Author's Chapter Notes:
a christmas gift for you!!!

"Next is the case of Justin Timberlake vs. Chione Sanders and Trace Ayala."

The bailiff said his peace and waited as Trace and Chione were escorted into the court room. The two officers walked them up to the bench and released them into the judges care.

"Mr. Ayala and Ms. Sanders, how do you plead on the charges of breaking and entering and assault and battery?" The judge asked.

"Guilty." Chione stated, putting her head down.

"Guilty." Trace answered.

"Very well. Since Mr. Timberlake didn't recieve any bad wounds, I'll set your bail at five thosand dollars each. I'll see you two again in about a month for the sentencing."

And with that, the bailiff began to spout off another case and the officers uncuffed Trace and Chione. The two walked slowly over to Lynn and Paul, where Lynn through her arms around them and tried to comfort them. Paul went to hand Dionne over to his mother but Chione refused him, she was in the same dirty clothes all weekend. She didn't want the dirt and the grime from the other filthy people she had to endure to rub off on her still pure son. The five of them walked out of the court room and went straight down to the secretary to pay their bail. Once the ten thousand dollars had been forked over, they made their way out to the car and made their way back to the Harless estate.

Prison gates won't open up for me
On these hands and knees I'm crawlin'

"I hope you don't mind Trace, I went over to your place and brought you some clothes over here. I didn't want you to be alone after all of this. I did the same for you Chione, sweetheart." Lynn said, as they stepped into the home.

"I don't mind. Thank you momma Lynn." Trace said, grabbing the bag from the steps, "I'm gonna shower and then crash for a while. I just... I need to get clean." He whispered, not looking at any of them.

"Okay honey, I'll let you know when I have dinner finished okay?" Lynn said.

He nodded and smiled weakly at her, then jogged up the stairs, "You don't mind if I do the same do you?" Chione asked.

"Of course not. Take your time baby." Paul said.

"I just, you've taken care of Dionne all weekend, as soon as I'm out of the shower I'll come down and get her."

"Don't worry about that, just go and shower and then get some rest. You need it." Lynn said, holding her hand to Chione's cheek.

Oh, I reach for you
Well I'm terrified of these four walls
These iron bars can't hold my soul in

Chione kissed her daughter on the cheek, who was swatting at Paul's chest and then grabbed her bag from the stairs. She walked slowly up the stairs and past Trace's room, where she heard the shower running softly through the wall. She continued her journey down the hallway until she found the room that she had been occupying for the past week. She walked in and closed the door behind her, dropping her full bag next to her feet and fall back against the door. She let out a breath and then lifted herself from the wall and walked into the bathroom that was adjacent to the bed.

She started the hot water and took out the bun in her hair, letting it fall against her back. She removed her clothing and closed her eyes when the terrible smell hit her nostrils. Smoke, alcohol and vomit was a deadly mixture. She threw the soiled clothes into the waste basket that was against the wall. She never wanted to wear those clothes again; they would never be cleaned of the memories of sitting in jail.

All I need is you
Come please I'm callin'

She stepped into the stream of water and closed her eyes as she immersed her head under the hot water. She ran her hands over her head and then stepped back out of the stream, opening her eyes once again. It felt nice to have all the gunk wash away from her body and down the drain, if only she could do the same with the memories. Justin's words had haunted her all weekend; she had never heard such nasty things being directed at another human being before. This was proof that he couldn't be helped and that Trace was right. There wasn't an ounce of the old Justin in there at all, he had died and gone to hell.

And oh I scream for you
Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

The things that he had said about her didn't really matter but they still stung. Bitch, skank and nigger she could live with but all the same, it hurt. The things he had said about Dionne, now that was a different story entirely. They had been blessed with such a beautiful child, some couples endure hell trying to conceive. But she and Justin had been hand picked by God to bring another life onto the earth and to say that he wished that Dionne hadn't ever been born killed her. Justin didn't even know their daughter but yet, he was so sure that Dionne was the work of the devil, out to destroy his precious career.

