Day 5

JC and Alice found themselves in their usual corner of the lounge the next morning, well rested and awaiting their fate. They made small talk as they drank their coffee, saying how they both pretty much went to bed after parting ways the previous evening and making no illusions to their other activities and their desires to have spent the night with the other.

In due time, Ivan made his way around with their trail assignments for the morning. JC read the card aloud. “You both will be going through some individual transformative healing later today so this morning is concentrated more on physical preparedness than mental. Work at your own pace in our Meadow to prepare for your day. Your connection will guide the way.”

Alice flipped the card over and found a listing of various cardio exercises to be completed during their time this morning. “So, I guess it’s just a free for all?”

“Sounds more like your previous assertion: wear us down physically so we’re less resistant to the mental stuff later.”

“Still not convinced this isn’t a cult.”

“At least they feed us well.”

“I’m not committing to a no steak lifestyle.”

JC laughed as he cleared he and Alice’s dishes and they traveled the short distance to the meadow. “So, how are you feeling? Like, after last night and everything?”

“Weird…but good. I can’t stop thinking about those gemstones. Like? How did they turn color?”

“They must have had some coating on them we couldn’t see that reacted with the water. What I don’t get is how Vivienne knew what’s going on with me.”

“Could be a lucky guess but most likely the staff is keeping her informed.”

“That’s kind of creepy.”

“Tell me about it. I’m actually not looking forward to meeting her today to “clean my manipura” or whatever the hell it is.”

“Hopefully it’s just some skin detoxifying thing at the spa,” JC said as they reached the threshold of the meadow. “Ok, what’s first up?”

“”Walk at a slow, easy pace for ten minutes to warm up.” I feel like we already did that part just getting here.”

JC gave a look around and could see the trail down to the lake not too far off in the distance. “Come on,” he said to Alice, grabbing her hand and leading her.

“Where are we going?”

“To get some answers, hopefully.” The two made a brisk walk down to the shore of the lake where they had both stood the previous night. Only footprints remained to show they had even been there.

“What are you looking for?” Alice asked.

“I don’t know…something,” JC searched. Finally, a tiny glint caught his eye and he hurried over to the spot the pile of quartz had laid the night before. All were gone but one forgotten piece. JC picked it up and brushed the sand and dirt off of it gently with his fingertips.

“What’s that?” Alice joined him.

“Some quartz from last night. Hold on, I want to see something,” he said, handing her the stone and pulling off his socks and sneakers.

“What the hell are you doing?” Alice started to laugh.

“I don’t want my clothes to get wet again,” he reasoned as he pulled down his sweatpants to reveal his dark blue boxer briefs with tiny quacking mallards on them. Alice couldn’t help but gasp and JC chuckled as he took the gemstone back from her. “Really, Alice?”

“Jesus, I’m sorry,” Alice blushed, becoming conscious she was staring. “So, again, what are you doing?”

“I’m gonna see if I can figure out how this works,” he flashed the gem at her before wading into the water. Alice watched from the shoreline as JC bent over and submerged the stone just as he had done the previous night.

After a few minutes, JC grimaced at the water below him. “What’s the verdict?” Alice called over.

“It’s not doing anything,” JC scratched his head.

“Did you do the thing?”

“The thing?”

“You know, the thing? That Vivienne said.”

“That couldn’t possibly matter, could it?”

“Hell if I know. I’m just as confused as you about all this.”

“Do you wanna try?” JC picked the gem out of the water and pointed it toward Alice.

“What am I gonna do that you didn’t?”

“I don’t know, just thinking out loud,” JC returned his eyes to the stone, trying to solve the mystery.

Alice could see JC was getting discouraged and with a sigh, pulled off her own socks and sneakers and rolled up her leggings as high as possible and went to join him. JC gave her a small smile as she approached and handed over the stone.

Crouched over, Alice put the gem back into the water and moved it about in the same manner JC  had done to no avail. She shut her eyes and half heartedly recited her mantra from the night before, trying anything to get this damn thing to do something.

