Chapter 17

Justin left Alexis and Michelle’s place and headed for his own Hollywood hills home.  Joey, Chris, Lance and JC would be there within the hour.  The plan was to keep JC distracted.  Not a simple task with April in town.  April?! Now there was a mystery wrapped in a puzzle.  What was her deal? Why was she in town, and why NOW, after all this time? 

Justin arrived at his house and immediately sprang into action.  Tequila. Check. Playing cards. Check.  Poker Chips. Check.  Tortilla chips and salsa. Double check.

About twenty minutes after Justin finished getting everything ready the doorbell rang.  It was Lance and JC.

“I drove.” Lance said as they stepped through the doorway.

“Smart.” Justin said nodding.

JC was practically catatonic.  He’d been silent the entire drive.  His mind was elsewhere, across town to be specific.

Moments later Joey and Chris arrived.  Quickly, they moved to the dining room where the first round of shots was already poured and ready on the table.

“You move quick.  How long have you been home?” Joey asked as they took seats around the table.

“About thirty minutes, if that.” Justin answered.

Lance picked up the Tequila bottle and grinned.  “Dobel?!  You did get the GOOD SHIT! Did you take some to Michelle like she asked?”

Justin grinned and nodded.  “Two bottles.”

“And?” Chris asked with a smirk.

Justin made a face.  “They weren’t talking, at least not when I was there.”

“It’s been almost two hours.  They really haven’t said a word since they left?” Joey asked, surprise evident in his voice.

JC groaned and dropped his head down on to the table. 

Justin could only laugh a little and shake his head.  “Apparently Moretti girls are stubborn.”

“You have NO FUCKING idea!” JC moaned, his voice muffled by the table top.

“You need to take a shot!” Joey said with a smirk, pushing the full shot glass closer.

“NO! What I need to do is go…”JC started, his face still on the table.

“Go where? Alexis’s place? Not a good idea man! You need to let them air out their “girl drama” first.” Chris chimed in.

JC lifted his head, grabbed the shot glass from the table and downed it quickly.

“You do realize their “girl drama” revolves around me?” JC smirked, setting his empty glass on the table.

“All the more reason to stay put.  I have a feeling that one or both of them will come to you when they’re ready.” Justin replied.

JC sat up and slid his glass across the table, then motioned for Lance to pour him another shot.

“Yeah, and that is precisely what worries me!   The last time April and I were in a room together…well…you guys know how that turned out.” JC said, rubbing the back of his neck.

He was not handling the situation well at all. That much was obvious.

“Yes and No.  You never did really explain what happened there.  All you said was, she cheated, more than once, you found out and then you broke up.”  Chris replied.

“What more did you want me to say?” JC growled before downing his 2nd shot.

“Say whatever you want about it, man.  All I am saying is, there is obviously more to the story or you wouldn’t STILL be wigging out about it eight years later.”

JC groaned then slid his glass back to Lance.  More alcohol was the only way he was going to get through this story.  He was certain of it.  Lance gave the others a look then poured JC a third shot.  He was well on his way to getting SMASHED, meanwhile, the other four had just finished their 1st shot.  It was going to be a LONG night.

“When we came back from Europe, I was so STOKED! I couldn’t wait to tell April AND Alexis everything!  That night, the night we got back I promised Dale and Tony we would go out, which we did.  I don’t remember where we went, but what I do remember is that while we were out Tony told me he’d seen April out with a couple other guys and that the few times he’d seen her she seemed more than just friendly with these guys.  I didn’t believe him.  I didn’t want to believe him, but April started getting distant and breaking plans.” JC sighed before slamming back his third shot.

Everyone stayed quiet.  They knew the story wasn’t over yet.  JC signaled for yet another shot and ran a hand through his hair.

