Mikayla woke up the next morning, smiling as she felt Justin’s hand on her breast. Even in his sleep, he wants me.  I can’t complain.  He says he wants to take things slow, and yet we’re moving so fast.  I’m living with him after a few days of being together, if you don’t count our vacation.  Last night he had me mostly naked and doing or saying things I never have before.  Not even with JC.  That feels so strange, thinking of him in the past tense.  But that’s what it is, he’s done.  


She felt a sudden sense of loss and grief, that she might never see JC ever again.  Her last memory of seeing him was him at the funeral, driving away.  Her heart broke all over again.

Justin woke up as she felt her body jolt in a soft sob.  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“It’s over, Justin.  It’s really over…  He left me…”

He squeezed her tight in his arms.  “I know.  He left both of us.  Maybe last night was a mistake, you’re not ready…”

“No, I need to move on.  I tried winning him back, thinking him becoming a dad would seal the deal, but he made his choice.  It just hurts to know I’ll never see him again.  If we were still together, I’d still see you, even as friends.  But now, I don’t think I’ll ever see him again.”

He kissed her cheek.  “Give it time, I haven’t given you a lot of time to grieve this.”

“I don’t exactly have time to grieve.  I have a baby to think about, I can’t be crying all the time over the man I love leaving me, this baby…” She sobbed, Justin turning her to face him, holding her close, kissing the top of her head.

“I promise you I will do whatever I can to make sure you and this baby are loved and cared for.  Go take a shower, I’ll get breakfast going and then we’ll go to your parents’ and get your stuff.”

She nodded against his chest.  “Thank you for being so patient with me. Any other guy would be so put off by a pregnant woman crying about her failed relationship.”

“I love you, I’d do anything for you.  I’m not just any other guy, I’ve loved you on some level almost as long as he did.  I’m not going to make the same mistakes he did.”

She got up, into the bathroom, turning on the water. Justin threw on a shirt and headed downstairs.

“Oh, I wasn’t expecting you two this morning,” Justin said, seeing Lynn and Paul having coffee in the kitchen.

“We figured we have the rental, maybe we can go with you and help move Mikayla in.  Fewer trips overall.  Be a helpful distraction so you can get the ring…” Paul smiled. 

“I’m glad I know she’s taking a shower, let’s keep that under wraps,” Justin whispered.

“I think you should do it tonight,” Lynn said.  “Take her out to her favorite place…”

“I think they’ll be curious why she’s there with me and not him, Mom.”

“So then take her to one of your favorite places.  Someplace nice, quiet, elegant, romantic.”

“Or I cook for her here,” Justin said. “Make some of her favorite food, lots of candles, flowers, everything… You think she’ll say yes? It’s so soon…”

“You’re giving her what he couldn’t.  I think she’ll recognize that. It’s fast, but if it feels right, there’s no timeline on these things,” Lynn said. “Normally I’d agree, it’s way too soon, but with everything going on… How long have you felt this way?”

“Longer than I’d like to admit. Like, years…. I know it wasn’t fair to Jess, but I really felt it once things were over between us. It was there, but I never did anything about it because it was JC.  Even then, I feel guilty because of how long they were together, I don’t wanna be a rebound…”

“You’re not,” Mikayla said, walking into the kitchen.  “We had that moment already, and you know how that went…”

“You knew you still wanted him…” Justin said.

“Sorry to hash this out in front of your parents, but I don’t see this as a rebound. I know how you feel about me, and that’s not what a rebound is. With this baby coming, I NEED stability. Even with doing press for two movies before I give birth, you are offering stability.  Being on my own, working at the school, that would be so stressful.  I know that’s still a possibility, but I wouldn’t have to bear it alone.”

“Let’s grab a quick breakfast and head out, shall we?” Lynn asked. 

“Oh, where are you going? Anywhere fun?”

“Helping you, darlin’.  Get it all done in one trip. I can help you pack, unpack, whatever you need.”

“We can take my Escalade, plenty of room in the back and you wouldn’t need to drive. I’d worry about you, even following you there and back,” Justin said. 

