They stayed in their suite, snuggled on the couch, going back and forth between talking and kissing.  Around 11, there was a knock at the door.  Justin bounced up and headed towards the door.

“What’s this?” Deana asked, as people started coming into the room.

“I got us an in-room couples massage.”

“Babe, that’s so thoughtful.”

“I could’ve easily paid for you to go down by yourself, but I thought this would be more meaningful, give us more time together.”

And might help relieve any soreness from last night, Deana thought to herself.

“You’re gonna have to peel me off this table,” Justin said.

“I think I AM the table now…” Deana laughed.

They both got up, so relaxed and yet invigorated.  The staff left, leaving them back by themselves.  

“Gwen isn’t on til later, you want to soak in the tub, stay here on the couch?”

“What were you thinking for dinner?”

“Well, let’s talk about it.  We can either do room service and get as much food as we want, no one to judge us, or we can eat somewhere over at Planet Hollywood.”

Deana pulled out her phone. “ I know we just did a steakhouse last night, but they have a steakhouse or a sushi and Japanese place.”

“I know you are picky on your fish, so which would work for you?”

“The Japanese place is fine.  There seems to be a bunch of options for me.  Somehow it feels like a healthier choice, too.”

“If you heard what I said to Joey, then you know I’ll love you whether you stay the same or not.”

“I know, I just worry that I’m gonna be told to lose weight before we start trying to have kids, my sister had to go on a diet and exercise before they’d consider her to be a surrogate.”

“Wait, your sister has been a surrogate?”

“Twice.  The first time with twins.  The second time was twins, but they lost one.  She had them right before Christmas last year.”

“I’m sorry, your sister had a baby while we’ve been together, and I’m just hearing about it?”

“It wasn’t hers, or mine to go see.  She made a whole Instagram account about her experience.  Once she had the baby, that was it.”

“If we have trouble on our own, would she…?”

“I don’t know.  That would be an interesting plot twist.  ‘Hey kids, you were in your auntie’s tummy before you were born.’  I know someone that’s close to the family she was a surrogate for, but it still wasn’t family.  I think that’s too, I dunno.  We’re not even ready for that yet, so why consider it?”

“I just know we both want kids, and I’m wanting to have all the bases covered in case.”

“I know, but we’re still having fun practicing, let’s actually get some real trying in first before we go to backups.”

“I don’t know about you, but last night was definitely fun.”

“Absolutely,” Deana smiled.  “Joey has no idea anything happened?”

“Not that I’m aware of.”

“I almost wanna tell him, see his reaction.  He’ll either be disgusted that we would do that with him within earshot, or impressed that we pulled it off without waking him up.”

“He’d probably just imagine something super boring to be that quiet, nothing like what actually happened.  I’d prefer he have no idea.”

“Like I was actually going to tell him. That’s almost blackmail level info right there.”

“Heard that too, did you?” Justin chuckled. 

“I mean, this is an open floor plan and Joey is loud. Don’t worry, I have no intentions of blackmailing you. Guilting you about something, maybe, but even then I only imagine that once we have kids and I’m just tired.”

“Can we talk about kids for a minute?” Justin asked. 

“I suppose so, I don’t see why not.”

“In a perfect world, what is your timeline?”

“In a perfect world, I’d already BE a mom. Looking forward, I guess start trying within a year, being together just over a year. If we’re engaged by then, fine. I worry that if we wait until we get married, wait a year and then start trying, that it’ll be too risky, too late, whatever.”

“Wait, your sister is older than you and she just had a healthy baby…”

“As a surrogate. It’s not her eggs, she’s just the oven, someone else’s bun.  That’s why she did it, she’s happy with her two boys but loved being pregnant.  Until I deliver a happy, healthy baby, I am terrified of the whole process after conception.”

“Says the child development major…”

“I know what all can go wrong based on my age, I HATE throwing up, and I’m a wimp when it comes to pain. So I feel like even though it’s the one thing I want most in life, I’m terrified for when it actually happens.  I hate needles, but I know I’ll need the epidural. So us talking about this is exciting, but terrifying at the same time.”

“I’ll be with you the whole time. Hopefully we can time it where I’m not working on a project and can literally be at your beck and call wherever you need something. As for the first part of your worries, I do want to have both of us see doctors, find out what our odds look like. I’m sure mine is much easier of a process, but I’ll be there with you if I can for any of your stuff.”

