Alexis woke up late that next day.  JC was already gone by the time she stumbled out into the living room/kitchen area.

“Where is Josh?” Alexis asked her sister’s backside.

“He had to go…said he was late for something.” Michelle answered, her back still turned.

“Figures.” Alexis grumbled.

“I think you need to cut him a little slack, you did just sort of drop a bombshell on him.”

“He’s had eight years of slack.” Alexis smirked.

“Regardless, he’s been working with you for weeks and had no clue…how he had no clue I don’t get, but that’s beside the point.  I think he still deserves some time to process.”

“It changes nothing.” Alexis snapped back.

“Keep telling yourself that.” Michelle countered.


Two days later Michelle was just getting home from class and grocery shopping when her phone dinged, notifying her that she had a text.

Unknown: Want to have lunch today?

Michelle: Sounds intriguing.  Who is this?

Unknown: The boyband member you love to hate

Michelle:  Funny…I don’t recall ever giving Brian Littrell my number

Unknown: Nice!  I’m not Littrell, promise.  It’s Josh

Michelle: Oh! Gotcha! Sure, I think I can handle lunch

Michelle quickly saved his number in her phone.  She had a feeling she’d need it again.

Josh: Pick you up at 1?

Michelle: Sure.  Sounds good.

Josh: Will Lexi be home?

Michelle shook her head and sighed.  She could see where this was headed even if the two of them didn’t.

Michelle: No.  She left early this morning.  Won’t be home until this evening.  I think she had an interview or a photo shoot today.

At 1:10 p.m. the doorbell rang.  Of course, Josh was late.  When wasn’t Josh late? 

Michelle looked down briefly at her appearance as she walked to the door.  Jeans and a long sleeved, dark blue, button down, V-neck top.  It wasn’t anything spectacular but it was good enough. 

The doorbell rang again as Michelle pulled the hair tie from her wrist and pulled her hair back in a loose pony tail.

“Good grief Josh!  Don’t your Calvins in a wad…I’m coming.” Michelle said flinging open the door.

As soon as she opened the door Michelle froze.  Standing next to Josh in the doorway were the other four members of *NSYNC.

“HOLY SHIT Josh! Is this you trying to win nickname privileges back with me?” Michelle asked as she shook her head in disbelief.

JC grinned.  “That depends?! Did it work?”

Michelle laughed.  “We’ll see…jury is still out.”

“Can’t blame the guy for trying.” Joey chimed in.

Michelle giggled then motioned to JC’s four companions.  “It was a valiant effort.  I’ll give you that.   Although, just so we’re clear…THIS…won’t work on Lexi…or April for that matter.”

“Not *NSYNC fans, we heard.” Lance said nodding.

Michelle smirked.  “I wouldn’t go that far…I actually think Alexis is coming around, but April, yeah, NO, not happening.”

“What about you?” Justin asked grinning.

Michelle placed a hand on her hip and smiled back at him.  “Josh brought you here, didn’t he?”

Justin chuckled. “He did.”

“Well then, I think you have your answer to that one.”

“I guess so.” Justin laughed.

“Wow! Attractive and smart! Could you maybe try rubbing some of that off on Josh?  He seems to be struggling a bit.” Michelle teased back.

JC balked at her meanwhile the other four were trying to stifle their laughter.

“I like this one!” Joey laughed nodding at Michelle.

“Me too! What do we have to do to keep you around?” Justin chuckled.

Michelle sobered a bit.  “I’m not the sister that needs convincing.”

JC sighed.  “C’mon…we can discuss THAT more at lunch.”

Once they were settled at the restaurant and the waiter had come to take their order the conversation started again.

“I’m guessing you saw the video?” Michelle asked bravely.

JC smiled a bit and nodded. “I did.”

“We all did.” Joey volunteered.

Michelle couldn’t help but shake her head and laugh a little at this revelation.


“And?” Michelle smirked.

“It’s about me, isn’t it?” JC sighed.

Michelle couldn’t help but laugh a little.  “Wow Josh! Maybe you’re smarter than I thought.  What was your first clue?”

