Chapter 21

Amanda rose from her sleep, frightfully awake in an instant. "What was that?" she asked nervously, turning to JC, who should have been beside her, but instead had already made it out of bed and was stepping into his pants.

"I heard it, too," he informed her, "stay here."

She watched in the darkness as he quietly left the room, shutting the door almost noiselessly behind him. Now she was alone after there'd been some strange sound in the house. What if it was some one who'd come to hurt her? Someone who was trying to get revenge against her father? But wait! JC! What if they hurt him? With a sudden new awareness, she hopped out of bed and jumped into her pajamas.

As soon as she opened the bedroom door she heard it. "Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing in my house!" Uh oh, Amanda knew that voice all too well. It was her father.

But that wasn't the only voice she heard. "Me! You have a lot of room to talk after all you've put your daughter through!"

Oh Lord, this was not good. Putting all of her energy to her feet, Amanda ran like the wind into the living room as fast as she possibly could.

What she found when she got there was more than a little alarming. In the midst of the dark manly decor stood her father and JC staring each other down like they were life long enemies. JC's fists clenched tightly at his sides and her father looked like a volcano about to blow any second.

Automatically she pushed her body in between the two angry men, backing up against JC and stretching her arms out in front of her father, not giving him any room to move closer. "Dad, calm down," she stated with force.

"Amanda, who is this? What's going on here?" Her father asked sternly, his eyes piercing into her like a knife as they darted back and forth from her to the man she cared about so much standing behind her.

"This is my boyfriend, JC, but that's not the issue right now. I wanna know what's going on. Why is the FBI following me? Why are they looking for you? Why was the news saying that I was missing? What the hell is going on? I want some answers, now." The words poured out quickly as she finally found the strength to stand up to the one person she'd never been able to.

Immediately his gaze softened and fell to the floor. His guilt poured like a fawcett. He didn't have to say a word, it was written all over his face. "I'm turning myself in," her father announced solemnly.

For a moment, Amanda could do nothing but stare in shock. Her feet seemed frozen to the floor as she couldn't move one limb on her body. Suddenly a world of confusion bounded her, circling her with rapid force and almost making her dizzy in the process.

Jonathon Ballard had been many things to her throughout her life, but never had he been the one thing she needed the most. A father. She wasn't exactly sure what she was supposed to feel of all this. He was turning himself in? All this time she had hoped that there was some chance it was all a mistake. That maybe he wasn't responsible for all the pain and trouble that she'd been through. That he wasn't capable of doing something so terrible it would make the FBI hunt him down. But turning himself in? That meant only one thing. He was capable. He was guilty. He was responsible for everything.

JC's hand brushed against her shoulder supportively, Amanda instantly looking up at his caring face behind her. "I'll be in the other room," he told her softly, giving her father one more glance and then turning and walking away.

Somehow they made it over to the sofa. Amanda wasn't sure if he'd asked or if she'd asked, but either way, they were sitting down and obviously had a lot of talking to do. Regardless of his explanation, he was wrong. He was hurtful, deceitful and wrong. He'd put Amanda through hell, let alone whatever the future was about to pour on her, with him no doubt ending up in prison. Just wrong. That's all she could think. He was so wrong in so many ways. What kind of man would do something to jeopardize the life of his only daughter. To put her in a position that would endanger her and the lives of the people she cared about.

As he spoke to her, all Amanda could do was stare at the tiny scar just on top of his thick, dark eyebrow. It had been there for her entire life. It had faded with age, but Amanda could still focus in, studying its squiggly little shape, something similar to a tiny bolt of lightening. To this day she'd never known the cause of it. He'd never once told her how or why it was there, but every so often he'd rub a hand across his brow and the tip of his finger would linger on top of that scar. As if its memory crept back up and bit him right in the face.

"So things are going to be changing," she caught him say. Those words somehow registering in her frazzled brain. Yes, she understood things would be changing. He would be going away, not that he was ever around anyway, and Amanda would absolutely be on her own. That was just fine. She didn't have a problem with that.

"So, will you be allowed to have visitors while you're in prison?" she asked coldly, as if she wanted it to sting him. Hoping that he'd feel as lousy as she'd felt for the past week, knowing that her father was involved in something that would inevitably rub off on her as well. Something that would cause people to look down on her because her father had done something unacceptable. Even though, as he tried to explain, she had yet to catch what it was exactly he had done.

