JC grinned.  “Well, now that we have that taken care of should we eat?”

Alexis laughed and nodded.  “Yes, please, before my stomach decides to eat itself.  What did you get?”

JC smiled devilishly and reached for the first take out carton.  “Hmm…what did I get? Let’s see.”

One by one he opened the containers and with each one Alexis’s smile grew a bit more.  He’d gotten all her favorites.

“Beef fried rice, cashew chicken AND Pork dumplings?! After all this time, you still remember my coffee order AND my Chinese take out order?” Alexis asked in disbelief.

JC smiled.  “I told you, I remember everything about you.”

“I’m impressed!” Alexis giggled.

“That was the idea.” JC replied chuckling.

JC opened the remainder of the cartons and for a while they were quiet as they ate.  He kept looking at her throughout the meal, and each time he looked at her he couldn’t help but smile.  After all the heartache, all the years of playing the field and never allowing himself to connect with another person this way he was glad and at the same time relieved to be here, in this place, with her.  To him, she was EVERYTHING he never knew he needed.

After eating ALL of the dumplings and at least half of the fried rice and Cashew chicken Alexis sat back in her chair and sighed with content.  Her belly was full and she was looking back at the man she’d been in love with since she was 12 years old.

“Better?” He asked, a smile tugging at his lips.

“Much!  I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I started eating, then I couldn’t stop, but I did manage to leave you a few leftovers for tomorrow.”

“I get that way sometimes, mostly when I am in the studio.  I just get so caught up in the process that I forget to eat.” JC explained nodding.

“Do you want help with the dishes?” Alexis asked awkwardly.

Suddenly, she felt nervous.  She didn’t know why.  It wasn’t like they hadn’t been intimate before.  They had, a few times.  Then again, she hadn’t actually admitted that she loved him the other times, and he definitely hadn’t said it back.

“Nah! I got it.  I’ll just close up the take- out cartons and put them in the fridge.  The dishes can go in the dishwasher.  You just sit back and relax, finish your glass of wine.  I’ll be right back.”

Alexis nodded and sat back a bit more while JC took care of the leftovers and the dishes.  It was August, so the evening breeze was warm but the sun had started to set so it wasn’t too hot.  Alexis took a sip of her wine and looked out towards the LA skyline.  JC’s house had a great view and because it was a gated community there was no busy street traffic below.  Just the quiet and the warm breeze blowing through her hair.  It was perfect.

When he finished JC returned to the patio and just stood watching Alexis for a few moments.  She was sipping her wine, looking out over the patio wall, the breeze ruffling her hair and the light from the still flaming candles flickering across her face.  She was BEAUTIFUL!

“WOW!” JC breathed out.

“Wow what?” Alexis asked, her gaze shifting towards him leaning in the doorway.

He was leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest as he smiled at her.  It was making her feel warm and tingly or maybe it was the wine, she wasn’t sure.  Whatever it was, just looking at him, looking back at her that way was definitely causing a reaction.

“You! You’re GORGEOUS!”

Alexis blushed.  “Thank you.”

“Ready to go get cozy?” He asked.

Alexis raised an eyebrow.  “Cozy?! Where?”

“Umm…my bed.” JC replied cautiously.

Alexis couldn’t help but smirk.  “Your bed, huh?!  Would you be implying that you want me to stay the night Mr. Chasez?”

“Did you have other plans?” JC asked chuckling.

Alexis giggled, bit her lip and shook her head.  He was being adorable and it was infuriating but sexy at the same time.

“No, nothing that needs my immediate attention.”

“I do! I need your immediate attention!” JC teased.

Alexis laughed at his reply. 

JC grinned, crossed the patio, took her now empty wine glass in one hand and her hand in the other. Then, without a word he started to lead her through the house.  He placed the wine glass on the kitchen counter as they passed then lead her up the stairs to the Master bedroom.

Once inside the bedroom JC stripped quickly.  He pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it towards the walk-in closet.  Then, he pushed his track pants down around his ankles and stepped out of them, leaving him in just his boxer briefs.

