Justin watched and waited through the run throughs to make sure everything was ready to go. 

His assistant tapped his shoulder. “Sorry we couldn’t give you more wiggle room and notice. What was so important you wanted to get a later flight?”

Justin showed her his lock screen picture, the picture with him kissing her cheek as she slept. “Her,” he sighed. 

“Oh. That’s new, then.”

“I first technically met her the night I had to cancel my last show.  So, yeah, it’s new.”

“Can we get her to come on tour with you? I mean, you have the option to do that…”

“Not yet. Maybe after my birthday show, it’s only a few weeks away. Things didn’t go so well when you sent the text, but I think things are better now.”

“Do you want to send her something?”

“Maybe, but not just anything. I won’t bother you with that.  I’ll give it a couple days, surprise her.”

“They’re almost ready for you.”

Justin grabbed a mic before doing the first full run through. “Thanks for getting here on a moment’s notice. Everything looks and sounds great so far. I know I had no control over things, but I’m sorry for needing to take a break. I feel like this needs to be PERFECT, for the fans. Let’s make it like the last 2 months never happened and we were still in our groove.”

They started the run through, not stopping, choreographers and tech making notes as they went. Justin was surprised by what he remembered, not rehearsing as much as he probably should have. There were a few bumps, but by the next full run through, Justin was satisfied enough to call it a night after stage setup and everything they had done. 

He got settled as much as he could into his hotel room, putting his picture frame on the nightstand. “Good night Deana,” he sighed. 

The next day was Deana’s sister’s birthday. Her nephews were still with her parents. After work, Deana went to her parents to make cards and pictures for the boys to make for their mom. 

“You ready, boys?” Deana asked. He nodded with big smiles, their art in their hands. Deana started the FaceTime call. 

“Hi, sis!” her sister said. Deana shifted the camera to show the boys. “Hi my boys!!”

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!” they shouted. They showed her the pictures they made and such. 

“They’ve been spoiled rotten, just so you know. Mom and Dad have been talking them to the park, the movies, out for pizza.”

“That’s what grandparents are for, right?” her sister said. The boys talked with their mom on things they did, places they went, but wanted to go play. 

“Go ahead, boys, Mommy wants to talk to Auntie.  I love you.”

“Love you Mom,” the boys said before leaving the room. 

“I heard it’s been a rough couple of days…”

“How did you…?”

“Dani told J, J told me. Not all the details, but that things with your guy hit a rough patch.”

“He had to go back to work, so I won’t get to see him for a few weeks, then a few months until the tour wraps in April.”

“I’m sorry. J made it seem worse than that though.”

“It’s complicated.”  J knew Deana had been with guys, but their sister was something else. Despite her brother being a doctor, their sister had been the Golden child growing up. To tell her sister everything that had happened, she was afraid to disappoint her sister, even more afraid of being lectured. “We talked a bit last night and smoothed things over. It’s gonna be busy for him for a while so I’m not sure how often I’ll get to talk to him. I knew it was coming, but now realizing how different things will be for a while.”

“I just hope he’s better for you than Paul. From how Dani talked about him, you’re better off. At least you didn’t sleep with him, I’m guessing that’s why he cheated on you…”

“Yeah, something like that…” Deana lied. 

“I gotta get going, but thanks for the call, and I hope things work out. Three weeks is almost no time at all.”

“Bye sis. Happy birthday.”  She ended the call. I can never tell her the truth about Paul, or even what happened with Bruce. She’s too overprotective and judgmental. 

She went home, made a quick dinner, and laid down on her bed. Sure could swear she felt his arm around her, reality set in when she rolled over to what had become his side of the bed. She took the frame he’d given her, looking at the pictures.  Those days felt like an entire lifetime ago compared to where she was now. They were so happy, everything ahead of them. They didn’t have a care in the world, no threat of the tour looming over them. Now it was her reality, the loneliness was setting in. 

She took out her phone. Hey, hoping rehearsals and stuff are going well. Miss you, hope you talk to you soon. 

It was honest, direct, without seeming too needy. She knew not to expect an immediate reply, but her heart sank a little after even 5 minutes went by and nothing. She knew he’d be busy, but had no idea what his schedule would even be like. Doing shows at night, would he be asleep right now? She hadn’t thought to ask him before he left. 

Justin had been in rehearsals and run throughs all day, so that the following day would be more relaxed before the show. He was getting to a point of mental exhaustion, needing a break. 

