"I would have slept with him last night Jenna, I'm telling you." Chione laughed as she sat behind the desk.

"Oh my god! I cannot believe I work with the girl that dated Justin Timberlake. I'm like, in awe of you." The young blonde said as a couple of people walked into the art gallery.

Chione smiled and greeted the clients as they walked past and then turned back to her new friend, "I keep telling you, he's not that guy when we are together. He's just... my ex-boyfriend and father of my child."

"I just teasing. How are his out-patient classes going?"

"Oh wonderful! He's moved up another level, he only gets drug tested every two weeks now. When he first started, they tested him everyday. Oh, I forgot to tell you, he asked me to come to his forgiveness session next week." Chione said.

The young blonde scrunched up her face a little as she sipped on her straw, " Forgiveness session? What in the hell is that?"

"It's where the patient brings in a loved one and they talk about how the drug addiction has hurt them. It's like a therapy session I guess."

"Are you gonna go?" Jenna asked.

Chione thought for a moment and then let out a breath, "Yeah. I think this will be good for us, you know, as Dionne's parents."

Jenna let out a deep, loud laugh, causing the customers to stop their browsing and turn towards them. Chione's eyes grew wide as she lowered her head a little, "What is wrong with you?" She asked the blonde in a hushed whisper.

"I'm sorry but you are in heavy denial."

"What do you mean?" Chione asked, looking quickly over at the few people in the dimly lit gallery.

"It'll be good for you and Justin as Dionne's parents? Come on girl, you almost slept with him last night, and you want me to believe you're not interested in him again? I might be blonde, but I am not dumb." Jenna said, clicking her nails against the desk.

As much as Chione didn't want to admit it, Jenna was right. The past couple of months with Justin had been wonderful, it was everything that she had wanted. They were almost like a little family. And being around Justin all that time had started to go to her head. Hundreds of times, she had caught herself staring at him or thinking of him taking her on the couch, on the floor, in the kitchen.

And for the first time since the whole ordeal had began, she was happy. She wanted the happiness to last forever. She wanted her boyfriend back. She looked back over at her friend and smiled, "You're right, I want him back."

Jenna smiled widely and hugged her friend, squealing just a tiny bit, "I'm so happy for you Chi Chi!"

"Why are you so happy for Chi Chi?" A deep masculine voice asked.

The two women turned toward the voice and Chione tensed up when her eyes laid on JC Chasez, "JC, what are you doing here?" Chione asked.

"I was just coming by to see my girl. You didn't even tell me that you were working."

Chione glanced between Jenna and JC for a second and then stood up, "Jenna, I'll be back in a couple of minutes okay?"

Jenna threw her hands up in the air, "Take your time, I can hold down the fort."

Chione smiled and then turned back to JC, "Follow me."

Chione walked through the gallery floor and pushed through the door that led to the storage/break room. When she was certain that the door had closed completely shut, she turned back to JC, "How did you find out that I was working here?"

JC shifted his weight but kept his cold blue eyes on her's, "I asked Trace. Why are you acting like this? Why are you creeping around and trying to dodge me?"

"I am not trying the dodge you. Listen JC, my daughter is number one on my list and I'm going to do everything I can for her. She needs her father and-"

"So this is what all of this is about. You've been taking Dionne to see him."

Chione scoffed loudly, "Of course I've been taking her to see Justin, he is her father!"

"Do you not remember what he did to you? Or, are you gullible enough to fall for his innocent smile?" JC said, throwing his hands in the air.

"Don't talk to me like that, you act like we're dating or something! Of course I remember what he did to me but he's making himself better and I'm willing to forgive him."

"Forgive him?! You are willing to forgive that asshole for what he put you though?"

Chione sighed loudly and drew her eyes to the ceiling, "I don't want you to come around anymore JC." She said, not looking at him.

JC stood silent for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean, I don't want to see you anymore. Obviously, I've been sending you signals that are being misinterpreted."

"Chione, we've slept together on many occasions and you're telling me that I'm misinterpreting your signals?"

