Samantha hadn't slept well.  Who would after being kissed by JC Chasez?  She still wasn't quite sure what had happened, but she had to work.  She was dressed in her usual "uniform" that Lance had referred to the night before.  Long sleeved T shirt under an open plaid button down shirt, well worn jeans, and steel toed boots.  Her long hair was tied back in a pony tail at the nape of her neck and her ball cap was on backwards.  She looked in the mirror and couldn't help but agree with Lance somewhat.  She didn't look like a girl when she worked.  She dressed for comfort and safety, not to be pretty.  Maybe she'd start thinking about making more of an effort, but not today.  This was her and they could take her or leave her.  She was passed caring.

She skipped breakfast, stopping by the communal coffee pot to fill up her travel mug.  Six sugars would make it almost impossible to drink, but she needed the sugar high to help her get through the morning reversals.

Samantha was going through the checklist on her clipboard when the guys came into the arena. 

Joey came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her.  "Hey beautiful!  You didn't save me a dance last night!"

Justin muttered something and Samantha spun toward him.  "Problem Timberlake?"

"Nah, man, no problem.  Let's get this over with."  She let the comment go, knowing as he intended her to that his use of the word ‘man' was intentional.  He was always making snide comments, suggesting that she was ugly or manly.

Samantha avoided eye contact with JC as she worked to get the five men into the new harnesses she wanted to try out.  He squeezed her elbow as she walked by him and gave her a grin.  Sam nodded but did not otherwise acknowledge the touch.

As usual, Justin gave her the most trouble.  Despite the fact that everyone else was able to get the harnesses on, he could not.  While Sam was untangling his gear which he had no doubt tangled himself, the guys went over the last evening's exploits.

"Hey Justin, what was this story I heard about some girl blowing you off?"  Joey called over.

Justin smirked.  That was his first mistake.  "She was an ugly bitch," he replied.  "She did me a favour".  That was his second mistake.  His third mistake was reaching out to grab Samantha's shoulder as she turned to walk away from him.  She had turned away for his own good, she didn't want to slug her employer, but when he grabbed her shoulder, Sam's self defense training kicked in and she flipped Justin over her shoulder.  He landed flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him. 

He struggled to catch his breath, and Samantha used the opportunity to lean down and whisper in his ear.  "Don't worry about firing me.  I tendered my resignation this morning.  I planned on giving notice, but I'm leaving now.  You can explain to your friends why I'm leaving.  I'm sure they'd like to know."

She turned on her heel and walked out without looking back.


It was too bad she hadn't looked back.  She would have seen JC torn between laughing that one of the other guys had experienced being thrown and considering throwing a punch or two of his own for the way Justin had spoken about Sam.

Lance shook his head as he reached down to help Justin.  "You ass.  The girl that turned you down last night?  That was Sam.  You really wonder why she didn't want to dance with you?"

Justin shook his head.  "No way.  Sam's a total butch.  That girl was hot!"

"I thought you said she was an ugly bitch," Joey chimed in.

"Shut up, Joey!"  Justin stood frozen to the spot, trying to process what he had just learned.

Chris was kept busy trying to keep JC from showing Justin just how angry he was.  He was saved from trying when Johnny came in and slapped some papers down on the stage at their feet.

"Congratulations, Justin.  Not only have you alienated one of the most talented techs that we had, you've also been accused of creating a hostile work environment and Samantha is not the only one to complain."

Justin may have been stunned, but his remaining band mates were more so.  "A hostile work environment?  What the fuck, Johnny?"  Joey was the first to speak.

Johnny shook his head, "Don't ask me.  Ask Mr. Timberlake here why I have a number of complaints from women on staff.  Why, Justin, are there multiple mentions of whispered inappropriate comments?"

The look on Justin's face confirmed that what Johnny was saying was not untrue.  He looked ashamed.

"I don't understand," Lance spoke up.  "I knew that Sam was mad at you, but I thought you were joking around with her.  What the fuck, Justin?"

Justin shrugged. 

"Don't even try to say anything to make this better," Chris frowned at him.  "Whatever your punishment is, you take it like a man.   You had better get your shit together, because this isn't going to fly."

Johnny lead Justin away from the stage while the other four stood looking at each other, trying to figure out where things went wrong.

Chapter End Notes:

 I'm sorry that I made Justin the bad guy.  I see his behaviour as being something that he doesn't understand himself.  He's homesick and angry about something and taking it out on Sam and the others.  It's coming from a place of immaturity, not hatred or anything like that. 

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