Author's Chapter Notes:
I've had this idea for a long time and never could make it work, and one day suddenly it just became clear. I'm excited about it now and hope that it excites everybody else also.

Prologue – Goodbye, Los Angeles

“Socks, check. Underwear, check. Hair brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, check. Lotion, check. Books for the flight, double check.”

She rummaged through her tidy bags and verbally checked off everything from her list of things she needed to pack. As usual, she was neat and methodical, with a full list in hand.

That's the way she preferred her entire life. A place for everything and everything in its place, as her Nana had always taught her. As a personal assistant by career, the philosophy had treated her well and kept a roof over her head. It wasn't a job that most people would choose, but she loved the work she did. It didn't hurt that the money was always good and work was steady here in Los Angeles.

But now she was moving back to her hometown of New York City. A fellow personal assistant and friend had recently given her two weeks notice to her boss, and Adeline was perfect to take her place. The pay was more than the last job she had, and the client was able to give her good steady work. After six months on a sabbatical, she needed this job. Her life was falling apart in Los Angeles, and she was looking forward to the opportunity to get away.

The only problem was that she had no idea who her new client was. It was a tight-lipped secret.

“He's...kind of difficult,” Stephanie said.

“What do you mean by difficult?” Adeline asked, feeling her friend's hesitation over the phone.

“He's kind of like a small child. He wants what he wants and if he doesn't get it, he's known to throw a tantrum – but an adult tantrum, like giving you a dirty look and insulting you. Not falling on the floor and crying and screaming, so it's not that bad.”

“Yeah, an adult tantrum is so much better than a little kid tantrum,” Adeline said sarcastically. “You're not boosting my confidence in taking this job, you know. I'm a personal assistant, not Super Nanny. I keep schedules from falling apart, I don't change diapers and wipe away tears.”

“It sounds bad, Addy,” Stephanie said. “I know. But I know him well and he's a good guy. The only problem is, he doesn't show it. He's had a rough year.”

“Steph, I've had a rough year,” Adeline responded quietly.

“I know, and that's why I'm asking you. I think on some level, maybe you'll be able to understand him. You've both lost something that you loved. I think you're in a place where you can return his shit right back to him. He needs to be kept in line and I think you can do that. I wouldn't ask you if I didn't have the confidence that you can.”

Both girls were silent for a few moments.

“I know you can do this,” Stephanie finally said. “You're fucking Adeline James Sutton. He needs this, and I have a feeling you need this too.”

Adeline rolled her eyes, having the distinct feeling that her friend's psychic claim was more of a desperate plea.

“Please say yes – if not for me, then say yes for yourself.”

Adeline's heart sank to the depths of her stomach. She didn't want to do this – but she did need it.

“What time should I expect you to pick me up at the airport?” she said quietly.

“I'll arrange your flight this afternoon. I'll take care of everything. I know this isn't your ideal job, Ad. But I think it's just what you need. I have this feeling you won't regret it.”

Adeline didn't believe that – she believed that this job was going to be hell and would push her to her limits. If it weren't for the benefits of the job, she wouldn't even consider it. She was giving New York six months. If she didn't love it in six months, she was on the first flight back to Los Angeles.

“Dramamine, check. Aspirin...double, triple and quadruple check,” she said with a sigh. If this client was anything like she imagined from all she had heard about him, she would need it.

Thirty minutes later her bags were packed and her driver was loading them in the back of her cab. She would be on a plane in less than two hours and her life would be different than it was at this moment. She looked around at the beautiful house she was leaving, a house that had once been full of good memories, love and laughter – six months later, filled with nothing but darkness and sadness.

“Goodbye, Los Angeles,” she said, grabbing a suitcase. “Hello, new life.”

Chapter End Notes:
It'll be pretty vague for a while, and that's intentional so just please stay with me. I promise everything will become clear eventually. :)

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