A few days passed, and Deana was getting used to Justin not being around, things more back to normal.  She missed him, but she knew she couldn’t mope around for the next 2 weeks, let alone the next 2 months.  

She had just gotten off work, and was picking up groceries on her way home.  She had been making food instead of ordering take out and out of box stuff, drinking more water, and the people at the gym knew her face.

She got back up to her apartment and started cooking.  Her brain flashed back to when she and Justin cooked together.  She smiled, and grabbed her phone, putting on the playlist he made her.  She’d been playing it a lot still, any time she missed him that wasn’t at work.  

Her phone buzzed.  She smiled, thinking it was him.  Hey, how are you doing?

She sighed.  Paul, leave me alone…

I thought you were trying to be nice.

Neil told me you owe me an amends.

I do, but I’m still not sure what all I’m going to say.

Well I do; sorry I cheated on your over and over, sorry I all but raped you the first time we had sex, sorry for mentally manipulating you that I always got my way…  That’s a good place to start…

I’m sensing hostility…

Ya think?  Until I hear you apologize, I can’t trust you.

How are things with your guy?

What gives you ANY right to ask that?

Just a concerned friend.  Heard you guys had a fight on Tuesday, because you sang with me.  He sounds jealous, not good, Deana…

He’s amazing, and I’m done talking to you.  The next time you talk to me, it better be to make amends.  

You still owe me, I’ll never let you forget that…

She stopped texting before she said something she’d regret.  Do I text Justin about this? She wondered.  All he asked was how I was doing and I pounced all over him.  Maybe I was too harsh.  No, this exactly the kind of mind games he played with me while we were together, making everything MY fault, never his.  Still, maybe this one time, I did overreact.  I don’t want to have another fight with Justin.  Two in one week was bad enough, I don’t want  more.  I do miss him, though, so I’ll text him.

Hey babe, I’m making dinner, but just wanted to let you know I miss you.  Pretty good day today, trying to get used to you being on the road.  

Hi beautiful.  I miss you, too.  It’s hard for me, too.  I love being on the road, getting to do what I love to do, but I wish you could join me.  Justin’s a great guy, I’m sure he’d be ok with you joining the tour crew.  Not actually work or anything, but so we can be together.  

I thought I’d distract you… she smiled.

You might, but I’d get to hold you in my arms every night, wake up to you every morning.

That does sound great, but what about my job?  I have rent and bills to pay… I can’t expect Justin to cover all that.  I don’t have a lot of vacation time, just a couple weeks…  Then there’s the being in different cities every day.  I don’t know that I could handle that, getting in the way of things.  

What if I covered stuff for you?  With all the projects I do, I make good money.  You could focus on school, you were still wanting to move in with me in April, right?  We could just pay your rent until then, or give notice and put your stuff in storage until we get back.

Babe, that’s way too much.  I can’t ask you to do that.  I do want to move in with you, but you’ve only been gone a week and a half.

I hadn’t even left yet when we seemed all but certain that’s where this was headed.  Is it not anymore?

I do want to move in, but it’s too much of a change in such a short time.  When would I even join you?

I could get you out here ASAP, fly you out on Justin’s plane…

No, that’s WAY too much to ask him to do, he’s your boss.

I think you’d be surprised at how generous he can be sometimes.  

Still, no, it’s too soon.

Maybe after we come back to NYC?  Gives you some time to think about it.  

Maybe.  Please don’t push this again, I don’t know if I’m ready for all that.  I’d have to pack everything up and it’s just a lot of stress on me right now to decide.

Sorry.  Again, sometimes ideas pop into my head and I just run with them.  I don’t like missing you this much.  I want to see you in person, not just on my phone or a screen to watch karaoke.

I know, me too.  We’ve got one week down, only 2 more to go.  Justin’s birthday will be the best day of my life cuz I’ll get to see you.

You have no idea…


Nothing, I’ve said too much…

Well, dinner’s almost ready, and by ready, I mean probably burned.  I’ll talk to you later.  Have a great show.

She had tried her best to text and watch dinner, and thankfully it wasn’t ruined.  She ate, did a little post meal workout of light yoga she remembered from a class she and Danielle had taken together, trying to build more activity into her life.  

Another few days passed, and Deana was enjoying her Sunday.  Danielle was coming over for a healthier brunch.  Deana made whole wheat pancakes, poached eggs with a veggie relish, and mixed fruit.  She opted for juice and sparkling water compared to the added alcohol of champagne.

