Author's Chapter Notes:

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“Ahh,” Jacob, squealed from his crib as Jordan finished changing Chloe, making her look up in at him shock which he crackled a laugh from and made her shake her head.

“You’re a silly goose Jakey,” she told him and he continued to laugh.

Pulling Chloe up she kissed her nose making the little girl smile.

“All better now,” She smiled and the little one just making noises at her making herself drool.

“If I had a camera to show you how you look now when you’re in your teen years you would have a heart attack,” Jordan laughed as she whipped the drool from Chloe’s chin.

“Don’t start talking about my daughter being a teenager yet, she’s not even one,” Justin said making her jump.

“Geez, could you warn a person,” She asked and Justin just shrugged as he pulled Chloe out of her arms and went over to the closest.

“And why do you tell me not to say that, you know firsthand too well what they can be like,” Jordan asked as she pulled a jumpy Jacob out of the crib and brought him to the changing table.

“A little too well,” He said as he pulled out some clothes for Chloe and start to fight her to put them on her little body.

“You know she could be one of those girls one day,” Jordan said as she placed the pajamas Jacob had on in the hamper.

“Don’t even put the idea into her head,” Justin said covering his daughter’s ears making Jordan laugh.

“It has nothing to do with what I say and you know it,” She said but he decided to ignore her.

“You're making a face, you look like your gonna puke,” was said a few second later by Justin to Jordan as she discovered what present Jacob had left in his diaper.

“You smell that and tell me you don’t do the same,” She said as she pointed towards the folded up the diaper as she placed it into the diaper genie.

“Seriously though you’re a nanny and you want to puke over the smell of poop,” Justin asked.

“Well they started eating solid foods not that long ago, so it’s going be smelly,” Jordan said.

“Oh thee with all the knowledge spare me from your great wisdom,” Justin said sarcastically.

“It's not wisdom, its call reading a book,” She told him.

“Bite,” he started to say but looked at her as she raised her eyebrows.

“Bloody hell,” he mumbled saying the first part louder than the rest.

“I heard that,” She said.

“Yea well so what,” He asked picking up Chloe and gave her a pacifier.

“Well don’t Bloody anything,” Jordan said and Justin looked over at her.

“Now that’s not fair,” He said.

“What,” She asked.

“I can’t even bloody you,” He asked with a smirk.

“Justin Randall Timberlake,” She said in shook but glared at him when he started to laugh.

“I’m joking, geezz Jordan Leslie Thompson,” He said.

“Go away,” Jordan said as she put Jacob in a pair of shorts and a baby blue t-shirt with a dinosaur on it.

“I can’t,” Justin said with a sigh as he came over to her with Chloe.

“Why is that,” She asked picking him up as she turned to face Justin.

“I live here,” He said with a grin pinching her cheek as he walked towards the door and out the door towards the stairs to the living room.

“Technicality,” She said as she looked at Jacob who looked back at her and then she sighed but laughed a second later when Jacob copied her sigh.

“You coming slow poke,” she heard Justin yell from the stairs as she made it to the door way.

“Maybe next year,” Jordan said and hearing Justin chuckle at her she shook her head as she followed the sound as she made it towards the kitchen for some breakfast for everyone.

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Story Tags: daddyj