Day in- Day out- She would wait. Wait for Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and Saturday afternoons. For that's when he would play.

It was perfect timing. She got out of class at 4 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and usually by the time she got back to her apartment put down her books and relaxed for a minute or two, it would begin. She could hear them laughing and shouting and soon that beat, that beat that seemed to propel her into a frenzy.

The sound of a basketball bouncing.

She would scurry to her open window and peek through the sheer curtains through the screen to see them, him, walking into view.

With a deep breath she would put herself together, grab a book to read whether for pleasure or school and as calmly as she could walk out side her door, push her body up on the railing on the balcony, and perch herself there outside her place on the second floor, and watch.

The book was just her cover, just her excuse.

It was Thursday. Exactly 5 o'clock, right when they would be approaching. She was already on the railing "reading" when she heard them.

She actually WAS reading a little. It was Shakespeare, for class. Romeo and Juliet actually. She had read it in high school and seen about 4 versions of it in film.

She smirked. She had just gotten to the balcony scene when she spotted him in the group, strolling, smiling, basketball in hands, him rolling it and spinning it with ease. It would be perfect for him to look up at her and her look out over the court wistfully saying "Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo."

She wondered if he knew, if any of them knew what she was doing, how she watched them. They probably knew, every time they played she was out there, sitting on the balcony, reading, watching them play their game.

When she had gotten the apartment on the corner she was a little skeptic because of the basketball court that was right beside it, and she was afraid all that noise would float into her place.

Now it was a blessing. She got to see him, tall, lean, beautiful.

It was hot. Unruly hot for a March day. The day was on the verge of turning to dusk but it was still hot. She sat there in shorts and a little tank top, letting her bare leg and foot swing a little off the balcony.

It was probably a tad bit dangerous for her to sit there, but she didn't care.

It was so worth it.

And then it happened, her eyes removed from her book for a moment just to get a glimpse of him, and she saw him tantalizingly slow remove himself of that sweaty tank top that covered his torso.

Her mouth literally dropped. Muscles rippled as he tossed the shirt aside and asked for the ball back from whomever it was he passed it to. Sweat made his body shimmer a bit, and she wondered what his skin felt like right then.

A couple of the other guys he was playing with had also taken off their shirts but she didn't care about them. It was him, all him.

It was the whole reason she was out there, perched on the balcony railing "reading".

She forgot about the book at that moment and watched him. He was nameless, a stranger, she had no idea where he lived, what he was like... anything. All she knew was that he would come, and play basketball three days out of the week, and each time she would watch him, intently. So maybe it was a little vain she was so obsessed with a guy just for his looks. But for some reason she knew there was so much more. She studied the way he moved, talked, acted, and carried himself around on the court.

She liked it.

A lot.

He was smooth. Sexy. A damn good player. She had always liked watching basketball, her dad was a huge college hoops fan. He would laugh at times when he would mess up. And he would do cute, dorky little dances when he made a three pointer.

He was just sooo...

Unruly twirls of hair covered his head, making him seem innocent. She knew though, he wasn't. He was too aggressive on the court to be "innocent."

She wondered if he was aggressive in the bed room.

She shook her head from her thoughts and looked back up at the group playing. Then down at her watch, it was almost 6. They would be stopping soon.

A sinking feeling got in her heart.

She sighed and leaned her head back on the post that she was resting on.

She heard it then. "Allright fellas, later."

It was his voice.

She looked back down and the normal group of 6 was down to 3. She watched them converse, watched them laugh, watched them slowly walk away and then disappear behind the building. She leaned trying to see more but when she started losing her balance she stopped and positioned herself back right on the railing.

She was pouting. She should get back inside and cook herself dinner but she didn't want to move. She loved her little spot on the balcony.

When she had mentioned her little admiring to her best friend she had been immediately slapped with the word stalker. Though Tracy was laughing she couldn't help be a little hurt by it. She couldn't help she liked to watch him and didn't want to stop. She tried one day. She tried not going out there to watch him, but...

...she just couldn't say no. She had to see him.

Tracy had told her just to go down there and introduce herself, but she was way too shy to do that. Always had been shy. That's why she liked her balcony position so much. Close enough to admire, but far away so she wouldn't make a complete fool out of herself.

In the midst of her thoughts she hadn't seen him reappear on the court. But finally she did. He had left his shirt lying in the grass surrounding the court. She watched as he let it hang over his shoulder. She couldn't help but stare. He just...he was so gorgeous.

But then, she got caught.