“Then we got offered the Disney Special and I literally raced over to her house to tell her, Lexi and Michelle the good news.  Lexi and Michelle were there, Lexi had just gotten home from dance class or something and Michelle was in the kitchen, I think.  I went up to April’s room…her parents were cool and we’d been dating for a LONG time so they trusted me.  She told me she didn’t love me, that she never did, that she couldn’t be tied down.  I told her I knew about the cheating, which she didn’t deny and then she tried to apologize.  I told her not to, that she wasn’t sorry, she was just sorry that she’d gotten caught. I told her it was done, that we were over and I never wanted to see her again.  Then I stormed out.”

“And that’s when you told Alexis that you couldn’t be friends anymore because she reminded you of April.” Joey finished.

JC nodded before downing his fourth shot.

“I honestly NEVER expected that I would see ANY of the Moretti girls EVER again, although I did hope for it.”

“You hoped for it?” Justin asked raising his eyebrow.

JC nodded a cracked a tiny smile.  “A few years ago, Dale told me that he’d heard Alexis had moved out to LA and I kept hoping, praying, that I would somehow run into her but it never happened…until it did.  I just didn’t know it was her at the time.”

“Yeah, we were there for that part, sort of.” Joey teased.

“It’s making my head hurt.” JC groaned slumping onto the table again.

“I think that’s the four shots of tequila catching up with you.” Lance smirked.

“Yeah, you should have some water or eat some chips or you’re going to be SORRY tomorrow.” Chris snickered.

“Too late! I’m already sorry, sorry I got out of bed this morning.” JC grumbled.

Justin looked to the others and shook his head. 

“You, my friend, need to seriously get out of your own head.  You’re just going to make yourself crazy, trust me on this!” Justin reasoned.

“Are you kidding me?! You don’t know Alexis or April the way I do. ”JC started.

“No, but I know Michelle!” Justin replied.

JC’s eyes narrowed a bit and he smirked.  “YES! Let’s talk about you and Michelle”

“Let’s not.” Justin snapped back.

“She’s like a little sister to me, you know that, right?”

“WAS! She WAS like a little sister to you.” Justin smirked.

“Don’t go there, man!” JC snarled.

The alcohol was starting to take effect.  JC was feeling anxious, confused and maybe a bit angry and he was taking out it on Justin.

“Look man, Michelle and I are just…”

JC raised an eyebrow and Justin knew that given JC’s current state of mind he was going to have to choose his words carefully.

“Getting to know each other.” Justin finished.

“Good! Because I swear to GOD Justin, hurt her and I will give ZERO FUCKS about kicking your ass!”

Lance couldn’t help but start to chuckle and shake his head.

“What’s so funny?” JC snapped.

“You! You need to CHILL out!  We get it! Trust me! The idea of April and Alexis being locked in a room together rehashing their past with you and the eight years of baggage that comes with that is stressing you out, but don’t take it out on Justin, or any of the rest of us for that matter.”

“Exactly, and don’t drag Michelle into the middle of your issues because you know she HATES that.” Justin agreed.

JC nodded but didn’t speak right away.  There was just too much going on in his head at the moment.

“Should we play some poker?” He asked after several quiet minutes.


The next morning April found herself waking up in the guest bedroom of Alexis and Michelle’s condo.  She groaned loudly as the light filtered through the mini-blinds, hitting her square in the face.  April rolled over and looked at the bedside clock, then groaned more.  It was after 10.  She didn’t even remember coming into the guest room or falling asleep.  The last thing she remembered was Alexis and Michelle agreeing to do the Fashion Show and then, more shots of Tequila.

April sighed and rolled over in the bed.  She heard noise coming from the front of the house and decided she needed to get up.  First on the agenda, coffee.

Michelle was in the kitchen, her back to the counter as she stood in front of the stove.  Apparently, she was making breakfast.

“Coffee?” Michelle asked, her back still turned.

April smiled.  “Yes, please.  How did you know it was me?”

Michelle grabbed a mug from the cupboard and walked to the coffee pot. 

“I didn’t.  I just know that neither you or Alexis function in the morning without coffee.  It’s one of the MANY things you two still have in common.”