But he didn't answer her question, instead he just stared. Not directly at her, mind you, but out into emptiness. A world of thoughts surely running through his brain. If Amanda hadn't been so upset with him, she might have actually felt sorry for him.

"I'm not sure what's going to happen to me," he replied instead, "but I want you to know that you have nothing to worry about. The hotel is yours, it always has been."

But those words didn't... He couldn't have said... The hotel was hers? How could that be? Completely alert, she sat up stiff on the sofa and looked straight into his dark shadowy eyes. "What do you mean it's mine?" she asked with disbelief.

"It became yours when your mother passed away, Amanda. It's all yours."
Letting her head fall into her hands, she breathed in deeply, trying to calm herself and make sense of it all. Every memory of her childhood, and beyond, included that hotel. She'd always just assumed it belonged to her father. That it became a part of her mother's life after they were married. But as she racked her brain of the fond memories she kept under lock and key, she realized that wasn't the case at all.

Her mom had always been happiest when she was working at the hotel, taking care of guests and mingling with the different people. It had always been her mothers pride and joy and now she understood why.

"Your mother inherited that hotel when your grandfather passed away," he explained, "and she in turn has passed it on to you. She loved being there. I never understood why. I wanted to move here, to New York, where we could be right in the middle of everything. She wouldn't have it." The sting of tears crept to her eyes as he spoke of her. His wife. Amanda's mother. Victoria Ballard.

Since she'd died he never mentioned her name. Amanda hated the way he'd pretended she never existed. How he went on living like nothing was wrong. Like no one was missing. Like she wasn't missing. Amanda willed her eyes closed, forcing back the threat of tears. A weakness she in no way wanted him to observe. She'd be damned if she let him see her cry. She'd been too proud for too long to let it all crumble now.

"I don't blame her, I wouldn't have wanted to move here either," Amanda finally spoke, the bitterness lingering in her tone. If she let her resentment fade than she might feel sympathy and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

Visibly he swallowed, leaning onto his knees and bringing his face just a little closer to hers from across the table. "I'm sorry for everything you're going through right now, but I don't have a lot of time. Just understand that no matter what I'm still your father and I do love you."

If he was looking for her forgiveness, Amanda wasn't quite sure if she was ready for that.

"I know that we've never been very close and that I've probably been a little too hard on you all these years, but it was for your own good."

From the tops of her eyes, she glared at him. Realizing he only seemed to be avoiding the real subject. His apologetic words didn't explain why he had gotten to that place to begin with. "You still haven't told me anything," she finally said, "why are you in trouble? What did you do? Why was I on the news? I mean, that's what I really want to know. Why was my picture on the news? I mean, my friends actually thought I was missing. People were worried. Why?"

His gaze fluttered down to the floor, as it had several other times during the conversation. "I'm not sure exactly why the news reported you missing. I didn't do it."

"Okay, well what about everything else? Where have you been for the past five days? And who are the men in those pictures the FBI showed me? Oh, and do you know I've been being followed for I don't know how long?"

"Amanda, sweetheart - "

"I AM NOT your sweetheart," Amanda interrupted profusely. The lack of information he was giving her was pushing her past the boundary of control. If he didn't tell her something soon she was going to explode.


JC HADN'T BEEN eavesdropping. Really he hadn't. But when he heard Amanda shouting, he couldn't help but think maybe he should check to make sure she was okay. He certainly couldn't go back to sleep, there was no question there. He was going to be a zombie the following day at rehearsal, but that was the farthest concern from his mind.

He almost had to chuckle at the sound of her words. I am not your sweetheart. Was she his sweetheart? Knowing it wasn't a time to be thinking along those lines, he couldn't help but let the thought slip for just a moment. Because she most certainly was his sweetheart. And his girlfriend, too, from the sounds of her introduction.

Finally, Amanda was standing up to her father. That made JC proud. It had taken every ounce of energy in his body to hold back from slugging Amanda's dad when they'd met dead center in the living room. Jonathon Ballard was the last person JC had expected to see. Actually, he hadn't expected to see a person period. He'd figured the noise was something else. Anything else. He didn't know what, but definitely something other than what it was.

Now it was all going down. This was the big finale, hopefully, and then maybe he and Amanda would actually get to start a normal relationship. Well, somewhat normal. He wouldn't exactly call any of his relationships normal with his lifestyle.

