Author's Chapter Notes:
Rate: R ~ sexual themes & violence

Chapter 33

“I am running so late.  I’m supposed to be getting measured for my Wax thing today.” Justin complained as they were rushing through Orlando International Airport.

“I’m telling you it’s some kind of conspiracy.  I’m really starting to hate airlines.” Kerrigan stated.

“Ya’ll the plane was delayed for one hour.  It’s not that big a deal.  I mean we’ve had to wait longer than that before.” Trace tried to reason, as they approached the baggage claim area.

“Yeah, but in that hour that we spent waiting at the airport, had they called us, I coulda got that shower I wanted this morning.  But NOOOOO, instead I got rushed off to the airport all funky.” Kerrigan said.

“Well, if you woulda got up on time, you coulda got your shower.” Justin stated with a smirk.

“Shut up.” Kerrigan retorted, trying not to smile.  She knew he was right but she just felt like complaining.

Mike and the other two bodyguards that was with them quickly grabbed the groups bags and they rushed out towards the waiting SUV that was there to pick them up.

“You sure you don’t want to ride with us, Kerr?” Justin asked again.

Kerrigan had decided on the plane ride there that since they were running late and Justin needed to get to his meeting that she would just take a cab from the airport to her apartment.  She didn’t want to cause him to run any further behind by having to drop her off first.  It was just easier for her to take a cab.  All she wanted was to get home, take a shower and relax.

“I’m sure, J.   It’s not a big deal.”

“Well, are you going to meet us over at the venue later for the Scavenger Hunt thing we’re doing?” Justin asked.

“Yeah.  What time do I need to be there again?”

“Um…” Justin looked to Trace for the answer.

“Five.  We gotta be there at five.” he said shaking his head at Justin’s inability to remember minor details.

“Ok, I’ll see you guys there at five.” Kerrigan said as she started to branch off from them.  One of the bodyguards, Frank had already flagged down a cab for her and loaded her bag.

“Kerrigan.” Justin called after her.

She turned and looked at him as she was about to climb into the cab.  “Are you sure you should be lifting on that bag?  I mean if you go with us, the guys can drop you off after they drop us off and make sure you get all that stuff into your apartment ok.”

“J, it’s fine.  You worry to much!” she smiled at him and then climbed into the cab.

Justin watched from the curb as the cab immediately took off and Kerrigan gave him and Trace a smile and a wave as they drove past them.

“The girl is too stubborn for her own good.” Justin muttered.

Mike out right laughed.  “This coming from the king of stubborn himself!”

( Kerrigan’s apartment )

“Thanks, I got it from here.” Kerrigan smiled at the cab driver as he sat her suitcase down on the curb.

“You sure, Miss?  The fella that stopped me for you said that you was expecting and that I was to help you carry your bags up to your apartment.” the cab driver stated.

Kerrigan groaned inwardly, Justin’s name was written all over this.  “No, seriously it’s ok.  It’s only one flight of stairs and I can just pull it behind me.  It’s not gonna hurt me.  I got it.  But thank you for offering.  I’m sure you need to get back out there to pick up other fairs anyway.  But thanks again.” she smiled and gave him a little wave as she walked away, heading for her apartment.

Kerrigan climbed the flight of stairs to her apartment, pulling her suitcase along behind her and then made her way down the short hall to her apartment door.  She dug her keys out of her purse and quickly unlocked the door.  She couldn’t wait to get inside.  The first thing she was doing was taking a nice long hot shower.

Pushing the door open, Kerrigan walked inside dragging her suitcase along with her and throwing her keys down on the table just inside the door.

Leaving her suitcase in the entry way she walked around the corner into the living room and came to a dead stop when she seen Cody sitting on the sofa, staring at her angrily.  “Cody?  What are you doing here?” she asked, shocked.

“Well, I decided to come home a little early and surprise you.  So we could celebrate our good news.  But imagine that.  I fly all the way back here to see you and you’re not even here!” he stated, getting to his feet.

