Author's Chapter Notes:
Here is the first version. This is a continuation from the first chapter.

Rachel stared in shock at JC standing outside her door. He was dressed like he had been last night - in all black. Only difference was his hair. It hair hung down to his shoulders. In his hands he held two Starbucks coffee cups. While he was smiling, Rachel could see the hesitation on his face. She wasn't sure what to say. She was completely caught off guard. How did he even know where she was? Her eyes narrowed.




She was gonna kill him.


"Hey," JC said with a small smile. He could see emotions rolling across her face. She didn't look happy to see him. He found himself cursing Jennifer again. Wishing she had stayed away so Rachel could have interrupted his pool game. "I uhm..." he cleared his throat. "Bought you a drink. Returning the favor."


"I..." Rachel stared at the offered coffee cup then met his eyes once again. "What are you doing here?"


"Delivering coffee." The smile on his face slowly faded when she made no move to grab the cup. He sighed. He couldn't have lost his chance already. "Can I come in?"


Rachel hesitated before pulling the door open wider and stepping back, allowing him to walk through.


"Where's Mike?" JC asked as he stood in the middle of the small suite. He felt like an idiot still holding the coffee cups so he sat one down on the table.


"Either still out for his run or back in his room." She stared at him. "We don't share rooms you know." She rolled her eyes. "I didn't see you spooning with Lonnie while you were on tour."


JC chuckled, rubbing his neck with his free hand. "Yeah." He fell silent again. "Lance says you're going back to Nashville today."


"Lance has a big mouth."


JC was grateful for that. Without Lance relaying what was going on he wouldn't have been able to make an attempt to right what should have been done a long time ago. He wouldn't have known how long she had feelings for him. He wouldn't have known that she was giving up on them ever having a relationship. He wouldn't have known she was planning on leaving Miami. He wouldn't have known where she was staying. He sat his coffee cup down and walked to her. She met his eyes.


"Lance told me you've been trying to get my attention for twenty years."


Rachel felt her face flame with embarrassment. She broke their gaze. "Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. I know it's not gonna happen. There were some tears shed last night but I'll be okay. I'll take that ‘new year, new me' crap to heart. No more pining away. No more flirting. Or signals."


That was the last thing JC wanted. "Well good thing for me, the new year isn't until tomorrow. I have," he lifted his left arm to look at his watch. "Fifteen hours to change your mind."


"What?" Rachel asked, turning her head to look at him.


"I said," JC took a step toward her, then another. "I have fifteen hours to change your mind about giving up on me."


Rachel swallowed. "What do you mean?"


"I'm not dating anyone. I'm not in a relationship. I know what you saw last night," he said when he saw her open her mouth. He knew what she was going to say. "Jennifer and I broke up in April. She's been hanging around a lot this weekend. Trying to get back together."


"That an option?" Rachel asked, holding her breath. She couldn't look away; mesmerized by his blue eyes.


JC shook his head, not breaking their gaze. "Not a chance." He lifted a hand and tucked her hair behind her ear. Rachel blushed and ducked her head. He smiled. "What were you going to do when you came over?"


Rachel looked at him in confusion.


"Were you gonna have your shirt off?" He grinned at her. "Sit on my lap? Kiss me?"


"I see you finally read your messages..."


"After the waitress delivered the drinks," JC confessed. "Said they were from some country singer with a bodyguard. You're the only country singer I know with a bodyguard."


"She didn't know who I was?" Rachel asked offended. "No wonder the DJ was blasting NSYNC and ignoring me. He probably didn't know who I was either."


JC chuckled. "Trust me, it's annoying as hell."


"Not being recognized?" Rachel teased, purposefully misunderstanding what he meant. "I was gonna give you a hug."




"You asked what I was gonna do when I came up to you." Rachel explained. "I was gonna give you a hug."


JC lips curved into a smile. He held his arms out. "Well..."


Rachel grinned and stepped forward into his arms. Her arms wound around his neck while his snaked around her waist. She felt one of his hands against her shoulder, another on her lower back holding her to him. She relaxed against him, holding him, allowing him to hold her.


"You busy tonight?" JC asked, his lips near her ear.


"Well I had planned on going to Nashville." His hair tickled her face. She wasn't used to the feeling. None of her boyfriends ever had long hair.


JC hummed in response. "Anyone lined up to kiss at midnight?"


Rachel leaned back in his hold to catch his gaze. "Now that you mention it, no. Know of anyone?"


JC grinned. "I might know a guy..."


"Know a guy huh?" Rachel returned his grin with one of her own.


"I do. He's not in Nashville though."


"Maybe I should stay here..." her breath hitched as JC's lips drew closer to hers. Their noses touched lightly.


"Maybe you should..." JC whispered. He closed the distance between their lips. He brushed lightly against her lips once, twice before he settled upon them. His lips moved gently with hers. He felt her hand cup the back of his head. Her fingers tangled in his hair. He ducked one arm beneath hers so he could cup the side of her head. His thumb rested right in front of her ear; his fingers just touching the back of her head. His pinkie and ring finger rest on her neck. Her hair was silky and smooth beneath his touch.


The kiss ended slowly. Rachel rested her forehead against his, her eyes closed. As she opened them she caught herself smiling. "You had fifteen hours to convince me to stay. What are you gonna do with the rest of the fourteen hours and forty five minutes?"


JC grinned and kissed her again.

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