Danielle came in, dressed to hit the gym later.  “It looks great, I just hope it tastes ok.  I’m glad you’re sticking with this, D.”

“I’m trying not to weigh myself, going for how I feel inside, and noticing some of my clothes are a little looser already.  Let THAT be what guides me, not numbers on a scale.”

“That’s good.  As you build more muscle, the scale won’t tell you much.”

They sat down to eat.  Deana watched as Danielle took the first bite of pancake.  “Not bad, not bad.  What is that taste, it’s familiar…”

“Just a tip I got from Bruce.  A little vanilla and cinnamon.  Maybe a lot for this first time around…”

“Well, they don’t taste like cardboard, so that’s a plus.  What’s over the eggs?”

“I diced up mushrooms, bell peppers, and spinach and cooked it all down in a little garlic salt and salt free seasoning.  I thought about doing sweet potatoes country style, but I decided not to go TOO crazy my first try.  I do wanna show Bruce before I eat, I think he’d enjoy how it looks if nothing else.

She snapped a picture and sent it to him.  At home brunch- whole wheat pancakes, eggs with a veggie relish, and fruit.  Trying to eat healthier, and not a bad first attempt for a full breakfast.  I miss you.  Talk to you soon.

That looks AMAZING!  We’re in Memphis, so hitting up Justin’s favorite places, having a thing at his house.  Any excuse to stay in town a few days and see his mom…

I hear Mama Lynn is great.  Would I meet her if I was on the road with you?

I thought I wasn’t pushing that…

I know, but just asking.

Well, she’ll be there for his birthday, so you might run into her, yeah.  He thinks you’re great, by the way.


He saw you on screen on Tuesday.  He said you’re good.  I told him I told you that but you don’t listen.

Wow, just… wow.  He’s seen my picture?  

I told him all about you.  He wanted to know what was making me so happy.  Well, happier than normal.  I really do owe it all to you.

“Dani, he showed my picture to Justin, he knows who I am.  I’m dead, bury me now…” she laughed. “Told him all about me.  Can you IMAGINE getting to be friends with Justin because I’m seeing Bruce?”

“Where ARE things with you guys?”  

“Things are better.  Everything is smoothed out from when he left, and when I sang with Paul.  I may have snapped at Paul when he texted me a couple days ago…”

“He deserves it.  What did he say?”

“First he just asked how things were going.  I may have told him to leave me alone.”

“You’re standing your ground, that’s good.  Ignore me, I’m here all the time.  Text him back!”

Where are you right now?

At his house.  We’re in his studio, I can send you a picture of where the magic happens…  He’s got a project he’s working on and needs my help.  I told you, we’re pretty close…

What’s the project?

Can’t tell you.  It’s a secret.  

Fine…  had to try.

I’m sure.  I’ll tell him you say hi, he’d love to talk to you sometime.  

I don’t know that I could handle that…

He smiled.  Deana, if you only KNEW… he laughed to himself.

I’ll let you get back to your breakfast, tell Dani I say hi.  I miss you.

I miss you more.

I’ll let you win this time… bye beautiful

“So, are you guys together, or what?” Danielle asked.

Deana did a spit take all over Danielle.  “Well, not in so many words.  I’d been afraid to put a name on it.”

“You’ve slept together, pretty sure you’re together.”

“I slept with Paul, does that mean WE were together right away?  He was a casual thing at first, remember?”

“So you two are just casual?”

“I don’t know what we are.  I’m afraid of pushing him away if I ask, but he hasn’t asked to be exclusively dating.  I mean, I know I’m not seeing anyone else, but I also have no other options.  Him, he’s hot, I’m sure he’s at least had offers…”

“And he’d actually take them up on it and ruin what he has with you?”

“He’s on tour, how would I even know?   Shit, what if that’s what he’s doing…”

“Deana, the man asked you to pack up your stuff and be on the road with him the next couple months.  That sounds pretty exclusive to me.”

“We still haven’t called each other anything beyond Babe or Baby, so I don’t know, and I’m afraid to ask.”

“Do you consider him your boyfriend?”

“I mean, I guess…”

“You two need to talk this out at some point.  You don’t talk about moving in, marriage, kids with someone you aren’t in an actual relationship with…”  


“I guess. I just figured we’re both over 35, do we call each other boyfriend/girlfriend? It just sounds so teens and twenties.”

“Significant other? I call J my boyfriend, I’m his girlfriend, we’re the same age you guys are. Call it whatever you want it to be.”

They finished breakfast, Deana did dishes, and then they did some stretches and light yoga before hitting the gym. 

