Author's Chapter Notes:
Why does JC find himself so attacted to the patient across the hall from him? Why does this blue eyed stranger seem so familiar to Cassandra?  Let the plotting begin!


            As the public address system blared the evening announcement that visiting hours had ended, the floor nurses were going room to room with evening snacks for the patients, as well as taking night time vital statistics on each one.

            Upon entering JC’s room the nurse had a big smile on her face.

            “Hi, there Mr. Chasez.  I have some good news for you.”  Sandy was smiling brightly.

            His blue eyes glanced up from the newspaper he had been reading.  “What might that be?”  He asked.

            “Your doctor phoned and I’m here to remove your I.V.”

            Smiling brightly he threw his back against the pillow.  “Hallelujah!  Let’s get it over with!”

            Sandy laughed.  “I thought that would make you happy.”

            “Does this mean I’m going home in the morning?”

            “Actually, no.”

            “What?  Why not?”  JC’s eyes grew large with disbelief.

            “It seems the doctor wants us to observe you for twenty-four hours.  If you handle everything all right, then you’ll be able to go home.”

            He rolled his eyes.  “Oh, brother!”

            “Well, I’m afraid that’s the best I can do for you.”

            He was disgusted.  “Fine.  Let’s get it over with.  By the way, what about the girl across the hall?”

            The nurse furrowed her brow and looked confused.  “Do you mean Miss Hamilton?”

            “I don’t know her last name, her first name is Cassandra.”

            “Yeah, that’s Miss Hamilton.  I really don’t know.  Your doctor didn’t mention anything about her.”

            “My doctor?”  He asked.

            “Yes.  Dr. Simpson is her physician, too.”

            “Really?  What a coincidence.”  His mind was racing.

            Sandy pulled out the needle and placed a cotton ball on the entry point.  “Here.  Hold this while I get a bandage for you.”

            JC placed his opposite hand on the cotton ball.  After placing the plastic strip over the site, Sandy patted his shoulder.  “You certainly handled that better than when I put the I.V. in.”  Sandy smiled.

            “You can’t know how much I hate needles!  What a relief to finally be rid of that!”  He flashed a genuinely happy smile at Sandy.

            “Well, Mr. Chasez, I’ve got to finish my rounds.  Enjoy your newfound freedom.  If you need anything, just press your call button.”          

            “Thanks, Sandy.”

            She turned to leave.  As she reached the door, JC had a thought.  “Hey, Sandy.”

            She turned to face him.  “Yes.”

            “If Dr. Simpson calls, tell him I need to talk to him.  Okay?”

            “Sure, no problem.”

            Sandy then left, leaving JC and his mind to plot out a course of action.

            JC felt an overwhelming need to go across the hall and share his good fortune with the patient resting there.  He left his bed, threw a robe over his shoulders and left his room.

            Softly he knocked on the door of Cassandra’s room.  Her eyes were fixed on the large television that was mounted on the wall across from her bed.  Glancing toward the door, but not really seeing who was there, she responded absently.  “Come in.”

            JC bounded into the room.  His blue eyes were smiling as brightly as his lips.

            “Hey girl!  I’ve been sprung!”

            Cassandra turned her head to look at JC, their eyes meeting.

            “Wow.  You’re free.  I guess that means you’re leaving, huh?”

            JC approached the bed.  “Actually, no.  I’ve got to be under observation for twenty-four hours.”

            At the first sight of JC without his I.V., Cassandra felt saddened to think he might be leaving.  Then, when he said he couldn’t go for at least twenty-four hours, she actually felt a little relieved.

            “That’s too bad.”  She managed to say, even though it was contrary to how she was actually feeling.

            “Guess what I found out!”  He reminded her of a little boy with a big secret.

            “I can’t imagine.”  She smiled at his enthusiasm.

            “We have something in common.”

            Cassandra arched an eyebrow.  “Really?  Do tell.  What could that be?”

            He leaned in close, like he had a secret to share.

            “We have the same doctor.”  He whispered into her ear.