Alexis bit her bottom lip and giggled softly, shaking her head as she pulled her crop top over her head and tossed it on the floor with his clothes.  Now, she was just in her jeans and black lace bra.  Still not saying a word Alexis unfastened the button on her jeans, then grabbed JC’s arm to steady herself as she stepped out of them and kicked them aside, revealing the black lace panties she was wearing to match the bra.

JC grinned and licked his lips then grabbed her arm and pulled her to him.

“Come here Pretty lady.” He whispered, guiding her arms around his neck and then placing his around her waist.

“Now what?” Alexis teased, her voice barely above a whisper.

JC smiled, then leaned forward and tilted his head so that his lips were just above her ear.

“This!” JC replied before placing his lips on her neck.

Alexis sighed and leaned into him as JC began to place soft kisses on her neck, leaving a trail of kisses that started just under her ear all the way down to the top of her shoulder. 

“Mmm.” Alexis purred softly as he continued kissing her.

JC took that as his cue and with one sweeping motion lifted Alexis into his arms and carried her to the bed.  Within moments he was naked and on top of her.

“Joshua Scott Chasez, are you trying to have sex with me?” Alexis teased, her cheeks slightly pink.

JC grinned and shook his head.  “No, Alexis Danielle Moretti, I’m trying to make love to you, there is a difference.  Allow me to show you.”

Alexis giggled and nodded.  “Please.”

With a bit of a playful smirk on his face JC dipped his head again and resumed kissing her on the neck.  His lips were soft, but when he started to gently nip at her neck with his teeth Alexis felt her entire body start to tingle. 

For a long time, JC just kept kissing and biting at her neck, causing shockwaves to shoot up and down her spine.  Then, just when she thought she couldn’t stand it any longer he turned his head slightly and covered her mouth with his.  His kisses were soft and sensual but not too soft and not too aggressive either.  After several minutes of this he deepened the kiss, applying pressure with his lips and gently forcing her lips to part. 

Alexis moaned softly and JC smiled against her.  He hadn’t actually “made love” to a girl in a really long time.  Truthfully, he didn’t think he’d ever “made love” to a woman on this level.  He was completely focused on pleasing her and taking care of her needs before his own.  Alexis was just that special.

While his lips were on hers Alexis’s hands were roaming his body.  After several minutes with her arms around his neck Alexis started to run her hands down his chest, gently fingering the baby fine hairs and running her fingertips ever so slightly over his nipples. She traced around them slowly with her ring finger and he groaned against her.  The feel of her fingertips against his skin was making the hair on his neck stand on end and his heart begin to pound in his chest.

Then, her hands continued their journey down his body until she found her final destination. 

“MMM…Not yet Pretty lady! Do THAT and this is going to end before I even get started.” He whispered against her stopping her hand with his.

Alexis bit her lip and nodded, then pulled her hand back and placed her arms back around his neck.

With her hands back in a safe position JC continued kissing on her.  He started on the other side of her neck then kissed a trail down her body stopping just short of the waist band of her black lace panties.

“Do you like these?” JC asked, a glint in his eye.

Alexis giggled. “Yes.”

“Damn it.” JC teased.

Alexis laughed and then before she could say another word JC started to gently pull her panties down with his teeth.

Alexis’s eyes went wide.  JC was grinning and his eyes were on her the whole time.  Once her panties were gone, he kissed his way back up her body until his hips were even with hers.  He captured her lips in a kiss again, plunging his tongue into her mouth as he slowly pushed his hips forward, applying just the right amount of pressure until he was fully inside her.

Alexis whimpered softly and arched her back, lifting her hips to meet him.  He felt her body tense up a bit and he smiled against her lips.

“Relax!  I promise to make sure you enjoy every moment of this.” He whispered.

Alexis blushed a bit, bit her lip and nodded then allowed her eyes to flutter closed.

“Mmm! NO! Open your eyes Lexi, I want to look at you while I make love to you.” JC replied, his voice low and gravely.

Alexis opened her eyes again only to have them lock with his.  His blue eyes were smoldering.  In fact, the love and passion radiating from his cool blue eyes sent shivers coursing through her.  Not once in all the time they’d known each other had Josh EVER looked at her the way he was looking at her now.

