
A young man walked quietly down one of New York’s busiest streets in search of some place to crash for the night. It was always the same routine every night, find somewhere to get a meal, and some place dry to sleep until the next morning, only to wake up and do it all over again.

Sighing, he stuffed his hands into the ratty old jacket hanging loosely off his boney frame, and fingered a cigarette that he had bummed off someone earlier in the day. Now only if he could find a lighter or some matches he’d be in hog heaven.

Turning down a damp alleyway where many of the bums around New York City lingered, he scanned the area quickly, and found one of his friends sitting down in the corner nestled in a holey blanket while trying to keep warm in the brisk atmosphere.

As he made his way towards his friend, he nodded his head to the few who looked up and gave him a weak smile. He ran a hand through the matted hair on the top of his head as he came to a stop in front of the older man in the corner.

“Hey man.” He said in a raspy voice due to the coldness of the air.

Looking up at his younger friend the man smiled slightly. “Hey, I didn’t think I’d see you down here tonight.”

“Couldn’t find any where else to go. So here I am.”

“I know the feelings all to well man. Wanna share this blanket or do you have one in that backpack there on your back?”

“I do actually, I stole it from the last place I stayed.” He replied sitting down next to him while unzipping his bag and pulling out a wool blanket. “You wouldn’t by chance have a lighter or matches would ya?”

Patting his pockets then reaching down inside, he pulled out a book of matches. “Yeah, here ya go man.”

Reaching over the younger man took the book of matches then reached into his jacket pocket, grabbing the cigarette, he quickly popped it between his lips then lit the match and took a long drag off the smoke. “Aw this feels like heaven.”

“So where you been all day?”

“Walking around mostly looking for some place to get a warm meal, since I haven’t eaten in a few days.” The young man replied solemnly, taking a few drags off the smoke which warmed his entire body, and calmed his frazzled nerves.

“No luck, huh?”

“Not even a nibble. Usually I can find something in Times Square but that place was vacant, which was really abnormal considering the status of the street. What I wouldn’t give for a hamburger at the moment.” Snubbing out the cigarette, he brought his jean clad knees to his chest then wrapped the blanket around his frail frame in hopes to warm himself up. Which didn’t help much considering he only had a t-shirt, jeans and worn out jacket under the blanket.

Trace looked over at his younger friend as he fought to keep warm, and couldn’t help but feel bad for the kid, yeah they were about the same age but he had been on the streets longer than Justin. Sighing, he reached into the pouch of his ripped cargo pants and brought out the food he had saved earlier in the day. “Here J eat this.”

“Naw man I’m cool you keep it.” Justin replied pushing it back towards his friend’s chest. Even though the mere mention of food made his stomach growl.

“Take it Justin; you need it more than I do.”

Sighing dejectedly, Justin reached to grab the food that was wrapped in tin foil. “Fine” he said while eagerly ripping into the foil to find a half eaten sandwich inside. Bringing it up to his mouth, he took a bite and groaned to himself.

The older man smiled with satisfaction as he watched his friend devour the sandwich in mere minutes. Truth was he had saved it just incase he had ran into Justin that night, because he knew the younger man probably hadn't eaten in a while and more than likely wouldn't have had any luck in finding anything to eat that day.

“Thanks man, I don’t know what I would do without you,” Justin said clapping his friend on the shoulder giving it a light squeeze.

“No problem.” Trace replied snuggling further inside the blanket. “Hey man I got a question for you.”


“Do you ever miss home?”

Justin sighed to himself while turning towards Trace. “Yeah I do. I miss my mom, and my little brothers, but I don’t miss the asshole she married.”

He nodded his head, and understood the feeling all too well. He missed his family more than anything in the world, but that was another story all on its own. “Yeah man I hear you.”

The conversation came to a quick halt after Trace’s word sunk into Justin’s skull. He didn’t know much about his past but what he did know wasn’t good and was almost exactly like his own. Broken family, abuse, you name it he had been through it. Running a dirty hand over his face he let his gaze fall on the only person who had his back and showed him the ropes to survive the harsh streets of New York City.

After the area around him quieted down he unzipped his bag and dug around for the one thing that knew him best. His journal. It was something that he had kept with him since he left home all of those years ago. Pulling it out, he opened it up to a fresh page and began to pour out his feelings.

February 1, 2000

Wow I left home 3 years ago today. An I’m sure you know why, because you’ve been the only thing that knows my real thoughts, aspirations, feelings, and so on and so forth. I was thinking today, maybe it’s time I go home because basically I hate it out here I hate not having a warm meal every night. And not being able to sleep in a warm bed.

But then again things wouldn’t be that great at home either. Because I’m sure mom’s still married to the dick head that caused this.

Alright it’s getting late and frankly I’m tired so this entry will be short.


After flipping the notebook closed and putting his pen in the spine, he shoved it in his bag, then curled up in a ball on the dirty cement and closed his eyes. As he began to drift off he hoped the next day he would have better luck I finding some place better to sleep.

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