Author's Chapter Notes:
Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing... it makes my life :0)
The next night Kim came over so we could sit down and actually talk to the kids for once. Although I’m pretty sure this isn’t going to be a talk they’re ready for. It’s going to kill them, but they need to know. As Kim walked into the house the kids went running to her, screaming her name, “My babies, I missed you,” she said as she kissed each of their foreheads and picked up Jacob, “Were you two good for Daddy?” she asked and they nodded their heads, “Come on Hailey, let’s go in the living room, Daddy and I have to tell you two something”

“We’re getting a puppy?” Hailey practically started to jump up and down… calm down there little one

Kimberly laughed slightly as she sat down on the couch, “No”

“Oh” Hailey said as she sat down next to her mother, “Can we though?”

“No Hailey, stop” I said as I sat down on the chair across from the couch

“Well why not?” she crossed her arms, “All my friends have puppies”

“Like who?” I asked crossing my arms

“Everyone” she paused, “And it’s not fair I really want one, I’ll take good care of it and everything”

“The answer is no Hailey, now stop. Mommy and I need to talk to you guys”

Everyone was quiet for a couple seconds, “Kim”

“Oh yeah, right” she said softly as she played with Jacob’s hair, “Ok, now before we say anything, you two know that we love you right? No matter what we love you two more than anything. And we’ll always be here for you even if we’re not in the same house” she began as she started to get teary eyed

“What Mommy means is that we love you two more than anything and nothing could ever change that”

“You guys know that right?”

“Mommy why are you crying?” Hailey asked and then looked over at me nervously

“Mommy, no cry” Jacob said as he stood up on her lap and wiped her eyes

“No, no I’m not” she said as she kissed his forehead and sat him back down, “Thank you baby”

We should just tell them, it’s making it worse for everyone if we keep dragging it out

“OK” I said as I took a deep breath, “I know you guys are wondering why we’re” I paused; I don’t know where I’m going with this. How am I supposed to explain to them why we’re living at different houses when I don’t even know?

“Well why we went out today and you guys stayed with Lonnie” Justin said after seeing me struggle

“No” Hailey said as she moved over to Justin’s lap, “Uncle Lonnie tolded us you went to the doctors”

“You needed a checkup,” Jacob said with a smile

“No” I smiled, “Well yeah kinda” I said as I played with Jacob’s hair, “We’re going to um… have a little addition to our family”

“What’s a little addition?”

“Another person” Justin said, “There’s going to be another member of our family”

“We ARE getting a doggie” Hailey jumped up on Justin’s lap

“No, we’re not getting a dog Hailey sit down” Justin laughed

“How come?” she pouted, “How about a cat?”

“How about no”

“A hamster?”

“No sir”

“A bunny?”

“No hunny”

“A birdie?”

“No” Justin said with a chuckle, “Nothing, would you stop and listen to your mother?”

“A baby” I said with a smile, “You’re going to have a little brother or sister”

“That’s it?” Hailey asked as she stood up, “Again?”

“Again” Justin laughed

“Cool” she said as she walked over to the television, “Can we watch Sponge Bob now?”

I laughed as she put the DVD in. I can’t believe she’s not making a big deal out of this. I really thought she would. Jacob on the other hand, “So what do you think Jacob?”

He took a deep breath, “When’s she comin? Tomorrow mornin huh? Do we haveta clean my room?”

“No” I laughed, “Baby she or he is not coming for awhile”

“Oh” he paused and threw his hands up, “OK den, I take good care of her”

“Ok, I know you will” I smiled and hugged him tightly, “I love you so much Jacob”

“I love you too Mommy”

I woke up to a dark house, the only light from the snowy television set in front of me. I looked over to the clock, 1:30. How did I fall asleep? I stood up and made my way into the dark kitchen where Justin was standing in front of the stove cooking something, “What are you doing up?”