“Maybe I need to go further in,” JC furrowed his brow, clearly having the same mindset. He stepped out of the water and shirked off his multicolored windbreaker and black t shirt so only his underwear remained as he went back in the lake.

Alice didn’t notice until he was back next to her and plucked the gem out of her hand. She had seen him just as naked in the sauna but her own state of undress had kept her occupied and not fully enjoying the experience in front of her. The muscles in his back shone in the morning sun as he submerged deeper into the water.

“Stop looking at my butt,” JC called back, not turning around.

“I wasn’t looking at your butt,” Alice protested. This time, JC did turn and eyed her. “I was looking at your back. I was working my way down.”

JC laughed hard enough that his footing slipped and his head plunged under the water with a small yelp. Quick as lightning, Alice ran further into the water and as soon as she had enough leverage, dove towards him. By the time she reached him, he had come back up with a gasp, smoothing his hair back and getting the water out of his face.

“Whoa whoa, careful,” JC quickly grabbed her by the waist. “It drops off fast.”

“Jesus, are you ok?” Alice tried to calm her beating heart.

“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks for rushing to my rescue,” he smiled.

“Don’t do that,” she admonished him breathlessly.

“I certainly didn’t plan it,” he retorted then began looking down into the water. “Dammit,” he muttered. “Hold on,” he told Alice before this time intentionally diving under water. Nearly a full minute later, he finally popped up about ten feet further into the lake. “Well, we got wet for nothing.”

“What happened?” Alice casually swam up to him.

“I dropped the quartz when I fell and I can’t find it,” he pouted. “Guess this is just another mystery of this place.”

“Do you think…I don’t even know how to phrase it…”

“I don’t know what to think but I know last night was the closest to magic I’ve ever experienced,” JC thought back. “Whatever mysticism is happening, it’s working.”

“It’s not mysticism, it’s drugs and chemistry tricks,” Alice rationalized. “There has to be an explanation.”

“I understand that and I agree, I just…” JC cut himself off and looked down again. “Is the water getting…warmer?”

Alice looked down as well but couldn’t quite tell. “I didn’t pee in the lake, if that’s what you’re implying.”

“No, I’m not…” JC broke down into a laugh until a wave of warm water rushed over his legs. “See, did you feel that?”

This time Alice did feel the temperature change. “Maybe you hit something when you fell. The town is called Hot Lava Springs for a reason, I assume.”

“Right, that’s gotta be it,” JC agreed though skeptically. The practical side of him wanted answers but, just like last night, the emotional side of him nearly didn’t care what was making him feel good and just that he finally was.

“We should probably head back, looks like there’s a mist forming,” Alice pointed out. 

JC looked over the expanse of the lake to see a light and low fog rolling towards them. He looked up at the sky and could see the sun peaking through the trees. The weather patterns weren’t making sense but he wasn’t used to this climate either, plus the growing warmth of the water was coaxing him to stay.

“It’ll probably go away in a few minutes,” JC tried to reassure Alice, pulling her close against his body. “Let’s just wait it out.”

“You obviously don’t watch enough horror movies. Clearly the lake is turning into a caldron and once we’re cooked, whatever large and upsetting creature that lives in here is going to eat us. Actually, that does explain everything. Vivienne just sacrifices people to the lake monster and in turn it keeps the guests from questioning too much.”

“What I would give to have your imagination,” JC chuckled.

“More a blessing than a curse, thankfully. Right now, however, pretty sure a tentacle is going to wrap around my ankle at any moment.”

“I promise you, nothing bad is going to happen,” JC told Alice calmly, his mood suddenly solemn and tranquil. The look in his eyes and the sincerity of his voice instantly drained Alice of her nerves.

“Yeah, ok,” she agreed quietly, wrapping her arms around JC’s neck.

The two watched in silence as the fog slowly enveloped them, the water temperature rising to mimic being in a hot tub. The warmth relaxed their muscles to the point of having to remember to keep themselves afloat. JC was realizing he had a problem as he struggled with managing both his and some of Alice’s weight.

