Things changed. And at first those changes didn't sit well with me, but as time progressed, they worked themselves out. Without me. As they should have.

NSYNC went through a patch, but came together again. Joey had two beautiful daughters, Chris was married, and Lance, well Lance was engaged, too. And I'm so proud to say that Lance had great taste in men. Justin was married and happy. Although my feelings for him stung in the beginning, I was finally able to cope with the idea of him never not being "the one" for me. I sent him things through Celeste, but I hadn't seen him in far too long.


I hadn't seen him for almost eleven years. In person, that is. I would hear about him from Celeste and mostly Joey. He was producing up and coming artists now, and Cel mentioned that it was the happiest she had seen him in such a long time. It made me so warm inside to know that. I felt so much guilt because I wasn't there for him after he went through all those issues with his music and albums. I still feel that guilt at the most random of times.

I would think of all the hell and highwater I put him through. In all this time, I used to think meeting him sent my life into a spinning top of craziness. But it was always me that did the damage to him. I never made it up to him and I don't know how I possibly could do so. It only mattered so much to me because I still had the softest of spots for him. The sound of his name or the thought of his smile still made me smile from one block to the next. But I did the right thing that night. For both Justin and JC. They deserved better and it's what they got. And once I realized I deserved better, things changed for me, too.

I learned the most any person could learn during my time living as a recluse. It took effort to build my life and career. I always wanted to help people, and whether I'm doing research studies or counseling children, I had something that was mine. Something I worked for. I didn't have a husband or two kids, but I still have that new and burning passion for my work. My love life was at a standstill right now, but it was of my own personal choice. I went on dates sometimes, but in the end, we both wanted different things. Who knows, maybe one day the perfect guy'll just land right on my doorstep.

Chapter End Notes:

Thanks for putting up with me for the duration of this story. I know I should have frequently updated, but I guess that's something Sir Timberlake and I share. I can't do it, if I'm not compelled to. I'm glad I waited for the rest of this year to pan out before I did anymore damage to my It could have been different, the ending that is, but I'm actually content with it. And that's a shocker coming from me.

Thank you loyal readers once again. Your reviews really were helpful and entertaining. 

Nerdily Ingenious is the author of 10 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 2 members. Members who liked Siberia also liked 63 other stories.
This story is part of the series, JT, JC, and Me.. The previous story in the series is Justin, JC, The Basement, & Me. The next story in the series is Lose Myself....

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