

I’m dying. I don’t care if that’s overdramatic. I feel like I’m dying.


Thankfully there’s padding around my hips where the skirt sits. The weight shouldn’t leave any scarring. (I can’t believe I live in a world where I have to worry about my clothes doing permanent damage). But this thing weighs a ton and my back is killing me. I can’t take any deep breaths.


The good news is we’re finally in a limo on the way back to the hotel. A bunch of the event guests are staying there so I’m in the car with Justin and other people he knows. The only one I know is Natalie, a model I’ve walked in shows with. She’s a sweetie. We’ve been quietly commiserating over our evil dresses. I thought I had it bad – she’s covered in spikes. The undersides of her arms are all scratched.


I posed, smiled, preened and did my best modelling this evening. I’m exhausted. The guys however are talking about a few final drinks in the bar. Natalie took it for granted that I’ll join her. Think it should be relatively easy to slip away after a couple though; I’m not up for an all-nighter in this outfit.


As we pull up outside there are paparazzi and fans waiting outside the hotel. The fans will want the musicians; the photographers will want me and Natalie. Since it’s the end of the night we can breeze past without having to stop. In the morning when I’m more comfortable I’d be more inclined to sign or pose if people want that, but I am not staying in these shoes a moment longer than I have to. As soon as we get inside they’re coming off. I don’t care how unladylike bare feet are.


The boys pile out. Natalie and I stay strategically behind so we have more room for our dresses. Trying to get out of cars gracefully in these things is a challenge. The threat of an up-skirt shot is real. One of the band guys is her boyfriend so he reaches in to help her. I was all prepared to wriggle out myself but Justin kindly does the same for me.


He’s been a good egg this evening. After we ran into each other in the exhibit he offered me his arm so I could lean on him a bit as I walked. I desperately needed the help (like I haven’t complained enough about that already). We weren’t on the same table so didn’t get to talk much once we were seated but we chatted while we were mingling. He’s entertaining and we’re at a point where he knows my humour. Some people don’t and mistake it for me being arch.


When we walk through the door, my sister is in the lobby saying goodnight to Felicity. I start to move over to her, to invite her to the bar, but I’m halted by the look on her face.


She looks grumpy… what happened while they were out? Felicity’s arm is around her shoulders and she gives her a squeeze, but when Lizzie meets my gaze this strange expression passes through her eyes. It stops me going over there. Lizzie gives me this tight forced smile and then heads over to the elevators.


I start to move after her, but I don’t get any further than Felicity. She’s gently grasped my wrist and is shaking her head at me.


“Talk to her in the morning. She’s a little emotional right now.”


“What happened?”


Hazily I take in the fact that Felicity looks stunning. She’s in these tight jeans, a white blouse and a killer pair of boots. It oozes sophistication without trying. I used to envy that about her, she always seems so effortless. I’m also pissed because she a) looks comfortable and b) is currently the authority on my baby sister. My fingertips burn with a jealousy that’s not green but white hot.


“She…” She hesitates. “I’m not sure how much I’m under Girl Code here, but she was talking about some emotional shit and she went a little heavy on the wine, that’s all. It was just the wrong moment for you to walk in looking like a supermodel.”


“I walked in like what?”


“Like Emilia Adair-Hamilton,” Felicity says to me. Her lips twist my name into a wry parody. “Seeing you with it turned up to full volume is weird for her. You do look ridiculously hot, by the way.”


“Thanks,” I say dully.


Before I can say anything else, I feel a hand on my back. When I turn I see that it’s Justin trying to grab my attention.


“Hey, you coming?”


“Umm, yes, sorry, just give me a minute.”


“How about you Felicity? Feel like a drink?” He reaches over to drop a kiss on her cheek. She turns it up to him in anticipation of his lips.


“No, I need to get going JT. Thanks though.”


“Alright.” With a wave of his hand he’s already left us alone again.


“I, umm… thank you for looking after her.”


“It was only too much vino, we’ve all been there.”


“I don’t mean tonight.”


Silence reigns for a moment, and she shifts between feet. Neither of us quite knows what to say. Or at least I don’t - I couldn’t claim any expertise on how she thinks these days. It’s been so long.


“I should, uhh…”






I bite my lip. “I, umm…”




The impatience is so very her that I want to smile. She always got like that when nervous. I get stoic, she gets defiant.


“I never said I was sorry,” I blurt out. Not sure where this has come from. “For all that stupid crap that happened between us.”


“It…” Whatever she was going to say, she seemingly thinks better of it. Instead she rolls her eyes. “I’m long over the past; don’t worry your head about it.”


“It was a stupid thing to lose a friend for. I’m sorry.”


“Buy me a drink some time and we’ll call it even.” The smile is tight, ill at ease, but not harsh or insincere. The crinkles at her eyes have softened a little bit. “Look, I need to go but seriously, don’t get tempted to bug her about it tonight. She’ll be better in the morning.”


I nod. I hate the fact that I have to be told this. I ought to know. “Thanks.”


It’s a half wave half salute she gives me as she strides out. With a sigh, I turn on my heel and march towards the bar. Let’s see if I can get out of here after the first round… though if Lizzie’s not awake I’m going to have to find somebody else to release me from this bondage. It’s not the fun kind of bondage either.


For the millionth time I wish I could cut back on the modelling. Then I wouldn’t have to wear avant garde killer crap like this. I could wear the cute dresses that don’t constrict your internal organs.

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