Realizing that things had gotten awful quiet in the living room, he stepped up to the bedroom door and peeked his head out just enough to get an earful. He still didn't hear anything. That worried him a little. He wasn't sure what the man was capable of. Was he so dirty he'd harm his own daughter? Concern welling up inside his chest, JC pulled open the door and moved out into the hall, but before he had taken two footsteps across the plush carpet, Amanda came barreling around the corner, running right smack into him.

He caught her in his arms as if he'd predicted her speedy arrival, automatically curling his limbs around her. "You alright?" he asked as she buried her cheek into his chest.

"He's gone," she sighed, her breath heavy against him. "I told him I was calling the FBI and he left. He said to tell them he'd be turning himself in first thing in the morning."

"But are you okay?" JC asked again, still gripping onto her tightly. She felt cold against his skin and the only thing he could think of doing was warming her up.

"You feel really cold."

"I'm freezing," she agreed.

"So did you already call the FBI or did you need to do that still?" he asked, rubbing his palms vigorously up and down the lengths of her arms, hoping to warm her a little.

"I already did," she answered. Her arms locked around his waist so tight, JC didn't dare try to move his feet for he'd surely loose his balance.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked, not wanting to dig into it too much unless she was ready, but his curiosity was killing him. More importantly, he didn't want Amanda to keep any of her feelings locked up inside. She needed to know that he was there for her and she could talk to him about anything.

"There's not a whole lot to talk about," she said, taking in heavy breaths against his chest, her cheek pressing his t-shirt into his skin. "He wouldn't tell me what he did or give me any answers."

"Oh." JC was a little surprised that her father didn't fess up to his wrongdoings. Especially after he was turning himself in. There was only one reason he could think why her father wouldn't tell her. "Maybe he was too ashamed to tell you what he did."

"So instead I'll have to hear it on the news, like everyone else? Is that fair?"
The frustration in her voice was obvious. He hated that Amanda felt so helpless and upset. "No, sweetheart, it's not fair. I'm sure the FBI will fill you in as soon as they have him in custody."

"I'm not sure that I even want to know, JC." Amanda sighed hopelessly, resting against him and squeezing him even tighter than before. "I just want it to all go away."

And if he could, he would make it all go away. If only he could snap his fingers and make her life just the way she wanted it to be. "Don't worry, baby. It'll all be over soon."

Amanda's tore her cheek away from him and tilted her chin up, searching his eyes for the comfort she so desperately needed and that he was unquestionably there to give. "I hope you're right," she breathed restlessly.


It seemed just as they had fallen back to sleep, JC's alarm went off and he had to get up for rehearsal. He tried his best not to disturb Amanda as he crawled from the warmth of her bed. His eyes were heavy and his body was tired. It was going to be a long day, no doubt about that. He only hoped Amanda would gain some sort of closure with her father's surrender to the FBI.

Trying to jumpstart his lifeless body into awareness, he headed straight for the bathroom, hoping a shower would do the trick. Normally it did, but today he was so tired he wasn't sure if it would work or not. Regardless of how he felt, he had a long rehearsal day ahead and, besides that, he needed to stay strong for Amanda. He couldn't let his weariness interfere with her emotional exhaustion. Right now her needs were more important than his.

By the time he finished his shower and threw on his clothes, Amanda was already awake. He found her sitting on the edge of her bed, quietly holding the cordless phone in her lap. It was obvious by the grim look on her face that she hadn't been awakened to good news, that was for sure.

He rushed towards her, sitting down beside her and wrapping an arm supportively over her shoulders. "Babe, are you okay?" he asked softly.

"That was Agent Barnes. They just arrested my father," she explained solemnly, still cradling the receiver in one hand.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry." JC tried his best to comfort her, taking the phone from her grasp and replacing it with his hand in hers.

"I'm okay," she sighed. "It's just - you know, I had hoped that it wouldn't come to this. That maybe there was a mistake. But it's all real. He's really..." Her voice drifted as she stared down at the tan colored carpet.

JC's heart ached to see her in such turmoil. Hadn't Amanda been through enough with the passing of her mother? Now she was losing her father, too. He couldn't even imagine what she was going through. Tenderly he placed a soft kiss to her temple. "I know, sweetie," he told her in a near whisper. "It's gonna be okay, though. I promise."

He could almost see the struggle in her eyes as she took in a deep breath and pulled her sight to his. "I have to go back today," she said quietly.

Those were the last words JC was expecting. She was going back? Already? "You're leaving?"