            His warm breath seemed to caress her neck as he spoke.  Cassandra felt a chill run through her and goosebumps came up on her arms.  She shivered visibly and JC noticed right away.

            “Are you cold?  I can get you another blanket.”

            “Um, no.  I’m fine.  I just had a chill.  Don’t worry about it.

            “Now tell me, how do you know we have the same doctor?”

            JC smiled.  “What’s your doctor’s name?  Mine is Dr. Simpson!”

            Cassandra cocked her head.  “Really?  So is mine, but” she held up a finger.  “Maybe it’s a different Dr. Simpson.”

            Shaking his head vigorously, he sat down on the edge of her bed.  “Sandy, the nurse, told me we have the same doctor.  I asked her if you were going to get sprung like me, but she said no.  That’s okay, though, because I told her that when he calls back, I want to talk to him.”

            “Why?”  She asked.

            “So I can get you sprung!  You’re doing just as well as I am.  I think you need that damn needle out of your hand, too.  I hate needles as much, if not more, than you hate the color green.”

            Cassandra smiled brightly.  He loved her smile, he thought to himself.

            “Thanks, JC.  Any intervention is greatly appreciated.  I hope Dr. Simpson will listen to you.  God knows he doesn’t listen to me.”

            JC patted her hand.  “What are you watching on the boob tube?”

            He noticed she blushed and glanced at her lap.

            “What?”  He asked.

            “Take a look.  It’s a cartoon, South Park.  I know, it’s strictly toilet humor, but I just needed some kind of pick-me-up.”

            “Oh, my God!”  He yelped as he turned to look at the television.  “ I love that show!”  He looked back at Cassandra over his shoulder.  “Do you mind some company while you watch it?”

            Raising her eyebrows she smiled.  “Not at all.  I’d love to have someone to watch it with.”

            Together they watched the animated series.  Both were aware how they each laughed at the same parts.  Then they both stopped, looked at each other and laughed out loud after they had simultaneously yelled out, ‘Oh my God, they killed Kenny!’”

            “This is wild!”  JC said as the show ended.  “Thanks for letting me watch this with you.”

            Cassandra smiled.  “My pleasure.  Maybe you could come by for another visit some time.”  She said.

            His eyes became dark and his expression turned serious.

            “I’d like that very much.    Can I take that as an open invitation?”

            She seemed stunned by his reaction.  “Of course, anytime.”  She said quietly.

            JC leaned over, placing his hand on the bed next to her hip for support and leaned in to gently place a kiss on Cassandra’s softly parted lips.  She closed her eyes and relished the feeling of his lips gently pressing against hers.

            Sandy, standing in the doorway cleared her throat and abruptly interrupted the kiss.  “Excuse me.”  She said, obviously upset by what she walked in on.

            JC jerked his head up and around as Cassandra self-consciously pulled the blanket up around her.

            He flashed a look of anger at the nurse.  “What is it?”  He practically demanded.

            “I’m sorry, Mr. Chasez, but Dr. Simpson is on the phone.  You did say you wanted to speak to him, didn’t you?”

            JC shot a look at Cassandra and then back to Sandy.  “Yes, I did.  Tell him I’ll be right there.”

            “Certainly.  Come to the nurses station.”  She turned on one heel and walked away.

            “I’ve got to talk to him.”  He looked apologetic.  “I’ll be back in a minute.  That is if I may come back?”  He seemed concerned that she wouldn’t want him to return.

            “That’s fine, JC.  I’m not going anywhere.”

            He jumped up, seemingly lighter than she thought possible.

            “See you in a sec.”  He bounded out of the room.

            Cassandra’s mind was racing.  There were mixed feelings playing on her mind.  How could she have any feelings for someone she had just met?  He was compelling, obviously.  She felt drawn to him; an overwhelming desire to get to know him better.  Then it dawned on her, what had the nurse called him?  ‘Mr. Chasez?’  His name was JC Chasez.