His dark blue eyes locked onto hers and she couldn't move away. She could feel her face burn with red.

He had caught her staring.

She jumped off the balcony ready to run back in her apartment and hide, forever.


She stopped moving. Was he talking to her?

She turned her head and looked over her shoulder. He was standing on the edge of the court, looking up at her, hands on his hips, sweat still dripping off his body, tank still over his shoulder. And she could do nothing but stare.

Definitely couldn't say anything back.

She watched him. He chuckled a little, shaking and lowering his head, shuffling his feet.

And then he did it. He dropped his hands from his hips, looked back at her, smiled a perfect white sexy smile and her.

She couldn't move. Even after he had turned and walked around the back of the building, disappearing from her sight. She just, couldn't move.

It was probably a good 5 minutes before she turn on her heels, slid into her apartment and fell down on her couch.

He...he had noticed her.

It was Thursday.

Right Now Saturday afternoon seemed like an eternity away.


Then it came. Faster and Longer than she had expected. In no time Saturday came. But that day, it took for ever for them to come out and play.

She waited and waited, and finally waiting caught up with her and she dozed off on the couch.

She slept hard, very hard. Probably because she got very little sleep the night before thinking about..him.

She knew she had to get it together. She had never met this guy before and yet she was so...taken by him. Maybe it was because she hadn't been in a relationship in over 2 years. Maybe because all of her dates seemed to just...suck. Maybe because there was really something about him...that she just...needed.

Her nap lasted longer than she planned and soon she was startled awake by a loud knock on her front door. She jumped up, rubbed her dark eyes and looked over at the clock. It was already 4:30. She listened.

No dribbling, no shouting, silence.

She had missed them.

With a groan she pushed herself off her couch and strolled to the door. Not bothering to look through the peep hole she pulled the door open and rested on the edge of it.

Her eyes lazily opened and she gasped at what she saw.

It was him. Sweaty. Breathing a little heavy. Smiling almost shyly.


"Um, hey." She stuttered.

"Yeah, this is going to sound totally weird and if you wanna just say no and slam the door in my face I'll completely understand, shower broke and well, I kinda need one. Do you mind loaning out yours? I'll only be like 2 minutes."

This was NOT happening. Especially not to her. There HE was, close enough for her to touch, wanting to take a shower, in HER shower.

Showers meant no clothes...

"Um, y- yeah sure."

He sighed with relief and stuck out his hand. "Thanks so much. I'm Justin by the way. I live on first floor."

Her hand got lost in his. This hands were big and she knew they would feel perfect over her skin. She bit her lip and looked into his blue eyes, now seeing how deep they really went. "Really I've never seen you before."

Justin's eyebrows bunched together and he looked at her strangely. "You- you haven't?"

She realized her little slip up and hurried to correct herself. "Well I mean, you play basketball right? I come out and read sometimes when you guys are out there..I mean, I think." She knew her face was beet red.

He was smiling at her.

"Yeah, I know."

"Yeah, come on in."

She opened her door a little more and he stepped in. When she closed the door behind him she could smell the odor of sweat on him.

She wondered if that's what he smelled like after sex.

While he looked around her place she closed her eyes and leaned against the door wondering if this was a dream. "So um..what's your name?"

Her eyes popped open and he was staring at her. "What?"

"What's your name?" A drop of sweat was trailing down his neck. It disappeared beneath the fabric of his white undershirt that had spots of sweat stained onto it. His arms were big and muscular.

It had to feel wonderful to sleep in those arms.

Then it hit her. Maybe...just maybe someone else got to sleep in those arms.

"Oh um, Alice."

"Alice in wonderland, eh?" He grinned sheepishly and she saw him turn pink a little.

That made her smile. "Actually that's my mom's favorite movie so well..yeah."

He chuckled a bit, the pink fading back into his tanned color. "That movie scared me."

She shrugged. "I like it."

Justin nodded and she could have sworn she saw him look her body up and down once. "Brave woman."

His voice was a little quieter and...a littler...sexier. Not that it wasn't already sexy as hell, it just seemed like...he ...he wanted something from her.

And he called her a "woman." Not girl, not gal, not lady...woman. She was a woman. When goosebumps started to form on her arms because of his deep eyes staring at her face she knew she had to get him out of there or she might possibly jump this poor man. Oh yes...He was a man.

"So um yeah, I'll show you where my shower is."

She passed him, and led him through her small apartment to her bedroom. She hoped he didn't notice all her laundry that was in piles on her bed. Some of her underwear was on top of the piles. It was embarrassing. The whole situation was.