"Yes, things are a mess at the hotel and I have to make sure the staff understands their jobs are safe. Besides, there's gonna be a ton of press and I should probably meet with my attorney and - "

All of that made sense, but still - "you're leaving?" he repeated.

Amanda paused, staring him straight in the eye, her hand still cradled against him as he held onto her now tighter than he had been before. "But I'll see you again, right?" she asked uneasily, almost as if she'd been afraid to speak the words.

"Well, yeah. Of course." Tenderly JC brushed his free hand across her cheek.

"I was just hoping you'd be here for the benefit show."

"I'm sorry."

JC realized he couldn't let his own selfishness get the best of him. Amanda had a lot of responsibilities and she couldn't just hang around with him for the next four or five days doing nothing. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be making you feel bad because you have to leave. I understand."

"Believe me," she grinned softly, "I don't want to leave. I'd rather stay here and just avoid everything, but the longer I stay the worse it will be when I get back."

"I know," he told her softly, "besides, I'll have a lot of time off after the show so I'll be able to come see you."

"You will?" she asked, her grin widening with her words.


"Things might be a little crazy. I hope you don't mind?"

Bringing a hand to her cheek, he smoothed his thumb across the silkiness of her skin. "I don't think that would be anything new. Do you?" he asked with a grin.

"No, I guess not."

As his eyes studied her, all of the love and caring he felt welled up inside his chest. Desperately he wanted to confess his undying love for her, but at the same time he just couldn't push the words out of his mouth. Instead he only stared at her blankly, his body aching inside because he cared so much. All the while, Amanda sitting there quietly, taking in deep breaths and, most definitely, dreading the following weeks to come. Poor Amanda, she had been through so much and it wasn't even over yet.

Finally, he broke the silence, but not with the words he should have been saying. "Have you made your flight arrangements yet? What time are you leaving?"

"Oh, no. I haven't done that yet. Hopefully they'll have a flight for me today."
Tugging on the hand he'd been keeping for the last five minutes, he pulled her into his chest, wrapping his other arm around her back. "I'll miss you, but I guess I'll live" he remarked with a teasing whine.

"I'll miss you, too," she said softly, her cheek pressed into his shoulder, the warmth of her skin penetrating through his thin shirt and consuming his entire body. He hated to let her go, even if it was only for a few days.


JC was a little surprised when he got the call from Amanda later that morning, explaining that she couldn't get a flight until the following day. He was surprised, plus he was happy, because that meant he had one more whole night with her. He was so excited, he told her to pack up all her stuff and meet him at rehearsal. Then she could stay the night with him at the hotel. Besides, it was a lot closer to the airport than the apartment.

Of course, once she got to rehearsal she was pretty much on the phone the entire time. He noticed her every so often, as the guys would take a breather, sitting in the very back of the room just talking away. JC knew what she was doing. She was trying to get things in order from her phone since she couldn't be there in person, but all he really wanted to see her do was relax. Amanda was very determined, that much was obvious, and when she had a job to do she took it very seriously. He'd guess she inherited that savvy business head from her father. Even with his shady wrongdoings, the man was known worldwide as a tycoon. Evidently, that's why poor Amanda was so worried about all the press she was about to get. He didn't blame her. If there was one thing he could sympathize with, it was being exploited by the media.

Amanda looked so confident and put-together from across the room. Like she knew exactly what she wanted and what she was doing, but JC knew differently. Inside Amanda was struggling with some very personal issues and that façade she put up was like a clear coat to him.

But still, he had to admit, that confident image struck him as being very sexy. That might not be saying a whole lot, though, since she always struck him as sexy. Maybe it was that concentrating-look on her face as she stared off into nothingness, speaking with some faceless voice on the opposite end of the country.

Or it could have been the way her legs were crossed in that semi-short skirt of hers. Just enough to show off the strong muscles in her legs. If there was one thing Amanda had, it was really nice legs.

It couldn't have been the way her blouse clung to her breasts in such a teasing fashion. The way that top button hung open just enough to barely give him a glimpse. Nope, that couldn't have been it at all.

Okay, maybe it was.

"Hey, idiot." JC chose not to answer to his friends not-so-kind words. Instead he ignored Chris' swaying back and forth behind him. Until JC felt a soft shove against his shoulder. "You should take a picture and then you could look at her all the time, even when she's not there," the older man continued.

"Really? Does that work?" JC responded with sarcasm.

"Yep, it's this amazing new technology. You should really check it out."

