Do we gotta do this here???

Flying back to New York was, in a word – hell. Not only was I drunk but not too drunk so that I couldn’t hide it…but I had a massive case of “ohhhhmygodwhathaveidone” so in short I was feeling like crap.
The crap feeling made worse by the fact that I walked in on Adam boxing up his things.

Needless to say the exchanges were both brief and forgettable. He did ask me though why I was home, and more so why I was home alone.
What did I tell him? That id ended it with him, and then confessed my undying love for an idiot that just went off and got married to what can only be described as a low rent hooker.

No, I didn’t tell him that….i told him that I had to think things over,
that I needed time to – reflect.

He seemed to buy it, and it wasn’t like it was a total lie? I was pretty
messed up at that point. And I DID need to think. I needed to
reassess my whole life now. Outside of work and Libby I didn’t really
feel completed….it was just a side of myself that I ignored, and I tried
to define myself as one thing – Libby’s mom, great producer, Libby’s
mom….you see I didn’t have a whole lot of options now did I?

Having the appartment to myself was nice, it hadn’t happened in a
while and it was nice to just sit and hang out.

Of course being a girl I couldn’t just hang out ALONE, no I invited my
friends over for what was worryingly turning into a weekly therapy

“See now I don’t know what to do?”

“Wait, why should you be the one to go off and DO something? He's

the one that's an ass, he's the one who left you mid – heart pour to
marry that TRAMP, you just move on….” Leesa spoke up first.

“I can’t just wait; I mean he's married…”

“He didn’t actually say he married her though did he?” Kali added, and
yeah she may have had a point.


She continued, “I mean did you actually see a ring? Did he tell you
that he married her? Noooo. So until he does, you don’t really know
where to stand now do you? I mean you’re the one that confessed and
all….hes the one that has to make the next step though.”
“What if he doesn’t????”

Leesa butted in,

“then you forget him, as hard as it’ll be….you just have too….if he isn’t
man enough, if he doesn’t have the balls…then you have to forget
him – he just aint worth it.”

“but I love him, I wish I didn’t but I do…if I didn’t this would be SO
much more easy to do….i know that I need to leave if he has married
her, I mean the idea of watching them – be married, its just insane, I
mean its HER….hell NO! Not happening I mean she's a white trash,
bitch, I don’t need to bring up what happened the night Liberty was
born now do I. I mean why would he marry a woman that wanted him
to miss the birth of his child, I mean she's so-“

They were staring at the door behind me, but before I could turn
around I heard the voice.

“What makes you think I married her?”

Was all I heard before I faced him – and he looked so pissed off I
can’t EVEN tell you?

“How long have you been standing there?” was all I said as I got off
the couch to greet him

“Long enough to know your dumb….Woman why did you just
leave….and WHY did you have to call security???” he squinted. Poor

“I…you left me in that hotel room for HOURS, you didn’t say were you
where, I mean how was I supposed to know where the hell you went,
you could have married her and shot off on your damn honey moon,
in the time it took you…”

“I didn’t marry her dumbass…I….” he looked behind me and there
were Leesa and Kali transfixed on us both, not missing a word. “Do we
gotta do this here?” he asked me.

“UH YEAH” both girls spoke at once. I shrugged, knowing them too

“If we go in the other room they’re only gonna listen at the door. So
we may as well.”

He rolled his eyes, “fine, look I went there to break up with her….and
believe me when I say it was a close call…but the point is, is that I
ended it because of all that you said….because what you said to
me….its been what ive wanted to hear” he coughed quietly as if he was
embarrassed by what he wanted to say “ ive wanted to hear that for the longest time Shaharra, you have to know that….but I did honestly
think that our time together was…well…over….we’d avoided and clashed
and avoided things, each other for such a long time, I mean its so
hard sometimes to even remember what the good times were like with
us….sometimes, but then all I have to do is look at Libby and I see all
of that in her….she’s our goodness and that makes me think about
what I need, what I needed then is different to what I need now, and I
see that it’s the same for you….finally I see that….”

“And now?” I uncrossed my arms.

“And now, well I think that I need to tell you something…” he came

“What….” I smiled, knowingly.