            “Oh my God!”  She whispered to herself.  “It can’t be!”  But she knew it was.  He was one of the lead singers of the musical group *NSYNC.  “How?”  She asked herself, raising her fingers tentatively to touch her lips where he had kissed her.  Now she understood why he seemed so familiar to her that first time they had met.

            His reaction when she had asked if they knew each other was now understandable.  Should she admit to him that she recognized him?  Cassandra thought long and hard about it and decided to let JC keep his anonymity for the time being.  Otherwise, she thought, she may lose this newfound friend.  That was a risk she wasn’t willing to take at this time.

            Eagerly JC picked up the receiver of the white hospital phone.  “Dr. Simpson?  JC Chasez here.”

            “Hello there, young man.  What can I do for you?”

            “Look Doc.  I need a big favor.  Your other patient, the one across the hall from me,”

            “Yes.  That would be Cassandra.”

            “Yep!  That’s her.  I want you to have the nurses take out her I.V. tonight.  Basically so we can be on the same discharge schedule.”

            The doctor exhaled loudly.

            “What?”  JC asked curiously.

            “JC, I don’t think that’s going to be possible.”

            “Why not?”  His brow creased as he listened to the doctor.

            “You need to remember, she’s not in there for the same reason as you.  JC, she has a virus.  I need to keep her there, on the I.V. until her blood counts stabilize.  She still has an elevated white count.  That means the virus is still active.  It’s my responsibility to make sure she’s healthy enough to remove the medications and send her home.  Otherwise it is inevitable that she’ll have a relapse.”

            “So, how long should this take?”

            “That’s hard to say, JC.  Her improvement is remarkable, but not complete.  She needs at least twenty-four to forty-eight hours more.”

            “So that means she could be here even longer than the day after tomorrow?”  He asked.

            “It’s a possibility.”

            At first JC was stunned, then the wheels started turning.

            “Look, Doc.  You’ve got to do something else then.”

            “JC, I can’t let her go early!”  The doctor was adamant.

            “Fine, fine!”  He nearly yelled at the doctor.  “That’s not even close to what I was going to say.”

            “Then what would you like me to do?”

            “Keep me here.”

            “Are you crazy?”

            “Maybe, but it’s what I want you to do.”

            “I have to have a reason to keep you in the hospital.”

            “You do.  It’s my request.”

            “I mean a medical reason.”

            “Alright, then.  I’m still sick, exhausted!  Don’t send me home.  I might relapse!”

            “Maybe you’d like a new I.V. while we’re at it.”

            Cringing visibly, JC glared at the phone momentarily.  “Don’t even try it, Doc.  Absolutely no more needles near me!”

            The doctor chuckled.

            “I’m serious, Doc.  Keep me here until you send her home.  Got it?”

            “I’ll see what I can do.  I’ll see you in the morning when I make my rounds.”

            “Right!  Bye.”

            “Good-bye, JC.”

            They hung up simultaneously.

            He walked back to Cassandra’s room stopping just outside the door.  Instead of entering her room, he turned toward his own.  He rushed to the edge of the bed and reached for his phone.  He dialed the seven digits and waited for the connection to be made.

            “Hello?” There came a deep voice on the other end.

            “Johnny, this is JC.”

            “Hey, man!  How are you?  I’m coming out tomorrow to see you.”

            “Wait.  I’d rather you took care of some business for me.”

            “Really?  What kind of business?”

            “Well,” JC smiled.  “You might call it monkey business.”

            “Alright.  What do I need to get for Suzie and why?”

            He stopped cold.  His eyes were wide.  “Suzie?”  He sounded surprised.  “Uh, no.  I don’t need anything for Suzie.  But, I need flowers sent to the young lady across the hall from me.”

            “Are you serious?  JC, what are you up to?”

            “Johnny, you’re my manager, not my father.  Please, just do what I ask.  Now, I need flowers, nothing overpowering.  I would like just something that’s delicate – and by the way – make sure there are no green flowers in the arrangement.”