“It’s only one,” he said not turning away from the stove

“Oh yeah, that’s right” he doesn’t sleep at normal hours, I guess it’s from all that touring time

“What are you doing up?” he asked as he placed an egg and cheese sandwich in front of me

“I don’t know” I paused, “I don’t know what I was doing sleeping”

He laughed slightly and sat down next to me, “You fell asleep during Sponge Bob”

“Uh I hate that movie,” I laughed as I cut my sandwich, “I’m seriously never going to forgive my parents for buying them that”

“I’m surprised you still talk to them” he said with a chuckle, “I say we get rid of it”

“We can’t just throw it away”

“Of course we can”

“But they love it too much”

“So” he laughed, “We’ll just say Hailey lost it”

“No” I laughed, “We’ll get them new movies”

“Ok, we need to do that” he said as he took a bite of his sandwich

“Remember before we got married when being up this late was normal.

And you’d make me this sandwich every night, after a show or after the night out” I felt myself smile. It used to be an everyday occurrence. These sandwiches are so good. After a night out or something, especially after he had a show, we’d come home, or back to the hotel in many cases, and eat egg and cheese sandwiches, drink orange juice, and stay up all night talking about nothing and laughing about everything

“Yeah” he laughed, “I miss those days”

“Yeah, me too”

There were a few minutes of awkward silence, “So are you feeling better with everything?”

“Yeah a little, thanks” I paused as I took a sip from the orange juice in front of me, there were a few more seconds of silence

“Well I think it’s a good thing”

I nodded my head, “Well I should probably get going”

“Why don’t you just stay? You’re already here, it’s late”

“No it’s ok” I said as I stood up, “But I will take this with me” I smiled as I grabbed the sandwich, “Thanks, I’ll see you later”

“Yeah, alright” he said as he followed me to the door, “Tomorrow? I mean I’ll see you tomorrow”

I nodded my head, “Bye”

I didn’t get much sleep that night. I haven’t got much sleep for the past month come to think about it. I guess I fell asleep for a couple minutes on the couch because I woke up to the sound of someone banging on the side door. I walked over and saw Rachael standing there, “Hey”

“Sleeping? At 3 o’clock in the afternoon? Crazy night?” she said with a grin

“Yeah something like that” I said as I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee, “What’s going on?”

“Just thought I’d stop by and see how everything went”

I shrugged as I played with the rim of the mug, “We’re getting a divorce”


I nodded my head, “I think we’re going to… I mean we have to do what’s best”

“Ok wait, why would you say that?”

“It’s been a month Rach” I took a sip of my coffee, “When people separate it’s for like a couple days, a week tops. Then they realize they can’t live without each other and get back together. But the fact is that we can live without each other. It’s not fun. It’s not exciting. But it’s bearable. It’s hard. It’s hard for me to deal with it, but obviously it’s not for him so… I guess that’s how it’s going to be”


“It’s just hard because… well when I got married I never thought I’d be lonely again. It’s scary to think that I’m going to be alone for the rest of my life”

“It’s going to be ok Kim”

“I’m just afraid he’s going to want to stay together because of the baby. And that’s just going to make things harder…”

“Wait… so you went to the doctors?” she smiled and I nodded my head,

“And you’re pregnant” I nodded again, “Oh my God, I told you” she laughed, “Congratulations, that’s so great” she hugged me for what seemed like forever

“Yeah wonderful” I said sarcastically, “The best timing ever!”

“Well maybe it is” she paused, “Maybe it will make him come to his senses”

“I think I’m the one that needs to come to my senses”

“OK we have 10 new movies,” I said as we walked through the house, no more Sponge Bob, “What do you want to watch?”

“Sponge Bob!” Jacob screamed as he ran to the TV

“No” I said as I picked him up and dropped him on the couch, “No Sponge Bob, we have new movies,” I repeated. I don’t get what the big deal is with Sponge Bob. Not even to mention the fact that these kids watch way too much television.

He giggled as he stood up, “Sponge Bob 2?”

“No we didn’t get that” thank god, “Hailey what do you want to watch?” she crossed her arms and looked away from me, “Hailey”

“I’m not talking to you”

“Why not?”

“Cause I’m mad at you”

“Why are you mad at me?”

