Chapter 15

New York

Amy bounced into April’s studio that morning with a grin on her face.  She had a plan and she couldn’t wait to tell April all about it. 

“Good morning April!” Amy said in an almost sing-song voice.

April was hunched over her sewing machine, sewing button holes into a shirt but looked up when she heard Amy’s voice.  Amy was grinning down at her, offering a cup of coffee in her outstretched hand.

“Umm…Hi…you’re awfully cheery this morning, evening for you.” April replied giggling.

Amy just smiled more. 

“It could be the three cups of coffee I’ve had this morning or it could be I am just really excited.”

“Three cups of coffee?! It’s only 9!” April exclaimed.

“I got up at 5.  I couldn’t sleep.  I was too excited.”

April put down her seam ripper and looked up at her friend/publicist/manager with a questioning look. 

“Ok, I’ll bite, why are you so excited?” April asked giggling.

“I have an idea!” Amy exclaimed.

“What is it?”

“Well, your collection has been getting some attention what with your sister’s music video and the album art work.   I’ve received a few calls from different labels so I was thinking you should do a fashion show in LA…”

April nodded. “Go on.”

“Send an invitation to some of the major music labels, maybe a few television and movie studios too, you know, just for good measure…”

April smiled and shook her head.  She knew all too well how excited Amy got when she had idea, lucky for April, they were usually good ones.

“Ok, sounds good so far, but what about models?  Most models are booked for the season, or won’t be available on short notice and it’s not like just anyone can rock my collection.”

Amy grinned.  “You wouldn’t need very many models, maybe 3 or 4 at the most and I happen to know 3 people who could TOTALLY rock your collection.”

April made a face.  “Oh really?! Who?!”

Amy smiled again, but it was more of a nervous smile.  She knew this probably wasn’t going to go over very well, but in her opinion, it was a GREAT idea and would give April some additional press with very little effort.

“Umm…well…you and your sisters.” Amy answered seriously.

April’s eyes narrowed and her lips pursed together tightly. 

“OH, HELL NO!” April growled.

“Why not? I think it’s a great idea.  You already know that Alexis looks good in your designs …”

“Why not?! Well, for one, I am a designer, not a model.  Two, Alexis HATES me and barely speaks to me, so yeah, she’s TOTALLY going to do me a favor, and three, Michelle will refuse just because she doesn’t want to be in the middle…again, and I don’t blame her.”

Amy nodded then sank down into a chair next to April.

“All valid points but look at this from my perspective.  One, you and Alexis have very similar body types so you already know the clothes will fit.  Lots of designers model their own designs so it wouldn’t be the first time.  The three of you are GORGEOUS! I know, I’ve seen some of your family photos.  The fact that you’re related is a unique selling point that other designers don’t have, and having Alexis as a model is a HUGE asset in terms of marketing.”

“She won’t do it!” April shot back.

“You haven’t asked her.” Amy replied.

“I don’t have to! Did you not hear me? She HATES me and barely speaks to me.”

Amy smiled.  “I heard you.  Use this an opportunity to get the two of you talking.”

“She’ll just hang up on me.” April replied sighing.

“So, then go out there.”

“Go to LA?” April exclaimed.

“Yeah. Sure. Why not?!  She can’t hang up on you if you’re standing in front of her.”

April laughed sarcastically. “Maybe not, but she can slam the door in my face.”

“I’ll go with you, be your buffer.  We can go to LA and you can talk to your sisters about doing the fashion show and bury the hatchet with Alexis.”

“It’s not going to work.” April sang sarcastically.

Amy grinned.  “You’re right, it won’t, at least not if you don’t try.”

April sighed heavily.  “It’s a good idea, it really is, but my sisters will never go for it.”

Amy nodded.  “You don’t have to make a decision today.  We’ve got some time.  Just think about it.  Like I said, if you want to go out to LA to talk to them, I will go with you.”

April nodded. “I’ll think about it.”

That night when April returned to her apartment, she quickly changed into a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt then settled into bed with her laptop and a glass of wine.  She had a lot to think about.



Josh: What are you doing tonight?

The collaboration with Alexis was finished.  The music video was in the pre-production/storyboard phase and for once, JC didn’t have any plans for the evening.  He was hoping Alexis didn’t either.

Alexis: washing my hair! 

JC chuckled.  That was one thing ALL of the Moretti girls had in common, they were all extremely sarcastic.

Josh: Well, you do have a lot of it

Alexis just smiled and shook her head.  She could only imagine where he was right now, and what he was doing.

Alexis: Did you have something in mind?

Josh: Would you want to come over? I’ll cook.