April nodded.  “I know what you’re doing Michelle.  I know things aren’t completely fixed yet, but, trust me, they are headed in the right direction.”

Michelle poured her sister a cup of coffee then turned to face her.  She set the coffee down on the island counter in front of April and gave her a look.

“I certainly hope so because I am NOT going back to the way things were before.  I can’t!”

April nodded again and cracked a smile.  “I promise.  I am not either.”

“So, what’s your plan?” Michelle asked seriously as she headed for the fridge.

Michelle returned to the Island counter moments later carrying cream and sugar.  She placed the items on the counter in front of April then waited for April to respond.  April just giggled slightly, poured some cream, added some sugar and then took a sip before replying.

“Plan for what?” April asked confused.

“Umm…Josh?! How are you going to get him to talk to you?’ Michelle teased.

April took another sip of her coffee and shook her head. 

“No idea! I’m not really on his list of people he wants to see so getting him in the same space with me much less getting him to talk to me is going to be difficult.”

Moments later Alexis shuffled out into the kitchen.  She was half asleep still and nursing a pretty heinous hangover but was at least somewhat coherent.

“What are we talking about?” Alexis grumbled as Michelle handed her a cup of coffee.

“How we are going to get April and Josh in the same place at the same time, and for longer than five seconds without Josh imploding on the spot.” Michelle replied.

Alexis smirked a bit.  “Have fun with that!”

“You know, I do have one idea.” April said bravely.

“What’s that?” Michelle asked curiously.

Alexis stayed quiet.  She had a feeling that whatever the idea was, it would probably get all three of them into trouble.

April took a breath then another sip of her coffee before speaking.

“Well, I was thinking, since he made it pretty clear the last time we saw each other that he NEVER wanted to see me again, the likelihood he’s going to agree to meet with me is pretty slim.”

“True.” Michelle replied.

“So, then, what if one of the two of you invited him out somewhere and I showed up instead.” April blurted out quickly.

Alexis snorted.  “So, he can go back to hating all of us because of you? I think not!”

April sighed and nodded.  “I know. I know it puts you two in a weird position and yes, he could flip out but what other choice do I have? If I show up at his house, he’ll just slam the door in my face and if I try to call, he’ll hang up.  If he thinks he’s meeting one of you he’ll at least show up and then hopefully I can get him to stick around long enough to hear me out.”

“What are you going to say?” Alexis asked curiously.

She was still skeptical about April’s intentions.  Truthfully, she wanted to believe that April had changed but wanted to see it with her own eyes first.

“That I’m sorry. That I shouldn’t have cheated.  That I should have been honest from the beginning.  That I shouldn’t have said that I didn’t love him.  Pretty much everything I said to you last night.”

Alexis nodded.  It was a good start, and, as much as she hated to admit that April was right, she did have a very valid point.

“He knows you plan to talk to him, so, maybe he’ll be open to it.” Michelle replied.

“How does he know I plan to talk to him?” April asked making a face.

Michelle blushed. 

“Umm…well…yesterday, when we were leaving the restaurant, he asked why you were here and I may have mentioned that you said you were planning to apologize.” Michelle stuttered.

April sighed and sunk down into one of the barstools. “Well, this could get interesting.”

“That’s an understatement.” Alexis smirked.

“Well…we don’t have to figure it out right this second.  We’ve got some time. How about we eat some breakfast and ponder it for a bit.  I don’t think Josh is going to be in a condition to see ANYONE for a few hours anyway.” Michelle replied biting her lip.

Alexis made a face.  “Why do you say that?”

Michelle giggled and shook her head.  “Last night, when Justin brought over the tequila, he mentioned that they were all getting together, that they didn’t think Josh should be left alone.  So, in other words, I thing we have some time.”

April shook her head and tried to hide her smile.  “Ok…good to know, but can we just take a second to talk about you and Justin?”

“What about me and Justin?” Michelle asked, her hands going to her hips.

