Chapter 3

Guess what I’m doing? Yep, watching him. Well, he’s not him anymore, he’s Justin. Once again, he’s outside messing around with that damn car of his. It’s only 9:30 in the morning and he’s been out there for at least and hour, maybe more. I still can’t believe that Olivia dragged me over there, I’m still embarrassed about it. Then I acted so stupid and barely said anything above a whisper. Ugh. But, I have to admit, it was kinda nice talking to him. He seems sweet and intelligent which is rarity when it comes to men in California. My thoughts turn back to Olivia as I turn from the window and start to make my way down to the kitchen. Was I too hard on her? I shouldn’t have yelled at her like that, she was only trying to help I guess. I mean, I wouldn’t have had the courage to over to him myself and say anything. Shit, now I feel bad.

But on the other hand, she knows me. I don’t do well with introducing myself and talking to people I don’t know. And the stuff she told him about me, that was down right stupid. I’m an adult, I don’t need someone talking for me. I’ve made a decision, I refuse to let her make me feel sorry for how I reacted. I had every right to be angry and that’s that. I open the refrigerator and look for something to eat. I need to go to the store because my fridge is pathetic. Not having anything else to do, I start to make a list of stuff I need. As I walk around the kitchen trying to think of things to get, I see a note sitting on the table. Recognizing Olivia’s chicken scratch, I pick it up and sigh when I glance over it.

I’m sorry, don’t be mad at me please. I shouldn’t have said that about, you know. I don’t know what gets into me sometimes, I just get these stupid ideas and I act on them without thinking how it will affect people. I truly am sorry about this whole Justin thing, I was just trying to help out. Call me?


Aw, man. Here she goes making me feel bad again. I really hate being a girl sometimes. I put the note back on the table and make a mental note to call her. I think I’ve thought of everything I need so I head back upstairs and start to get ready for the day. About an hour later I step into the kitchen again. I grab my keys, purse and grocery list and head toward the garage, but not before I peek out the window to get a look at Justin. His car is no longer in the driveway, coast is clear. I walk out to the garage, lock the door behind me and jump into my 2005 SLK 350 Mercedes-Benz Roadster. I wasn’t lying when I told him that I make serious cash.

I pull out of the driveway and pretty soon I’m on the highway heading toward my favorite flea market on the south side of LA. It’s about a forty-five minute drive but it never bothers me much. It’s such a beautiful day and with the top down I can feel the wind hitting me in the face. I can’t imagine living anywhere else than California. The weather, the scenery and everything is just so perfect. I can a feel a slight smile on my face as I get off at my exit. There is only one man that can make me this happy without having to do a single thing. He goes by the name of California.

I find a nice parking spot not to far from the market and pull in swiftly. I put the top up, get out and lock it before I make my way to pick up a bag. I greet the little old man handing them out and head over to the vegetables. I pull out my list and get to looking for some good husks of corn. I find four good ones and head on down to collect some broccoli, cucumbers and all that jazz. I might look like a health nut but chocolate is still my favorite vegetable.

As I’m looking through the watermelons, I hear a soft voice sound behind me. I turn around to face the one and only Olivia, “Hey.” I say quietly, looking down at my feet.

“Hey. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m alright. Look, I shouldn’t have-" begin.

“No, don’t say it. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have dragged you over to Justin’s and told him all that stuff. I shouldn’t have mentioned Tony and his pathetic ass. I’m the one who should be sorry, not you.” She says looking at me sincerely.

“I know but I shouldn’t have yelled at you. You were only trying to get me to talk to him and I was acting stupid. I’m sorry too. Let’s just forget about it, okay? I hate being mad at you.”

“Yeah, me too. All is forgotten. What are you looking for?” She asks taking my list and scoffing, “Girl, why and the hell do you eat like this? Where is the junk food?”

I give a hardy laugh, “I don’t believe in clogging my arteries with all that nasty stuff you like to eat. Just shut up and help me with this watermelon.”

A few hours later, we finish up shopping and head back to my car. We throw the bags in the trunk and I get in the drivers seat, “Did you drive here?” I ask.

“No, I took the bus.” She says leaning up against my car.

“Okay, well then get in and I’ll make lunch for us both when we get to my place.”

“Okay.” She gets in and we start our journey home.