“Can I get just 5 minutes?” he asked, as if he couldn’t make that decision without their approval. 

He sat in the dressing room, and pulled his phone out of a jacket he had on a chair. He smiled, seeing a text from Deana. He read it, and as he went to reply, his phone went dead. 

“Fuck,” he sighed, knowing he didn’t have a charger there on site. 

He headed back out to the stage area. “Does anyone have a charger here that I can use?”  No one had one, phones had been turned off to focus on the show. 

His assistant ran out to get him a charger, but they were in the middle of a run through when she got back. She went into his dressing room to plug in his phone, making sure it connected to charge. 

He saw his assistant as he continued the run through. She nodded and gave him a thumbs up. He nodded and kept going. 

By the time he got back to his dressing room, it was almost midnight, and Deana had work in the morning. He took the charger with him just in case. He was so focused on the show that he’d forgotten about her text being the reason he even needed the charger in the first place. 

He got to his hotel room, got ready for bed, and crashed. 

Deana kept checking her phone during breaks and lunch, but there was still no word from Justin.  She was wanting to worry, fighting every urge to play over every possible worst case scenario.  She reminded herself that things were probably just really hectic right now, and would be for a while.

She got home, plopped down on the couch, and pulled out her knitting.  She was almost finished, having the extra time to work on it.  She found her mind wandering, no longer able to control her thoughts.

Was that text just to get on my good side again?  Is there someone on crew he might be getting close to? She did her best to snap out of it.  No, he said he was bad at charging his phone, maybe that’s all it is.  He’s probably really busy with rehearsals and stuff.  I don’t even know what his part of everything is, so maybe it’s something he has to be there before everyone else, stay after others leave, I’m sure his schedule is very different than it used to be.  I don’t work again til Monday, so hopefully I can distract myself enough to get through the weekend without driving myself crazy.  I’ll see if Dani is free for a girls weekend or something, at least for A FEW hours.  I just wish I knew what was going on with him…

Her phone buzzed, and she soon had her answer.

It was the day of his first show back.  He felt excited and nervous at the same time.  He was in his dressing room trying to relax, when one of his dancers knocked on the door.

“Come in,” he said, sitting up a bit seeing her come in.

“I haven’t heard you talk about that girl of yours since the flight.  Things ok with you two?”

“Shit, did I really get so wrapped up in all this that I forgot about her?  Shit, shit, shit…”  He grabbed his phone.  Her last text was from the day before.

“I’m an asshole…” he sighed.

“Hopefully she’s forgiving, it’s been crazy trying to get ready.  Just wanted to check in, I know you’d been worried about her.  I wasn’t sure if you not bringing her up was a GOOD thing, or a BAD thing.”

“Thank you, I’m mad I didn’t remember.”

“See you out there, Justin,” she said, walking back out of his dressing room.

Hey, sorry it took so long to get back to you.  I went to reply to your next and my phone died, then I was so exhausted from everything that I crashed once I got to my hotel.  My boss is a real slave driver, he joked, wants everything perfect for the fans.

Who IS your boss?  I don’t think I ever asked.

He had his tour jacket in his dressing room.  He took a picture of the back, and had her beanie over it.  

So when you said you were close with Justin, you meant you’re part of his crew?

Something like that, he smiled.  No cell phones on the stage floor during rehearsals so everyone is focused.  He feels bad for postponing and rescheduling everything, he wants it to be absolutely perfect.

It’s not his fault, though, that it happened.  It worked out for us, maybe it worked out for other people too… I miss you.

I miss you, too.  It's been crazy busy, but you do pop into my head.  Usually it’s at a bad time, so I have to refocus.   Tonight is the first show back so everyone’s a little nervous. 

Do you need to get going?

No, I’m not needed for a while. My part is only for the main show. Fans aren’t even let in yet. How was work?

It was good. It’s been rough the last couple days, working about things with us. 

Really?  I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to make you worry. Why were you worried?  Because you hadn’t heard from me?

Yeah. I kept telling myself you were busy with stuff, wasn’t sure what your schedule was now. 

Yeah, the first day was long, lots of rehearsals and all that. There should be a little breathing room now.  I’ll do my best to text you every day, even if it’s just before the show, or maybe after. Are we ok after what happened a couple days ago?

