The next few weeks went by, Deana volunteering in Ms. S’s room, researching options for credential programs for January or beyond.  Justin was tweaking stuff for Trolls, taking quick trips to LA to work on things.  

It was the last week of school, and Deana was helping Ms. S pack up her classroom before summer.  They would be cleaning her room, using it for summer school, and it allowed Deana to look through any of her things for papers and projects she might want copies of for her own classroom.

“You’re sweet, coming in every day this week to help me out,” Ms. S said.  “I think I need to take you and Justin out to dinner as a thank you.  The kids still talk about Christmas and when you two came in.  Friday is kind of a free for all day, the afternoon is pretty laid back, they’ll do bubbles, chalk, just one long recess time.  I think the kids would like to see him again, if he has time.”

“He’s been in LA the last couple days, just got in last night, I’ll see if he’s up for that, something low key,” Deana replied.  “As for dinner, I think WE need to take YOU out, but we can argue over semantics and all that later.  I’ll definitely ask him about that as well.”

“It’ll be lunch in a few minutes, head home, and I’ll see you tomorrow for sports day?” Ms. S asked.

“You bet.”

Deana headed home, a crossbody bag carrying the papers she’d collected over the week.  She stopped in at her old store, seeing who was there.  Deana picked up her phone.

“Hey babe, I’m at Starbucks, you want anything?”

“Peach green tea lemonade?”

“You got it.  I’ll see you in a bit.”

She ordered his lemonade, an iced black tea lemonade for herself.  It was still technically spring, but it definitely felt like summer.  

She opened their front door, seeing Justin on the couch.  She sat down next to him, handing him his drink.

He took a sip.  “That hits the spot.  Fruity without being overly sweet.  I guess I missed out on an opportunity to say “I like my drinks like I like my woman, sweet and a nice peach,” he laughed.

She rolled her eyes.  “Yeah, yeah, you like my butt, I get it.  Yours, on the other hand, mmm…”

“How was it today?” Justin asked.

“Today was reading day, so it was really pretty quiet.  They got to come in pajamas or comfy clothes, a stuffed animal if they wanted, and their favorite books.  Tomorrow is sports day, then Friday is just kinda one long recess, especially after lunch.  She wants to know if you can come by on Friday, see the kids one last time.  They still talk about Christmas and in January…”

“I think I can arrange that now that I’m back for a bit.  Plus, any chance to see you in your element, that smile and glow you have.  I’d do just about anything for that.”

“She said they’ll have bubbles, chalk, just playing outside.”

“I have an idea…” Justin said.

“Uh oh, I know something is up now…”

“Let me make some calls, see what I can do.  I’ll be back,” he said, heading down the hall to his studio, turning on the red light.  She knew he wasn’t recording, but also didn’t want to be disturbed.  He was planning a surprise, and she knew it was bound to be big.

Friday morning came, and Deana got up early to head to the school.  She kissed Justin on the cheek, letting him sleep.  

It was nearing lunch time, and some of the parents came in bringing treats and such.  A couple moms brought pizza, cookies, fruit, pretzels, the usual kid favorites.  Ms. S had the kids on the carpet, Deana reading them a story about the last day of school.

There was a knock on the door.  Ms. S slowly opened the door, Justin walking through the doorway.  The kids jumped up and tackled him to the ground in excitement.  They were laughing and cheering that he was back to see them.

“I’m glad I just finished the story,” Deana said in her teacher voice, the kids calming down, Justin feeling a little guilty.  

“Actually, speaking of stories, I have something for you,” Justin said.  “I know it’s not Trolls, but I think Ms. S would agree it’s a great book.”  

All the kids sat down on the rug, Justin sitting in the special teacher chair.  “Now, you know Deana had Ms. S when SHE was in first grade, so I’ve gotten to know a LOT about Ms. S this year.  One thing I know is that Ms. S LOVES frogs.  So I thought what better way to help you remember Ms. S is to give you a book with some of her favorite characters.  Justin got a box from outside, giving each student a copy of Frog and Toad Are Friends.  “I also thought you might want a class set, or at least a NEWER set,” he said softly, handing the rest of the box to Ms. S.  