“I’m just curious.  My little sister is dating Justin Timberlake.  How did that happen?” April replied grinning.

“We’re NOT dating!” Michelle argued.

Alexis laughed.  “You’re not?! Then what ARE you doing because you two are awfully friendly with one another.”

“If you must know, we are just getting to know each other.” Michelle huffed.

“Getting to know each other?! Ok, and just how WELL do you know him?” April teased.

Michelle shot her sister a withering look. 

“It’s not like that!  We hang out. We talk.  I’ve been to his place for dinner a few times.” Michelle snapped.

Alexis smirked and shook her head.  “Yeah, ‘Chelle, that’s called dating.”

“Ok, so we’re dating! I don’t get why that’s a problem.” Michelle shot back.

April giggled a bit before taking another sip of her coffee.  “It’s not a problem.  At least not for me.  It’s just…you and Justin, Alexis and Josh, where is MY member of *NSYNC?”

Alexis’s jaw dropped.  “How do you know about *NSYNC?!”

April laughed.  “I realize they were banned in the house but I don’t live under a rock!  They were EVERYWHERE back in the day!  I don’t think I need to tell you what a pain in the ass it was getting through Times Square on days they were on TRL.  Besides, when your ex-boyfriend starts making headlines with four other HOT AS FUCK guys it’s kinda hard NOT to follow that shit.”

“So, you’re an *NSYNC fan too?” Alexis asked shaking her head in disbelief.

“Of course, I am, you’re not?” April replied.

Alexis blushed and shook her head.  “Not initially, no, but they are growing on me.”

“She recorded a song with them.” Michelle blurted out.

April looked to Alexis, her eyes wide.  It was not at all what she expected but she couldn’t have been more proud of her sister.

“Ok, that’s freakin’ BAD ASS! I CANNOT wait to hear it!  My twin sister and *NSYNC?! Yeah, that’s some NEXT LEVEL awesome!” April gushed.

Alexis blushed more and giggled.  “If the song does well, they want me to tour with them, as their Opening Act.”

April and Michelle both stood there dumbfounded, their jaws on the floor. 

“Wait?! What?! You didn’t tell me that! Justin didn’t tell me that!  When did they say that?” Michelle squeaked.

Alexis smiled bashfully. “Umm…the day I met with them, the day they asked me to do the song.  Mr. Wright said that if the song did well, which they believed it would, that they wanted me to tour with them as their ONLY Opening Act.”

“Please tell me you said “yes.” Michelle squealed.

Alexis laughed.  “I agreed to do the song, didn’t I?”

April grinned.  “Ok, now I HAVE to make things good with Josh!  We can’t have you going out on tour with them the way things are now!”

Alexis raised her eyebrow at her sister and tried not to laugh.  “Why is that?”

April grinned.  “I want tickets, that’s why!  Front row girl!  None of this 2nd level Mezanine SHIT! I need the FULL Fatone experience, up close!”

Alexis snorted.  “Fatone?! Really?! 

“Yes Ma’am! I love Josh, a part of me always will! He was my first, but he was always too scrawny!  I need some meat to grab onto!”

“Your first?! Your first what?” Alexis asked curiously.

April swallowed hard and gave her twin a look.  “I think you know.”

Alexis’s eyes widened as did Michelle’s.

“Wait?! Josh was the first guy you…” Michelle stammered.

April smiled softly and nodded. 

“Does he know that?” Alexis asked in disbelief.

April nodded. “I thought you knew that.”

Alexis shook her head.  “No.”

Michelle just grinned.  “Ok, so if Josh was April’s first, who was yours?”

“Someone from High School, right?” April replied.

Alexis laughed and shook her head.  “Eww! Gross! No!  All the guys we went to school with were…YUCK…No!”

“Ok, so then who was it?” April insisted.

Alexis blushed wildly.  “I’m not telling.”

