They did what they thought was best for it at the time, they ignored it, Justin didn’t have any interviews anytime soon and Jordan was no way in the public eye that anyone could find anything out about her so that’s what they did.

It was getting close to Halloween and while the weather cold down Jordan took to talking pictures of the season changing, watching Lynn play with the twins in the patch of pumpkins Justin had placed around the yard for the holiday; it was like they had their own patch.

Taking a picture of the two little ones as Chloe smiled at her and Jacob reached for his father.

“Let’s take pictures of them in the real costumes,” Lynn said picking Chloe up as Justin picked up Jacob both in little matching pumpkin outfits.

Following them inside Jordan held her camera to the side as Justin let his mom take Jacob from him as she placed them both in the nursery.

Watching him look out the window she snapped a picture of him as the sun set on him.

“You always take photos why,” he asked.

She shrugged, “Just something I do,” she told him tossing the disposable camera back and forth.

“You never got a real digital camera,” he asked.

She shook her head, “I like these ones better,” she told him.

Nodding he took it from her and took it from her and looked at it.

Hearing Lynn call her, she went to turn but Justin called her back.

“Yeah,” she said, turning around giving him a look when he held the camera up to take her picture.

 “You didn’t have the flash on,” she told him taking the camera from him as they both headed back to the nursery when they heard both their names be called.

“So,” he shrugged.

“It's not gonna come out,” she told him with a grin as she tapped the camera on this arm.

“It might,” he told her as he walked into the room and picked up Jacob the pirate as Lynn Held Chloe the monkey.

Going back outside, they piled some leaves together and took pictures of them in their costumes, while Jacob was more interested in being with his dad while Chloe was more interested in the leaves than getting their pictures taken.

And someone how when Jordan went to get the pictures developed a few weeks later she was surprised to see that Justin had been right when she came a crossed her picture as one of the last in the bunch, it actual turned into her favorite picture of her, as it did Justin who decided he needed to frame it and put it on the wall next to some of the little ones.

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