JC gave her a look.  “Do you mean aside from the ME look alike in the video?”

Michelle softened just a bit.  “I actually don’t think she planned that initially.”

“Really?! Then how do you explain the Leo pendant?”

“Ok, so maybe she did.”

“Exactly!” JC shot back.

Michelle’s eyes narrowed and her green eyes started to smolder like Emeralds in the sun.  “Well…what the HELL did you expect Josh? You didn’t see me that day but I heard what you said to her.  She asked you to stay, to keep your friendship, and what did you say to her?”

JC sighed and dropped his head a bit.  He couldn’t bring himself to repeat what he’d said.  He’d regretted it from the moment he’d said it, but it was too late to take it back.

“You said it was “too hard.” That her eyes were the same. That you looked into her eyes and all you could see was April!” Michelle snapped.

“FUCK JC!” Justin whistled through his teeth.

Unfortunately, Michelle wasn’t done.

“My eyes are the same as theirs…do you see April when you look at me? Is that why you left me too?”

“I shouldn’t have said that.” JC whispered.

“Good answer.” Michelle smirked.

“I’m sorry…I really am Michelle.  I screwed up.  I knew that the second those words left my lips.”

Michelle nodded then forced herself to speak.

“Yes, our eyes are the same.  We all have our mother’s eyes.  And yes, April and Alexis are twins but the fundamental difference between them, the thing you were too blinded by rage to see was that April loved the idea of you whereas Alexis just loved you.”

“Call me crazy…I don’t know your sister…and maybe she’s just a really good actress…but…umm…based on that video…” Lance started.

Michelle nodded.  “I know what you’re going to say…and although she won’t admit it to herself or anyone else for that matter…you are absolutely right.  She still does.” 

Chapter 9

New York City

It was a rainy day in mid-July, but the rain and dark clouds were the perfect backdrop for her mood.  Truthfully, April should have been in her studio, but she just wasn’t feeling inspired today.  She’d been in a funk ever since she’d granted Alexis’s label permission to use her designs. 

She wasn’t upset about it.  In fact, she was more than happy to do it.  It made her feel more connected to her sister, like they could actually share something without fighting about it. 

April missed her sister.  She missed the connection they had when they were younger.  Sadly, April had managed to destroy all that with just a few simple words.  If she could take it all back now she would, but that time had long passed.

On this particular afternoon, April was curled up on the couch in her New York apartment with a cup of tea, staring out the window, completely lost in her thoughts.  The television was on, but only for background noise, that was until something on the screen caught her eye. 

Her eyes wide, April grabbed the remote from the arm of the chair and cranked up the volume.  On the screen in front of her was Alexis, in the dress April had created.  Alexis looked INCREDIBLE.  It was almost as if she’d created the dress with her sister in mind.  Which, on some level, was probably true. 

April watched, her jaw gaping as her twin sister poured her heart out through song on the screen.  April knew in an instant that this song came from a real place, a place that was without a doubt, filled with pain.

Then, the JC look alike appeared on the screen and April felt her breath catch in her throat. 

It took so long just to feel alright

Remember how to put back the light in my eyes

I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed

‘Cause you broke all your promises

And now you’re back

You don’t get to get me back

April’s hands had started to tremble causing the cup in her hand to fall to the ground and shatter, spilling tea all over the floor.  April didn’t move.  Her eyes were glued to the screen as the memories came flooding back like a tidal wave and the realization of what she was seeing hit her like a gale force wind.

“OH MY GOD!” April muttered to herself.

As soon as the video was over April snatched up her phone from the couch cushion beside her and quickly dialed the one person who would tell her the truth.




Michelle was just finishing up lunch with Josh and his groupmates when her phone started to ring from her purse.            She blushed as she struggled to retrieve the phone from the bottom as quickly as possible.  Her ringtone; Justin Timberlake’s “Sexy Back” which had just been released.

“Cute.  I’m flattered.” Justin chuckled.

Michelle smirked.  “Don’t be. I have many questions.”

They all chuckled at this. 