            “What?  You know florists always put green ferns and what not in their arrangements.”

            “Hey, that’s fine.  I just don’t want any green flowers!”

            “Okay.  I’ll get right on it.”

            “Wait.  There’s something else.”


            “I need you to get in touch with Dr. Simpson and tell him I have to stay here a few more days.”

            Johnny’s eyes almost bugged out of his head.

            ‘JC, are you absolutely crazy?  Why in the hell would you, with all of your fear of needles, want to stay in that God forsaken place?”

            “Don’t question me or my motives!  I need to stay here.  I need you to help me get this arranged.  I talked to Simpson earlier and he doesn’t seem thrilled with the idea of keeping me here.”

            “Probably because you don’t need to be there.  JC, what is going on?”

            JC stopped, raised his hand to the back of his neck and rubbed the tense muscles.  He wasn’t sure if he could answer that question at the moment.  He drew a deep breath before continuing.

            “Johnny, I don’t really know.  I only know that if I don’t stay here a little longer.  I’ll never have an answer to that question.”

            “What’s her name?”


            “The girl the flowers are for.”

            “Oh, it’s Cassandra.  Cassandra Hamilton.”

            “And just what is it you’d like me to tell Suzie?”

            There was silence.

            “You do remember Suzie, don’t you?”  Johnny asked sarcastically.

            Shaking his head, JC closed his eyes tightly.  “Look, Johnny.  Of course I remember Suzie.  Right now, don’t tell her anything.  Let her think you don’t know where I am.  I need some time to work through some things.  I need your help, alright?  Just cover for me, any way you can.”

            “Man, you don’t ask for much, do you?  I’ll do my best C, but it really isn’t going to be easy.”

            “You’ll take care of things with Simpson, too?”

            “I’ll do my best.”

            Thanks, man!  I knew I could count on you.  I’ll be in touch, Johnny.  Thanks again.  Bye.”

            “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

            “Me, too.”

            Setting the telephone down, JC got up and headed back to Cassandra’s room.

            The realization of who she had been talking to and watching television with took Cassandra by surprise.  She knew if she told him that she knew who he was, he would be gone from her life quicker than he had entered it.  Her plan was to continue on the same mode as she had.  They would be newfound friends until he decided to tell her who he was.

            “I hope I can do it!”  She said her thought out loud.

            “Do what?”  She heard his cheery masculine voice through her doorway.  His eyes were bright, blue and exuding happiness.

            She looked at him surprised.  “Huh?”  It was all she could manage to say.

            “What do you hope you can do?”  He smiled as he sat in the visitor’s chair next to her bed.

            Thinking quickly, Cassandra responded.  “I hope I can go home very soon!”  She told him emphatically.

            JC lowered his gaze.  “I’m sorry, but I kind of hope you won’t.”

            Cassandra’s brown eyes opened wide in disbelief.  “What!”  She nearly yelled at him.  “How can you say that to me?  Here you’ll be going home tomorrow and you’re hoping I’ll have to stay?  I thought you understood how I felt.  I can’t believe you could be so mean!”

            “I’m not.”  He brought his eyes up to make contact with hers.

            “You most certainly are!”  Cassandra demanded.

            “Cassandra, I’m not going home tomorrow.  That’s what Dr. Simpson wanted to talk to me about.”

            Immediately she looked at him remorseful.  “You aren’t?  Why not?  They took out your I.V.”

            JC looked down at his hand.  “Yeah. I guess that was for show or something.  He said he was sorry, but I wasn’t ready to be discharged.”

            “But you said they’d keep you under twenty-four observation.”

            “Well, I guess because of my job, he doesn’t feel it’s wise for me to leave just yet.  I even called my manage – my boss and tried to get him to intervene, but Doc says no!  You know, no one will mess around with anyone in the medical profession.”  JC hoped Cassandra hadn’t noticed his near slip when he was referring to Johnny Wright.

            While Cassandra was happy that JC would be staying longer, she felt bad for him.