“What do we say to Justin for the books, class?” Ms. S asked.

“Thank you!” they said in a resounding chorus.  

“I wish more people saw this side of you, Justin,” Ms. S said.

“I do too, but then they’d come to expect it.  It’s better when it’s just random, done from the heart.  You’ve done so much for Deana over the years, I figure it’s a way of saying thank you.”

“You’re welcome to stay for lunch, we’ve got a pizza party all set up,” one of the parents said.  

Justin suddenly looked around, realizing they weren’t the only adults in the room.  

“If this makes it on social media, at least it’s good press, babe.  You get to see my smiling face, don’t you?  That was the whole point of you coming today?”

“Yeah.  I think I can stay through the rest of the day, play with the kids.”

“They would LOVE that…” Ms. S said.  

Deana looked at Justin.  “Why am I thinking you have more up your sleeves than just books for the kids?”

“Because you know me so well.  You’ll see later, when the kids do.”  He kissed her on the forehead before grabbing some pizza.

They sat and watched “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” on the projector.  Deana was quietly singing along to the songs in the back of the classroom.

“How do you know these songs?” Justin asked.

“I did the show a few years back.  I wasn’t a main character, but it was still fun.  Just with people from the church, this was back when I was still with Morgan, so it’s been a few years.”

As lunch finished, the children were getting ready to go outside and play.  Justin walked with Deana at the back of the line, hand in hand.  “Why do I feel like your next surprise is outside…” Deana sighed.

“Because it is…” Justin laughed.

They heard cheers of excitement as the kids approached the playground.  A bounce house was up in one corner of the blacktop, huge bubble machines spread throughout the space, and 2 ice cream trucks on the far end.  Music was playing, kids starting to dance by the speakers.

“Justin, you didn’t…” Deana gasped.

“Not all of it.  Some was already planned by the school.  I replaced the costs for it.  The rest is me, yes.  I’ll never tell which ones though,” he smiled, watching the kids.

“I know one though, you called up DJ Curtis,” Deana smiled, recognizing the man behind the music booth.  

“Ok, I had to give you one obvious one.”

“My nephews come in tomorrow, did you want to do our little movie night with them this weekend?  I can talk to my sister, you can take the boys for a bit?”

“Sure, start the summer off right.  I’d love to take them to Montana with us, but then we have a long trip ahead of us, we’ll be gone most of the summer, at least July and August.  It’s your family, I’ll always make time for them.”  Hopefully I can talk to your dad this time, Justin thought to himself.

“Thanks, baby.  I’ll text my sister tomorrow, surprise her.”

“Want some ice cream?” Justin asked.

They walked over to the ice cream truck. The principal of the school was walking around. 

“Thank you, Justin.  When we got your call, we were surprised to say the least. We knew you’d done some things for Ms. S, but to offer something for the whole school, was beyond our anticipation.”

“I’m hoping to sub next year, hopefully I’ll be around if someone needs me,” Deana said. “Otherwise it’s a pretty good send off. I’ve been volunteering the last couple years.”

“We’ve been thankful to have you.  I know Ms. S always loves having students drop in, you’ve become a part of the school in a way, I’d like that to continue, maybe even hire you once you get your credential.”

“That’s kinda been my dream, to teach with her,” Deana sighed.

“Make sure you use your time with us on your resume, talk with us when you apply so I can see what I can do with the powers that be.”

“Thank you, that would be wonderful…”

Other grade levels came out, and soon the whole school was out together.  Justin and Deana decided now was a good time to leave, before parents came for the end of the day.

“They had such a great time, in part to you,” Deana said, hugging him as they walked.  “Not gonna lie, though, I think they want me because of you…”

“They want you because they’ve seen your work in the classroom, your dedication to volunteer beyond what was required for your classes.  I highly doubt the HR people are going to care that you’re in a relationship with me.  Unless we’re married by then, they likely won’t even know.”

“You assume I’d take your name…”

“Didn’t you say it was always a dream of yours, to be Mrs. Timberlake?”

“Damn, your memory is good.”