“Harri I love you, not only that but I am so in love with you that its
taken me almost two years to admit it, I never stopped loving you,
not even when I willed myself NOT too…I just couldn’t stop it, I loved
you from the moment we met in that elevator….and I haven’t stopped

I smiled widely as I he recited my ramble to me, he remembered it
all? This shocked me since id been talking a mile a minute at the
time of said ramble…..

“You do?” I leaned in closer, if it was possible – so much so that our
noses touched, and he kissed me.

It felt like my first kiss, only – you know less awkward, it felt as if id
been waiting for it forever….and in a way I had been.

Of course we both laughed when the two most cynical women on earth
uttered a collective “aww” as he took me in his arms….it was really,
really funny.

As we both stood, in a long over due embrace, both of our friends
make their exit, swiftly I might add. You would think that, thats were most stories would end now wouldnt you???

No, this one isnt like the rest, you know the best drama is the drama

that happens right after the inevitable dont you?

So... you wanna know what happened after the happily ever after bit?
Right…I would too. So here we go.

“So Ms green what now?” I asked her softly as I gazed into her perfect

“Now? You mean now that we’re here, professing and admitting and all
that?” she smiled “shit if I know boy…I thought you'd be the one with
all the answers….”

I just looked at her, she knew I didn’t.

“Well how about we take it from here…and see where we end up.”

She thought about it, and grinned with all her white teeth showing, “as
long as it’s with you, ill take whatever road you want.”

She gave in; she gave up being a control freak…for that split second
at least.

And we did it, we embarked on a “real relationship – and all that
entails” it was her one condition.

We became a couple for the first time in almost three years, we were
US again.

And it felt amazing….

We both knew there were clearly issues to be dealt with in order to
ensure that each of us would be happy and willing to enter such a
commitment on the best of terms, I know its sounds so unromantic.
But it wasn’t in fact the very fact that we were this honest with each
other allowed us both to be…ourselves…truly for the first time.

It was something widely welcomed….

Im not going to sit here and tell you it was easy, it wouldn’t be real if
it was easy, if it was just love and roses all the time – where would the
fun be in that?

No, harri and I thrived on our enthusiasm, not only for each other but
to establish that one of us was usually wrong and the other very, very
right…Ill let you guess which one of us made the most
arguments….*hint it aint me*

When it came time for Liberty’s second birthday, a time of joy and
happiness but a time when we had made it there together, for four
months! And given that she could walk and talk extensively now, for
me that meant she could have her own little car…

It was a battery powered mini BMW and it was pink, I figured it was
perfect, sue me. you know that and most of the girls section at three
toy stores…. I wasnt spoiling her, I was just...making sure she had
everything every little girl would want, thats not SO bad right????

But anyway, back to my point – when it came time for her party. We
held it this time in our house, which we’d both bought together –
grown up huh?

So there we were, friends, family, and the whole nine.

“Be careful okay…Come on if she falls your gonna stop her crying this time” Harri pointed out, serving another drink to my mom.

“I will don’t worry, she's strapped in anyways, aint that right honey.”

“Ummm, ummm” her ladyship nodded with her light brown curls
bobbing with her.

“Well just make sure.” She turned to my mom and rolled her
eyes, “sometimes I wonder which one is the kid…” they both laughed.
I mean sure I could be immature sometimes but you know I meant
well. The little party went really well, and I managed to build some
bridges from the year before – apparently some of the moms still
remember my little “episode” from the year before…Sure id gotten
drunk but y’all know I had more issues back then than rolling stone.

Now, I was more chilled, relaxed – I was happy, and it showed. In
everything from my family life to my work. I embraced each new
project with a fresh feel and outlook, now I only did what I had to –
because I wanted too, not because my boss’s, boss’s boss was telling
me too. Libby and Shaharra were my priority and that's what mattered
to me, their happiness, if they were happy then I was too, I was with
them how could I not be….

“Hey you… exhausted yet?” I announced coming into the kitchen
seeing harri at the sink.
“Ugh this is the last year we do this, next year lets get catering or
something I can’t be doing this all the time, im zonked!”

“seems so, I told you we should have gotten people to handle this,
it’s too much, those kids could get high on water, cola aint the best
bet for em’ ”

“Its fruit juice, you know that…and our daughter is now taking more
fun out of the box her big ass car came in, than the actual car….kids

I laughed, she did seem to like boxes…for some strange
reason….she’d always hide in them.