"So yeah, here's the shower. If you need anything, holler." She grinned nervously and backed out of the bathroom.

He smiled at her. He had a perfect smile. "I'll do that." The door shut quietly.

She stayed there staring at the door, hearing the shower turn on, sighing.

He had to know how gorgeous he was. He was amazing. Charming, sexy, cute, fine, beautiful, kind, funny, sexy...wait...that's already been said.

She started to put up some of her laundry, trying desperately not to think of him when his voice called out to her.

"Hey Alice? Where are your towels?"

She paused, thinking about his body, only wrapped up in one of her towels. "Oh sorry, they were in the dryer, I'll go get you one."

She had done laundry that morning and had yet to finish up. She hurried to her small laundry room, well it was actually just a closet adjacent to her kitchen, pulled out a warm fluffy white towel and shuffled back to her room and bathroom.

Without thinking she swung open the door and stepped in. "Here's your-"

Her breath caught in her throat and she tried so hard not to stare at...him. She tried to leave, she tried to say something but she couldn't function.

There he was, all of him. Every. Single. Inch.

He was...naked...

Ready to step into the shower. Shocked dark blue eyes staring into her brown ones. Body muscular, toned and still sweaty and shining. His body was beautifully sculpted, even he's legs were sexy. His ass was tight and firm. He was naked...

And he was...hard.

"O- oh my god I'm so sorry." She tore her eyes away form his ready sex and blushed immensely. She dropped the towel and slammed the door behind her.

All of her weight settled on that door and she panted. Her heart was beating a million miles an hour, she was dizzy, and hot. Steaming hot.

She had never seen anything so beautiful in her life before.

And he was...hard.

She wondered if it was her. Oh she hoped it was, but she had never thought of herself as someone "sexy."

In fact the last time she had thought that was when her friends had painted her in leather pants and a backless top for her 21st birthday the past year and taken her out dancing. She didn't even think herself as someone very sexual. Her last experience was at least 2 years ago with her boyfriend of the time. But he was always into...himself.

He'd get off and she'd be left there, usually pinned to the bed, unable to move and unpleased...

Maybe Justin would please her.

-Maybe NOT!-

She scowled herself and stormed out of her bedroom. She had just embarrassed the hell out of herself and was sure he wanted nothing to do with her now. She did just barge in on him like a moron.

She was a moron. Totally gone for this guy that she had spent less than 10 minutes with.

And yet had already seen every inch of him.

She smiled and shuddered at the thought.

About five minutes later she was perched on her couch, just sitting when she heard the shower cut off.

She wondered if he had taken care of his "problem" in her shower. The thought made her tingle.

-Stop it. You are being perverted.-

She waited, and finally she heard her bathroom door crack open, her head shot towards her bedroom. She could see the bathroom door from where she was sitting. It was barely opened, and finally it was pulled more opened, and there he was again...this time just covered by her towel.

She shot up from the couch and walked towards him, trying not to look too eager but casual. "Listen, I'm really-"

He put up one hand and chuckled, keeping his other hand where he had hooked his towel around his hips. "It's ok. Don't worry about it."

She shook her head and her eyes pleaded with his. "Please just let me apologize. I just, I normally don't have people come over and ask to borrow my shower. Especially not men that look- ok, I'm just going to shut up right now before I complete horrify you even more." Her hands covered her face. Yup, here she went, screwing up her chances with him.

-Like you had a chance in the first place.-

"No please. Y- you haven't horrified me at all. Just relax, Alice." His hand was touching her shoulder. She jumped at his touch and looked at him like he was crazy.

"You're telling me to relax? I just saw you naked. And now you are dripping wet in a towel 2 feet from me."

He shrugged. "Sorry I just, I didn't want to put my sweaty clothes back on."

"Were you planning on walking down a flight of stairs in MY towel?!"

She immediately felt bad. She had yelled at him. She didn't mean to. In all honesty, she was just nervous as hell. Justin's face softened and his head bowed. Now she felt even worse. "I..I don't know I'm sorry."

She could kick herself. "No, no..I am."

Justin shook his head, his damp curls spraying a little water around. "Please just, stop. Listen, I'm going to get my clothes and go. I'm sorry I've made you uncomfortable."

He turned and she stepped forward. Her voice was louder than expected and her step larger. "No WAIT. Don't..don't go." Her hand had touched his naked back, and it snapped back from the skin she had touched.