Then Michelle looked at her phone and her expression immediately changed. 

“Nope! Not right now!” Michelle said as she hit decline.

“You could have taken it.  We would have waited.” Lance said smiling.

Michelle snorted.  “Nope.  Trust me, Not a good idea right now.”

“Let me guess, your boyfriend isn’t an *NSYNC fan?” Joey teased.

Michelle laughed loudly.  “First, I’m actually single.  Second, any guy I dated would have to be ok with my *NSYNC addiction.  That’s a non-negotiable with me.”

“A woman who knows what she wants.  I can respect that.” Justin said grinning.

It was then that the phone started to ring a second time.  Michelle looked down at the phone, still in her hand and her eyes widened.  It was the same person from moments before.  She was being incredibly persistent, but why?

“You’re popular today.” Chris teased.

Michelle giggled.  “Not hardly.  Someone is just being annoyingly persistent.”

“Maybe you should take it then.” Lance said nodding to the phone.

Michelle sighed and nodded.  “I’ll make it quick.  I’m obviously not trying to be rude my first time meeting you.”

They all nodded as she hit accept call on the phone.

“Hey.” Michelle said into the phone.

“We NEED to talk!” April shot back immediately.

Michelle heard the desperation in her sister’s voice.  Something was up and she had a pretty good idea what it might be.

“Can you wait 20 minutes? I’m out at the moment.” Michelle replied calmly.

“Out?! With whom?! Alexis?!”

Michelle rolled her eyes and sighed.

“No, not with Alexis.  I’m just out, ok?!”


Michelle was getting annoyed with her sister quickly.  Especially, given present company.   She was quite positive that Josh would LOSE HIS SHIT if he knew whom she was talking to.

“Does it matter?” Michelle grumbled.

“I don’t know, does it?  Geesh Michelle, why are you being so defensive?” April snapped back.

Michelle wanted to say something back but thought better of it.  This was not the time or place to get into a heated debate with her older sister.

“What is this about?” Michelle asked as she started to rub the bridge of her nose.

“I saw Alexis’s video…just now.” April blurted out.

Michelle had to fight not to choke as her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.  NO! Here and now was definitely not the right time or place to have THIS discussion.

“Oh?!” Michelle managed to reply.

“Exactly! We NEED to talk!”

Michelle nodded then forced a smile for her audience.

“Twenty minutes.  I’ll Face Time with you as soon as I get home, ok?”


“Everything ok?” Josh asked sincerely,

Michelle sighed.  There was no sense lying to him.  Lying was part of what had brought them to this point.

Michelle looked up into his cool blue eyes, smiled sadly and shook her head. 

“I’ve always thought of you as big brother, Josh.  Always have, always will.  That hasn’t changed.  BUT...when you left…a war started in my house…a tug of war…and unfortunately, I’m the FUCKING rope!”

“That was April, wasn’t it?” JC asked.

Deep down he already knew the answer.

Michelle nodded. “Yup! She just saw Alexis’s music video.”

“Guess we better get you home.” He said, smiling weakly.

Twenty minutes later Michelle was settled in her room with her laptop in her lap.  She was sitting up on the bed, a pillow behind her back between her and the headboard and there was a glass of wine on the night stand beside her.  Yes, it was only 3 in the afternoon but it was 6 p.m. in NYC, and in her mind, that was good enough.

April appeared on the screen and instinctively Michelle went for her drink.

“I didn’t interrupt you out on a date, did I?” April asked forcing a smile.

Michelle laughed and took a sip from her drink.  “Not exactly, no.”

April made a face. “What does that mean?”

Michelle bit her lip and shook her head.  “I’ll tell you later…promise.  You called me so let’s talk about what’s going on with you first.”

“I saw Alexis’s music video.” April sighed.

Michelle nodded.  “Yeah, you said that.”

“That was supposed to be Josh…in the video, wasn’t it?”

Michelle bit her lip then took another long sip from her drink.  “She hasn’t confirmed it, but yeah, I think so.”

“I wonder if he’s seen it…” April wondered aloud.