“Are you okay? You’ve seemed tired for a while now…”

“I know I think it’s just this bug…im finally getting rid of it but you
know, it’s lurking…hence the tiredness…Ill be fine in a few days…”

“You sure?”

“Im sure…” she smiled “Now that her birthday is out of the way, is
there anything special you’d like to do for your birthday….”

“Something along the lines of what we did for yours in October…that’d
be nice.” I considered leaning in against the sink to face her.

“Justin all we did was stay in, we didn’t do anything….” I remembered,
she was sick then too…all plugged up. But then she made me sick so
neither of us could do anything for almost a week.

“I know, I liked that…just us by ourselves…its sounds nice, after all the
madness of the last few months, some time alone is just what we

“And the baby?”

“My mom’s offered if we want or if you wanna ask your mom…” I
trailed off.

“Ummm, I don’t know I don’t like depending on them ALL the time,
it’s not fair on them.”

“Yeah I know, but they offer most of the time so in a way it’s their own

“Justin…” the look was followed by the warning tone.

“Ok, okay fine…well if you wanna bring Libby maybe we should go
somewhere…whistler maybe…teach her to ski…”

“She’s two, dude…she can barely stand up right and walk, let along

“We say the same about Trace but he manages…” I laughed; she did
too finally finishing loading the dish washer.

“Okay…if you want.”

“You don’t though do you…”

She bit her lip, “I liked the first idea, we can leave her with you mom if
you want…just head up state or something…just chill out for a while”

“Woman, I swear you don’t know how to make a decision do ya….you
don’t like it, then I come up with something else then you go back to
the first one….your lucky I love you.”

“Ooh IM the lucky one…watch it. Im a woman it’s my prerogative to
change my mind- “

“And drive me crazy in the process…” she slapped me on the head,
with that big ass ring again. Oh that reminds me…the ring….


The party went over without a glitch, thank god – no one got hurt, no
one threw up, and in Justin’s case no one got drunk.

We agreed with Lynn that she’d stay with Libby for that weekend, so
we could leave.

We hadn’t anything huge planned, just a trip to a nice cabin near the
lake…it was amazing this time of year, and it was out of the way – of
the media if you could find such a place.

And for at least a few days a year no one bothered us. Thankfully.

“You got everything?” he asked me one more time when we loaded
our things into the Mercedes.

“Yup, you?”

“All but the kitchen sink…mom you have our numbers and everything,
so if anything I mean ANY thing goes wrong…”

“Are you lecturing me? I raised you…give me some credit boy.” Harri
laughed at that. Ok so she had a point but it didn’t stop me worrying.

“Fine okay…bye then…bye Libby be good okay.” She didn’t seem to
notice us leave one way or the other, Barney was keeping her occupied.

"Bye daddy....Mommy..." She said as she didnt flinch from her
position in front of the tv. That was easy.

Once we got to the cabin that looked bigger than the last time, it was
all decked out. Ready and waiting – fire, stocked fridge, the whole

“What are planning the end of the world in here…dude we only gonna
be here two days…I don’t think we need all this…” I noted inspecting
the rest of the house.

“What? I was just being thorough, and I NOTHING if not thorough you
know that.” I smirked at his assuming, and yes he was thorough, in
almost every aspect of his life. It was annoying sometimes, until I

realised I was the same.

He came up behind me, embracing me into a hold. “Now, what are we
gonna do here for two WHOLE days.”

“Well I am planning on killing you, ive a spot picked out back…” I

“Funny…seriously what are we gonna do…”
I just looked at him, and then I leaned in and kissed him…in a way
that he knew my intentions…

“How bout that…”

“THAT? Woman is that ALL I am to you…just your toy….” He feigned
insult. He was almost good at it.

“Yup, that's ALL you are to me, my toy…Now come on toy….I want to

“Did I mention I love you?” he smiled…

“No, but give me a minute and you will, you most definatly WILL.” I
smiled, leading the way to where I wanted to go.


“You did this?” She sounded amused. Why I had NO idea.

“Sure, why do you sound so shocked? I am a good cook you know, or have you forgotten EVERYTHING about me…”
“No, no of course not…its just all I knew that you USED to be able to
cook were pop tarts, this…well it’s certainly an achievement, well done.”