With her eyes now open JC pulled back a bit, then pushed forward again.  JC allowed himself to settle into a slow and steady rhythm, pushing and pulling with Alexis arching up to meet him with every thrust.  Alexis felt her body began to tremble and a warm, tingly sensation started to swell inside of her.

“Josh!” Alexis moaned.

JC grinned. “GOD, I LOVE it when you say my name!”

Alexis blushed more then nodded and kissed him hard on the mouth, then she pulled back a bit and whispered against his lips.

“Don’t stop! Please!”

“Not a chance Pretty lady.” JC whispered back.

He smiled at her, then took his left hand and pinned both her arms gently above her head.  With his right arm he lifted her left leg so that her bent knee was resting in the crook of his elbow.  This new position allowed him to push just a little bit more and as soon as he did Alexis let out a small scream.


He didn’t go harder or change the pace but just the simple act of raising her leg changed the game completely.  Within moments Alexis felt that warm, tingly sensation rise to a crescendo and then envelop her completely as she screamed out his name again.


JC reached his climax just as Alexis hit hers and then fell gently on top of her and began nibbling at her neck again until they both stopped shaking.

Once their heartbeats and pulse returned to a normal rhythm JC rolled to his side, their bodies still connected and popped a kiss on her lips.

“GOD, I love you!” JC sighed happily.

Alexis smiled and returned the pop kiss then rested her head on his chest.

“I love you too.  I’m sorry it took me so long to admit that.”

JC kissed the top of her head and chuckled.  “No need to apologize Pretty lady.  We’re here now, that’s all that matters.”

“That was…” Alexis started.

JC chuckled when she didn’t finish her statement.  “It was for me too.”

For a long time after they just lay there together, enjoying the silence and being together.  JC had started to play with her long, dark hair, twirling it gently with his fingers.  He didn’t want to spoil the moment but there were some things he wanted to get off his chest.  Things he needed to know.

“Can I ask you something and you won’t get mad at me for asking?”

Alexis shifted so that she could look at him.  The look in his eyes was serious, but gentle too.

“I can’t make any promises but I’ll certainly try.” She answered cautiously.

“You and Worden?”

Alexis forced a smile then sighed a bit and nodded.  She’d known since the day he’d shown up at JC’s house that this discussion was coming. 

“Yes. We were together.”

“Did you…”JC started but he couldn’t bring himself to finish the question.

Alexis knew what he was asking if he hadn’t been able to complete the question.

“Did we have sex? Yes.  Did we make love? No.  He was my first.  You were with April and I…”

JC cracked a smile and nodded then quieted her with his lips.

“It’s ok.  I get it.  I won’t lie and say that I’m not jealous, but I get it.  What I don’t get, is why you didn’t tell me.” He said quietly as he pulled away.

Alexis nodded.  “I was going to.  You were my Best friend.  Keeping that from you never even crossed my mind, but I never got the chance.  You left before I could say anything about it.”

JC sighed.  “I’m sorry. I am sorry I was such an idiot back then.”

Alexis smiled and put a finger to his lips.  “Shh!  We’re here now, that’s all that matters, right?”

“MMM! Yes!” JC mumbled before pulling her lips into a kiss.

Alexis sighed and leaned into the kiss then smiled at him as she pulled away.

“How about this? How about we agree to leave April and Marc in the past? I can’t be mad at April anymore and you can’t be mad at Marc if they are what brought us here.”

JC grinned and nodded.  “I can accept that, but now I have another question for you.”

“Ok?” Alexis asked raising an eyebrow.

“It’s about April.” JC confessed.

Alexis made a face.  “I thought we just agreed to leave April in the past.”

JC chuckled.  “It’s not about the two of us, or anything that happened back then.”

“Ok?!” Alexis repeated.

“I was just wondering if she was really going to design your wardrobe for the tour?”

Alexis laughed.  “That’s the plan.  I mean I asked her to and she said “yes.” Does that bother you?”