April paused in thought then grinned.  “Ok, so it wasn’t someone from High School, so that means it had to be…”

Michelle started to laugh.  “A Mouseketeer! Your first was one of Josh’s castmates, wasn’t it?”

Alexis giggled.  “I told you, I’m not telling you who it was.”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t guess.” April smirked.

Alexis laughed.  “Be my guest, but I am not going to tell.”

“Tony?” Michelle teased.

Alexis nearly choked on her coffee.  “NO! He and Josh are practically brothers, NO!”

“Dale?” April chimed in.

Alexis shot April a look.  “Again, NO!”

“Ricky?” Michelle continued.

Alexis laughed.  “Love Ricky, but No! Not my type.”

“Matt Morris?” April replied.

Alexis didn’t reply, she just shook her head.

“It was TOTALLY Matt?” Michelle teased.

“It was NOT Matt.” Alexis giggled.

At this April bit her lip and started to smile as she shook her head.  She had a feeling she knew who it was but was almost certain Alexis would deny it completely.

“I know who it was.” April laughed.

“Oh really?!” Alexis smirked.

“Yes, and it makes perfect sense why you don’t want to say because although he wasn’t as tight with Josh as say Matt, Tony and Dale are he was still a part of that circle.” April reasoned.

“Who?” Michelle insisted.

April grinned evilly.  “Marc! Alexis’s first was Marc!”

Alexis didn’t respond she just put her coffee cup to her lips and tried to smother her smile. 

“Does Josh know?” Michelle giggled.

“Does Josh know what?” Alexis replied innocently.

“About you and Marc?” April teased.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Alexis laughed.

“Yeah, ok, play dumb.  We know the truth.” Michelle smirked.

“Can we get back to Josh, and how we are going to handle that?” Alexis replied, quickly changing the subject.

April laughed.  “Oh, so NOW, you want to talk about Josh?! Yes, let’s talk about Josh! Just what’s going on there? Are you two together?”

Alexis blushed.  “Yes. No. I don’t know!  I think we are still trying to figure that out, or we were, then YOU showed up!  Now I don’t know what’s going on his head, nothing good, I’m sure.”

“Do you want to be together?” April asked seriously.

Alexis gave her twin a look.

April laughed awkwardly.  “Ok, yeah, probably a dumb question or one I should know the answer to by now.  What does he say about it?”

“About what?” Alexis asked confused.

“The two of you.  Does he want to be with you?” April replied.

Alexis shrugged.  “He says he does, or he says he won’t be with anyone else while he’s with me.  That he would give up his “playboy” ways if he thought he had a chance with me, but a chance to do what, I’m not sure. He’s not easy to read.”

April smirked.  “Yeah, that’s my fault, I know that.  Which means I think we need to bite the bullet here and figure out what were doing.  I owe you that much.”

Michelle nodded. “As much as I hate to admit this, I think April’s idea is the best one we’ve got.  He’s too much in his own his head for it to work any other way.”

Alexis sighed.  “April’s idea is the ONLY one we’ve got, but you’re right, he’s not going to come willingly.”

“I’ll do it!” Michelle and Alexis said at the same time.

Alexis cracked a smile and shook her head, looking to Michelle. 

“No, you were right, we’ve put you in the middle for far too long! If he’s going to be pissed at someone let it be me, at least I’m used to it.”  Alexis sighed.

“Really?!” April asked in surprise.

Alexis nodded.  “Yeah, really.  Like I said, he won’t come willingly if he knows it’s you.  He will if he thinks it’s me, and as much as I HATE that it has to be this way it’s obvious you are willing to at least try to make things right.  I need to do my part too.”

Michelle nodded and pretended to cry.  “Look at you two, being all grown and acting like adults.  I’m so proud.”

“SHUT UP!” Alexis and April both laughed.

