Anna stood silent while her mind rushed through the acceptable responses the Trace's costume. One, he looks ridiculous. Two, she could see through his shorts.

"I didn't know you and Ken were matching," she finally mustered out.

"I'd say great minds think alike," Kendall started, "but I can't honestly say that's true in this case."

"You could have changed," Trace pointed out, "That's right. I saw that little box of goodies in your closet."

Kendall's eyes widened, "Who let the troll in my closet?"

Anna's attention turned to Zoe. She looked like she was going to throw up. But to her surprise, Zoe let out a loud giggle. "," she managed between bursts.

"Whoa, what did I miss," a deep voice called out. All heads turned toward Justin who walked into the kitchen with a scantily clad girl scout under his arm.

"Nothing," Trace snapped, grabbing a carrot and throwing it at Zoe.

Tani grabbed the bottle Trace had place on the counter and took another long sip from. "Nothing's what you got going on down in those shorts Larry Bird." She let out a yelp as Trace chased her out of the room.

"Those two," Justin chuckled, shaking his head. He carelessly pulled open the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Gatorade. "So..." He placed his arm back around the girl's shoulders.

"Hi," Anna said sticking her hand out, "I'm Anna."

"Ok," the girl scout said with a roll of her eyes. Then she turned her attention up towards Justin, "You said you were gunna-"

"Right," Justin said cutting her off, "this way."

Zoe, Kendall, and Anna watched their retreating forms. "God, he is such a whore," Zoe cried out.

"And he knows it," Kendall agreed.

"And she was way rude," Anna added before the three burst into giggles.


Much to her dismay Anna had spent a lot of the night wandering around the house alone. She'd spotted Trace and Kendall actually getting along and playing beer pong as a team, since they matched and all. Zoe was busy making drinks in the kitchen. She didn't know where Tani had gone off to and she hadn't seen Justin or his new friend. So much for him making sure she knew everyone at the party. At least nothing had popped out at her yet.

She knew Kendall had said she could crash in her room for the night if she wanted to, and feeling that no one would miss her, Anna headed up that way. There were a couple girls waiting for the bathroom, so she opted to pass out first, then wash her face. Too tired to turn any lights on she shut the door quietly behind her. Anna rubbed her feet along the floor in the dark knowing when she hit carpet she was close to the bed. But instead her toe tapped something slippery. Kneeling down, she cautiously picked at it. It was mesh. Standing straight up, she took the object in her hand and raced from the room. Once in the hallway, she took two deep breaths before forcing herself to look down. Yellow mesh shorts. Tiny yellow mesh shorts.

Anna tossed them on the ground. She could feel her eyes starting to burn. "Have you seen anyone in a Laker girl jersey?" she asked the two remaining girls by the bathroom.

"She just went in there like 5 minutes ago," one replied pointing to Kendall's room. "You didn't see them?"


"Yeah. Her and that shorter guy in the basketball outfit. It was cute. I wish I could get my boyfriend to match his costume with me."

Anna forced herself to swallow. "Uh huh. Me too." Turning quickly on her heels, she clumped down the stairs. She walked straight out the front door in a daze. Even the guy standing on the front porch who jumped out at her didn't phase her. She took a seat on the curb next to Justin's car. Wrapping her arm around her legs, she leaned into the wheel and cried, hoping the ghoulish sounds from inside the house would drown her out.

beanjean is the author of 4 other stories.
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