Show me what it's like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And I'll show you what I can be
Say it for me
Say it to me

The anger began to build in her again. Justin himself ruined his damn career, the damn drugs just sealed the deal. They never loved him like she did. They loved him while he was young and hot, they loved him because he was the new trend. But soon, as the Justin everyone knew began to disappear, he was replaced by some new product and they all left him, like she knew they would. But not her, she stayed as long as could and tried to get him to kick his habit but he was too far gone by that time. She still loved him though and she knew that that fact would never change. There was nothing that he could do to get her to stop loving him and no matter what she tried to do, she knew there was no escaping him.

And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth saving me

Chione lathered her tired and weary body with soap and massaged the strawberry smelling shampoo into her scalp. She rinsed herself of the soaps and then shut off the water, and stepped out into the cool air. She grabbed the towel off of the rack and wrapped herself up in it, and then grabbed the hand towel and began to run it through her long, thick hair. She walked back into the bedroom and turned on the TV to some miscellaneous channel and continued to dry herself. She opened the bag that Lynn had lovingly packed and smiled to herself. Lynn had remembered to pack her lotion, body spray and all of the other toiletries that were apart of Chione's nightly routine.

Heaven's gates won't open up for me
With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you

Wrapping her hair up in the hand towel, she removed the body towel once she was dried off and began to apply her lotion, making sure that every inch of her delicate skin was coated. She pulled on her boyshort underwear and lacey bra and then pulled one of her old t-shirts over her head. She pulled on her soffe shorts and then sprayed the body spray into the air, walking into the mist. Deciding to let her hair air dry, she pulled it back into a loose bun and then collapsed onto the bed, sleepiness taking over her body. She heard a soft knock on her door, and told the person to enter. Trace walked in and offered her a smile, "Can I come in?"

"Of course you can."

These city walls ain't got no love for me
I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story
And oh I scream for you
Come please I'm callin'
And all I need from you
Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

He shut the door behind him and walked over the bed, plopping down next to her, "I'm tired." He said.

"Me too, that shower did wonders for me though."

"Yeah, i've never felt so clean before. What are ya watchin'?" His southern twang tickled her ears.

"An old episode of Nip/Tuck. I used to love this show but I missed so many episodes cuz I've been so caught up in Dionne."

"I think I have all the seasons on DVD, or one of the girls I used to mess with had it left it over at my house. I dunno, but I'll give 'em to you cuz I don't want 'em."

Chione laughed at him, "You can't even remember the girl's name?"

"Come on girl, that's like asking someone how many times they've been to the bathroom in their life. Rule number one of being a pimp, never get names, just sex."

Chione burst into laughter again, "Oh, puh-lease. You are crazy as hell you know that?"

"Yeah." He chuckled.

"But you know what Trace?"

"What's that girl?"

"I think you are the best friend i've ever had. I love you."

Trace was silent but a sly smile came across his face, "I knew it."

"Shut up! I'm trying to tell you that you have been like the one stable thing in my life since Justin and I broke up and here you are making jokes." She laughed.

"I know, I know. In all seriousness though, I love you too."

She looked over at him in his black hoodie and sweat pants and smiled. He swatted at her hand playfully and chuckled again before he turned his attention back to the TV screen. Within minutes, the two were asleep and Lynn smiled down on the two of them. She backed out of the room and made her way back down to the kitchen.

Hurry I'm fallin'
All I need is you
Come please I'm callin'
And oh, I scream for you
Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

"They are both knocked out."

Paul smiled and turned on the baby monitor, "So is Dionne. They've had a rough couple of days, they all need the rest."

"How about we take a walk before we eat dinner? I just need to clear my head for a while and that will give them a chance to catch up on their sleep."

"Now that sounds like a plan baby."

Paul held out his hand and waited for his love to take it. They walked out the front door and started down the driveway as the cool breeze whipped over them.

Hurry I'm fallin'

Song Credit:

"Savin' Me" - Nickelback

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