“Well, sit…eat…enjoy.”

“I will thank you.” She smiled her 100 watt smile that contrasted
against her amazing mocha skin, I loved it. “So what is all this in aid
of, I mean we could have just gone to “sueño” like we usually do when
we came here…” She said as she ajusted her dressing gown, she had
threated to get dressed, but I kindly pointed out to her that there
wouldnt be much point in that, id have her naked again just as quickly.

“No, this” I poured her, her wine “is different, I mean we’re starting
fresh, I say we make this the tradition now instead of that restaurant…”
“Really? But I thought you loved it there, you said the Spanish pasta

was your dish remember???”

“Just try this and then say that again.” She took her fork to her lips,
the dressed pasta and the fresh herb sauce combined, “Oh you liar,
this is THE dish! You said you cooked!”

“aw come on, you know me, I cant cook for shit – and about the only
thing I can cook is the pop tarts, and most of the time I managed to
burn em too….this is my dish, I had them deliver….”


“Ehh, I just didn’t feel like going out tonight, maybe if you wanna we
could go somewhere in town tomorrow night? See then whats, what…”

“Ok, yeah maybe….God this is SO good, I can’t believe we haven’t
been here since…what? ‘03?”

“Yeah right before we broke up….of course I didn’t know that then….” I
looked away, almost afraid to bring it up.

“Ooh yeah that's right…well…”she sipped her wine “that’s all in the past
now right, bygones and all a that…”

“Yup it is…isn’t it?”

“Well I don’t know you’re the one that brought it up, you tell me!” see
I knew she’d get defensive on me, why do I do this to myself.

“I only brought it up because you did; I was only asking a question –
that's all….”

“Well, fine yeah things are…in the past…so lets just forget I brought it

For the next few minutes we both sat in silence, I had been the one to
ask, but I didn’t expect her to react like that….i mean we were happy
now. But I guess it was still just a real sore spot for her.

“Shit I fucked this up didn’t I?” I admitted.

“Fucked what up?”

“This, this thing…it was supposed to be just us all romantic and shit
and NOW ugh ive messed with the whats it…”

“Atmosphere?” she laughed putting down her fork.

“Yeah that's it…im sorry, I didn’t mean too…I need tonight to be
perfect and it was, until I opened my big-“

“Wait why did TO-night have to be perfect?” she questioned me with
the raised eye brow.


“Oh, well you know our first get away as a couple again an all…” I lied.

“aw, well its not ruined cause we yelled, hell if THAT was the case
everything we do together would be royally fucked because all we do
IS yell…” she came over to my side of the smallish dinner table, and
slinked onto my knee.

“Now, see I think this is perfect….”


“Because I baited you and you didn’t notice AND you were the one to
apologise first….man I have you SO well trained…”

“Women I swear…”

“Cant live with them cant…won’t live without me…I know I know, no
need to tell me dude.”

“Dude?” I laughed at her skills of speech.

“ehh, ive been producing for PUNK’D I spent a lot of time with Mr
Demi…the dude and the shit and yelling all kinda rubs off after a
while…” she rested her head on my shoulder, still sitting comfortably
on my knee. Just listening to the sound of her breathing made me
calmer for some reason.

I knew it was the right time then, "Har?"

“Yeah?” still her head rested on my shoulder.

I reached for the little velvet box in my pocket and flipped it open
under the table, “I wanna ask you something, and I kinda need an
honest answer…”

She looked at me as if something was wrong. “Ok…sure what is it?”

“well, see the thing is…is that ive had this thing to give to now for a
LONG time, but the timing – well it was a little off shall we say, and
um…well things got in the way…”

“J what is it?”

“I wanted to ask you…” I reached for her left hand, and then lifted the
box – but she was still looking in my eyes, she didn’t notice.


“Will you Shaharra Green, do me the greatest honor" I smiled, not
able to be all serious like Id planned "Baby will you be my wife?”

Her eyes widened, she fought the smile…I saw it in her face, she didn’t
wanna smile but she had too.

“Are…are you serious?”

I looked at her as if she was mad, how could I NOT be serious.

“But…it’s only been a few….i mean months, it’s been months…and
we’re….I mean I love you of course…”

“Answer please before I combust….” I laughed nervously.