Michelle bit her bottom lip hard to keep from giving herself away. 

“I’m gonna say there is a HIGH probability that he has.” Michelle said trying not to smile.

April looked at her sister curiously.  Yes, they were separated by a computer screen and a few thousand miles but something about Michelle’s expression told her Michelle was holding back.

“What aren’t you telling me?  You were weird on the phone earlier and now again.  What’s going on?”

Michelle giggled awkwardly.  This was going to get interesting.  She could tell.

“How much do you know about Alexis’s album?” Michelle asked.

April raised an eyebrow.  “Not much.  I ‘ve seen the video for the first single, obviously, and I know the album drops on Friday but aside from that, nothing really.”

“Then you haven’t heard who produced the album?”

April made a face.  “No.  I heard there were some issues with that, stuff that delayed the album a bit but I never heard who her label ended up with as far as a producer.”

Michelle sighed then took a breath.  There was no sense dragging it out.  April would hear about it eventually, but at least this way it would be from someone who knew her and cared about her.

“It was Josh.” Michelle blurted out.

“I’m sorry?!” April replied.

“The producer for Alexis’s album, it was Josh.” Michelle repeated.

“Josh?! As in my ex-boyfriend; Josh?! As in Josh, otherwise known as JC Chasez of *NSYNC?”

Michelle nodded. “Yup.  That would be him.”

April was dumbfounded.  Truth be told, she did not know how to respond to the information that had just been dropped on her.

“How? Why? Was that Alexis’s idea?”

Michelle snorted.  “No! It wasn’t Alexis’s idea.  She was actually against it at first.  As to the how and why, the label sought him out because he’s actually really good.”

“I’m surprised he agreed to it.”

Michelle choked on her wine a bit.  “Well, he didn’t exactly know who she was at first.”

April made a face.  “He didn’t know?! How did he not know who she was?”

Michelle laughed.  “Don’t ask me.  I’m sure he’s met a ton of girls over the past eight years, maybe he just forgot what she looked like.  And, well, we’ve all grown up a bit since then.”

April smirked and shook her head.  “Typical male.  Out of sight, out of mind.”

Michelle shook her head.  “Out of sight, yes, out of mind, I don’t think so.”

“What makes you say that?” April replied.

Michelle laughed.  “Have you ever listened to his solo album; Schizophrenic?”

April shook her head.  “No.”

Michelle giggled.  “You need to.  Both of you.”

April just nodded.  Apparently she’d missed a lot over the past eight years. 

“So, he knows now?”

Michelle smiled and nodded.  “He does.”

“How?” April asked bravely.

She wasn’t entirely sure she wanted the answer.

Michelle laughed. “Umm…well…the Reader’s Digest version goes something like…they finished the album, he asked her out, or rather he asked “Danielle” out then she told him the truth at the end of the date.”

“I bet that went over well.” April smirked.

“It could have gone a lot worse.” Michelle giggled.

“How do you know all of this?”

Michelle smiled.  “I was there…at least for some of it.”

“You’ve seen him?” April asked surprised.

Michelle cracked a smile and nodded but didn’t speak.

“And? How is he?”

Michelle shrugged.  “Shocked. Confused. Embarassed. Ashamed.  Still the same old Josh, just with a bit more hair.”

April giggled. “I’ve seen the hair.  I’m not a fan.”

It was then that April grew a bit more serious.  There was something else she needed to know.

“Lexi?  She’s in love with him, isn’t she? Or, she was?”

Michelle took another sip of wine and nodded.  “She won’t say it, but yeah, I think so.”

April sighed then dropped her head.  “GOD, I FUCKED UP!”

Michelle made a face.  “Sorry Sis, but yeah, you kinda did.”

Of the three of them, Michelle had always been the one to keep things real.  She didn’t mince words, she cut straight to the point, whether you wanted to hear it or not.

“I had NO idea! I really didn’t! If I had known...I don’t know why I didn’t see it then.”

Michelle laughed.  “You were too wrapped up in…well…yourself.”

“Gee, thanks!”