“Umm…yes and no.  It’s a little weird because, well, it’s April and there is history there, but I would be lying out of my ass if I said you didn’t look SMOKIN’ HOT in her designs so I am not going to argue or complain.”

“Fair enough.” Alexis laughed.


The next day, Friday, was the video shoot for “If I Never See Your Face.” Alexis was excited but nervous.  Shooting a music video with *NSYNC was a big deal.  It was such a big deal for *NSYNC, being that this was their first music video since coming back from an almost 5 year hiatus that they had brought in their old friend, and director Wayne Isham to direct the video. 

JC and Alexis arrived at the Sony studios lot at about 8  a.m. She was dressed in the clothes she’d worn to JC’s house the night before but figured it wasn’t a big deal because she’d be changing out of them soon enough. 

JC was just pulling his car into a spot when Kenny and Michelle pulled into the spot beside him.

Alexis grinned at her sister as she got down from Kenny’s SUV with not one, but a whole tray of coffee in her hand. 

“You are my HERO!” Alexis giggled as she stepped out of JC’s car.

No sooner had Alexis stepped from the car and started to approach her sister when two figures blurred past them, yelling and screaming as they ran by. It was Chris and Justin.  Justin was chasing Chris, who was screaming and waving his hands in the air like a giddy teenager.

JC could only laugh and shake his head.

“Not even 9 yet and already Chris and Justin are up to the usual backstage antics.”

“This is normal.” Alexis laughed.

“Normal? No.  Typical? Yes.” JC replied.

“Good to know.” Alexis giggled as Michelle handed her a cup of coffee.

“The Starbucks we went to was out of Peppermint syrup so I got you just a White Mocha instead.” Michelle explained.

“What?! How dare they?! No, I’m kidding, thank you.” Alexis giggled.

Chris and Justin came back around, still screaming and making a big scene that was until Justin saw Michelle standing there with the tray of coffee.

“Oooh! Coffee!” Justin squealed coming to a stop just in front of Michelle.

Michelle laughed and shook her head as she pulled a plastic cup from the tray and handed it to him.

“Yes, Justin, I got you coffee.  One iced, triple, grande White Mocha.”

“Thank you Beautiful!” Justin said smiling.

He leaned in and dropped a quick kiss on Michelle’s lips causing Michelle to blush slightly.  Meanwhile, Alexis could only smile and shake her head.

“A triple?! Wow! I’m like the Queen of coffee and even I don’t do a triple.”  Alexis exclaimed.

Justin grinned.  “Well, I knew it was going to be a LONG day and I didn’t get much sleep last night….”

Alexis’s eyes went wide.  “NOPE! NOPE! NO!  It’s EARLY and I have not had nearly enough of my coffee yet!  I do NOT need or want to hear about your sex-capades with MY little sister!”

“Yeah man, let people get their caffeine fix before hitting them with the naughty talk.” Chris teased as he joined the group.

JC snorted.  “Naughty talk? Really? That’s what you’re calling it?”

Michelle grinned and waved her hand dismissively.  “Pay him no mind Chris.  Josh is just being grouchy because I haven’t handed him his coffee yet.”

“You brought me coffee too?’ JC asked surprised.

Michelle grinned and nodded.  “Absolutely! Anyone who willingly puts up with MY big sister in the morning, BEFORE she has had coffee deserves some sort of compensation for their troubles.”

Alexis smirked and made a face.  “I’m not THAT bad!”

Michelle looked to Chris and Justin and smirked.  “She’s THAT bad.  We’ve been roommates for the past four years…trust me on this.”

Justin held his hands up in defense and grinned back at her.  “This sounds like a Moretti dispute and I’ve been well advised to stay clear of those, for my own safety.”

“Smart man. I knew I liked you.” Alexis teased.

“Traitor!” Michelle snapped back playfully, sticking her tongue out at Justin.

They all laughed at this then Chris jumped in again.

“So…coffee for you two, JC and Justin but who are the others for?” Chris asked nodding to the tray that Kenny had just pulled from the SUV.