He was hot, and smooth. She could smell how clean he was.

And right now she wanted him more than anything she ever had in her entire life.

He turned. He was taller than her by a good few inches. His straight eyebrows arched. "No?"

"Well if you need to or w- want to, you can." She bowed her head, looked down at his bare toes. Even his feet were gorgeous.

This wasn't fair.

-Give it up Alice. Just give it up.-

"What if I want to stay." Her head shot up and almost hit his.


He smiled softly and looked down at her sincerely. "Come on Alice. Why do you think I came up here to shower instead of my neighbors or someone I knew better."

She stuttered when she felt his hands on her upper arms right below he shoulders. Her baby tee shirt allowed him to touch some of her skin. She could feel the heat radiating off him. "I- I don't know."

Was he leaning forward? Oh yes he was... "It's because every time I come to play ball with my buddies, you're there. Sitting your little fine self up there, reading or whatever it is you do. I always get caught up in just lookin at you, wondering what the hell you are doing, who you are, why you sit out there. You make me mess up. And I don't mess up in ball. Sorry to be cocky but I'm damn good. God, just sit up there..a and...your eyes are turning colors."

His declaration amazed her. She had no idea he had noticed her that much. But now, he had totally changed the subject. He was staring at her so hard. "What?"

"Your eyes, they are like, black, kinda." He grinned a lopsided smile.

"BLACK!?" Her face lit up with amusement. Black eyes? He was crazy.

"Yeah...You know they say the color of your eyes changes with mood." His lips pursed. He could be cocky.

Why did she find that sexy?

"Do they?"

His face seemed deathly close to hers. "What color are mine?"

She felt his breath scamper across her face. She whispered. "Navy."

"Uh oh.."

"What do you mean 'uh oh'?"

He was so close at that moment, yet she wanted him to be so much closer "That means you are affecting me."

She grin and looked away. She still didn't believe she could have an effect on someone. "Bull shit."

He smiled at her and looked down at himself. "Oh really. Would you like proof."

She looked down as well, she now could see that he hadn't taken care of his problem. She could see his arousal bulging against the soft cotton of her towel. "No, I mean yes...I mean no." She turned red again. He had managed to make her mind flutter.

"Shhh, relax Alice." Her eyes widened a bit and she stared up at his face, longingly. He was looking at her like he wanted something, her...But no man had wanted her, ever it seemed.

She couldn't believe he did. "J- Justin..."

"Hmm..." His lips were seriously only an inch from hers.

"W- what are you doing."

"Well I was planning on kissing you. If that was all right." He licked his lips.

But instead of him kissing her, she grabbed his face in her hands, planted her lips on his and kissed him...hard.


Large hands were gripping fabric, small hands were gripping flesh. Bare feet moved backwards across hard wood while cute little socked ones pushed them there. Groans and moans and sharp breaths filled the air.

His back hit the wall.

He chuckled, his lips meshed still with hers. She pulled him out of the way and pushed him into her bedroom.

Her hands moved over his broad round sexy shoulders and down, pushing on his chest. She could feel his tight nipples under her palms and moved down further to his stomach. She could trace he abs with her fingers if she wanted. But right then she had other plans.

She pushed him further. He grabbed her in his arms and they went flying back. For the first time in minutes their lips were seared from each other.

Justin was panting under her, smiling and she was panting over him, looking shocked and scared.

"Oh...oh my god I'm so sorry."

He smiled and tuck a piece of her chestnut hair behind her ear. "Why Alice?"

"I just like, attacked you." She blushed and bit her lip.

He grinned and lifted his lips to kiss her nose. "I liked it."

"Y- yeah..."


Her eyes met his and her breath was taken away. "Yes."

His hand came up to cup her cheek. She leaned her face into his palm and closed her eyes. "What do you want?"

Her eyes lazily opened. She could feel him pinned against her denim shorts, pressing into her. She hoped she wasn't squishing him too much. She was topless besides her bra and he was...naked, again. ""

He smiled and tilted his hips up to get a little friction between them. "I'm all yours baby."

Her smiled melted into his and they kissed, letting their tongues mingle passionately.

He pulled away breathlessly and whispered against her swollen lips. "Wait. Do you have a boyfriend or anyone that is going to beat me up for this?"

"No. You a girlfriend?"

She waited for him to answer. He just smiled and spoke low. "Ask me, do you have a thing for being on top? Is this how you usually do it."

She blushed automatically. She might as well just keep her face that constant shade of red. "Oh, um..sorry. Actually, it''s been a while."