“I’m pregnant, not incompetent,” Mikayla laughed. 

“It’s not you I don’t trust, it’s the other drivers out there.  You’re carrying precious cargo, and I don’t mean the stuff we’re moving.”  He stood close to her, his hand on her stomach.

They had a quick breakfast before going over to her parents.  The drive felt quick, and soon they were going through things at the house. 

“Let’s sort things, I’m sure not all of this needs to be boxed up, some can go different places,” Lynn suggested. 

Mikayla pulled out a box from her closet, immediately closing it. 

“I’m afraid to know what’s in there that made you close it so quickly…” Lynn wondered. Mikayla gave Lynn the box, full of her things from school. All the pictures of her and JC over the years.

“Sit down, darlin’.  We need to talk.”

Mikayla sat down. “No disrespect to JC, I love him like he’s my own son. I loved Justin’s father, I did, but it just didn’t work out. I know the pain you were going through with JC, that sense of loss that comes with a divorce or the end of a serious relationship. You saw forever with him, and now you’re having to do it without him.  At least for you, you have Justin a lot sooner than I had Paul.”

“Could I do it, on my own?” Mikayla asked. 

“I don’t doubt it, but it is hard. I’m sure you’d still be here with your family, but the rush of emotions you feel with hormones going crazy, it can be a lot.”

“You really think we’re a good idea, me and Justin?”

“He loves you, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.  I know you’re not taking this lightly. You realize what he’s giving up to do this, and I know from meeting you over the years at things for Justin that it's not about the money or fame.  I think in time you’ll find just how much you love him back.”

“Mom’s got her distracted going through things in her room,” Justin said to Miguel. “Should buy us some time.”

“I have it in here,” Miguel said, leading Justin into the master bedroom. Miguel opened a drawer and pulled out a box. “This isn’t the original box of course, but Carolina gave me an old ring box she had.”

Justin opened the box, seeing the yellow gold and small cluster of diamonds.

“It’s not Cartier or Harry Winston or whatever, but it served them well for 53 years,” Miguel said.

“She doesn’t care about that type of thing anyway.  JC bought her a lot of that kinda stuff and she never wore it.  This will mean more to her than any big diamond from a fancy place.”

“You know her well, I know she’ll be in good hands. It’s fast, but I know it’s to keep her reputation safe. Get engaged before she starts showing, hopefully no one puts two and two together with Josh…”

“Yeah.  They’ll assume it’s mine because why would he break up with her for being pregnant?  Mom said I should propose tonight, and I think she might have the right idea.  Honestly, I kinda wanna have the wedding sooner rather than later.”

“How soon are you thinking?”

“Two weeks?” Justin asked timidly.

Miguel’s eyes widened.  “Why so soon?”

“My lawyers tell me I only have a few options as far as taking full responsibility for paternity, and it’s easier if we’re married. It would be quiet, just family so you are there, but nothing big. I have the perfect spot in mind, but it requires some travel…”


“Tennessee.  My hometown. It’s super small, they respect my privacy, so I feel that it is our safest bet. No one would expect it, and we can do a big wedding next year after the baby that everyone would expect from me.”

“I still seems awful soon, but I understand.”

“There is a more personal reason…  I told her I wanted to wait a bit before we’re intimate.  I was thinking of not until we’re married, how she had originally wanted things.  I honestly think that’s how things would have gone if it hadn’t been JC.  Not that he wasn’t a good guy…”

“I was no saint in my younger days, but once I became a dad, I had higher expectations for the girls than I ever had for myself.  I think she can appreciate that sentiment.  Good luck tonight, do you have an idea of how you’re gonna propose?”


“I can’t believe we really got everything in.  I mean, we weren’t taking furniture, except the china cabinet.  Which, thank you,” Mikayla said, looking up at Justin.  “I know it matches NONE of your stuff…”

“We’ll find a place for it that will be perfect.  Maybe in my office or  the bedroom to keep things for the baby, now and as it gets older.”