He a had a Starbucks tray full of coffee in one hand and his own in the other.  That meant there were still 4 cups of coffee unspoken for.

“Hmm…I wonder.” Michelle teased.

Chris’s face lit up.  “Really?! You brought us all coffee?”

Michelle grinned.  “Umm…duh! Like I could just leave you three out! NO! Of course, I’m not going to forget the other three members of the GREATEST boyband of ALL time!”

Alexis smirked and gave both Justin and Chris a wink.  “Please, Michelle! Show some respect!  New Kids on the Block is the GREATEST boyband of all time!

Michelle made a face and her jaw dropped meanwhile JC couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head.  He knew that Alexis was baiting her sister on purpose.

“You are NOT a Blockhead Lexi!” He chuckled.

Alexis giggled and nodded.  “You’re right, I’m not.  They were good back in their day, and I liked some of the songs but NO, boybands were never my thing.”

“How about now?” Justin asked grinning.

Alexis blushed then laughed and nodded at him.  “Didn’t Michelle tell you?! I filled out my official *NSYNC “fan girl” application and put it in the mail just the other day, after the Release party. I should receive my ID card in 7-10 business days.”

“About damn time!” JC smirked.

It was then that they were joined by 3 more.  Joey, Lance and a man that Alexis didn’t recognize approached.  He was dressed somewhat casually in jeans and a t-shirt.  On his head, a long mess of dirty blonde hair that just brushed the top of his shoulders, and a black baseball cap.   His eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark Ray-ban sunglasses but she could tell his eyes were smiling as were his lips as they approached.

“Well, well, well…JC and Justin, so good of you to join us…and on time for once.  Who do I have to thank for that, and who are these GORGEOUS women you brought with you?” the man asked grinning.

JC opened his mouth to reply but the man continued on before he could even get a word out.

“No, no, don’t tell me…you must be our leading lady, Danielle?” He asked looking to Michelle.

Michelle’s face flashed crimson and she couldn’t help but giggle at his mistake.  Michelle had been a “fan girl” of *NSYNC since before there was an even an *NSYNC.  She’d been crushing on Justin and in awe of JC since the MMC days so she DEFINITELY knew whom it was she was speaking to even if her older sister didn’t.

Still blushing like crazy Michelle took one of the unclaimed cups of coffee from the tray and offered it to the man as she nodded to her sister and then began to speak.

“No, no Mr. Isham.  Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Michelle Moretti, the Publicist/Personal Assistant/Little Sister.  THIS is your leading lady. My older sister, Danielle.”

Wayne Isham grinned and nodded as he took the cup of coffee from her outstretched hand.  “SO, Intelligent, GORGEOUS and thoughtful.  I like you already!”

Michelle just giggled and blushed more.  She was full on “fangirling” at the moment.

Alexis smiled and shook her head as she offered her hand to shake his free one.  “Yes, Hi Mr. Isham, I’m Danielle.  It’s a pleasure to meet you.  Please excuse my sister, the *NSYNCopledia, she’s “fangirling” over you right now.  Truthfully, she hasn’t SHUT UP about you since I told her you were directing this video.  She speaks very highly of you.”

Wayne chuckled.  “I’m flattered, but I have to confess, these gentlemen speak very highly of you as well.  I did my homework.  You’ve got some serious chops girl! I’m excited!”

“Thank you.” Alexis replied as she also started to blush.

“Should we go ahead and get this party started? We’ve got a LONG day of filming ahead of us.” Wayne replied.

Everyone nodded then followed Wayne to the video set.  The video was being shot on one of the LARGEST soundstages on the Sony lot.  The soundstage had been divided into four different vignettes but once you stepped inside one it felt as if you’d been transported to another place and time. Attention to detail had definitely not been spared.  In fact, every vignette was so life-like and real that you couldn’t even tell they were on a soundstage anymore.

Alexis was in awe, and apparently so was Michelle because as soon as Alexis turned to look at her sister, she couldn’t help but smile.  Michelle’s jaw was on the floor. 