Alexis raised an eyebrow and giggled a bit.

Alexis: You can cook?

Josh: When I say “cook” what I really mean is I’ll order take out

Alexis laughed.  He was such a bachelor it wasn’t even funny.

Alexis:  How about I’ll come over and cook?

Josh: You can cook?

Alexis just laughed more.  He was cute, even when he wasn’t trying to be.

Alexis: I can.  Michelle and I typically take turns cooking.  It’s her turn tonight so she won’t be mad that I’m bailing.

Josh: See you in an hour?

Alexis: Sounds good, just text me your address so I know where I’m going

Josh: Got it

Within seconds of putting down her phone Alexis made a dash for her bathroom.  She wanted to freshen up a little bit before heading over to Josh’s place. 

Quickly, she peeled off her clothes and turned the water on in the shower.  She didn’t know what she was walking into but she had a feeling that something was going to happen.  Her shower was quick, but thorough.  She wanted to be ready for anything.

As soon as she was out of the shower Alexis shimmied into a pair of boyfriend cut underwear and matching bra.  Then she pulled on a purple V neck cotton T-shirt and a pair of jeans.  They were just going to be hanging out and having dinner at his house so there was no point in getting dressed up.

Alexis arrived at JC’s house exactly an hour from when JC had texted her.  She couldn’t help but smile and shake her head at the enormity of his house.  Of course, his house was HUGE, he was a famous Pop star/actor/producer.

“Hi.” JC said smiling as he held open the door.

“Hi.” Alexis smiled back.

“C’mon in.” JC said before stepping out of the doorway.

Alexis smiled again and stepped into the house.  It was definitely a bachelor pad but it suited him.  Everything looked clean and modern.  Leather couches, stainless steel appliances, and a few pieces of art. 

“Nice place.” Alexis said surveying her surroundings.

JC nodded. “Thanks.  It’s nothing too fancy, but I like it.”

“It suits you.”

“You think so?” He asked smiling.

Alexis nodded. 

He was dressed casually as well.  A pair of jeans and a t-shirt.  He screamed comfort and oozed sex appeal.

“So, what are you cooking?” JC asked as he looked her over.

Her brown hair fell down her back in waves and green eyes seemed to sparkle when she smiled.  Her jeans and t-shirt hugged her curves perfectly, leaving very little to the imagination.  She was gorgeous he thought.

“Excuse me?” Alexis asked confused.

“For dinner.” JC replied chuckling a bit.

“Food.” Alexis shot back with a smirk.

“What kind of food?” JC replied.

“Good food.” Alexis teased.

JC laughed.  “Well…yes…of course.”

Alexis giggled. “Let me see what we’ve got to work with.”

He grinned and started towards the kitchen with Alexis only a few steps behind him.  She was checking out his backside and laughing to herself.  It wasn’t the first time she’d checked him out and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, but she had to admit his looks had definitely improved over time.  He wasn’t as scrawny as she remembered him.  He had more meat on him now, more to grab on to.  She shook the thought from her head and followed him to the fridge. 

His fridge wasn’t completely empty but it wasn’t well stocked either.  However, it made sense.  He was a busy guy and probably wasn’t home much, especially now that he was working on album and prepping for a tour.

After a few minutes of perusing his fridge and pantry she approached the stove with some butter, a few tomatoes, garlic and some dry pasta.

JC raised an eyebrow as he pushed himself onto the counter top next to the stove to watch her.

“Do I dare even ask?” JC teased.

Alexis laughed.  “It’s pasta.  I’m ½ Italian, my grandmother would roll over in her grave if I messed this up.”

“Good point. The butter just threw me off.”

This time it was Alexis’s turn to tease him.

“It’s butter.  No real mystery there.”

JC chuckled.  “Maybe not for you.”

“Have you not ever had garlic & butter sauce?”

“I have…I just didn’t realize that was all that was in it.”

Alexis looked over at him and couldn’t help but giggle.  Even if he wasn’t trying to be, he was being incredibly cute.

“That’s literally what it’s called…Garlic butter sauce.  Again, no surprises there.”

He grinned.  “Well, you would know.  Want some wine?”

Alexis smiled. “Sure.”

“Red or White?” JC asked sliding down from the counter top.

“Hmm…white.  I’ve never been a big fan of red wine, it always tastes like Communion wine to me.”

JC laughed at this.  “Communion wine? Are you Catholic?”

Alexis made a face.  “Yes. Or at least I was raised Catholic…I thought you knew that.”

JC smiled as he a grabbed a bottle from the wine rack and the corkscrew from a drawer. 

“Must have slipped my mind.”

