Chapter 06: Talking

The weeks had gone by quickly. Jocelyn had finally had time to herself to relax. She had gotten her affairs in order with Brandon and gave a statement about her break up with Josh for the media. She had gone around and visited almost everyone she knew, she’d also been helping out Allyson with Jenee, babysitting while Allyson went to do things. Right now Jocelyn was walking down the street pushing Jenee in her stroller. They were walking down to the Corner store to meet Justin, and then they would go to lunch. Jocelyn was looking around at the town that she grew up in, and her ‘niece’ would grow up in too. The distant sound of a dog barking could be heard.

Jenee looked up at Jocelyn turning in her stroller “og” she said
Jocelyn smiled “That’s right, dog” she said
Jenee smiled again and sat back in her seat.
“og” Jenee said again pointing straight ahead
Jocelyn looked ahead, and saw a chocolate lab being walked by someone. Jocelyn looked at the man, and her breath caught in her throat, Lance was the one walking the dog.
“I et it?” Jenee asked
“Maybe” Jocelyn said, she could feel her face turning pink as Lance walked closer.
His puppy saw new people and started to run towards them barking happily.
“Cocoa!” called Lance and the puppy stopped
Lance came rushing over and looked at Jocelyn, realizing it was her
“Joc…” he smiled “Hey…”
Jocelyn smiled “He yours?” she asked referring to Cocoa.
Lance smiled “Yea…I just got her a couple months ago” he said
Jenee giggled as Cocoa started to lick her face “he ike me” she said
Jocelyn looked down at her and smiled then at Lance, and noticed he was watching her.
“Who’s this?” Lance said bending down to be Jenee’s size
Jenee looked at him shyly, and then at the puppy again.
“That’s Jenee, she’s Joey and Allyson’s” Jocelyn said
“Really?” he asked “Hi Jenee”
Jenee looked at Lance, and smiled shyly “Hi” she said
Lance smiled and stroked her chuddy cheek, then stood up and looked at Jocelyn.
“So where you off too?” he asked
“Uh to the Corner store to pick up Justin, for lunch” she said
“Oh…” he said
There was a strange silence, as Lance shuffled the rocks under his feet and looked around.
“I can’t believe you still don’t like him, after all this time” Jocelyn said referring to Justin
Lance shrugged “I don’t know what it is about him…” he said
“It’s not like he hit on me or anything, he’s gay” Jocelyn said
Lance shrugged again, and rubbed the back of his neck.
“So, what are you doing out here?” Jocelyn asked
Lance shrugged “No school today” he said smiling
“Oh…” Jocelyn said

She looked at Lance as he bent down to play with his dog and Jenee. She had to smile, he was so good to her when they were going out, he was the only one she thought about, she thought she would be with him forever, and then her thoughts trailed back to that party.

“unt oce” Jenee called
Jocelyn looked down at Jenee who was looking up at her
“Yes Jen” she said
“hunge” Jenee pouted
Jocelyn smiled “Ok, you heard her, I better get going” she said
Lance nodded
“You…umm you want to come?” Jocelyn asked nervously
Lance looked at her and rubbed his neck, looking at her shyly.
“No…not today” he said “Maybe some other time”
“Oh…” Jocelyn said semi disappointed
“Sorry I got things to do” Lance said
“Maybe some other time” Jocelyn smiled

Lance nodded and walked down the street calling Cocoa. Jocelyn went on her way pushing Jenee’s stroller. They reached the Corner store, and Justin was standing outside the store leaning against the wall. Justin heard the sound of wheels on rocks and turned and saw them, he smiled and made his way towards them.

“Hey Jenee” Justin said taking her out of her stroller
“ukle uttin!” she squealed hugging his neck
Jocelyn smiled “Sorry we’re late” she said
“That’s ok” Justin said as Jenee began to play with his face “Where were you?
”We saw Lance on the way, and Jenee wanted to play with his dog” she said
Justin looked at her in shock “Lance?” he asked
Jocelyn nodded
“You better tell me everything” Justin said

Jocelyn laughed. They walked down the street to the local diner. They got a booth near the back with a high chair for Jenee. They were now eating their burgers with fries and chocolate shakes. Jenee was making a mess of her macaroni and cheese in her high chair.