            “Hey, who knows,” he said rising to his feet.  “You may go home before me.”  He started to walk toward the doorway.

            Cassandra’s mind was racing, her eyes blinking rapidly.  “Hey,”

            He stopped and turned to look at her.

            “Where are you going?”

            He shrugged.  “Back to my room.  I’ll let you rest.  Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.”  He sounded like a sad little boy.

            “Why?”  It was the only thing she could manage to say.

            “Well, you did sound kind of upset a minute ago and, really, I’m kind of bummed out.  I don’t think I’d be very good company for you.”  He sounded so dejected!  The look in his blue eyes was so puppyish (even though inside he was fighting with himself not to smile).

            Cassandra struggled to sit up on the edge of the bed.  “JC, I’m not angry.”

            “You aren’t?”

            “No.  And I certainly would rather have you be here with me than both of us sitting alone in these god-awful green rooms!”  She smiled tentatively at him.

            “You would?”  His face seemed to brighten.

            “Of course I would.  After all, if we both are stuck here, we might as well make the most of it.”

            He arched an eyebrow.  “Oh, really?”

            Cassandra laughed out loud.  It was the first time JC had heard her laughter.

            “I didn’t mean that!”  She responded.

            “Damn!”  He smiled at her as he approached the bed.

            “You know, you’d probably better lay back down, Cassandra.  Let me help you.”  With that he helped rearrange the covers while she shifted her slender legs under them.  He noticed the silky texture of her bare skin as one leg casually brushed against his fingertips while he was holding the covers for her.

            Before they knew it, hours had flown by.  They had talked about so many things, nothing in particular and everything in general.  He never talked about his job, and Cassandra never mentioned she knew what his job was.  The conversation had been light hearted and they shared chuckles, giggles and laughter.

            Cassandra was beginning to tire but refused to say anything because she didn’t want to be alone.  More importantly, she didn’t want him to leave.  However, Sandy, the night nurse, had other plans.  Gently she knocked on the door to Cassandra’s room as the late night news was beginning.

            “Excuse me, folks.  It is eleven o’clock.”  She said in a matter-of-fact tone.  “Don’t you think it’s time to call it a night?”

            “Who are you, my mother?”  Her tone, attitude and mere presence in the room agitated JC.  Cassandra quietly reached out and touched his forearm with her hand.

            “JC, it’s alright.  I am kind of tired.  Maybe we should get some sleep.”

            The nurse looked at him with an “I told you so” look and grinned.  “My point precisely.  Now, I’ll be leaving in about ten minutes, but Mary will be on duty.  If either of you needs anything, she’ll be happy to help you.

            “I’ll take your vitals, Miss Hamilton, and then you may turn in for the night.”

            “Alright.  Good night, JC.  Sweet dreams.”  She smiled brightly, if not tiredly.

            “Good night, Cassandra.  You too.  I’ll see you in the morning.”  He waved to her as he walked out the door.

            As she was about to dose off, Cassandra heard the door open and a ray of light came from the hallway, silhouetting the person coming in.

            Blinking tiredly, she tried to focus on who was approaching.

            “Mary, is that you?”   

            “Shhh!  I don’t think so.”  A male whisper responded.

            “Then who…”

            “It’s me, JC.”  He whispered next to her ear.”

            She sat up a little trying to fully rouse herself.


            “Shhh.  I had to come back.”


            “I can’t sleep just yet.”

            “Why not?”

            “Because I forgot something.”

            “You did?  What did you forget?”

            “This.”  He whispered.  Moving ever so slowly, he lowered his head to hers and gently kissed her lips.  He moaned softly when he felt her respond and kiss him back.  “I needed a good night kiss.”  He said breathless as he pulled back. 

            “Me, too!”  She said as she found her voice.

            He knew she couldn’t see him in the dark, but he smiled.  “I should sleep very well, now.  How about you?”

            “Yeah.  I think so.”

            “Good.  I’ll see you in the morning.”

            “Good night.”

            With that, she heard her door close, smiled and closed her eyes.

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