When I started writing this, I didn't really plan on turning it into a series. I just wanted to do a story that wasn't necessarily a romance, but developed a different part of the Justin I have in my head haha.

So, I wanted to put him in a difficult situation, and it seemed that, with him being a celebrity there are endless opportunities for him to participate in some taboo acts, such as a one night stand.

I always had the notion that, this Justin, would be the cocky ass that one of my friends percieves him to be. So I suppose that, intially this story was an attempt to first embrace her notion and then try to change it through the changes Justin goes through.

And I mentioned before, this wasn't intended to really focus on a budding romance, even though it does have a developing relationship between Justin and Emma throughout it.

And now, on to my favorite moments.

I really like a line that Mike has, when he's in the car with Justin in the beginning, about not doing the crime, if you can't do the time. I think that can apply to a lot of things and it one of those little lessons that my grandfather taught me, that's always in the back of my head when I'm in some interesting situations.

Another classic moment, is when Justin calls Lynn to ask her what to do when Riley says she has to go potty. I just find it so funny and I can actually imagine him doing that. And then later in that chapter when she's hiding in a closet, he calls Lynn for help again. He relies a lot on other people throughout the beginning of this story and that starts to change once Emma gets her hands (and words) on him.

I have to say, one of my favoritie parts of this story is that I was able to incorporate some of my own little moments and experiances. I have two neices, who are three and many of the things that happen with Riley, I've actually dealt with. They aren't my children, but it is a strange sort of feeling, knowing that you are responsible for this little person. Theres one in particular where Riley is picking at her toast, and Justin just keeps giving it back to her... one of my neices is just like that... she's a little smartass too, way to well with words for being only 3.

I like the fact that just when you start to think Justin has changed, he's back on tour and does a complete turnaround. Until Emma tells him off anyway.

The whole Paris experiance was so fun to write. its kind of a quick transition, a 3 month jump but it gets you from the tense atmosphere, to the part where Justin and Emma start to fall. I love the silly phone conversation after the almost kiss. And then they have their non-date date. And the kiss on the effiel tower, how amazing would that be?!

You get to see, how Justin's changed from being a jackass who just wants to get some from whoever... to genuinely romantic, sweeping Emma off her feet. And they establish that running joke/banter that they have with the "keeping me on my toes." something I ended up carrying through the other stories.

Then the next morning comes and Justin deals with Rileys "is Emma my new mommy" question. Something that is very real for a lot of blended families, when the single parents start dating.

Eventually, in the process of things, they end up becoming this unofficial family. Justin finds 'just what he needed' in Riley and Emma.

Thank you's for this are quick.

I first thank the band The Cars, for giving me the titles for the whole series, and The Fray too, for releasing the song "Chasing Cars" that fit in with the fact that the three stories are named about Cars songs.

I thank JT, for being at my mercy, personality wise, for this story.

I thank Kerri, for making me want to change her mind about the almight Justin freakin Timberlake. I know she like the character that I make him out to be.

I thank my neices, Emma and Kylie, even though they'll never read it. They gave me little moments, and were the combined inspiration for Riley.

I thank Paris, for being the 'most romantic city in the world.'

...waste it well...

Ally is the author of 22 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 8 members. Members who liked Just What I Needed also liked 214 other stories.
This story is part of the series, Chasing Cars. The next story in the series is Drive.

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