Three hours later April sat at a table on the patio of Alexis and Michelle’s favorite Mexican food restaurant, “El Sombrero” waiting anxiously for Josh to arrive.  He was late.  Then again, April knew that for him, late was normal.  Unfortunately, it was doing NOTHING for her nerves.  Except for the brief glimpse of him the day before she hadn’t actually seen Josh, in the flesh, at least not this close in eight years.

Yes, she had been to several *NSYNC concerts over the years but she always made it a point to get seats higher up, away from the stage.  She’d always been too afraid to get closer, afraid that he might see her in the crowd and recognize her.  It was a silly thought, there were always THOUSANDS of girls at those shows but it didn’t change the fact that she couldn’t bear the thought of facing him, so, she kept her distance.

It was then, as she was sitting there, stirring the ice in her water nervously that she felt it, his presence, causing her to suck in a breath.  She looked up and there he was, standing at the Host station.  He looked GOOD.  He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a dark blue polo, the top two buttons undone and his trademark Leo pendant hanging around his neck.  His hair was freshly washed and very curly.  He was smiling, which meant he hadn’t seen her yet, because as soon as he did, she knew that gorgeous smile would disappear.

Sure enough, he started to approach the table and just as soon as his eyes landed on April the smile immediately dropped off his face and his eyes went dark.  If looks could kill she would have been dead on the spot.

Josh was seething with anger.  It was in his eyes as he looked at her.  April had just started to stand.  She was dressed in a pair of jeans and flowy, white tank top, her hair pulled back into a loose pony-tail.  She looked just a beautiful as the day he’d walked out but he knew it was only skin deep.  His blood boiling, Josh spun on his heel headed for the Exit.

“Josh…PLEASE…just hear me out…five minutes, that’s all I’m asking, then you can leave and go back to hating me.” April called after him.

Josh stopped and turned back around, his eyes on fire and his jaw clenched tight.

“Why should I?” He snapped.

“For Alexis.” April replied softly.

Josh seemed to scowl at her more at the mention of Alexis. 

“Alexis?! You mean YOUR sister who stabbed me in the back by tricking me into coming here?” Josh snarled through gritted teeth.

This time it was April whose eyes flickered with rage.

“OH, HELL NO! You don’t get to blame her for this because you know DAMN well you never would have come if I had asked you!  She knew you’d be pissed at her, we both did, but she did it anyway because she knew if we had ANY chance of making things right between us, between ALL of us then we had to get you to come here.  SO, PLEASE, if you care about her at all, PLEASE just give me five minutes, that’s all I am asking, then I’ll leave and you continue on hating me like you have been for the past eight years.” April replied.

“You’ve got a minute.” JC snapped.

“Will you sit down?” April sighed.

“Nope.” JC replied curtly.

“Fine.” April replied nodding.

JC looked down at his watch then back up at April.

“Better start talking, you’ve got 45 seconds.”

“I’m sorry! I am SO unbelievably sorry!  I know “sorry” isn’t enough, “sorry” doesn’t fix it or make the pain go away, but I am so sorry I hurt you.  There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about what I did to you…and to Alexis.  I shouldn’t have cheated.  That was selfish and cruel.  I should have been honest with you from the very beginning, and I should have NEVER said I didn’t love you.  I did, just not the way you deserved.  You were my first Josh, and for that, a part of me will always love you but you deserve someone who loves ALL of you, unconditionally.  That was NEVER going to be me.  THAT has ALWAYS been Alexis, I was just too selfish and blind to see it, but I should have…”

“Ten seconds.” JC snapped.

“GOD you are INFURIATING! Are you listening to ANYTHING I’m saying?! Do you hear me at all? I’m apologizing! I’m standing here pouring my heart out, trying to make this right and you’re acting like a JACKASS!”

“We’re done here!” Josh sneered before starting to walk away.

April moved quickly.  She pushed her chair back from the table and darted in front him, blocking the patio exit. Thank goodness the patio was empty except for the two of them because April had a feeling, they were about to make a bigger scene than they had already.

“No, we are NOT! Like it or not, I’m not letting you leave until you hear me out! I think you owe Alexis that much!”