“Like a steel trap, especially for important things revolving around you.”

‘I’m already sleeping with you, no need to butter me up.”

“It’s not flattery if it’s true.”

They got back to the penthouse, Deana deciding to call her sister and set things up for tomorrow so it’s not too rushed.

“Hey, I know the boys are coming in tomorrow, I wanted to know if you were free to do lunch or something…”

“Actually, their dad is bringing them down, he’ll see his parents for a couple days and be back for work on Monday.”

“Oh, well, maybe when you come to get them…”

“Let’s plan on that.  Sorry, sis.”

“It’s fine.  It was just lunch.”

Deana hung up, sinking into the couch.

“What’s wrong?” Justin asked.

“My brother in law is bringing the boys tomorrow.  She said we can do lunch when she comes to get them.”

“I’m sorry.  We still get the boys though, right?”

“Yeah.  I just don’t get to talk to my sister about things…”

“About what?  Oh, that…  I still don’t know why you think you need her permission.  Are you gonna ask your parents or J for permission?  With me, that’s a whole other issue…”


“Nothing.  Never mind.  We’re the only two people that should have a say in this.  It’s OUR relationship, no one else’s.  We can get married before or after kids, that’s OUR choice.”

“What IS the timeline?” Deana asked hesitantly.

“Well, we’ll be engaged before your brother’s wedding.  Obviously waiting until after theirs for our own.  We’ve already kinda talked about when we want to start trying, I dunno.  You know what they say, ‘if you want to make God smile, make plans’.”

“I think it’s ‘if you want to make God LAUGH, make plans…’”

“Whatever.  I just don’t want us to get too ahead of ourselves, have you get upset if something doesn’t happen on schedule.  We WILL be engaged before February, at least know that.”

“That’s reassuring at least,” Deana said. “I’m sorry I keep asking, but with how you seem to want things to happen NOW, it’s just…”

 “That’s my fault, I guess. I just know I love you, and we both want this. I was fine taking things slow before, but now that we’re together, it’s been 6 months, I guess I’m ready for the next step of my life to begin.”

“I know, I am too.  It has been such a roller coaster, especially once I joined you on tour, so far paced. So it seems like we should just rush in because everything has been one thing after another. Things are slowing down and we’re needing big stuff to put our attentions to.”

“We ARE giving this more pressure than there needs to be,” Justin admitted. “Is that why you’ve been working so hard to lose weight?”

“A little, though I definitely don’t want to be the fat, ugly bridesmaid…”


“I know,” she interrupted.  “Danielle and I talked about it on the way to Coachella. I know I’m her best friend and that’s why she picked me, but compared to the other girls that’ll be there, I’m the bottom of the barrel.  I went from feeling super hot to super not at Coachella, being in the same space as the rest of the girls the guys are with.  I felt like I didn't belong, not hot enough to be an *NSYNC girlfriend.  None of them have reached out to me, but I haven’t reached out to them, either… I can see it now, all the comments on social media if a picture of all us girls gets posted.  I know people will know who I am, but also comment how I don’t belong.  Then the girls at the club, saying it was only a matter of time before you were done with me, ready for someone else…”

“You put WAY too much stock in what other people think, babe.”  He looked like he wanted to cry.  “I fell in love with you for SO MANY reasons.  If I were to lose everything tomorrow, you would still BE all of those things to me, baby.  You are smart, caring, compassionate, trusting, honest, brave.  You are beautiful and sexy as hell.  This world, especially my part of it, will eat you alive if you focus on what others think.  Know that I love you, your family and friends love you, including the guys.  The next time I go out to LA, you are spending time with Jen.  All you have when we’re not here is me.  Sometimes, yeah, I like that.  Other times I worry.  That’s why I have been going by myself recently, because I don’t want you bored at the house.  As great as it would have been to come home and give you some lovin’, that can’t be all our relationship is.  I can’t bring you places just to have you available should I be in the mood, which right now in our relationship, is still all the damn time.  And do you know WHY it’s like that?”

“Because you love me,” Deana said, half heartedly.

