The phone ringing woke Justin from his thoughts; “Hello?” he picked it up not even looking at the caller ID, which he regretted the second the voice on the other end spoke
“Hi is this Justin?”
“As in Timberlake?”
“Who is this?”
“Oh my god it is him!” he heard the girl on the other side scream
“Where did you get this number?”
“Are you really Justin Timberlake?”
“No man” he said as he hung up the phone, great just want he needs. As he threw his phone down the hotel door opened, as Jim, his security guard walked inside, “Don’t you nock dude?”
“No” Jim said as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, he picked up the pack of cigarettes and then threw them down, “Start smoking?”
Justin ignored him and stood up, “Are you here for a reason?”
“You, Smoky the Bear, have an appointment with TRL in 10 minutes”
“Shit” Justin said as he pulled a sweatshirt over his head and a blue Red Sox hat to cover his short hair and followed his security guard


“Isabella” Vin’s voice sang over the intercom, he was finally back in Boston
“Vinnie!” she yelled into the white box by her door
“Damn Bella you got half the city staring at me that was so loud” he said with a slight chuckle, “Let me in” She pressed the button and heard the buzz before she ran down to meet him at the door
“Ahh Vin!” she screamed when she saw him and couldn’t stop herself from jumping up and down
“Seriously Bella calm the fuck down” he said as he handed her a Stop and Shop bag, “Turn around, and walk”
“I’m just happy to see you” she smiled as she walked back into her apartment, “And relieved” she placed the bag of groceries on the counter, “I’m so glad you came thank you so much” she pulled her brother into a tight hug and let out a sigh of relief. Finally she wasn’t alone anymore. She felt her eyes begin to water, when she pulled away she quickly wiped them
“Of course” he said with a smile, pretending like he did not see the tears falling down his older sister’s face. Vin placed a carton of orange juice in the refrigerator so he wouldn’t be staring at Isabella’s tear stained face, “It’s good to be home”
Bella nodded her head and sat on a barstool by the kitchen counter. She rested her head in her arms, leaning over the counter, “How was the drive?”
“Fine” he continued unpacking, “How are you doing?”
“Fine” she nodded her head, “Look, I know we don’t like say it a lot or anything. But thanks a lot for this like seriously, thanks so much” she paused, “And you know… I love you”
Vin stared at his sister for a couple seconds and then let out a chuckle, “I know Bella”
They never were really a family that shared their emotions very much. Even as kids, Bella couldn’t even remember a time when her parents had told her they love her. It wasn’t a problem, it was not like she had ever doubted the fact that they loved her but they never said those words. Her father had always said, “We don’t say things in this family, we do them”. That had shown through in pretty much all aspects of life for them. If Bella would do something wrong, saying the words ‘I’m sorry’ wouldn’t mean much of anything. He had taught them to show the way they feel whether it be drawing a picture or baking a cake. Of course their father would always explain that you don’t get anything done by saying you’re going to do it; you have to work for it.


Justin sat in the limo driving him to the MTV studios and looked out of the tinted windows. Hundreds of screaming kids were already standing outside in the freezing cold. He wondered what was wrong with all of them to make them want to spend their Friday afternoon standing on the streets in the snow. He loved his fans for the most part, although he’d be the first to admit some of them are just as annoying as hell, but he always wondered why anyone cared so much about him. He never understood it, especially the paparazzi following him to the grocery store. As he watched the people outside screaming at the sight of a limo he thought about how his life is. No matter how many fans he had or videos he’s made or tours he’s sold out he still did not feel as if he really fit in this lifestyle. Sure he looked like he did from the outside, but on the inside he’s just a southern boy caught up in this crazy life. His confidence was fake, on the inside he felt like the size of an ant most of the time. He looked strong and independent but the truth was there were few things in his life that he could do without talking to his mother first.
These past few weeks had been crazy for Justin. He was trying his hardest to put that conversation with Isabella in the back of his mind but he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He didn’t know what to do. He knew the conversation he had with her was wrong, he knew he shouldn’t have talked to her that way, but he didn’t know what to do. It was one of the few things in his life he couldn’t discuss with his mother, although he knew if he did she would know exactly what he should do. But he couldn’t tell her, because he also knew how disappointed she would be, he had lived his life making sure not to do anything to disappoint her, but now it had finally happened. He’d reached that point.
“Let’s go” Justin’s security guard said as he opened the door, “Come on man, we’re running late” Justin stepped out of the limo and followed the MTV assistant upstairs, with his hood still covering his head
“This way Mr. Timberlake” the assistant said as he led Justin into his green room. Justin sat down on the couch and pulled his hood even further down his face
“Alright what’s your problem?” Jim waited a couple seconds and grabbed a bag of chips from the table, “J, what’s going on?”
“Yeah, alright Smokey, I’m sure that’s the case” he said sarcastically
Justin looked up at him and then looked away, “I just got a lot of shit going on”
“Problems in Paradise?”
“You have no idea”


“What do you want for dinner?”
“Chinese” Isabella said as she flipped through the channels, “Let’s go to China Town”
“Alright, let’s go I’m hungry” Bella nodded her head and stopped the TV when she landed on MTV and saw Justin’s face on the screen, “Let’s go Bella… Bella”
“That’s him” she said softly, unable to keep her eyes off the screen.
“Who?” Vin asked as he walked over and sat down on the couch next to her
“Justin” she said as she shut the television off and looked at her brother, “That’s the father”
“Justin Timberlake?” he said with a chuckle, “Right Bella”
She looked at her brother, “Seriously” she stood up, “Let’s go”
“Wait” he said as he grabbed his jacket, “You’re telling me the man that got you pregnant is Justin Timberlake”
“I guess so”
“So why didn’t you tell me his last name”
“I didn’t know it”
“How do you not know Justin Timberlake’s last name”
“Ok it’s scary that you know that much about him”
“Every girl in my dorm had a picture of him on their wall” he paused “How do you not know? He’s like this huge superstar”
“I thought he was lying” she shrugged, “I wasn’t exactly thinking”
“He’s with Christine Hudson”
“Justin is dating Christine Hudson” Vin answered slowly so she could understand
“The actress?”
“At least you know who she is” he answered sarcastically
“Wait, how long have they been together?”
“At least three years”
Isabella took a deep breath and grabbed her purse, “He really is a complete asshole”
“Of course he is. He can get away with whatever the fuck he wants to get away with because he’s Justin Timberlake”
Bella couldn’t say anything, she just shook her head. It killed her to think that the one night she had a one night stand it would get her pregnant. And the one time she gets pregnant it’s with Justin Timberlake the asshole of the century that everyone seems to know, everyone of course, except her. She had always prided herself on her lack of knowledge on the Hollywood gossip. Justin Timberlake was a pop star, she was a twenty four year old, not exactly his audience. She was pretty sure the only people that actually like his music are twelve year old girls. Although apparently there’s something about him that all the girls at Vin’s college have posters of him.

She had spent her whole life fighting stereotypes that beautiful people were always so dumb. It killed her every time she got special privileges because of the way she looked and the fact that this asshole got all the privileges in the world because of the way he looks and what he does for a living killed her. He probably makes more money than the CEO of her company. There are people dying from hunger all over the world and she would put money on it that Justin Timberlake deals with problems like poverty, hunger and sickness by buying himself another car.

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