With a roll of his eyes, he tore his sight away from Amanda and instead dropped it onto his band mate, a discouraging look hovering across his face.

"You're not normal," JC remarked casually and hopped off the stage in an instant.

"Yeah,'re not either!" Chris' shouting echoed from behind. JC smirked to himself as he trotted towards his girl.

Giving her a wink, he took seat in the fold-up chair beside her and immediately scooted it closer, letting her crossed legs find their way between his own as he stared at her in waiting. Waiting for her to finish her call.

She smiled. A hold-on-I'll-be-off-in-a-minute smile and JC playfully traced a finger along her kneecap in response. He was impatient and, for some reason, the fact that all of her attention wasn't being directed towards him made him a little jealous. Although, he knew that was silly and selfish, but he couldn't help it. Why couldn't business wait until tomorrow when he wouldn't be there with her?

Finally, after another minute she slapped her phone shut and slid it into her purse. "Sorry," she grinned. "That was my attorney for the fifth time in the past hour."

"I'm sorry you have to go through all this crap," JC replied, still teasing her knee with his fingertip. He looked up at her with the best puppy dog eyes he could muster, hoping to get some sympathy. "I just can't wait to get you all to myself," he whined quietly.

Immediately her eyes lit up and a smile eased across her lips. "Me either," she agreed, "how long till you're done?"

"Another hour or so," he answered.


"So are you ready for a nice relaxing evening, just the two of us?" he asked with a suggestive grin.

"Mmmm, definitely." Did she even know what that humming sound did to him? It made him crazy from head to toe. It chimed some inner bell inside him that turned all of his senses on high alert. He couldn't wait until they got back to the hotel.

"Me too," he agreed, "more than you know."

"I think I have a pretty good guess." She smiled again, this time letting it stretch all the way to her eyes. It was a beautiful smile. Every time he looked at Amanda she seemed to grow more and more beautiful. "I think they're waiting for you," she said after a brief silence, her eyes darting in the direction of the stage.

"Oh, yeah. Guess I should get back to work."

"Probably a good idea," Amanda smirked.

JC stood up and pushed his chair away in the process, "it won't be much longer, promise," he told her right before jogging back towards the rest of the guys.

That last hour of rehearsal seemed to drag by. JC was tired, but he didn't let it get to him. In fact, he was trying his best to ignore it. As much as he loved his sleep, Amanda was going back home the next morning and he had to make the best out of their night. Even if he would see her again soon. That wasn't the point. The point was he was going to miss her way too much while she was gone.


AMANDA WATCHED AS JC collapsed onto the bed once they made it safely to his room. He was exhausted and it was all her fault. She had kept him awake most of the night. She and her father. Then to work a full day, such strenuous physical work. She felt terribly guilty for his exhaustion. And here he was trying to give her some incredible romantic night when all he really needed to do was sleep. Guilty. Man, she felt guilty.

Standing only a few feet away from the door, she automatically reached for the handle after a sudden knock pounded from the hallway. "Must be my luggage," she remarked.

"Most likely," JC agreed from his collapsed state on the mattress.

But when Amanda opened the door, it wasn't her luggage at all. It was two young girls, somewhere in their mid-teens, with wide eyes and voices on the verge of a scream. Until, to their disappointment, Amanda opened the door. She stood there with open eyes, waiting for what would come next.

"Oops, sorry!" One of the girls laughed and the other immediately chimed in before both scurried down the hall.

Quickly Amanda shut the door and locked it, just to be safe. "Oops is right," she mumbled.

"Was it your luggage?" JC asked, his head facing the opposite direction as he laid out flat on his stomach, both legs sprawled from one end of the bed to the other and his arms stretched out wide away from him. It was almost as if he had gone splat right on to the comforter.

"No, it was two teenage girls."

"Good thing you answered and not me." He couldn't have been more right about that. JC needed to rest, not deal with fans.

Amanda wedged her behind into one of the empty spots on the bed, since he was taking up nearly all of it, and placed a hand on his back. "You should take a nap," she told him thoughtfully.

"If I go to sleep I won't wake up," he answered back, his voice a little muffled as his face was half sunken into the pillow.

"But you need to get some rest. I know you're exhausted. Thanks to me you didn't get any sleep last night," argued Amanda.