“You gotta be careful, Deana. There’s a sweet spot between doing too much and not enough with weights. If it’s too easy, your muscles aren’t being stretched. If it’s too hard, then you get sore. You also bulk up if you do a lot, so do just enough that it’s not too easy without looking like you’re trying to impress somebody by Jose much you can lift without dying. Remember when we took that walking class in college?”

“I was sore for a week after trying to keep pace with you. It hurt not doing anything, more so any time I had to move.”

“You pushed too hard for too long.”

“Story of my life…” Deana laughed. “But with guys, not exercise.”

“But now you’re being too relaxed.”

“We slept together, he even has a rough idea of it next time when he’s back in town. Clearly he’s not thinking this is slowing down…”

“Well damn, I guess keep it up then if you’re already planning for when he’s back in town.”

They continued to work out, doing different machines based on their comfort levels. They split ways to go home and shower. “With any luck I’ll get another workout in with J,” Danielle teased. 

“Ick, that’s my brother!!” Deana squirmed. 

“Don’t mean it’s not true…”

“At least you’re getting some. I had the best sex of my life a week and a half ago with at least another 2 weeks to go.”

“You guys haven’t, over the phone… have you?”

“I’ve tried but he’s not really into it. He’ll give more general stuff compared to specifics. I think he’d rather it be in person, I tend to agree.”

“Whatever floats your boats. I’ll see you later, D.”

Deana went home and showered. She grabbed her phone. “I wonder…” she thought aloud. 

Hey babe, what are you up to?

Not much, just hanging out with friends. You?

Just got home, hit the gym with Danielle. 


Just got out of the shower…


I was thinking about you…

Really? You sure?

Who ELSE would I think about in the shower??


Deana gasped. The name at the top was his. Wait, who am I talking to then…


Fuck. I’m SO sorry. I thought you were Bruce. I’m SO embarrassed. 

Deana, I was fucking with you. It’s me. Could you imagine though?

I think I would have died of embarrassment if that had actually been him. Trying to sext with Justin Timberlake… That was NOT funny. 

He chuckled. I thought so. So, you were thinking about me in the shower?


You just said you were. Now I’m picturing you in the shower. Nice mental picture, I gotta say. 

Glad you think so. I still haven’t seen you with your shirt off, let alone naked…

Soon enough babe, soon enough…

Our next time?


???? brat. I have a pretty good idea based on what I felt, but no confirmed visuals. 

He laughed. So what’s in your head as far as a picture of me?

Wait, are we really doing this?

You started it…

Yes I did, I want sure if you wanted to. 

Let’s see where it goes at last. 

Well, I guess overall I’d say muscular without being too much. I hate the super ripped body builder look. You need to be in good shape for work, but not to where it’s intimidating. I gotta say, I was surprised by how strong you were when you carried me that one night. Super romantic and definitely sexy. 

Anything more specific?

Like I said that night, your pants hide you very well. I was surprised by how everything went based on what I felt. Not that that matters to me, I’ve found my exes that were on the  smaller side were much better, more attentive than those that weren’t. So for everything to turn out like it did, wow… 

What was your favorite part of that night?

I know we did it, but I’m too shy to say. I’ll just say your tongue was involved. 

That could be any number of things…

You know what I mean, the one that has me practically screaming in pleasure. 

I still hear it sometimes in my dreams. 

Yeah?  What was your favorite part?

Getting to see what I’d been touching, the fullness of your breasts, the curve of your waist into your hips… But my favorite was making you scream, before and during. 

Is it wrong I’m super turned on right now?

Wasn’t that the point?

I honestly had no idea. I’ve only done this with one guy, and what he typed was better than anything we actually did, so I haven’t been all that comfortable. Morgan and I would write little stories to each other to read late at night but never back and forth like this. 

Well, I’d say if the point was getting turned on, then it definitely worked for both of us. I’m just sad anything done about it is alone, not with you next to me, over me, under me. 

And now I think I need another shower…

Still a great visual, I’ll take it. I’ll talk to you later, this is great but I’d rather do the real thing, get the full experience. 

It was pretty damn good.  The best I’ve ever had, not that that says too much given my limited experience…

It was amazing. We were already close, but it took it to a whole other level. 

It was perfect. 

Next time will be perfect too in its own way. I miss you. 

Miss you too, babe ????????

She put her phone down. Well, that went better than I thought… I’m just glad he was joking earlier, I can’t believe the thought of doing that with Justin Timberlake…


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