“So, where’s Jack?” Jocelyn asked
“Working” Justin said simply
“And where is that?” she asked
“Construction…with Joey” Justin said
Jocelyn watched him, as he played with Jenee
“What’s wrong?” she finally asked him
Justin looked at her, then down at his food
“You’re not…” he started “You’re not gonna get together with him again, are you?”
Jocelyn sighed “Justin, I just broke up with Josh…I am in no condition to get into another relationship…”
“But this is Lance” Justin pouted
Jocelyn smiled “You’re too cute J, too bad you swing the other way” she said
“Hey!” Justin said smiling “I’m telling Jack you said that”

Jocelyn laughed and took a bite of her burger. They finished their food in silence for a few minutes.
“So what did you and Lance talk about?” Justin asked
Jocelyn shrugged and told him about their little conversation.
“It wasn’t anything big” Jocelyn said
“Hmm” Justin said
“What?” Jocelyn asked
“Why doesn’t he like me?” Justin asked
Jocelyn shrugged “I don’t know” she said “Maybe because you were my protector” she said

Justin smiled and they finished their lunch. An hour later they finished lunch and then walked Justin back to the Corner store, and Jocelyn hugged him
“Thanks for lunch, I owe you” Jocelyn said
“No you don’t” Justin said
Jocelyn smiled and looked down at Jenee
“Say bye Uncle Justin” Jocelyn said
“Bye” she said smiling
Justin smiled and kissed Jenee’s head “Bye baby” he said

He then walked back into the corner store and Jocelyn started down the road pushing Jenee’s stroller to go home. By the time Jocelyn got home, Jenee was asleep; so Jocelyn picked her up and carried her inside, she put her in her bed huddled with blankets around her. Jocelyn then went into the living room and sat on the couch with a pad of paper and a pen. She had been starting to write a new story but couldn’t get it started there’s been a lot to do around here, she sighed and doodled on the pad, thinking.


22 year old Jocelyn walked down the street heading to the library. She had just put her first ever book out and was slowly becoming famous. She had on sunglasses and a hat to protect herself from fans; she wasn’t famous enough for a body guard yet. All she wanted was a good book and to sit down at the local coffee shop and read. She reached the library and walked down the aisles, busying herself by listening to her portable CD player. She walked down the aisle and spotted the book she wanted at the very top. So she reached up and gripped the book but she must have tripped on her own feet because she felt herself falling back. She was about the scream when she felt strong arms catch her.

“Oh my god” she whispered loudly, and got her footing “I’m sorry” she said and turned and looked at the person who caught her
Her breath caught in her throat as she looked into the piercing blue eyes of her rescuer.
“You ok?” he asked smiling
Jocelyn smiled and took off her headphones “Yes, thank you for saving me life”
He laughed “No problem…I’m Josh” he said
“Jocelyn” she said smiling
“You’re that new author” Josh said smiling
Jocelyn smiled “Yea, that’s me” she said
“Your book was great, I couldn’t put it down” he praised
Jocelyn giggled her face turning pink
“Thank you” she said
“So, you come here often?” Josh asked
“Sometimes, I just wanted to get a book to take with me to the coffee shop, to read” she said
“Oh” he said
Jocelyn couldn’t believe she was going to do this
“Want to join me?” she asked “For coffee I mean”
Josh smiled “That would be great”

Jocelyn smiled; they grabbed their books and checked them out, then walked down the street to the local coffee shop. They spent all afternoon talking and laughing getting to know each other better. She found out he was a starting actor, he was an extra for awhile on a soap opera and was working on his first movie. They had completely hit it off, and were on their first date 2 days later.

*End Of FlashBack*

Her thought was broken when her cell phone rang. She quickly got up and ran to the table to pick it up.

Chapter End Notes:

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