Then she looked at the ring, then at me…and as if she just realised
what id asked she placed her hands on her chest, gasping.

“OOH my god of course….yes…”


“YES!” she laughed hugging me, finally…

“Oh thank god…woman what a way to leave a guy hanging….i couldn’t

She kissed me on the cheek and then properly. “Im sorry, its just"
She looked at her hand again "Wow…that is a chunky ring dude…”

Again with the dude, I hate Ashton.

“You mean the diamond right?” she was right it was pretty sweet, 10
carat, princess cut Harry whinstone.

“Of course I mean the diamond man what else. Its amazing….i love it,
and I LOVE you…”

“Mean it?”

“No, im kidding….” She shrugged “WHAT do you think.”

“Good, good I was just checking that's all…”

"Like there was ever a doubt that it wouldn’t be a yes, of course...I
adore you, sometimes I wonder why..." she smiled evilly, "but then it
comes back to me....Justin, we're...getting" her eyes
widened "MARRIED!"

"Its seems that way doesn’t it!" I kissed her back..

"Yeah it really does..." she grinned widely. It made my heart melt..

This was it, this felt right...more than that it felt fantastic.

We were ready.


“And this is for real this time, I mean this is what you want right?”
trace queried, pacing with my baby in his arms.

“What the hell do you think…of course it is, I love Shaharra with all my
heart – as corny as it sounds? I do, and we're….there you know.”

“Cooo-coooo land? Yeah I know….”

“Not funny….”

“Okay you know I love her an all I mean she's a blast, she's fun and

she smart…fine as hell and she puts you in your place which – lets
face it, not many women can do…I like her.”

“Is that your seal of approval?”

“In a way kinda…yeah. I say good luck and finally, Jesus it only took
y’all what? Five years….that’s a long time to realise something that
was SO damn obvious to everyone else…and you call me slow…” he
shook his head and walked off with a smiling tiny tooth bearing Libby
in his arms.

“Wait where are you going?”

“Out…see ya.”

“Isn’t it a little soon?”

“Are you kidding me here? I called you for encouragement, not to be
all negative…” I said to my long time friend over the small table in the
small coffee shop.

“Im sorry, but isn’t it? I mean I know y’all have been doing this whole
dance of on and off love for what seems like EVER, but you’ve really
only been dating again what six months…”

“And? We love each other isn’t that what matters.”

“Brad and Jen said that too and now look what happened to them…”

“Angelina jolie is a home wrecker that's what happened to them, and
as far as I know she hasn’t her sights set on my man, so we’re fine.” I
sipped my hot coffee letting her close her weekly read that was the

“Harri, your right im sorry…I think its great!”

“Kali don’t lie, it doesn’t suit you and your shit at it so please if your
not happy then your not, you don’t have to lie about it…”

“I am happy; I just want you to be careful that's all…”

“But careful of what? We don’t need that; all we need is each other.”
Wow, cheesy aren’t i?

“Okay, say you get married and everything is wonderful…where are
y’all gonna live? Have you even thought about that?”

No, actually I hadn’t.


“Whats the arrangement now?” see, she knew fine well what
the “arrangement” was.

“We commute, week about from LA to here.”

“Ahuh, and is that how its gonna be when you marry him, only seeing
each other on the weekends or when you both get a change to spent
more time on plane that with each other….”

Ok so she had a point.

“Why are you even bringing this up??”

“because someone has too, now look no one wants to see you and
snowy get it together more than me, truly because I see how happy
you are now, and that it must have been him that was missing from
you all this time….never have I seen you happier”

“BUT?” I knew it was coming.

“But, I think that if your going to do this right before any plans can be
made….I think you both need to have a serious talk as to whats going
to happen, what it is you both want….you know the normal things most
people do before entering a life long pledge together.”

Now I know what your thinking, was it not obvious to think these
things, was it not the first thing people ask themselves – where are we
all gonna live? What are we going to do once we’re married, am I
going to change my name, should I now days?

“Ill talk to him, ok?”

“It’s all I ask, just so your both clear…that's all…” my friend smiled at
me, I knew she meant well but she did but a whole new damper on
my happy. She had her points and she had them in abundance, well I
guess I would have to talk it up when I got home.