“Get on your back,” JC told her as he let his legs rise up and found himself more buoyant than previously. Alice followed suit and once she found herself stable, reached over to grab JC’s hand so she didn’t lose him.

“What. The fuck. Is happening?” Alice said as she stared up at the sky even though she couldn’t see anything.

“I don’t know but it feels fucking amazing,” JC stated dreamily. He was experiencing pure bliss, his mind and body as relaxed as he could ever remember. Not that he was doing much remembering at the moment, he was just letting himself go along for the ride.

“Are we dead? This feels pretty Pearly Gates ajacent.”

“Not dead, just floating in space…together,” JC squeezed her hand.

Alice breathed and let that sense of peace she kept trying to fight work it’s way over her. She imagined this was sort of like a very large version of a deprivation tank, where there is nothing around you and you just exist. She never tried one as she knew she couldn’t get her brain to quiet enough to enjoy it but this was beginning to change her mind.

The two stayed like this for an unknown period of time, floating silently, without worry or care until the mist began to lift and the sun broke through. Their bodies sank back into the now cooling water. Alice was wide eyed as she took in the surroundings, noting everything seemed exactly the same as when they had arrived and nearly convinced she’d experienced another hallucination.

“Did we just find the Fountain of Youth?” JC nearly giggled as he began to process what had just happened. “I feel like I could run a marathon.”

“It’s more likely we found where they are hiding the rest of the alien pods from Cocoon.”

“A carnivore and a cinephile,” JC smiled brightly. “I’m beginning to think a date at a steakhouse and a late night movie are in our future.”

“Guess you have even more of a reason now to visit Florida,” Alice teased.

“I guess I do,” JC smirked then registered what he said. He liked Alice and he wanted to keep in touch after the retreat. He still envisioned her as a part of his life yet getting together, having a “date”…the reality of it all was settling in. He didn’t want to lead her on that their relationship could be any more than what it was. He didn’t want that, he kept reminding himself.

A slight breeze brought JC back to their current situation. “Shit, Alice, we gotta get you out of those wet clothes.” Alice raised an eyebrow at him. “For God’s sake, you know what I meant,” JC chuckled as they headed back to shore.

JC sprinted out and threw his t shirt and sweatpants over his soaking body before grabbing his windbreaker and covering Alice’s shoulders. “What are you doing? It’s gonna get wet for no reason,” she tried to push it off.

“It’s fabric, it’ll dry,” JC protested. “We still have to walk back and it’ll help keep you warm a little bit until you can change.” He picked up their sneakers and socks as they carefully headed back barefoot.

Alice tucked her head down a moment and could smell JC’s scent in the jacket. She couldn’t pick out anything distinctive but she inhaled it just the same, wanting to memorize it into the core of her being, fearful she may never get the chance again after a few days time.

The duo made their way back, JC keeping Alice close and rubbing her shoulders in an attempt to keep her warm. “We definitely failed this exercise,” Alice chuckled.

“Eh, we had our own adventure,” JC reassured her.

“Some adventure. What the fuck even was that?”

“I don’t know but I think I’m done trying to figure it out,” JC shook his head. “Maybe there are some things we just aren’t meant to understand.”

“Do you believe in the butterfly effect?”

“Yes and no. I don’t believe that picking this instead of that for like, food, or something affects anything but you know, what if I waited one more week to come here? Things would be vastly different.”

“I don’t know how to feel about the idea that everything happens for a reason, you know? It’s fucked up to think I had to go through all that hell to end up here with you.”

“I’m flattered but I don’t think I’m the prize in all this.”

“Pretty sure things can’t get any better than finally getting to hang out with you.”

“You have no idea what the future holds. Who knows, maybe this is just the catalyst to something better. I hope, uh, I hope I’m helping in some way with that.”

“You are,” Alice leaned into him. “I hope I’m helping too. How do you think it’s gonna go when you get home?”