Kerrigan grew nervous as he slowly walked towards her.  There was anger in his every step.  There was no way she was going to be able to explain this one.  She had been caught red handed and there wasn’t a thing she could do about it.

“Why didn’t you say anything last night?” she questioned.  He had been perfectly normal on the phone the night before when she had talked to him.  And he had known the whole time she wasn’t in Orlando.  She didn’t know how things could possibly get much worse than this.

“Like I said I wanted to surprise you.” he stated flatly.

“Well, you definitely managed that.” she said, attempting to give him a smile.  Hoping to hide the nervousness that was creeping up inside.

“Yeah.  I guess I did.  You do look pretty shocked.  Hell, I’ll go out on a limb here and say you look even more terrified.  Didn’t think you’d get caught in your little lie did you?” Cody growled from in front of her.  He was merely a few inches from her.

“There’s a perfectly good explanation for this.” Kerrigan said.  Hoping that he would at least give her the chance to explain her side of things.  Although, from the look on his face she doubted it.

“I’m sure you think it’s a good explanation.  But you see, in my opinion there’s no good explanation for lying to me.  Or for defying me, for that matter.  I specifically told you NOT to go to Virginia.  But what do you do?  As soon as I’m out the door and out of town you do it anyways.   And then you don’t even have enough decency to tell me.  Instead you like to me for weeks about where you’re at.  And you tell me I can trust you?  How exactly can I trust you?  You’re not earning any trust here.”

“Cody, I tried to explain to you before you left that I had to go.  I promised Justin I would be there.  You cannot ask me to break promises to my friends.  It’s not fair.” Kerrigan argued.  She didn’t really know what else to say in her defense, because he did have a point.

“You can’t break promises to your friends, but you can break promises to me?” he questioned.  “Explain to me how that works.”

Kerrigan sighed.  So much for a nice relaxing few hours before she had to be at the venue for all of the activities she would surely be volunteered for.  “Can we please not argue about this now.  I just got off a plane.  I’m tired.  I just want to take a hot shower and maybe a short nap before I have to head over to the venue later.  Can’t this wait till after I get back tonight?”

Cody laughed, he literally laughed at her.  “You’re not going anywhere.  We’re going to get a few things straight once and for all.  I’m sick of having these conversations with you and I’m sick of repeating myself.  We’re going to get all of this straight today, so there won’t be any further issues down the road.”

“Cody, I can’t do this now.  I have to be at the venue at five for the Scavenger Hunt thing we gotta do today.  Can’t this wait?” Kerrigan objected.

“Did you not hear what I just said?  I said you’re NOT going!  So forget it!” Cody said angrily.  His temper was slipping away.

“But…” Kerrigan attempted to argue but was cut off.

“I SAID YOU’RE NOT GOING AND THAT’S FINAL!” Cody yelled, as he grabbed her by her arm and drug her across the room, slinging her onto the sofa.

Kerrigan looked up at his angry face.  Her heart was racing in her chest, she hadn’t seen him remotely this angry since that night at the venue.  But even then he wasn’t anywhere near as pissed off as he was at that moment.  And that put the fear of God in her.  She remembered all too well what happened the last time.

“Cody, please just clam down.” she spoke softly.

“Calm down?  CALM DOWN?” he yelled.  “Do you have any idea how pissed off I am right now?  Kerrigan, you fucking lied to me for weeks!  WEEKS!  Am I supposed to be happy about that?  What the hell is wrong with you?  Why is it ok to break your promises to me and to lie to me, but not do any of that stuff to Justin?  I’m your BOYFRIEND!” he growled.

Kerrigan began to speak, but Cody continued.  “Hell, I’m the father of your child.  WE’RE HAVING A FUCKING BABY, KERRIGAN!  I deserve more respect than this!”

“I’m sorry, Cody.  But I….”

He cut her off once again, “No, don’t give me anymore of your lame ass excuses.  I’m sick of this shit.   I’m you’re boyfriend and the father of your child and you’re going to start showing me the respect I deserve.  I don’t care what I have to do, Kerrigan.  This shit is going to stop and it’s going to stop now!  Do you understand me?”