“I don’t owe Alexis a DAMN thing!”

April could feel the rage building inside of her again.  Yes, they may have had their differences over the past eight years but April never stopped loving her sister so she would be DAMNED if she let Josh get away with tossing Alexis aside a second time.

“Jesus, Josh, did I really turn you into that much of an ASSHOLE?!  I’m doing this for HER…for the both of you, really.  It BOGGLES my mind how you can be so blinded by your hatred of me that you don’t see it! She LOVES you, but she won’t admit how much to anyone, not even herself, because she has all the hurt and pain of what I did to the two of you hanging over her!  Yes, she tricked you, we both did, but only because I asked her to, because we both knew you would NEVER come if you knew I was going to be here instead of her.” April fired back.

Josh sighed and finally forced himself to look down at April.  There was a look in her eyes that was far different from the one that had been there the day he stomped out.  Was it sincerity? Was it desperation? Regardless of what it was, she did make some very valid points.

“You might have a point there, I wouldn’t have come.” He grumbled.

“Exactly.” April smirked.

“Are you done?” Josh asked curiously.

“Depends. Are you done listening?” April replied.

“Maybe not.” Josh said shrugging.

“Would you like to sit down and have lunch with me?” April asked bravely.

Josh smirked.  “Honestly, food is the last thing I want right now.”

April giggled a bit.  “Let me guess, too much Tequila last night?!”

This time Josh actually laughed.

“OH MY GOD, yes, you too?”

April nodded and giggled a bit more.  “Yes. Never again! Although, I do have to admit that was some pretty good Tequila.”

Josh grinned.  “That was Justin trying to impress Michelle.”

April laughed. “I figured.”

“Did it work?”

April laughed more. “I couldn’t tell you.  She’s being very tight lipped about the two of them.”

Josh nodded and cracked a smile before reaching for his wallet.  He tossed a fifty down onto the table and then looked back to April.  He was about to take a HUGE risk, but as April had just finished pointing out, if he cared about Alexis at all, which he did, more than he wanted to admit he owed her this.  Truthfully, he owed it to himself as well.

“Do you want to take a walk?” He asked looking down at April.

April smiled and nodded.  “I would like that very much, but don’t you need a bodyguard for something like that?”

Josh shook his head.  “Not in this part of town at this time of day.  As long as we don’t go too far, I think we’ll be ok.”

April nodded then followed Josh out of the restaurant but it wasn’t until they were about a block away that either of them had the courage to speak.

“So…you’re a fashion designer in New York?” Josh managed to get out.

April nodded.  “Yeah.  I’ve been there about 7 years now.”

Josh cracked a smile.  “Got out of Orlando pretty quick?”

April laughed.  “Not quick enough.”

Josh nodded.  “I heard you and Alexis didn’t haven’t gotten along so well since I left..”

“That’s putting it way too nicely.  However, had I known why, how she felt about you, it might have gone differently.”

“It surprises me that you didn’t, you two were so close.” Josh said seriously.

“Did you know?” April shot back.

Josh smirked. “Nope.”


An awkward pause followed but April ended it quickly.

“That was awful, what you said to her.” April said very matter of factly.

Josh groaned. “I know.”

“Did you mean it?”

Josh dropped his head and sighed.  “Back then, yes, but I shouldn’t have said it.”

April smirked. “Nope. You shouldn’t have.”

“I wish I could take it back.”

“And now?” April continued.

“Now what?” Josh replied.

“How do you feel about her now?” April answered.

“I don’t know, she’s hard to read.” Josh replied.

April laughed.  “No. No, she’s not.  She’s all but spelled it out for you.”

“You mean the video?”

April nodded.  “You’ve seen it?”

Josh smirked.  “Oh yes, I’ve seen it.”

“Seems pretty obvious to me.”

“Does it?”

April stopped and looked up at him.  “She’s in love with you, she has been since we were kids, and the only thing standing in her way is ME.”

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