“Because I love you, and you are sexy as FUCK lately.  YOU were the one that started the long game, I just played to win that night.  You are so beautiful, inside and out, and when it’s just us, holy shit do you turn it ON.  The black number on your birthday, the little photo shoot you two did before Coachella.  I have those bad boys saved on my phone and Google photos in case anything ever happens to my phone.  The nights I was in LA, I looked at pictures of you, remembering things we’d done, it was almost like you were there with me…”

“I mean, I know all guys do it, but I didn't think that you…” her voice trailed off.

“Baby, I was doing it DAILY during the part of the tour you were still in New York for.  Even when I wasn’t sure what was going on between us, you’d pop into my head and I couldn’t help myself.  ESPECIALLY when you texted me, trying to get some sexting going.  It wasn’t pictures, but it turned me on.  Even YOU said you needed another shower, so I KNOW it worked both ways.”

“Well, I’m with you, I figure that’s a given.  How you aren’t People’s sexiest man alive year after year is a damn shame.  I know you get mentioned, but especially this year, touring and everything, you are looking at the top of your game.  Me, on the other hand.  Even with losing weight, I feel like it’s not enough.”

“You lose too much more weight and none of what you have is going to fit right.  Don’t get me wrong, I can afford to buy you a whole new wardrobe every day for the rest of our lives, but certain pieces have memories attached that I want you to wear them whenever you want.”

“Like how my black shirt is now more like a short dress?”

“Even then it’s not as form fitting as it used to be.  It used to fit just right on your legs, now it’s a little loose.  I’m sure you could fit into my shirts now, which is kinda sexy…”

“I think my boobs are still in the way of me wearing your shirts.  The one thing I haven’t lost, actually.”  

“Hey, I’m not complaining,” Justin laughed.  “You were dead sexy in that costume the night we met.  It made me want to know what was underneath, in more ways than one.  The more I got to know you, the more I was right, how beautiful you were on the inside, not just the outside.  I’ve known my fair share of shallow people, even being called shallow myself, if not worse.  The TRULY beautiful people, it’s from the inside out.  YOU are one of the truly beautiful people, never forget that.”

“I’m still not fully used to being with someone that is so open to saying all these things.  Especially not to try and gaslight me and keep me around for their own gain.  He knew sweet talk would reel me back in, that attention I never got, always wanted.  I still can’t hear the phrase ‘pretty girl’ without flinching a bit.  He’d love to say it to me in times like this, or when we’d had a fight, trying to get me to fall for him again.”

“I’m being 100 percent sincere when I say these things.  I have no agenda other than to tell you how I feel.  I’m not trying to manipulate you.  Sure, we might go have really hot sex after this so I can show you what I love about you, but not in an effort to keep you.”

“Really hot sex, huh?” she laughed. 

“Like I said, I always want you, in some way, shape, or form.  Do you really think we’d be talking marriage and kids if I didn't absolutely, unequivocally love you and find you the most beautiful woman on the planet?”

“Compared to your exes alone…”

“OK, let me stop you right there,” he interrupted.  “Yes, they’re my past, but you… Baby, you are my present, my future, everything I want for the rest of my life.  If that doesn’t tell you something, I don’t know what does.  Stop comparing yourself to anyone else.  I’ll ask the guys to have their girls reach out.  I’ll say you’re still shy about reaching out, even if you need something, which clearly is at least somewhat true.  I won’t say you’re feeling insecure, but that you’re still nervous about making contact.  I want you to feel comfortable around them when we’re in LA or Nashville.  They’ll be at our wedding, there when we have kids, it’s gonna be awkward if you aren’t friends with them.”

“I suppose. It’s something I’ve struggled with for YEARS, it won’t just go away because I have a great boyfriend who loves me and thinks I’m beautiful. As great as you are, there’s just too much underneath it all to unpack, and that’s not your job. You know all of this about me and choose to love me anyway, which speaks volumes.”

“Let’s do a date night in tonight. We’ll get dressed up, I’ll make dinner, I’m thinking a little dancing nice and slow, set the mood for after…”

Deana smiled. “That does sound nice.”


“Perfect. Probably just what we need before having your nephews overnight tomorrow.”

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