Alexis nodded then looked to him.  She could feel the sexual tension building between them.  It had been since that first day in the studio.

“Plates?” She asked finding her voice.

He nodded to the cupboard above her head.  He felt the tension between them too.  It was thick and quickly coming to a head.  Something was going to happen.  He knew it. He just hoped he was ready.

Moments later they were seated at his island counter eating quietly.

“This is good.” JC said between bites.

“You doubted me?” She teased.

He chuckled.  “No. Not at all.”

Then he got a bit more serious. 

“I’ve never doubted you for a second.”

She swallowed the bite of food she’d been chewing and looked up at him.  His blue eyes were deep and full of sincerity.


She really didn’t know how else to reply to him right then.  Normally, she had no problem with talking, to anyone, but right then she was really struggling with her words.

Taking a quiet breath, she raised her glass to her lips and took a long sip.  Both of their plates were empty and her belly was full but now what?

Not knowing what else to do Alexis stood and started to clear the dishes.

“What are you doing?” JC asked as she took his plate.

She smirked a bit.  “What does it look like?”

“You know I have a housekeeper.”

Alexis snorted. “Of course, you do!”

JC pretended to get defensive.  “Something wrong with that?”

Alexis giggled a bit and shook her head.  She knew he wasn’t really offended.

“Nope.  It just doesn’t surprise me, not that I blame you.  This house is MASSIVE, I would NOT want the chore of cleaning it regularly.”

He stood up then retrieved his empty wine glass from the counter.  He grabbed her glass as well, it was still half full.

Alexis took the glass when he offered it to her, downed the wine quickly then looked up at him.  He was all smiles.

“You ok?” He asked chuckling.

Alexis nodded. “Mmm Hmm.”

“Is this weird for you too?” He asked grinning.

She giggled.  “Maybe a little.”

He set his glass down next to the sink, then took hers and set it down as well.

“Would it be weird if I kissed you?” JC asked.

His voice had suddenly gotten quiet and he was standing close, really close so that she could feel his breath on her face.

“Was it weird the last time?” She replied quietly.

JC grinned and shook his head.  “Not at all!  It felt….”

Alexis didn’t give him a chance to respond.  She just went for it.  In the next moment, she had closed the gap between them, throwing her arms around his neck and quieting him with her lips.

“Mmm.” He moaned against her lips.

His arms went around her waist, his hands resting on the small of her back as he pulled her into him more.  Alexis couldn’t help but smile.  She’d been dreaming about this for eight years, maybe even longer, and now that it was happening, she could not control herself.   She pulled away briefly, but only long enough to catch her breath.  She smiled against his lips then began to gently tug at his bottom lip with her teeth.

JC chuckled a bit.  He was surprised by her brazenness but he wasn’t complaining in the least.

“Careful, Pretty lady!”

“Why? Am I turning you on?!” She whispered back, her eyes glinting.

He laughed, but his voice was low and it rumbled through him sending chills down her spine.

“You have NO idea!”

Alexis pulled back a bit and looked up at him, her eyes smiling at him mischievously.

“OH, I think I do Mr. Chasez!”

JC laughed more.  He loved that she wasn’t shy in the least.

“Do you now Miss Moretti?”

She grinned devilishly and nodded.  “I do!”

JC grinned down at her then winked, leaned forward and lifted her from the ground, tossing her over one shoulder.

Alexis squealed with laughter and grabbed at the back of his shirt as he carried her through the house and up the stairs towards the bedrooms.

“Put me down!” She laughed, half squealing.

He grinned and bit his lip as he continued through the house.  “No ma’am! Not until we reach our final destination!”

“Which would be where?” She giggled as she continued to grab at his shirt, placing her hands at his waist to hold herself up and keep the blood from rushing to her head.

“I think you know.” He teased back.

“Are you trying to seduce me Mr. Chasez?” She laughed.

“Abso-fucking-lutely Miss Moretti!” He said with a grin before tossing her down gently onto his California King size bed.

She grabbed hold of his shirt as he did, pulling it over his head and off, leaving him standing at the foot of the bed in just his jeans.

“No arguments here.” She giggled as she looked up at him.

He was standing there, smiling down at her with his blue eyes and that evil grin, still in his jeans but she had a feeling those would be gone quickly as well.  He looked GOOD! His chest, abs and arms had just the right amount of definition, not too much but just enough.  His shoulders looked toned and she actually liked the way his curls just brushed the top of his shoulder blades.  Then there was tiny bit of hair trailing down from his naval until it disappeared beneath the waistband of his jeans and the way that his hip bones jutted down, making the perfect V.  He was HOT as hell and she knew he knew it.