“Hey…just callin’ it like I see it.”

“Well, now what do I do?” April asked groaning.

“You’re asking me?”

“Yes. I am asking you.  You talk to her…and him apparently.”

“OH NO! This is between the three of you.  I’m not getting in the middle of this one.  You and Alexis have already put me in the middle WAY more than I want to be.” Michelle protested.

“Michelle?!” April pleaded.

“NO! NOPE! NO WAY!  I’ve said too much already.”

April sighed in resignation and nodded.  She knew Michelle was right.  She needed to fix this on her own.

“Is that where you were today…out with Josh?” April asked.

Michelle blushed instantly.  “Umm…”

April laughed.  “You were, weren’t you?”

Michelle nodded and giggled a bit.  “Yeah…but it wasn’t just the two of us, he brought his groupmates along.”

April’s eyes widened.  She knew that Michelle had been an *NSYNC fan for years so she could only imagine what that must have been like.


“No, the Backstreeet Boys! Yes, *NSYNC!”

“And, how was that?” April teased.

Michelle laughed a bit.  Just thinking about it was making her blush.

“Interesting.” Michelle managed to reply.

“Oh yeah?! That Joey Fatone, is he as hot in person as he is on TV?”

Michelle burst out laughing then stopped almost as suddenly.  Shock had settled in.

“Wait?! How do you know about Joey Fatone?” Michelle gasped.

April smirked then shot her sister a look.  “My ex-boyfriend is a member of a boyband with four other HOT guys and you think I didn’t keep tabs on that?”

“Obviously I was mistaken.” Michelle giggled.

April nodded then blushed slightly.  “And, well…you weren’t the only one with contraband in the house.”

Michelle could only shake her head.  Apparently there were things about April even she didn’t know.

“Joey? Not what I would have guessed!”

April laughed.  “Why is that?”

“Well, after Josh I just figured you’d probably steer clear of anything to do with him.  I figured if you went boyband you would go the Backstreet Boys route.”

April made a face.  “Gross! Eww! No!  What about you, what’s your flavor?”

Michelle laughed then bit her lip.  “Umm…”

It made April smile to see her younger sister like this.  It was very rare that Michelle ever got embarrassed or blushed.  It was sweet.

“Oh?! Wait?! You’re a JT girl, aren’t you?” April teased.

Michelle nodded.

“And? How was that?”

Michelle’s face was bright red.  “He’s REALLY HOT in person…and charming as FUCK!”

They chatted a bit longer, about mostly non-important stuff.  It felt normal.  It was a nice change for both girls.  However, as soon as the conversation ended April was left alone with her thoughts again. She had a lot to think about and a lot to do before she was ready to face Alexis or Josh.  First on the list, getting a copy of Josh’s solo album.


Two days later- Los Angeles, CA

The members of *NSYNC had gathered again at Justin’s house.  Currently, they were in his home studio working on their upcoming album.  It would be their first album in five years.  There was a lot of pressure but they were excited.  And, they were pulling out all the stops for this one.  All of the guys were contributing to the writing process, not just Justin and JC, but Justin and JC were producing the majority of the album with some help from Timbaland, the Neptunes and Richard Marx.

Currently they were working on a track entitled “If I Never See Your Face” but had decided to break for lunch.

It was JC’s turn to pick so they had ordered sushi from he and Justin’s favorite sushi spot.

“Have you talked to Alexis or Michelle?” Lance asked between bites of food.

JC shook his head.  “Not since lunch the other day.”

“I wonder how it went with April.” Joey added.

JC moaned.  “I don’t even want to think about that.”

Justin just shook his head as he looked to the other three men.  JC was currently, a HOT MESS!

“What about Lexi?  Have you talked to her?” Justin asked.

JC sighed and started to rub his neck as he normally did when he was stressed. 

“No.  I know I need to, but I feel like if I just show up at her place she’s gonna slam the door in my face.”

“Probably!” Joey snickered.

“You need to get her somewhere she can’t escape, somewhere neutral.” Chris chimed in.