"For you too eh?" She looked down at him. He was nodding, his hand running up and down her back, stopping to finger her bra clasp, teasing her.


"I broke up with my girlfriend about half a year ago. It's been..well, lonely since then." He smiled sheepishly and brought his hands down her back, further and further down.

She whispered. "Two years on my end."

"I'm sorry Alice."

She smiled and looked back at his face wiggling her hips in to his. "Why don't we stop talking."

He grabbed her ass in his hands and pressed her intimately into him, making her quietly moan. "Good idea."

His lips caressed hers just for a moment before trailing a straight path down over her chin to her neck. With a push of his body into hers he managed to get Alice on her back, she didn't mind at all.

She laid back and wrapped his curls around her fingers as his lips trailed down her chest. He placed light teasing kisses against the silk edge of her bra, where her flesh was heaving. One of his hands came up and cupped her through her bra, while his mouth sucked on her other nipple through the silk material.

"Ohhh..." Her back arched and when she looked down at him he was smiling, his eyes locked on her face.

"You like that?"

She nodded but wanted so desperately to get her bra out of the way. "Take it off.?"

He grinned and pushed himself off her, standing up at the foot of the bed. She laid back looking up at him, admiring his gorgeously sinful body. He was tall, he was muscular, he was lean...and he was big. "Sit up." He commanded, and she did just that. Her eyes were level with his belly button. She couldn't help but let her eyes follow the trail of hair down, down to his long and hard sex, ready for her.

Boldness came over her and she leaned forward bringing her lips to him.

"No no no...Alice no."

She pulled back and fumbled with her hands that were in her lap, afraid she had had done something wrong. Her fell to his knees in front of her and looked up at her face, making her look at him.

His hands held her cheeks. "Alice not today. Today is your day. It's been too long for you, and all I want to do is please you. So you just relax and feel, I don't need you to do anything for me. All right?"

Her wide brown eyes stared into his. "But I'll feel selfish."

His hands traveled down her sides to her hips and he pulled her to the very edge of the bed, so that their chest were almost touching. "We got all tomorrow to switch positions ok?"

She gasped at his words. "T- tomorrow?"

"Yeah, if you want that is." She closed her eyes, groaned and leaned in.

"Kiss me."

Her mouth wove with his and she tilted her head to the side letting his tongue slide against hers. She felt his warm hands on her back, fiddling with her bra strap.

He got it unhooked and moved his hands over her, releasing her from that article. His hands automatically felt her up, holding, cupping, squeezing and pinching. His mouth ripped away from hers, and she felt his hands leave her.

Her eyes drifted open then clamped shut when his lips puckered around one of her nipples. His hands were on her thighs massaging her legs up to her shorts. she felt him grip her thighs as his lips moved to her other nipple and bathed it with his tongue as well.

Her back arched up, pushing her breast further into his mouth. She felt his fingers brushing against the front of her denim shorts.

He pulled away breathless. "L..lift that fine ass up girl."

She pushed her hips off the mattress and before she knew it her lower body was being covered with the cool air of her apartment. She lowered her hips back to her bed and felt him pull her shorts and underwear totally off her legs. She supported herself up on her elbows and watched him smile evilly at her as he pulled off her white socks.

Once done with the task he gripped her ankles and pulled her towards him.

She gasped.

And then she couldn't even function when she saw him take one of her smooth legs and place the crook of her knee over his shoulder.

"J- Justin.."

"Shhh Alice. Feel don't think."

So she did that. She didn't think. She just felt his hand on her hip, saw his eyes on her body, felt his breath on her thighs and then finally she couldn't see anything because her eyes were squinted shut.

She felt like she was floating in air. Her back wasn't resting on the mattress because it was arched so highly, her ass was being pushed down into the mattress and her core, was being kissed passionately.

She couldn't catch her breath if she tried. He was doing things to her she had never imagined. His tongue slid slowly, twisted and flicked, his hands were firm on her hips, holding her down and massaging her buttocks and thighs. She felt his nose rub gently against her clit as he thrusted his tongue skillfully in and out of her wet center.

And he was lightly singing something.

" do you get to wonderland?...Over the hill or underland..or just...behind...the treeeee..."

She looked down at him. Just seeing the top of his head and her hands that were gripped into his hair. "I..I um, thought you hated that movie."