“Thank you.  Is there a reason you’re worried about things on your end?  I mean, it’s not like you have a low sex drive or stamina issues…”

“I mean, I guess not. I was never really at a place in any of my relationships where we were ready for kids, so it’s not like I’d tried with any of them and nothing ever happened.”

“Not even with Jess?”

“I mean, I knew she wanted all of that. I wasn’t sure I was ready, so I ended things. Once I realized that I was ready, it was over. So I never had a chance to really try. I mean, there were definitely times I didn’t use protection, but we’d taken other steps to make sure nothing like that happened. So no, I haven’t been at this stage of a relationship with anyone but you. For me, it’s exciting, I know it’s hard to plan this type of thing, but at least we’re talking about it.”

“What about you, your perfect world scenario?”

“Part of me wants to be married first, but on the other hand I don’t wanna wait. I guess I’d say once you’re done with school, less stress. I don’t want to make you choose family or career, but would you put that off to start our family?”

“It’s crossed my mind more often lately. I know I don’t HAVE to work, so I could find something like subbing that’s flexible. I could even sub in New York and LA, changing my schedules as I know when we’ll be where. I’d want to stay home with them until around age 4, get them into preschool so they can socialize before kindergarten. Everything else will come, socialization is the most important piece. My mom worked, and I’d honestly been afraid I’d have to as well and how that would work. With you, I can be the mom I want to be in an ideal world.”

“You’re sure? I don’t want you to have any regrets or resent me because you never got your dream job.”

“I knew I wanted to be a mom years before I realized I wanted to be a teacher. Given the two options, I have all the time in the world to become a teacher. I can’t say the same for being a mom.  You are literally giving me everything I’ve ever wanted.”

Tears welled up, her face scrunched, unsure whether to hold it in or let it out. 

“What’s wrong?” he asked. 

“Nothing. I hadn’t really thought about all of this until now, how being with you is the happiest I’ve ever been, and you want to give me everything I’ve ever dreamed of, literally and figuratively.  It’s just a lot of emotions, happy tears, knowing I’ll never have to worry again.”

He pulled her close, tears streaming down her cheeks and onto his shirt. “I feel the same way, baby. I’m with the right person, at the right time. I love you, inside and out, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and raise a family together. I feel like I miss out on so many normal experiences compared to Trace, but I’ve always been able to do these other amazing things like travel all over the world and do what I love. Getting married, having kids, I can still be me, but also feel like I’m normal, doing what other people my age are doing that aren’t celebrities.  You’re giving me the things my money can’t buy me on my own.  Even within my crazy hectic lifestyle, having you at the center of all of it is the best thing that could happen to me.  I’m not proposing, but I want you to know that’s on my radar and my ultimate plan for us. I didn’t know I wanted that with Jess.  If I had from the start we might still be together, but I know it now and I don’t want to imagine any of it with anyone else.”

“I feel like tonight is a celebration of sorts now, planning our future and being ready for whatever comes our way.”

“You almost ready?  I know our little discussion got us sidetracked and off ‘schedule’, as if we actually have one right now.”

“Finishing touches, I’ll meet you downstairs.”

He stood by the bottom of the stairs, looking up as he heard the bathroom door open.  How eyes widened as she reached the top of the stairs.  She was in a white top, slits cut in the sleeves, and a black zip front skirt.  She grabbed her black leather jacket off the railing at the top of the stairs, coming down to meet Justin.  Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail.  She had a pink eye palette, starting with a soft pink blending to a neon pink in the outer corner, black eyeliner and mascara.  She had her glasses on.  He had on khakis, a black t-shirt and a denim button up shirt.  He had sunglasses and a dark gray beanie.

“Yeah, I like this outfit.  Does the skirt really unzip like that, or is it just for decoration?”

Deana leaned in close, breathing in his ear.  “I guess you’ll have to find out later, won’t you?”

“Damn, baby, you love to get me going right before we’re supposed to go somewhere…”

“Like it’s hard…”

“I’m not even gonna comment, that’s too easy…” Justin laughed.  

“Your mom’s too easy…” Deana blurted.

Justin’s face froze.