“Are you checking me out Miss Moretti?” He asked, looking at her.

The way she was biting her lip was a dead give-away but he LOVED it!

“Are you objecting?” She teased.

“Nope!” He said with a smirk.

In the next moment he was jumping onto the bed and climbing on top of her.  He immediately buried his head in her neck and started nibbling at her ear.  She giggled, then decided to tease him a bit as well.  Her hands quickly found the waistband of his jeans as he continued kissing her neck and nipping at her ear.  With her fingers she unfastened the button of his jeans then slowly started to unzip the zipper.

He groaned as the feel of her fingers grazed the fabric of his boxer briefs in that particular spot.

“GOD LEX!” He groaned.

“Yes Josh?!” She giggled, whispering back.

“Do you have any idea how BADLY I want you right now?”

Alexis bit her lip then lifted his head a bit so that he was looking at her.

She smiled against his lips then whispered her reply back to him.  “I think I might have an idea, but why don’t you show me?”

JC grinned then chuckled against her lips.  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

JC stood from the bed then made quick work of removing his jeans before climbing back onto the bed and on top of her.  He straddled her, placing one knee on either side of her waist then reached for her jeans.  He unbuttoned them quickly then undid the zipper and used both hands to push them down over her hips and to her knees.  She was just in her panties and t-shirt now and that’s when he noticed her boyfriend cut underwear.  They were black, with a pink waistband and rode low on her hips, and he knew, without even looking that they showed off just a bit of cheek.  In other words, she’d worn them on purpose. 

Grinning down at her he reached down with one hand, pushed her panties to one side and began to tease her with his fingers.  She was warm and wet and more than ready for him.   She gasped and arched her back as his fingers slipped inside of her.

“JOSH!” She moaned loudly as he continued to wiggle his fingers inside of her.

He leaned forward and started to kiss her neck, all while still teasing her.

“MMM! Yes, Pretty lady?!” He replied, his voice low and gravely.

“Please?!” She pleaded softly.

“Please what?!” He teased.

“I want you.” She replied, her voice barely a whimper.

The things he was doing to her were making her crazy.

“MMM!  Do you now? How bad?” He said, lifting his head to look at her.

She giggled and grabbed his arm to stop him. “SO BAD! Since I was 16!”

“Is that so?” He chuckled.

She bit her lip and nodded.  He smiled then pulled his hand free and placed it gently on top of her panties, laying his palm flat against her.

“Can I take these off?” He said tugging gently at the waistband of her panties.

She grinned up at him.  “Only if I can take off yours.”

He laughed out loud, letting his head fall back a bit.  He had definitely met his match in terms of teasing and sarcasm.


Smiling and biting her lip Alexis took her hands and placed them at his waist then shoved his boxer briefs down over his hips and to his knees with one quick movement.  Meanwhile, he’d managed to yank hers off with very little effort.

She looked down at him, ALL of him and couldn’t help but grin.

“Someone’s excited!” She snickered.

“That’s YOUR fault! You asked for it!” He smirked.

“I did!” She giggled.

JC smiled then grabbed her hips lifting them to meet him as he slowly pushed his own hips forward and slipped himself inside of her.

“GOD! You feel GOOOOOD!” He groaned.

“OH!” She moaned as her eyes fluttered closed and she rocked her hips up to meet him.

Back and forth he moved, slowly and gently thrusting himself inside of her all while grabbing her hips to steady himself.  She matched his rhythym and rocked her hips to meet him each time.  She grabbed at the sheets beside her, balling them into her fist as her knuckles went white.  He knew exactly what he was doing.

“LEXI!” He groaned before losing himself.

“Wow!” She whispered as he collapsed gently on top her.

“MMM! Yes…WOW!  You’re…” He chuckled.

She pushed him off her a bit and grinned up at him.

“You doubted me?!” She teased.

He laughed into her neck.  “NEVER!”


“Are you ok?” He asked searching her eyes.

She giggled.  “OH, I am better than ok!”

“Good!” He replied grinning.

JC flopped down onto the bed beside her and instantly pulled her close.

“I have to admit, you’re DAMN GOOD at that.” Alexis said as she snuggled up against him.

“I’ve had some practice.” He said blushing awkwardly.

“I heard.” She smirked.

“I’ll bet…but Lex…you don’t have to worry about that.”

“Don’t I?” She replied, her tone serious.

He shook his head and popped a kiss on her lips.

“Nope. I promise…it’s just you, for as long as you want it to be.  I’ve screwed up enough with you already.  I won’t do it again.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.” She replied grinning.

“Please do.” He replied before popping another kiss on her lips.

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