The first shot of the day coincided with the first verse of the song meaning Alexis would be front and center with the entire group as Justin “sang” lead.  The vignette for this part of the video was a completely red room.  Red walls with gold accent molding, plush red carpet and two giant chandeliers hanging above the “center” of the room.  In the center of the room five vintage 50’s era microphones on stands and at the back of the room, facing the “stage” area a light brown chaise lounge where Alexis would be.

Now it was time for hair and make-up, meaning Alexis and Michelle headed off to Alexis’s trailer while the men of *NSYNC did the same.

Alexis was going to take a lot longer with hair, make-up and wardrobe and Wayne didn’t want to waste any time so while they waited for Alexis the men of *NSYNC shot all the wide angle and close-up shots for the vignette that Alexis wasn’t in.  That took a couple hours and just about the time that they finished filming Alexis emerged from her trailer dressed and ready to go.

“First shot of the day” Alexis giggled as she looked at one of the many cameras that was documenting the whole experience.

Alexis looked down at herself and took a deep breath.  This was not a dress she would choose for herself but even she had to admit it looked good on her.  It was a black mini dress with a sweetheart neckline and thick silk straps that stopped about an inch or two below her butt.  On her legs, a pair of sheer black panty hose and on her feet a pair of Chanelle pumps.  She was also wearing a pair of long, black satin gloves with the fingers cut out that stretched all the way up to her elbows.  Her fingernails had also been cleaned and manicured and painted a bright red.  Also, not something she would normally choose for herself but she was playing a role and so she didn’t argue.

As soon as Alexis stepped on to the set all talking subsided.  Every man in the makeshift room stood there completely dumbfounded.

Chris was the first to find his voice.

“DAMN!” Chris whistled.

Alexis laughed and blushed.  “That bad, huh?”

“Bad?! No, the only bad thing about you is the thoughts I’m having.” Chris replied.

“Watch it!” JC growled protectively.

Alexis giggled and shook her head.

“What?! She looks SMOKIN HOT! We’re ALL thinking it, I’m just the only one verbalizing it.  I know she’s your girl…I would never…”Chris shot back defensively.

JC chuckled awkwardly and nodded.  Deep down he knew Chris was being sincere.  Neither one of them would ever do that to the other.

“Touche Chris, and for what it’s worth I know you wouldn’t.”

“You look exquisite! Ready for your first shot?” Wayne jumped in.

“Let’s do it.”

Once all the shots for this vignette were on film it was time to move the 2nd vignette for the video.  This one was the dining room scene, and it meant another trip to wardrobe for Justin, JC and Alexis.  This time Alexis was dressed in a black corset top; a white suit coat with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows, a pair of black, bootylicious shorts; fishnet stockings and a pair of Gucci heels this time.

The dining room set was essentially just that, a very large dining room.  Black and white checkered flooring, dark navy-blue walls with white accent molding, another very large, crystal chandelier, two stone pillars at the back of the room with very ornate canisters standing on top and a long marble table with two Victorian era, plush, high back dining room chairs standing at either end.

This time, Alexis was the first one on set but JC and Justin were not far behind and when they stepped onto the set Alexis felt her breath catch in her throat.

An already attractive man in a perfectly tailored suit was the stuff wet dreams were made of and now here were two in front of her.

“Dear GOD there should be a law against this! I think my ovaries just exploded!” Alexis whispered to herself.

“You ok?” JC asked biting his lip.

He could tell by the look in her eyes what she must be thinking.

“Uh huh, all good!” Alexis managed to reply.

After they got all the shots for the dining room vignette everyone took a break for lunch.  It was already after noon and people were starting to get hungry.  The next vignette, the bedroom one was going to take a little bit longer to get ready to shoot so a lunch break made sense.

Once the lunch break was over it was back to her trailer for Alexis so she could change and get ready. 

“How are you doing?” Michelle asked, handing her sister a bottle of water.

A stylist was doing touch ups to her hair and reapplying make-up where it was needed.

“Ok.  This is way more intense than either of my video shoots.” Alexis replied before taking a sip of water.