“Shit, babe, I’m sorry.  I don’t know why I said that.  I haven’t done a your mom joke in years.  It just slipped out.”

“I’m used to it from the guys, but not from you.”

“You know I love your mom.  We used to do that all the time until my friend’s mom died.  After that, it was just mean to say in front of her, even if it wasn’t to a comment she said.  I’m sorry…”

“It’s fine.  I’m not upset about it, the guys and I still do it.  Moreso with my mom.  The curse of having a beautiful mom.  I don’t deny it.  The older guys loved when she toured with us.  After she let me tour on my own, they let loose on all kinds of comments.  It was all I could do not to cold cock Chris and Joey a couple times.”

“Hopefully our kids take after your side of the family.  Jonathan is almost your twin, it’s uncanny.  You got good genes on both sides.  Me, I’m afraid I’ll look like my mom forever.  I remember being so mad when someone told me in middle school I looked just like my mom, and that we sounded the same on the phone.”

“Well thank god I have your phone number so that I won’t confuse the two of you.  That could be an awkward phone call…”

“Let’s head on out before we’re late for the show.  We gotta get to the hotel, have dinner, and all that.”

They got on the elevator, stopping just short of the lobby.  “Why are we getting off here?” Deana asked.

“There’s a walkway that goes to Planet Hollywood.  It’s literally across the street.”

She looked out the window, seeing the signage and a giant billboard of Gwen Stefani.  “Well I’ll be damned.”

They walked across the walkway, holding hands.  Justin stopped, turning around behind him.

“Can I help you?”  he asked.

“Sorry, I just wanted a picture…” the woman said quietly.

He slowly walked over.  “I’m all for a picture, but I’m with my girlfriend, and we really want our privacy.  I’ll take a quick picture with you if you want, but can you delete the picture of my girlfriend and I?”

“I didn’t know, I’m sorry…”

“I’ll take the picture,” Deana offered.  She took the woman’s phone, snapping a picture of her and Justin.  Justin wasn’t exactly smiling, but he was being nice to take a picture at all.

“Thank you.  I’m sorry, I…”

“We’re late to dinner, enjoy the picture,” Justin said, turning back to walk with Deana.

“Sorry about that,” he said to Deana.  “I was hoping we wouldn’t be seen by going this way instead of going across at street level, and getting a car to go around the block seemed like a waste.  Maybe the added privacy isn’t a bad idea after all…”

“It was nice of you to at least take a picture.”

“I was worried she was paparazzi at first.  Once I really saw her I was a little more relieved.  If it had been paparazzi I wouldn’t have been so nice.  I’d have looked behind us and kept walking, maybe given a middle finger.”

“Hopefully the rest of the night is uneventful,” Deana sighed.

“At least until we get back to our suite,” he chuckled.  

They got to the restaurant, and were seated at a private table, tucked away from regular guests.  Deana played it safe with chicken and shrimp items, along with ordering edamame and green beans.  Justin of course went whole hog, getting a variety of pieces.  He offered some to Deana to try, some of which she took a taste just to say she’d tried it, even if she didn’t like it. They had a couple drinks before heading over to the show.  They went to a special entrance, going around the line of people waiting to get in.

“Is this a YOU thing?” Deana asked.

“It’s part of the tickets.  We got a front and center table.  It admittedly makes us more visible, but it lets you see a Vegas show up close.  Gotta make your first time in Vegas memorable.”

“I’d say last night was enough to remember this trip…”

“We can do that anywhere, in fact, I hope to many more times,” he smiled.  

They were escorted to their table, a bottle of Moet & Chandon at their table.  “We have this, as well as any drinks we want during the show.  Thankfully the pit is lower, so it’s not like people will be looking up at us, hopefully.  At this point, if pictures surface from tonight, it’ll be fans, and hopefully all good.  I feel bad about earlier, we were just in a rush and I wanted this to go well…”

They opened the bottle, Justin pouring their glasses.  “To great memories of a first trip to Vegas, a wonderful night for a beautiful woman.”  They clinked glasses, Justin giving her a soft kiss.  

They heard some squeals and “ahhhh”s, knowing their cover was blown. “What now?” Deana asked. 