JC nodded.  Chris made a good point.  However, figuring out a neutral location and getting her to agree to meet him there were two very separate issues.

“What about her album release party? She is having one, right?” Justin asked grinning.

JC nodded.


“Were you invited?” Joey asked catching on.

“DUH! I produced the album, of course, I was invited.” JC snapped.

“Who are you taking as your plus one?” Chris smirked.

They all knew his reputation for showing up to these events with “Arm Candy” but this was not the time for that, not if he had any hope of getting anywhere with Alexis.

“I was going to ask Justin to come with me.” JC answered seriously.

“No nameless babe.  I’m impressed.” Joey chuckled.

JC shot his friend a withering look. “I’m not that stupid!”

“Never said you were.” Joey said holding up his hands in surrender.

JC sighed.  He hadn’t meant to snap at his friend.  He knew the teasing came from a place of brotherhood and love.

“I’m sorry…this whole thing is just really messing with my head.”

All four men nodded knowingly.

“Oh we know.  That’s obvious man.  The question is, what are your intentions?” Lance asked seriously.

“What do you mean?”

All four men smiled. 

“I think what he means is…you know how Alexis feels about you, or at the very least, a good idea, but how do you feel about her?” Chris asked.

“I don’t know.”

Justin spoke up next.  This recording session was quickly becoming a group therapy session.  However, it wouldn’t be the first time and doubtfully the last either.

“Well…you were interested enough to ask Danielle out, is Lexi any different?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know.”

They all chuckled a bit at this. 

“Well, you might want to work on figuring it out.” Chris laughed.

“Tell me something I don’t know.” JC grumbled.

Justin looked to the others and gave them a knowing look.  The teasing was all in good fun but it was time to lay off a bit.  JC’s stress levels were not doing them any favors in terms of the album.  AND…he was their friend, and obviously struggling. 

“I’ll go with you to the release party, no sweat man, I got your back.” Justin said smiling.

“Thanks.” JC replied cracking a smile.

“NOW…about this song…” Justin said grinning.

It was time to get back to work but the conversation had inspired him a bit.

“What about it? I think it sounds good.” Joey said seriously.

Justin nodded. “It does…but I think it could sound FUCKING AWESOME!”

Four sets of eyebrows went up.  It was obvious that Justin had an idea, but what that idea might be they had no clue.

“Ok?!” Lance replied cautiously.

“It’s a good song and I like the way we’ve split up the vocals but I think it needs another layer.  Another perspective.” Justin said grinning like a fool.

“Ok, what did you have in mind?” JC asked.

He was intrigued.  Justin had a great ear and was great with layering and arranging vocals in a way that optimized the sound so if he had an idea it was worth hearing.

“I think this song needs a female touch.  I think a female vocal would make this track FIRE!” Justin replied.

“Hmm.  Never thought about it, but you might be onto something.  Did you have someone in mind?” Chris said nodding.

Justin shook his head.  “Not off the top of my head.  No.  However, I am open to discuss it.”

“Britney?” Joey half teased.

Justin shot Joey a look and shook his head.  “No.  Too predictable and she doesn’t have the right range or register for this.”

“Christina?” Chris chimed in.

“Too much power.  I love her to pieces but she’d take over the song.” Justin replied.

“Kelly Clarkson?” Lance added.

Justin smiled and shook his head.  “Again, love her to pieces but not for this.  We need someone more soulful, but subtle, and with a bit more of an edge to her voice.”

“I’m drawing a blank.” Joey sighed.

“Same.” Joey agreed.

“Alicia Keys?” JC suggested.

Justin nodded. “Maybe.  She’s definitely soulful, but I’m not sure she has enough of an edge.  I almost feel like we need someone a bit more off the radar, someone the fans won’t expect.”

“Ok, but who?” Lance replied.

“I don’t know.  I say let’s think on it.  We’ve got some time.  Let’s work on some of the other tracks for now and come back to it.”

“Agreed.” JC said nodding.

“Maybe if we mull it over for a few days an idea will come to one of us.” Lance agreed.

“Exactly my thoughts.” Justin said nodding.



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