Yeah. Getting those texts from you reminded me you aren’t like the other guys I’ve been with. I worried that everything we’d been through meant nothing to you, just steps to get me into bed with you. 

You mean EVERYTHING to me. You know I would have been fine not getting into bed with you if you weren’t ready. Maybe we should step back a bit on that. 

We kinda have to for the next three weeks…

I meant once I’m back in town. As great as that night was, I don’t want it to be a source of stress…

It shouldn’t be a problem as long as you don’t try to sneak out again. 

Never again, I promise. If l hadn’t gotten that text, things would’ve been different. 

Yeah?  How so ?

I’d have still been in bed when you woke up, whenever that would be. 

I told Dani I was hoping for another go that morning. Dani said our next time will be even better, make up sex on top of being apart for so long…

Do you always talk to Danielle about things like that?

I mean, not in exact details, no. But I needed to in order to make sense of why I was upset. 

Now that you mention it, I think I have a perfect idea for our next time. 


At my place, after a night to remember even without sex. 

You seem awfully sure of yourself…

Besides my having to leave, have I disappointed you yet?


I have lots of ideas for one specific night. The other nights will be great just spent in each other’s arms. 

That sounds great. There are times I could swear you’re lying next to me. Then I turn and it’s empty. I think that’s been one of the hardest parts so far. I know it’s only been a couple days, but knowing you can’t be here beside me, just because.

The next few weeks will fly by before we know it.  It already seems like forever ago that we met, hasn’t it?

I was thinking about that.  The two people in the pictures on my frame had no worries about the things we do now, it feels like a whole lifetime ago somehow.  

Before you know it, you’ll be back in my arms and I’ll get to hold you.  I gotta get going, make sure I eat something before this all starts.  I have a phone charger I keep with me everywhere now just in case, so that’ll never happen again.  I miss you.  I’ll send a quick text after the show.

Break a leg.  I know that’s more for the performers, but just in case…

There were still several hours before the show started, but having talked to her made him feel much more relaxed.  Things were back on the upswing; he was back on the road doing shows, he had his health, and he had an amazing girl, even though she couldn’t be there with him.  

He grabbed something to eat, and started thinking of what he could do to surprise her.  Suddenly, it came to him.  Of course.  She’ll absolutely love it, and it’s something I would ‘never do’ so it won’t throw her off.  It’s gonna be a little weird going back through it all, but I have a rough idea anyway.  He sat with his phone in his hands, working on the perfect surprise for her so she could have a piece of him whenever she wanted it.

The show ended, going perfectly for a first night back.  Justin was feeling on cloud 9, that he had given them a great performance and that the rest of the tour would be just as good.  He showered, got dressed, and headed towards the cars to head to the hotel.  

“Not so fast, mister,” one of the band called out.  He took Justin to the rest of the crew, waiting with a couple shots for everyone to celebrate a great first show.

Justin raised his first shot.  “Thanks everyone, tonight was amazing.  We gave it our all, and it showed.  The rest of the tour is gonna be great.  To a great first show!”  They raised their shots and cheered before taking their shots.  The second shot was because one shot is never enough.

“Did your girlfriend forgive you?” the dancer from earlier asked.  

“Yeah, things are good again.  I think that was the extra boost I needed tonight.  Going on stage knowing there was no anger, resentment, or regrets, especially on her end.”

“I’m glad,” she said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He got to his hotel, waiting until he got there to text her.  He settled in, not tired after performing, double checking everything he’d done on his phone earlier.

Hey babe, I know you’re not awake right now, but the show was great.  While waiting for things to start, I made you a little something.  Right now there’s not a lot to it, but I can always add more to it, or you can if you want.  I thought you’d really like this, and I hope that it reminds you of me.  I miss you and can’t wait to talk to you again.  Sweet dreams, baby.


He knew she wouldn’t get it until the morning, but he was able to relax a bit more.  He looked at the pictures of the two of them.  It does feel like forever ago that these happened, even the one within the last few weeks.  I still remember them like they were yesterday, but so much has happened between then and now.  Time is a thief, Justin, you know that all too well.  Some days I still feel like I’m 20, other days I feel my age.  Every day that passes is one day closer to heading back to NYC and seeing Deana.  I’ve never been so excited for time to fly.  I remember thinking that about being on vocal rest, but after meeting Deana, I wanted time to stop.  Now, I’m ready for it to speed up so I can see her sooner.

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