“Well, they don’t seem to mind, so we continue with our evening. If anything, play it up a little for them. Let them see us unashamedly happy. We can kiss, look into each other’s eyes. If you were them, seeing me with my girlfriend, what would you want to see?”

“You being romantic, seeing you both smiling.”

“You get used to it and just ignore it, having a good time.  That’s what we came to do, have a good time.  Soon you’ll be courtside at basketball games, or up in a suite at hockey games.”

“You like hockey?”

“Eh.  I go with Chris sometimes if I’m near Nashville and we’ll catch a Predators game.  Living in NYC, you must be a Rangers fan?”

“Yeah, I don’t go as much as I’d like to.”

“Once you feel comfortable, we can do more.  We don’t have to be seen out every night, but if I wanna take you out, we can’t let people seeing us stop that.  I love you, I don’t want to just hide you away from the rest of the world.  Then they start to ask questions.”

“Like if I actually exist?”

“Like if I’m holding you captive from everyone, friends, family, just to have you for myself.”

“I mean, I could think of worse things…”

“You say that, but it can take a dark turn in the media.”

The lights dimmed, the crowd starting to scream.  They put in their ear plugs as the music started.  Being front and center, Gwen saw them and smiled as she entered the stage.  Her performance was electric.  It had been a long time since Justin had been to a show, he was so used to being the one on stage.  He’d been to jazz or blues clubs, small and intimate.  This was different.  For one, he was more exposed, and there was no way he was getting up on stage to do a song with her.  This kind of stuff was planned way in advance, she had no idea he was coming.  

They sang, danced to the music, enjoying their champagne before getting a round of drinks. 

The show ended, and they waited until people left to make their exit. Some people that had been down in the pit asked for an autograph, and Justin obliged. 

“Is this her?” one woman asked. “Is she why you’re so happy?”

Justin looked at Deana and smiled. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t have to. 

The woman looked at Deana. “Thank you,” she said before walking away. 

“Thank you for what?” Deana wondered. 

“For making me happy,” Justin said, taking her hand in his. 

As they got up to leave, someone from the theater approached them. “Please, follow me.”  They looked at each other, figuring they were being escorted out in similar fashion to being escorted in. 

Justin realized something was off when things didn’t look familiar. “Where are we going?” Justin asked. 

Soon he had his answer. They were let into Gwen’s dressing room. 

“Justin! You should have told me you were coming tonight!” Gwen said, giving him a quick hug. 

“Kind of a spur of the moment thing. I’m just glad that spot was open.  I have a show tomorrow so we were getting a mini vacation in, Deana’s never been to Vegas before.”

“I’m gonna guess you’re Deana, nice to meet you,” Gwen said, smiling at her. 

“I have all your CDs, going back to Tragic Kingdom,” Deana blushed. “That was my soundtrack for 1996-97…”

“Dare I ask how old you were?” Gwen asked. 

“7th and 8th grade.”

“Not too young then.  So, Deana, how do you know Justin?”

“She’s my girlfriend. Since October,” Justin beamed proudly. 

“Wow, been flying under the radar, huh?” Gwen asked. 

“We met during my vocal rest, so I definitely had plenty of downtime…”

“How did you meet?”

They told her how they met, Deana being a barista he knew, but really getting to know her at karaoke.   They told her about being Bruce to hide his identity, finally learning who he really was on his birthday. 

“That’s quite a story. I’m glad you found each other, you both looked so happy out there tonight. Justin, it’s always good to see you, but tonight was just another level.”

“We should probably get going, but it was great to see you tonight, for sure,” Justin said, holding Deana’s hand. 

They walked out of the dressing room, finding their way to the walkway back to their hotel. They got into their suite, Justin closing the door behind them. 

“Don’t think I haven’t been thinking about that skirt all night…” he chuckled, his hands going to her waist. He grabbed the circular toggle on the zipper, finding it opening. “Oh, you are SO in trouble, baby…”

Deana and Justin were sleeping when their phones both started ringing. The sounds of their ringtones going off jarred them awake. They knew it had to be important, blocking all calls except from certain people. 

“Dani, do you know what time it is?” Deana groaned, half asleep. 

“Johnny, what’s going on that you’re calling so early?” Justin asked. 


They listened as the other person on the line talked. They looked at each other. “Shit…” they said in unison. 

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