"Fuck you! When is the last time we've slept together JC? Huh? A long ass time ago. Just, please don't make this shit any harder than it has to be, I'm not interested."

JC shook his head slowly and started to laugh sarcastically, "You're dumping me for him?"

"Oh come on! We are not together! And if we were, you'd still have no right to try and control me like this! Like it or not, Justin and I are connected through Dionne."

"But you want to be connected a different way. You want to be connected in the sense of his dick inside of you."

Before she could stop herself, Chione slapped JC harshly across the cheek. Her eyes turned dark as her chest began to heave slightly, "Don't you ever speak to me again, you got it? Not ever."

"Chione, I'm-"

"Get out."

JC sighed and reached out for her, "Chione please. I'm sorry okay? I was out of line."

"You damn sure where. Stay away from me and stay away from my daughter. Now get out."

"Just listen to me okay? I don't like you being alone with him, it's not like he's cured or anything. He could hurt you again and you are letting your guard down entirely to quickly."

"That is not for you to decide. I don't want your opinion on my life. I want you gone and I don't want to hear from you again." Chione said sternly.

"Chione come on, listen to what you are saying."

"You should of thought about that before you started trying to control me. Get the fuck out or I'm calling the police."

JC stood and watched her for a moment more and then turned and walked out of the room. Chione waited a couple minutes after the door clicked shut, trying to calm her emotions. She shook her hands out and walked around for a couple of seconds before she opened the door and walked back to the desk in the lobby.

She sat down just as Jenna was arranging a delivery for a customer. Jenna waved as the customer walked out of the gallery and then turned back to Chione, "What happened and who was that?"

"Oh god, that was JC." Chione said, slamming her hand down on a tiny pile of papers.

"He looked really upset when he walked out, what happened?"

"He's just been so controlling and just down right crazy these last couple of months. We're not dating or anything but he's just been insane every since Justin came back in my life. I just don't get why he's been acting like this. JC and Justin used to be the best of friends and now neither one of them can stand the other."

"Does this JC guy want a relationship with you?" Jenna asked, sipping on her water again.

"I think so. We've... well, you know."

"You slut!" Jenna said, swattig softly at Chione.

"I know," Chione groaned, "I wish we hadn't because now it's just awkward. Fuck, I just told him that I didn't want to see him anymore."

Jenna giggled softly and set down her water bottle, "I wish I had two popstars fighting over me."

"Will you stop! This is my life here. The man I want to be with is a cocaine addict and the man I don't want to be with is obsessed with me. And then, there is this beautiful little one year old girl that doesn't want anything but love and attention that's thrown into the mix. That's pretty fucked up." Chione said, placing her head into her hands.

"Aww honey," Jenna said, wrapping her arms around Chione, "It's going to be okay, I promise. This stuff always has it's way of working out, you just have to leave it up to fate."

"You promise?"

"I promise. Just, take things slow with Justin and make sure that all of his cards are on the table. Once you know he's really trying to change, you'll be a little more trusting and everything will happen naturally." Jenna said.

"Take things slow?" Chione asked with a scrunched up face.


"So that means no sex?"

"That especially mean no sex!"

Chione laughed heartily, her laughed bouncing off of the walls of the now empty art gallery, "Well, I guess if I can go this long without getting any, I can wait a little longer."

"Of course you can but it's going to be hard. You did say that Justin was dynomight in bed didn't you?"

"Oh shit! Don't remind me!" Chione giggled as she returned her head to her hands.

"What are you going to do about this JC guy?"

Chione sighed, "Hopefully he'll listen to me and just stay away. He is not the same person that he used to be and I don't know why he's changed."

Jenna sighed and tapped her fingers against the desk, "It'll all work out, don't worry to much about it. Just keep Dionne and Justin on top of your priorities list. Now, lets stop talking about your damn love life and help me enter these deliveries into the computer."

Jenna handed Chione a couple of pieces of paper and the two girls talked casually for the rest of the afternoon. Little did either of the young women know what was in store for both of them.

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