"Horatio, it's Marissa. I'm not coming in today." I steal a quick glance over my shoulder while I whisper into the phone. Josh is still out cold next to me, the sheets on his side of the bed wrapped around his naked torso. His chest is on full display, rising and falling in the deep rhythm of sleep. His eyes are closed, long lashes against resting against pale skin, in contrast to the dark hairs covering his chin and cheeks. I could watch him sleep all day.

"You're not coming in? Are you feeling okay?" H is my work bestie. He sits in the office next to me and aside from Tim, has been my steady confidante since my split with my husband. "I mean... you never call out. Are you sick?"

"Yeah. I mean no. I'm fine. I just... ran into an old friend last night. We uhm... got to... talking and..."

Josh stirs and one eye cracks open. Liar, he mouths, then rolls over. I work hard to suppress a giggle. "Anyway, we were up pretty late. I'm gonna take a vacation day, since I had to work yesterday. See you Monday."

I end the call and slide my phone onto the nightstand, then scooch back under the covers and up against the warm body in my bed.

"Is there any food on this vacation?" His voice is muffled and deliciously rough since it's early.

I have visions of the night before-watching him touch me in places only my ex had ever touched; laying on the living room floor, in front of the Christmas tree my kids decorated, my limbs limp and my body pulsing, feeling... amazing. And free... from Graham, from Jenna, from the feeling that I hadn't done enough to save my marriage. That I wasn't enough for Graham.

The truth is... he wasn't enough for me. Because once I got a taste of sex...good sex, make you come so hard you cry, make you scream so loud you scare yourself sex, I couldn't get enough. I got another round out of Josh before he declared he was too old to fuck on the floor and dragged me to bed.

Where he licked and sucked and tasted me in places I could never get my ex to try.

I smile against him and plant kisses across his back. He had earned breakfast, lunch and dinner. "I could be convinced to make you some breakfast." 

He rolls over and drops a kiss on my forehead. "I feel like you lured me out of the bar with the promise of food but then I got here and you made me have sex with you..."

That makes me sit up. "Made you?"

"Multiple times, even..."

"Bullshit, you pretentious jerk."

He sweeps me into his arms and lands his lips on mine. He is warm, his lips soft but firm, the scent and the taste of him so alluring.  I already want him and it's not even 7am.

"Do you uhm... do you have to go soon? Or... ever?"

He laughs. "Ever, yes. Soon..." He gazes down at me, those blue eyes piercing me all the way through. "Not soon. We're on vacation. I'm yours, for the time being."

"Good. Because Graham never fucked me in the kitchen while I made him breakfast."

"Oh yeah?" A slow grin spreads across his face. He sits up and swings his legs off the side of the bed, then pulls me up to join him. I feel him, already awake as he walks me backward toward the kitchen. "The pretentious asshole in me likes that challenge." 

MissM is the author of 30 other stories.
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