They said their goodbyes, got into the vehicles and headed back to LA.  They bypassed most traffic by using the carpool lanes, and were home in a decent amount of time.  They put various boxes in different places based on where they should go.  They made a lot of trips up and down the stairs, Mikayla getting in what felt like a bit of a workout.

She and Lynn unpacked certain things in the bedroom while Justin and Paul put the china cabinet in its place in his office.  “You guys should celebrate, go out to dinner to celebrate moving in together,” Lynn suggested, smiling at Justin.  “Get all dressed up, it’ll be great.”

“I wanna go through some more stuff first, but that sounds kinda nice,” Mikayla said.

“I’ll help,” Justin offered. “You guys will be ok tonight for dinner on your own?”

“I think we’ll manage,” Lynn laughed before she and Paul headed downstairs.

A couple hours went by, and Mikayla saw the box.  “I’m just gonna put this in the farthest reaches of the closet, where I’ll never see it…”

“What is it?”

“Pictures of us, on trips, just goofing around, they’d all been in my office.  I should’ve left them at Mom and Dad’s…”

“Keep them here.  It’s ok to miss him, I know I do, in a different way obviously.  It was a big chunk of your life.  Do you have pictures with other exes?”

“Yeah, but…”

“No, same thing.  Keep them.  I don’t know about you, but I want the baby to know its real dad, even if it’s just from pictures and stories.”

“How do we explain that?!  Daddy isn’t your real daddy, this guy is, but he didn’t want us…”

“We just start off with the truth, very basic.  He was a very important person to both of us.  Between the two of us, we have lots of great memories of him.  It may make us cry at times, but that’s ok.  It’s just like any other grieving process.  When they’re old enough, we tell the full truth.  It’ll be hard to hear and understand, but they’ll be much older by then.”

“I want to know what we’re having, so we stop calling it a they, them, it.  Like it’s an alien or something unwanted.  I guess that’s what’s so heartbreaking, is just how wanted this baby was, and now everything fell apart…”

“We’re doing the best we can, it’s a process for both of us.  We’re going through it together.”

Mikayla stepped out of the shower, having taken a quick rinse off after all the moving, wanting to be fresh for dinner.  

“Sorry I didn't join you just now, but that would’ve been too much for me.  I enjoyed the show though,” Justin laughed.

“As much of a show as you can get through fogged up glass…”

“Enough of a show to be turned on, I’ll say that.  Give men the smallest bit of cleavage, something that shows your curves, and men get all kinds of ideas in their heads of what you look like naked.”

“You KNOW what I look like naked…” she laughed, drying herself off as he stepped into the shower.

“Only from before.  Which, the thought of that night, what happened before ‘the moment’ and what could’ve happened after, totally turn me on.”

Mikayla sighed.  “I know what dress I’d be wearing right now if this was dinner with him.  But it’s not, and I have no idea what to wear.”

“I’m just doing a quick rinse, want me to find you something?”

“That would be helpful.  Just gotta make a new memory with it.”

“Which one am I NOT picking?” Justin asked.

“The green velvet one.”

“Noted.  I’m afraid to ask why…”

“I wore it the night of our first time.”

“I’m sure it’s a beautiful dress, Kayla.  You’re just never gonna wear it again?  I get it, don’t get me wrong…”

“Just not tonight. It feels wrong to wear something with such a deep connection to him, to celebrate with you.  Maybe someday, but not tonight.”

Justin grabbed a towel before getting out of the shower.  Mikayla made a face. 

“You saw me completely naked in the throes of passion, but I don’t get even a little glimpse of anything?  Not sure if you’re a prude or a tease,” she pouted. 

“I’m a prude? That’s funny. I’m just trying to be respectful and not make things feel like they’re rushed any more than they already are. I never expected to jump into a full on relationship with you; I wanted to treat this like it is, a new relationship.”

“You’re sure things with Jess are over?” Mikayla asked. 


“I never really liked her. Is that bad?”