His eyes appeared. She saw the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes showing he was smiling. She also felt his perfect smile against her most intimate parts. "I do..." His lips kissed her briefly. "But..." His teeth nipped at her. "my little niece loves it." His tongue thrust in once and then out. "I have the songs imbedded..." That dangerous tongue flicked over her little bud of nerves. "in my brain."

"Oh god...." Her back arched and she knew she was almost there.

"Noooo..." He pulled back.

Her eyes opened and she looked down at him frantically, reaching out with her hands trying to find him. "N?!"

"Not yet Alice." His body crawled over her. She felt him brush against her thigh. His smile was then above her face, looking down at her with care.

"Why not?" She whispered.

"Not until..." He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. "...I'm in you."

She looked up at him, his darkening eyes, his smile. He was so gorgeous. And he was all hers.

"I need you so bad." She whined.

He nodded leaned his body down against hers. His arousal was pinned against her thigh and hip, their chests were pushed together, and his mouth and hers intertwined once again.

She could feel his hand traveling down her side to her bare hip and finally he grabbed her thigh and brought it around his hip. She felt his body shift against hers and finally she felt him, throbbing between her legs.

Their passionate kiss broke. Eyes searched each other, and finally he pushed himself a little off her, their heads pressed together and they both looked down at their bodies.

She watched as he took himself in his hand and pointed to his target. She bit her lips trying not to groan when she felt the head of his penis pushing against her. And then his hand left his member, and they both watched as he pushed himself painfully slow into her tight heat, and disappeared from view.

Her body arched into his, and he grabbed her hips to help guide him into her smoothly.

"Shit Alice."

He remained deep in her, she figured he was waiting for her to tell him it was ok to continue, but she wasn't ready just yet.

It had been so long since she had had a man complete her. And having...Justin...complete her, just like a man should, just like she had been wanting and NEEDING a man to, made it even more special than she could ever imagine.

She couldn't talk. She couldn't find words to say, so she just lifted her other leg and hooked it around his narrow waist, placed her hands around his back and held on to his shoulders and moved herself down and then back up his length. Her head lifted and she clamped her lips against his, hearing him groan into her mouth.

And then, it was his turn to move. He pushed himself off her a little to get better leverage. She looked up at him, his forehead a little sweaty now.

He might need a another shower, she thought.

She looked up at his face as she started to feel him moving in and out of her. He was slow at first, gentle, letting her get use to the feel of having a man make love to her again.

But finally after a few minutes she needed something more. She couldn't talk still but she managed to pant out one single word. "M- moorrreee.."

He picked up the pace. Thrusting a little harder. Pushing into her not as languid, hitting that spot. "Like this?"

All she could do was nod.

Thrust after thrust he gradually sped up his pace until they were both groaning and their bodies were rocking together as one, so close to their peak.

"I'm gonna lose it Alice..." She heard him pant. She felt his breath hit her face. She could feel herself tightening around him, feel him shaking deep inside of her.

She couldn't hold on any longer. She felt him throb and then explode inside of her, and with that last thrust...her body shook, she couldn't hold back the scream of his name, she grabbed his shoulders tightly...and she came.


some time later that day...

A soft feminine singing voice floated around the room quietly. "Cats and rabbits....Would reside in fancy little houses...And be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers...In a world of my own..."


She turned her head on the pillow to look at him. She smiled. "It's from Alice in Wonderland."

He nodded and scooted closer to her under the sheet. "Ohhh..yeah. Sorry I'm a little out of it."

After smiles and kisses were shared, she broke away and looked at him shyly. "J..Justin, I have a little confession."

His hand held hers, and she watched as he brought it up to his mouth and kissed her fingers lovingly. "Tell me Alice."

She looked away from him and down at their hands that were linked together. "I go out there because of you."


It took her all the courage she had but she managed to lift her eyes to his. "I...I don't read. I sit on the balcony because...I watch you."


She immediately blushed. "Yeah, I know I'm a freak."

"No no...that's...flattering..."

He was smiling at her and she was surprised by it. She was scared she was going to scare him away with her confession. "You don't think I'm weird?"

"Not at all, sexy." HE chuckled when she blushed at his words.

He thought she was sexy. They had made love twice in the afternoon. Talking inbetween, getting to know each other. She was right...he was an incredible man.


She turned her head towards him and smiled. "Yes?"

He was biting his lip and dipping his head closer to hers. "I have a little confession of my own."

"What's that?"

"well..." He grinned evilly and leaned in to kiss her briefly. He pulled away and smiled.

"My shower isn't really broken."

Mere is the author of 28 other stories.
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