His body almost lifeless, one arm unexpectedly pulled itself up and swung around her waist, tugging her down beside him. A tiny gasp escaped her lungs as he turned his head to face her. "I'll only rest if you rest with me," he propositioned. Even with the tiredness in his eyes, Amanda could still see that swirl of desire lingering in the background.

"I suppose if that's what it takes," she remarked with sigh. A playful sigh. She was actually pretty wiped herself. Emotionally, it had been a very draining twenty-four hours.

Slowly he began to scoot towards her, his arm still locking her down onto the bed as his face neared her cheek. Instantly she was aware of the affect his closeness slapped upon her. A fact that seemed to remain true no matter what kind of position they were in.

"It does," he murmured against her, the lusciousness of his lips dangerously close to her neck.

The knock on the door, which was surely her suitcase this time, didn't cause him to budge an inch as he seductively trailed his lips along her skin. "Uh, JC -" Amanda tried to speak, but she had to let out a breathy sigh in between her words because his kisses felt absolutely amazing, as always. "I think that's my luggage," she managed to force out with a mumble.

"Probably," he agreed casually, but dare not letting her go. His arm hugged over her stomach so firmly there was no way she'd win the battle.

"I should get it. I mean, I do need it."

He agreed with a low humm, the strength of his hand sliding across her stomach. As the knock repeated itself, Amanda sat up in an instant. She tried brushing the lust-filled look off her face as she stood, but was afraid she didn't have much luck. Glancing back at JC, he had the most sinful looking grin across his lips. As if he had so much control over her from just a taste of his lips.

Okay, maybe he did.

At any rate, she had to get her suitcase. With that now in mind, she hurried to the door and retrieved it from the bell hop.

When she came back, JC had quietly made way into the shower, evident thanks to the pitter patter sound coming from the bathroom and also because he had, she was sure, purposely, left the door partially open.

Was it an invitation? Amanda had never showered with a man before, but she was definitely ready to give it a shot. Hell, she was ready to give just about anything a shot with him.

Of course, her curiosity got the best of her as she just had to peek inside. Too bad she couldn't see a whole lot thanks to the frosted doors already filled with steam. That must have been one heck of a hot shower. As she leaned her head in just another nudge, her elbow accidentally smacked against the door and sent it creakily opening, almost, completely. Her breath stopped short in her chest. She'd been caught.

"Amanda..." His voice nearly sang to her as it drawled out her name, hanging on every syllable.

"Hmm?" she asked, embarrassment warming her cheeks. As if she had a reason to be embarrassed. She knew she didn't, but she couldn't help it. He was naked, in the shower, and she'd never exactly been in that position before. Plus, she'd been caught snooping! How embarrassing was that?

"You gonna join me?" he asked, peeking over the top of the shower doors. Just that little glimpse of his wet head and his sultry blue eyes made her cringe with desire. Would she join him? Of course, she would.

In fact, she didn't even answer. Instead she began peeling off her clothing as fast as possible.

The steaming hot droplets stung her skin as she stepped inside and slid in front of him. "Too hot?" he asked, more than likely reading the look of pain from her face.

"A little."

Reaching around her, his bare body brushed against her as he adjusted the knobs on the fawcett. "Give it a sec," he said, standing upright and clutching her in a wet and warm embrace. Her eyes floated across his shoulders, following the strong contours of his body all the way to his feet. He was a work of art, completely gorgeous from head to toe.

And especially sexy when he was dripping wet.

Pulling her body against him, he brushed her now-damp hair back away from her face and kissed her lightly on the forehead. "I take it that was your suitcase and not another lost teenager?" he asked with a grin, his arms dangling around her waist as every inch of his nakedness pressed against her.

"Yes, it was."

"Good, because I'd hate for you to not have any clean clothes to change into. I mean, God forbid you have to spend the rest of the night like this."

"God forbid," she agreed with a smile, having finally learned his sarcasm and now able to recognize it in an second.

"Amanda..." He said it so softly she almost couldn't hear it under the sound of the pounding water droplets. "I - " He stared straight into her eyes, tracing a finger down the side of her cheek. For a brief moment, she forgot to breath. Was he going to say it? Was he going to tell her that he loved her? Did he love her? He must. How could he act so passionate towards someone he didn't. "I don't want you to go," he finally said softly.

Finally remembering to breath, she pushed away her mild disappointment and looked into his caring eyes. "I don't want to go either," she sighed softly.
But she had to. There was no way out of it.

(c) 2001 BrandyRae 

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Story Tags: love firsttime hotel boyfriendjc