“I suppose not.  I’m gonna get dressed and pick out a dress for you.”  He gave Mikayla a quick peck on the top of her head as she sat down at the vanity. 

He went into the closet, looking through her nicer dresses without being award show worthy.  He found a beautiful black dress with lace, pulling it out of the closet. He hung it up on the bathroom door.

Mikayla looked up at him. “It’s really unfair how quickly you guys get ready compared to women.”

“You’re worth the wait, believe me.  I’ll be downstairs taking care of a couple things.”

Justin headed downstairs, Lynn finishing setting up the candles.  “It looks great, Mama.  Thank you.  She’ll be so surprised.”

Paul came in through the back door, several bouquets of white and red roses in his hands.  “Just like you ordered.  They are perfect.  I’m glad we get to be part of this.”

“And dinner?  I told you I could cook…” Justin sighed.

“She’d smell it throughout the house.  It’s in the oven, I’m checking on it every once in a while, I have a timer set for it.  I think she’ll love it.”

“It IS called ‘marry me chicken’ for a reason, I’m sure.  Thank you, both of you, for all of your help with this.  I’m so glad both sets of parents are supportive of this with how fast things are going.  Hopefully two weeks from now we’ll be in Tennessee for the wedding…”

“When are you coming in?  Your father and that side would probably like to meet her before the wedding.”

“Yeah, I’m already on that.  We’ll come in a couple days before, so it’s not this big thing.  It’s gonna be super simple, just at the house, in the backyard.  I do want her to have a dress though, like a legit dress.  We’ll talk later, let’s finish getting this all ready.”  They lit candles, spread rose petals everywhere: the dining room, living room, small vases of flowers around the rooms, on the table.  Justin nodded in approval.  “It’s perfect.”

“Paul, help me bring dinner in for him, then we’ll be out of your hair.  Good luck, Justin.  I hope she says yes.”

Justin nervously leaned against the kitchen counter, waiting for Mikayla to come down.  He knew she’d be ready any minute.  He walked over to the base of the stairs.  “Babe?” he called.

“Almost done, just putting shoes on.”

His stomach became a nervous pit, excited to see her all dressed up, but terrified that it was all too soon.  He heard her come down the stairs, and everything else faded away.  She looked beautiful, and he knew as long as they were together, there was nothing to be afraid of.  “You look breathtaking.  You ready?”

Mikayla nodded, taking his arm.  They turned the corner into the kitchen, looking into the dining room, and she gasped.

“Justin, this is so incredible, unexpected.  It’s beautiful.”

He pulled out her seat, pushing her closer to the table.  He sat across from her, food on their plates, with more in the center just in case.

They made light conversation, talking about their families, stories from their childhood, almost like it was a first date, but yet feeling like something much deeper.  They smiled at each other as they ate, Justin putting the finished dishes in the sink. 

He took her hand, leading her into the living room.  He turned on the stereo, grabbed his phone, and pushed a button.  “The Way You Look Tonight” by Frank Sinatra began to play, Justin taking her into his arms.  He kissed her cheeks, smiling at her and gazing into her eyes.  It segued into “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars.  She smiled as he quietly sang along, eyes locked on hers. Suddenly, a song she didn’t recognize came through the speakers. What sounded like crickets chirping, Justin’s voice coming in.


Said all I want from you is to see you tomorrow

And every tomorrow

Maybe you'll let me borrow, your heart

And is it too much to ask for every Sunday?

And while we're at it throw in every other day to start

She listened to the song, remembering JC’s broken promises, but smiling at the chorus:


Not such a bad thing to fall in love with me


The music stopped after the song ended.  “Mikayla, I know our relationship has been anything but ordinary.  I’m hoping we’ll have something else to celebrate tonight.  Let me love you like he never could, give you what you've always dreamed of.  Be with me, forever.”

He dropped onto one knee, Mikayla snapping her hands over her mouth in surprise, Justin taking a box out of his pocket.  She started to cry as he held out her grandmother’s ring.  “Justin…”


“Mikayla, will you marry me?”

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