“Cody, I know you’re upset.  But please, look at this from my side.” she attempted.

“Look at this from your side?  WHAT ABOUT MY SIDE?” he yelled, moving closer to her.  “What about my feelings?  Don’t they deserve any consideration at all?  You fucking walk all over me!”

“I do not!” she argued.  She never walked all over him, she was always doing what he asked her to do and the one time she went against him she got this?

“YES YOU DO!  It’s always Justin this and Justin that.  Well I’m telling you right now it’s not gonna be Justin anymore.  You’re not going to have ANYTHING to do with him.  Do you understand me?  ANYTHING!” he yelled.

She scowled at him.  “Cody, I’m sorry but I’m not going to stop being friends with Justin because you tell me to.  You can get that out of your head right…”

Kerrigan was cut off by Cody’s hand colliding with her face.  She quickly raised her hand to cover the place where he had just hit her and looked up to him completely shocked.  Tears welling up in her eyes.  She couldn’t believe this was happening again.  He had promised to never hit her again.

“You were saying?” he asked angrily.

“But Justin is my best friend, I can’t just…”

His hand collided with her face again.  “You can and you will.” he told her.  “Unless, of course you want this to become a regular event.”

“You can’t do this.” she sputtered through the tears streaming down her face.  “If you love me you wouldn’t do this.”

“See that’s where you’re wrong.  I’m doing this because I do love you.  I want us to be together.  I want us to be a family.  We’re having a baby, Kerrigan and we don’t need any distractions.  We need to focus on us, and we can’t do that if your little friend Mr. Timberlake is around!  So you’re going to distance yourself from him.  You need to focus on me and making me happy and stop worrying about his sorry ass!  Do you got me?”

 “Cody, please…” she pleaded, sobbing.

Cody reared back to hit her again, but Kerrigan quickly covered her face with both of her arms.  “Stop, please stop Cody!” she pleaded.

“Then stop giving me reasons to hit you!” he retorted.

“I’m not giving you reasons to hit me!” she argued from behind the shield of her arms.

Cody angrily jerked her up off the sofa and dragged her down the hallway to her bedroom, throwing her down on the bed.  “I’m trying to be mindful of the fact that you’re pregnant Kerrigan, but you’re really pissing me off.  Just accept the facts as they are and get over it.  You’re with me.  You’re my girlfriend, the mother of my child.  And you WILL NOT be having anything further to do with Justin Timberlake.  If I so much as even THINK you’ve been around him, I swear to God, Kerrigan I’ll show you what hitting you is all about.  Do you understand me?” he threatened.

Kerrigan was sobbing into the bed.  She didn’t know what to do.  She was so terrified she couldn’t think straight.  The only thing she could think about was her baby.  The pregnancy hadn’t been planned and at first she had been uneasy about the whole thing.  But the idea of being pregnant and becoming a mother had overtaken her over the last week.  And what she assumed was a motherly instinct was taking over her right then.  She would do whatever she needed to do to protect her child.  Even if that meant agreeing to what Cody was saying.

He did have a few points.  They were together and they did need to focus on their relationship so they could be a family.  Kerrigan, didn’t want to screw everything up and end up a single Mother.  She knew it was going to be hard just being a young Mother with Cody’s help, she couldn’t possibly imagine doing it on her own.  She had to make this work.  But she would find a way to get around this whole Justin stipulation he was trying to put in place.

She figured he was just angry because she had lied to him.  That she would be able to talk some sense into him once he calmed down.  Maybe if she just gave him a couple of days he would get over his rage and his absurd ideas to cut Justin from her life completely.

That’s what it was.  He was just upset and hurt because she had lied to him.  But once he calmed down he would see things more clearly.  Or at least that’s what she tried to reassure herself with, as she looked up to Cody through tear filled eyes and agreed.  “Yeah, I understand.”

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Story Tags: friendsturnedlovers