Surprisingly enough as the weeks passed I actually started to miss having Maddie around. I know it’s probably just that I miss the sex and having a female around, not so much that I miss specifically Maddie. I don’t know it sucks though. I thought about calling her a few times but she left, she is the one that broke up with me. Wait, no, it’s not breaking up, I’ve never gotten dumped… she did not dump me. You cannot get dumped when you were never in a relationship in the first place.

She is right though; it’s for the best that we stop seeing each other. Things were getting out of hand. She has too many issues and she’s not right for me. I know there was a time that I thought maybe she was but I’ve smartened up. I was distracted by the sex and the way she looks with and without her clothes on.

I sat down quietly against the wall as I watched Scott go through the dance we were supposed to be learning. I’m so out of it lately I don’t know what has gotten into me. I looked around at the rest of the dancers, watching intently. They were all so excited to be there and I almost felt bad that I didn’t really care. I know this is actually a step down for me. Most people have to work their way up and do small shows or one-night things before getting on a sold out tour. But now that I did Justin’s tour this all seems dumb to me. Sure, I’ll be getting paid more but these shows aren’t going to be anywhere near as big as Justin’s. Usher’s not really big anymore; it’s going to be weird. Maybe I should just stop thinking about the asshole and move on with my life. This is a good move Maddie, stop trying to talk yourself out of it.

When we were done with rehearsals I made my way to the fitting down the street. It’s amazing that we’re done before three or so. It’s a lot more laid back than Justin’s tour was. I’m still trying to figure out if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Even though I hated all the work on his tour it paid off and the tour was amazing. We even got a lot of good reviews that mentioned the dancing, not just Justin but everyone. I have a feeling this isn’t going to be such a well-received tour.

I walked down the street and saw Justin walking towards me. I looked around if I could cross the street or something but there was no escaping it. I felt myself shake a little; I don’t know what the hell he has done to me. I’m never like this with anyone. I can always handle myself. He walked right past me, without acknowledging my presence whatsoever. Yeah, fuck you too. We’ve been hanging out for over a year, you would think I’d get as much as a hello. But I know he’s with his friends and he can’t have them know he knows me at all. He could at least give me a smile or something.

“Madison” I heard my name and turned around to see that Marty was with him, “What’s up?”

“Hey, how are you?” I asked as he gave me a hug and Justin kept walking.

“Good, I hear you’re on the Usher tour huh?”

I nodded my head, “I’m just on my way to get fitted actually”

“That will be fun, it’s all in Europe and shit right?”

“Yeah, they said we’ll have a lot of time off and everything” probably because we’re not doing many shows

“That’s awesome. I’m happy for you, you deserve it. Good luck” Marty kept talking but I couldn’t hear him anymore. Justin was walking back towards me; I think he just realized he was missing a member of his entourage.

“I have to get going, you ready?” Justin asked Marty, not even looking up at me. He finally looked over at me and then gave me a nod, “Sup?”

“I have to go too actually, it was good to see you again Marty” I smiled and gave him a quick hug, “Later” I gave Justin a nod like he had given me and moved away quickly.

Why does she have to be so cold to me? I don’t get it. I probably should have taken that as an opportunity to smooth talk her to get her to come home at least one more night. She should have given me a warning she was going to end it so I could have really let the last of the sex sink in.

I continued walking down the street having more conversations with myself than can be healthy, and walked into a restaurant where I was going to have an interview about the rest of the tour. I ordered a drink and waited for the damn interviewer to show up and ask me the same damn personal questions they always do.


It was a week later when Marty walked into my house. The truth is I haven’t been out too much in the past few days. I hate to admit it, but I do kind of miss having Madison around. I know it’s probably just that I’m used to having her around all the time and I would like to have some sort of female companion. But it’s really hard for me to just find somebody. A lot of these girls are dirty whores, and I’m not into that. And who knows who will sell the story nowadays. That’s the sad part.

“What’s going on man?” he asked as he sat down next to me on the couch. I don’t understand why I’ve been moping around the past few days. After seeing Maddie not even care that I was there put everything into perspective. I probably shouldn’t have treated her like shit for so long. It only makes sense that the time is going to come where she’s going to realize that she’s better than that and doesn’t deserve it. I’m sure she’s found someone new already. She could get anyone she wanted with just one look.

“Hey man, what’s up?” I asked as I pressed the mute button that I was watching a repeat of My Super Sweet Sixteen. I’m not proud of the fact that I was watching a show with such spoiled assholes, but it’s like a car accident, you can’t stop watching. I did learn many things through watching that show though. Most importantly I learned to never spoil my kids like that. I also made a mental note to never give in and play at one of their birthdays… I don’t care how much they’re willing to pay

“Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I don’t know you’ve been weird” he looked at me for a second, I shrugged and turned the volume back up, “And you’re watching My Super Sweet Sixteen” he laughed

I turned the television off and laughed, “I’m just flipping through the channels dude, relax”

“Alright, alright. You have some shows in New York, so we need to find some dancers”

“Just use the ones we have,” I answered, maybe he can find a way to get Maddie back. I mean, honestly if we need dancers we should get the ones that already know the dances. I’m not really trying to get Maddie back I’m just saying it’s easier, “Like Jamie and Chrissy and Maddie or whatever”

“Yeah, I’ll see what’s going on. I heard Maddie got Usher”

I licked my lips never removing my gaze from the blank television, “Didn’t they sign contracts?”

“Well yeah, but I mean if she’s doing Usher”

“We’re touring again in a month. Whatever man, I’m just saying it’d be stupid to get a new girl when we don’t really even have to rehearse that much since everybody knows it. She signed the contract, it’ll be easier for everybody”

“He’s paying a hell of a lot more”

“Then we’ll give her more. I’m just saying I’m going to be busy as hell and I’m not going to want to add rehearsals to all that shit. Plus trying to find a girl that can just jump in when everyone else knows the dance. I don’t have time to train another bitch”

“I’ll look into it”

I nodded my head. I honestly don’t care if it’s Maddie or not, but I just think it’ll be easier.
Chapter End Notes:
Sorry it's so short... but it's coming to an end soon haha Let me know what you think :)

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