We pull into the driveway and I shut off the car and start to get out. I walk to the back of my car and see that Justin is back but he is nowhere in site. I quickly open the trunk and start picking up the bags so I can get inside before he comes back out. I rush up to the front door, unlock it and walk through the living room to get to the kitchen. As I walk back outside, I pass Olivia and turn to say something to her when I crash into something hard. I land on my butt and look up to see the 6’1, pink lipped stranger standing over me with the watermelon in his hand.

“I’m sorry. Are you okay?” He says lending me a hand.

I grab it and notice what a strong grip he has, “Um, yeah. I’m okay.” I say while trying to avoid his gaze.

“I’m really sorry. I saw Olivia struggling with this so I offered a hand. I should have been more careful.”

“No, it’s not your fault, I totally wasn’t watching where I was going. You don’t have to help, we can get it.”

“Now what kind of a man would be if I let you two carry all this stuff?” He chuckles lightly, “Where should I put it?”

“Umm…”, Oh great, now I forget where my kitchen is, “Um, just go straight through the um… the uh… the…”

“The living room?” He offers.

“Yeah, the living room and you’ll be in the bathroom. I mean the kitchen. You’ll be in the kitchen.” I hate myself.


As soon as he’s out of sight I slam my palm up against my forehead. Bathroom? You’ll be in my bathroom? What the hell? I told you, when I’m nervous I just do and say stupid shit. He thinks I’m a moron, you should have seen the way he looked at me when I couldn’t figure out the word was living room. Oh man. Olivia steps up behind me and pokes her finger into my side.

“He is such a gentleman! He saw me trying to carry that gigantic watermelon and practically begged me to let him carry it. Hey, are you okay?” she asks.

“I just made a huge ass out of myself Liv. He asked me where the kitchen was and I told him to go through the living room and he’ll be in my bathroom.”

“No you didn’t! Ashlynn! That is hilarious!” She almost has to sit down she’s laughing so hard.

“It’s not funny! Oh shit, here he comes.”

I make a mad dash out to my car and pretend to be so engrossed with getting the groceries that I don’t notice him coming. My breath gets shallow as he leans over me to get the bag in my hand, “Here, let me.” He says.

I feel his hard, well defined chest press up against my back and I almost pass out. His two strapping arms reach down into the trunk, grazing my own, causing goose bumps to form immediately. His fingers lightly kiss mine as they take the bag from my grasp and I can feel his belt buckle pressing into my butt. But just like that, he was gone. I turned and watched him disappear into my house and have to grab onto the car to keep my balance. I think I just had an orgasm and there was nothing remotely sexual about what just happened. All he did was push against me and here I am ready to rip off my clothes and tell him to just take me on the lawn. This man has magic about him, I have never had this feeling before. I fan myself and catch Olivia’s grin as she brushes past me to get some more bags.

“You got it bad.” She sings the lines from Usher’s song, U got it bad as she makes her way back into the house.

“I hate you, I really do.” I whisper loudly.

She lets out a laugh and disappears back into the house. I groan loudly and try to get rid of the wetness that is creeping around down stairs, if you know what I mean. I grab that last of the bags and shut the trunk. On the way into the kitchen, I stop and listen to Olivia and Justin’s conversation and damn near drop the bags.

“Are you hungry Justin? I think she’s about to make lunch.”

“Oh no, I don’t want to impose. I just wanted to help you guys with the groceries.”

“Oh don’t be silly, she won’t mind. Come on, join us for lunch.”

“Are you sure? Maybe we should ask Ashlynn first.” I hear him say.

“Yeah, let me go see where she is.”

She walks into the hall where I am standing and stops with a grin on her stupid face. God I really hate her, “What are you doing?” I whisper harshly.

“He looks hungry. What kind of host would we be if we didn’t offer him something to eat?” She asks with devilish glint in her eye, “And he did help us with the bags.”

She grabs my arm and pushes me into the kitchen, “Ashlynn, here you are. Hey, how would you feel if Justin stays for lunch?”

“Like I said before, I don’t want to impose. It’s alright, I’ll just go.” He starts to move and before I can even register that I’m talking, I stop him.

“No, no. You’re not imposing at all. Have a seat, how does grilled chicken and pasta with salad sound?”

“That sounds great. Thanks for inviting me.” He says as Olivia pulls out a seat for him at the table.

Well, there’s no turning back is there? Let’s just hope I don’t make an even bigger fool of myself than I already have.

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