Michelle grinned.  “That’s because this is an *NSYNC/Wayne Isham video.  Isham is a GENIUS, seriously, he’s done videos for everyone from Michael Jackson and the Rolling Stones to Bon Jovi and Ricky Martin.”

Alexis smiled up at her sister.  “You’re geeking out, aren’t you?”

Michelle laughed.  “I am! For sure! This video is straight up SEX and once people see it, OH MY GOD! Millions of women all over the world are going to become pregnant by Immaculate conception!”

Alexis snorted and laughed.  “You too, huh?”

Michelle placed a hand to her chest then dramatically wiped her brow with the other before fanning herself.  “LAWD, YES girl!  Josh may be like an older brother to me but even I can admit he looks FINE as FUCK in that suit!”

“And Justin?” Alexis teased.

Michelle shot her sister a look then grinned and bit her lip.  “He better bring that suit home, so I can help him take it off, that’s all I’m sayin’”



With hair and make-up done Michelle and a wardrobe assistant helped Alexis change into the next outfit for the next set of shots.  This outfit was a dark purple halter dress with a plunging V neckline and an open back.  On her legs, another pair of fishnet stockings, but these were the type that only came up the leg part of the way then attached to her panties with straps and clips.  In other words, they were HOTT!

The bedroom vignette was just JC and Alexis.  JC had been insistent upon that since the storyboard phase.  Yes, he trusted Justin implicitly and knew that this was just an act, but JC also understood that he had a bit of a jealous streak, that would be very hard contain given the context.   Therefore, rather than risk his emotions getting the better of him the group had agreed to his request. 

The bedroom vignette was spacious, but still felt very intimate.  Green curtains hung all around the space, making it feel more private than it really was.  Against one of the fake walls stood a king size bed with a mirrored headboard, a lavender duvet and lavender satin pillows.  Next to the bed, two decorative night stands with glass tops and opaque sea shell lamps.  The carpet was also a light pink/lavender color.  In one corner a pair of leather, seashell shaped chairs and in the corner that was diagonal to the chairs, another leather chaise lounge. 

If she hadn’t known any better Alexis would have sworn it was an actual bedroom.

JC was already in place when Alexis walked on to the set and when she saw him, she immediately felt her breath catch in her throat.  He was dressed in a light grey suit, a crisp, white shirt with very subtle pink and lavender pin stripes, a dark purple tie that matched the hue of her dress and a lavender pocket square in his suit jacket pocket.

“Yup! I’m pregnant.” Alexis whispered to herself with a smirk.

Meanwhile, JC was having a similar reaction.  As soon as Alexis stepped into his line of sight JC felt himself go hard in his dress pants.  Thank GOD he would be sitting down in a chair with his legs crossed for the first part of the shot.

“FUCK! I knew I should have brought that package of underwear.” JC muttered to himself.

“You ok man? You look a little hot and bothered.” Wayne asked, walking into the frame.

JC lowered his eyes and gave Wayne a look.  “It’s August…in LA…and I’m in a suit, of course, I’m hot.”

Wayne chuckled a bit then looked to Alexis.  “And the bothered part?”

JC again, scowled at Wayne.  “What do you think?”

Wayne laughed and patted the younger man on the shoulder.  “Ok, ok, yeah.  I see your point.  C’mon, let’s get the shot.”

Moments later JC found himself in a chair, one leg crossed over the other as the song played back and he mouthed the words to the camera just over his right shoulder.  Meanwhile, Alexis was rolling around on the bed, touching herself and he was having a really hard time trying not to watch her and at the same time pretend to be unaffected by what she was doing.

It didn’t help that they had to do the shot several times from several different angles.  By the time they finished with that part of the shot JC was a wreck.  In fact, he was wracking his brain, trying to come up with something, anything to settle things down a bit. 

“You good to keep going?” Wayne asked, snapping JC from his thoughts.

JC looked to Alexis on the bed.  She was laying across it, on her stomach, her chin in her hands and her feet in the air behind her. 

“NO! I need a minute…” JC managed to get out, his eyes pleading with Wayne to catch his hint.

Wayne looked at back at JC and had to fight not to grin.