“Have you set a date yet?”




“Church or beach?”

“Don’t know…”

“Well what do you know?” my mother stood, hands on her hips.

“Ma, relax what I know is that I only asked her a week and a half ago,
whats the rush?”

“I didn’t say there was a rush really I didn’t…I mean the last thing I
want is something like the debacle you ALMOST threw in Vegas….”

“Wait you said you were cool with that?” she rolled her eyes at
me, “yeah but I was also liquored up at the time, so don’t take all I
say literally will ya?”

“Well no, we haven’t talked about that yet, I mean we both in no
hurry. And when we do it, we’ll do it right. I promise, not a gambling
strip in sight.”

“Humm well that's one thing I guess.”

“But you’re going to make this one, a little more traditional right?”

“I would think so, yes…Ok? Can you calm down now?”

“Fine, fine Im off to see my grand baby.”
"Wait, mom..."


"You don’t think we're rushing into this do you?"

She smiled, "No, this time im sure....She’s the one, she’s yours...."

"For real?"

"Of just took y'all a while to get here that’s all. All you

needed was time, and look where you are, you're in love with her, and
her with have this amazing little girl, and you have each
other - I think it’s about time, don’t you?"

“I do, I really do…but I mean…”

“You’re having doubts honey?”

“No, I know I love her, I know I don’t wanna be without her….i just
hope she feels the same.”
“She said yes didn’t she? Trust me I know her, she wouldn’t have

agreed unless she was completely sure….”

I similed and kissed her on the cheek handing her, her coat “Love you
ma. Go see the baby, she's at day care….”

“Okay, you sure?”

I smiled, putting down my head phones. “Im sure, now go”

“Justin, are you home?” I yelled from the front door of the
appartment, his…or ours as it was now known.

His pent house on 5th was so much nicer than mine, so we decided to
just move into that one.

“I am - im in the bedroom.”

And for sure there he was placing ties beside each shirt.

“Where's the baby?” I asked putting down my bags.

“She’s with my mom, they went shopping for shoes…I think.”

“Aw, that's right she said something about twinkle pinks or

“My mom?”

“No, Libby…any way…what are you doin?”

“I need to pick out a shirt and tie for this meeting tomorrow; I need to
be smart…but not stuffy.”

“Id pick the blue and the navy tie…light blue shirt, looks hot on you
like that.”

“Cool…how was your day baby?”

“Eh, just okay I guess. Busy but good so I can’t really complain.”

“Wanna sit?” he led me to the sitting room.

As we both just collapsed on the couch I brought up the subject id
been faced with earlier in the day.



“You know when we…get married?”

He smiled, “yes?”

“Where are we gonna live?”


“Well I mean, we can’t keep going the ways we’re going right now can
we? I mean it’s impossible…”

“Damn, ive never really thought about that, I just figured you’d move
in with me…”

“We are…”

“No, I mean in LA.”


“I just assumed that you'd move to LA with me…”


“Justin, I don’t know what gave you that idea. I never said id move to

“Oh, ok…well you know my works there right? The business, the
producers, the movies ive signed on for… it’s all in LA…”

“Yeah, and my works here…Libby’s pre school is here…her little friends,
my friends….”
“So you're unwilling to even consider this?"

"Are you?" I countered back.

He just looked at me, with that “whats wrong your acting ridiculous”
look he would get sometimes.

“Harri, I don’t want to fight with you, I really don’t….”

“Well your sure not acting like it!”

“Just hear me out okay??” he grabbed my hand, “I love you and I want nothing more than us to be together…you know that!”

“But those are just words Justin, this thing…”

“Us getting married?”

“Yes, it’s a huge step and I just don’t think that either of us has really
considered what a marriage consists of, what it needs to stay a real
healthy marriage.”

“We didn’t know what raising a kid was all about either, but somehow
we have this amazingly smart little girl…we can’t be that bad at winging
it – can we?”

I fought my smile. He always did this to me. Charmed me out of my
way of thinking.

“I see a smile…” he kissed my cheek.

“That doesn’t change the fact that I have…WE have some issues here

“I know that, and we’ll figure something out, we will…We always do.”

Yeah he says that now, but why do I get the feeling this is something
that will be easier said that done?


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