“Cause I wanted the Sponge Bob movie”

“Hailey we have 10 new movies. I’m pretty sure you’re going to find at least one of these that you’ll like better than Sponge Bob”

“No suh”

“Yeah” I said as I grabbed the movies, “Charlie Brown, Monsters Inc., Shrek, Finding Nemo, Thomas the Tank Engine, Bob the Builder”

“Bob the Builder” Jacob jumped up and started marching around the room, “Bob the builder can he fix it yes he can yes he can"

“Ok fine” Hailey said as she sat down, “Bob the Builder”

“Bob the Builder it is,” I said as I put the movie in. I got through the first five minutes before I started having second thoughts. What’s with these movies with characters named Bob? This is worse than Sponge Bob, what happened to the good shows? When I was a kid there were good shows on TV, Fraggle Rock, He-Man, Rainbow Bright, Punky Bruster, Pee Wee Herman for God’s sake…why don’t they have those shows anymore? No, now we get this shit, “Are you guys sure you don’t want to watch Finding Nemo? It’s really funny”


“Remember the part where Nemo tries to get out of the tank?”

“Daddy shh we’re watching Bob the Builder”

“What about Shrek though. You know there’s a poster of daddy on the wall”


“So?” I laughed, they don’t even care, why do I even bother, “So… well I guess nothing” I heard a nock on the door and went to answer it to see Rachael standing there, “Hey, Kim’s at the beach house”

“Yeah I know, I’m here to talk to you. Can I come in?”

“Yeah, yeah of course” oh shit, I’m in for it now “Do you want a drink or anything?”

“No thanks” she said as she pulled something out of her bag, “I bought the kids a movie, I don’t know if they like Sponge Bob, but the guy at the store said kids love it” I could see the picture of Sponge Bob before she even said it. WHY? Mental note: get rid of this guy at the store. I bet this punk ass kid thinks he’s funny selling all these damn Sponge Bob movies. At least Hailey won’t be mad at me anymore

“Yeah, thanks they love Sponge Bob” I said as I sat down at the kitchen table, “So what’s up?”

“What’s going on with you and Kim?”

Why is she asking me what’s going on with me and Kim, her best friend? Wouldn’t you think she should find that out from her best friend, “Uh… what do you mean?”

“Are you going to divorce her?” I think my mouth must have dropped, way to come right out and say it, “Are you?”

I cleared my throat, “I uh…”

“Yes or no Justin”

“Did anyone ever tell you that you should be a lawyer? I think you’re in the wrong profession Rachael,” I said with a slight chuckle trying to lighten the mood a little.

It didn’t work, she just stared right at me, no smile or anything, just those eyes staring right through me, “Are you or not?”

I took a deep breath and threw my head back; “Of course not” I paused, “Well… I don’t know. I don’t want to”

“Then don’t”

“It’s not that easy”

“Yes it is”

“Oh really” I laughed slightly, “Trust me, as someone who is going through it right now, easy is defiantly not something this whole situation is”

“And the hard part is?”

“Everything” I paused, “there’s a lot of shit to think about. I have to do what’s right for everyone. I have to do what Kim wants. I don’t want to be away from her, but obviously she’s fine with us being apart”


“Oh please Rachael, I’ve asked her to stay home every night for the past week. And every night I get the same answer. If she wanted to be with me she would stay”

“You have got to be kidding me”

“I’ve tried to talk to her about it. Every time I say anything even remotely dealing with our relationship she leaves. I don’t want to divorce her but if it’s what she wants I have to do it. I’m not going to force her to be with me when she’s not going to be happy”

“You two seriously have to be the dumbest people I have ever met” she stood up, what the hell is she talking about?


She laughed, “Did you ever think that maybe you should have this conversation that we just had with your wife? I’m pretty sure if you would tell her what you just told me then a couple things would be settled” she said as she grabbed her bag and walked to the door

“Rachael what are you talking about?”

“Your wife is sitting at your beach house, all alone, wondering what she did wrong to make her husband, the man she loves more than anything else in the world, want to divorce her. She is convinced she’s going to get a visit from your lawyer about a divorce, and contemplating the way she’s going to spend the rest of her life alone. Talk to your wife” she said before walking out the door.

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