“I don’t know. You know, Jen’s getting a full week to think things through on her end as well. I always felt I was a pretty independent guy but this is the longest I’ve been away from her since she moved in. I miss her and I don’t all at the same time.”

“Maybe that’s a good sign though. Space doesn’t mean wanting to break up, it just means you need time for yourself. I think that’s healthy.”

“Did you do that a lot with Donny?”

“Donny did that a lot with me. I couldn’t really have my own activities or girls’ night out or anything like that. My time for myself was spent keeping the house in order and then waiting for him to get home.”

JC frowned. He was feeling conflicted about heading home yet every time Alice mentioned something about her former husband, he silently thanked God for having such an amazing and understanding partner.

“It took me a long time to find Jen. I made a lot of mistakes, gave my heart to the wrong people, didn’t give enough to the people I should have. She came at exactly the right time and just…she blindsided me. I wasn’t looking for a relationship and suddenly there she was and I couldn’t stop thinking about her, didn’t want to be away from her. And it was just so easy, you know. She was the first woman I didn’t feel like I had to be this big pop star for. I just was me and that was enough for her.”

“You’re really lucky, JC,” Alice brushed away a tear. “You deserve that happiness in your life.”

JC was silent for a moment. The sincerity in Alice’s voice almost made him believe it…almost. He knew he deserved to be happy but he never felt like he should have such the good life he’d been provided. He was lucky and he knew it. His luck had run out a long time ago, however and lately he felt like he was living on borrowed time.

That thought literally stopped him in his tracks, causing Alice to get a step ahead of him and turn back. “What?” she asked him curiously.

“This rut I’m in, or whatever you want to call it. I know I dug it but this week has been making me realize just how deep it goes.”

“It’s not bottomless, JC. You can climb some of the way out yourself but find the rope and let others help hoist you up.”

“That what you are doing?” JC chuckled.

“Trying,” Alice admitted. “It’s harder to face people than I thought but, you know, I’m working on it.”

“Guess I am too,” he started escorting her back again, silently thinking about the number of tough conversations he was going to have to have when he got back. He thought it would just be Jen but now he was realizing that wasn’t the only relationship in his life he needed to work on.

“Jesus, what happened to the two of you?” Ivan exclaimed as he saw JC and Alice approaching the lounge.

“Somebody decided to fall in the lake and surprisingly enough, it wasn’t me,” Alice quipped, the chill of her wet clothes starting to seep into her bones.

“The lake?” Ivan grew wide eyed. “What exactly happened at the lake?”

“You tell us,” JC stated. “We were trying to retrace the events of last night and all of a sudden the water got super hot and then it all just dissipated.”

“Don’t forget about the spooky fog,” Alice piped up.

“Right, spooky fog,” JC added.

“Look, if this is some Invasion of the Body Snatchers bullshit, can I at least sign guardianship of my kid over to my brother first?” Alice asked earnestly.

Ivan shook his head and gave a low laugh. “Not the first time I’ve heard the aliens theory but not necessary. There are underwater geysers in the lake and it sounds like one went off while you were in there. I’m just glad you both are ok.”

“How do you explain the glowing crystals then?” JC asked him.

“Ah, I see,” Ivan smiled. “I get it. A lot of stuff we do here is…unorthodox but at the end of the day, belief is the most powerful thing we teach.” JC and Alice exchanged looks, silently noting that Ivan didn’t really answer the question. “Why don’t you both go get breakfast and a hot shower? Josh, when you’re ready, I can meet you over at the meditation garden.”

“Why?” JC asked skeptically.

“Because I’m going to do some reiki with you and see if I can help with your voice issues,” Ivan explained simply. “Bring your crystal with you,” he said before turning with a satisfied smile and leaving.

The duo were left dripping and confused. “If you come back different, I promise to avenge you,” Alice told JC sincerely.

JC gave a hearty laugh. “They won’t take me without a fight,” he told her as they made their way back to their rooms to get cleaned up.

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