“How about 15? Is that good enough?” Wayne replied nodding.


In the next instant JC was out of the chair and grabbing Alexis by the hand, yanking her to her feet as quickly as possible without hurting her. 

“You’re coming with me!” He said, his voice low and thick.

Alexis had to practically jog to keep up with him but the look in his eyes spoke volumes.  His eyes were on fire and the way he was holding his jacket closed and practically running to his trailer gave her a pretty good idea as to what was happening.

“Where’s the fire?” Joey called out as they raced past.

JC didn’t respond, at least not verbally.  Instead, he just held up and hand dismissing Joey and kept walking.

JC’s trailer was slightly bigger and closer so he headed there, pulling her up the steps almost two at a time. 

Once inside the trailer JC quickly locked the door and then ditched his suit jacket before Alexis could even register what was happening.

With the jacket gone, JC caught Alexis’s lips in a kiss then started to push her back through the trailer until she backed up against the table.  JC’s lips were aggressive but she wasn’t complaining.  The moment she parted hers his tongue found its way into her mouth and a shiver raced down her spine.  In the next moment she felt his hands at her hips, hoisting her up onto the table and then pushing her legs apart as he stepped between them.

Alexis knew what was about to happen.  Instinctively, her hands went to his waist.  Her fingers made quick work of unfastening the button on his dress pants and then quickly undoing the zipper.  With the zipper undone he was free.

He groaned against her mouth and then used his own hand to push her panties to one side.

“I’m sorry Pretty lady, this might be a bit rough!” He whispered as he pushed his hips forward and slid into her easily.

She gasped and slid herself forward towards the edge of the table to meet him.

“No complaints here!” Alexis whispered back.

That was all the affirmation JC needed.  In the next moment he was thrusting into her.  Again and again, he went and as he did Alexis’s hands went up the back of his shirt and began to claw at his back with her newly manicured fingernails.

“Fuck! Yes!” He groaned.

And just when Alexis thought it couldn’t get any hotter between them JC pushed her back so she was now laying on the table.  Alexis gripped the edge of the table for support as JC held her hips down with one hand.  With the other he ran his palm down the V of her dress, between her breasts then pushed the fabric of the dress and her strapless bra aside. 

Alexis moaned loudly when she felt the palm of his hand against her skin but when he cupped her breast with his hand and began teasing her with his fingers she nearly screamed.

“Shh Pretty lady! Wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.”

Alexis shook her head and managed a weak reply.  “Too late for that I think”

“Do you want me to stop?” He teased, his voice still low.

“NO!” She whimpered.

“You’re sure?”

“Josh! Please!” Alexis replied, her voice barely a whisper.

“Say it again.” He replied.

“Say what?”

“Say my name!” He said, but now his voice was gravely and full of emotion.

“Josh!” She whispered.

It was the sound of her voice saying his name that undid him.  In the next moment they both unraveled into each other.  Both of their bodies were shaking.  In fact, Alexis was shaking so bad that it was making the table rattle beneath her.

JC’s level of concern was immediately heightened.  He helped her sit up an pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her and allowing her to rest her head on his chest.  Alexis draped her arms around his waist and allowed herself to melt into him.

“Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Alexis shook her head against him but didn’t speak.

When she didn’t say anything after a few minutes he pulled away and lifted her chin with his hand.  His blue eyes were swimming with concern.

Alexis giggled a bit, shuddered slightly and bit her lip.  “I’m ok, I’m just going to need a few minutes to collect myself after that.”

JC grinned and popped a kiss on her lips.  “I got you girl!  Trust me, I’m going to need a few minutes myself.”

“What brought this on? Not that I’m complaining, I’m just curious.” Alexis giggled.

JC chuckled.  “You did! Rolling around on that bed in this dress!”

“Oh!  I’m sorry!” Alexis replied blushing.

JC shook his head fervently.  “Don’t be! It was HOTT!”

“You gonna be ok going back?” Alexis asked trying not to laugh.

“I will be now!”

Alexis laughed out loud at his reply.

“Got it out of your system, did you?”

“For now!” JC replied his eyes full of mischief.

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