Story Notes:
One of my anonymous reviewers planted this idea in my head. You were anonymous, so I don' know who you are, but thanks! :]
Author's Chapter Notes:

Disclaimer: None of the members of *NSYNC belong to me, however, my characterizations of them do belong to Also any other character named belongs to me. Don't take any of this seriously, it's all in good fun.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. Chasez!!! :] 

Let's see, how do I start this? Well, for one, I'm used to being amongst those who are always busy and pressed for time. I've never had a problem with it because I knew that this was apart of the dream envisioned. Even as I got older, it wasn't a big of a deal because, I was old enough to understand the reasons behind not speaking for a certain amount of weeks or months. Or, not being able to talk on the phone, even though I hate it. Oh I hate it. For some reason, though, this was different to me. I felt like I was the reason that caused people to be pressed for time or busy. Maybe...maybe because I was the reason. I think that from then to now, all of it could pretty much be drawn back to me. How was I supposed to know what I was getting myself into? None of the things that started easy, stayed that way. It became hard, difficult, complicated, and then complex.

How long had it been? Maybe a couple months to a full year, probably a year and a half, maybe two years, at most. I found it downright ridiculous, but I'm well aware that once I get consumed with work, it's all I'm consumed with. It's like trying to to take candy from a child. I love what I do. He loves what he does. He loves what he does. If everyone's doing what they love, there's no time to worry about anything else.....including each other. It's almost impossible to break a work ethic that's been consistent for about twenty plus years. But, I was going to do it. I had to do it. I wasn't going to let another year go by and tolerate us being too busy to do this, or too busy to do that. No. I was going to get the Tres Amigos back together. And I'm going to make sure, we go ALL OUT.

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