After getting Jon something to drink and caring back upstairs, Alexandria was about to burst with her emotions. She was angry, and upset and confused. She hated that because of Justin's career choice this perfect and innocent little child had to suffer.

And yet as she reached his room, Lynn was still standing there with Justin, both still worrying; Justin seemingly more so than Lynn. She kissed the boy's head and said goodnight, telling him she loved him as she passed him to his brother.

Jon began to sniff and Alex knew he was crying silently as Justin just held him to his torso. She watched as Justin's eyes closed and he whispered he loved him to the boy. She couldn't watch anymore. She turned her head and looked at the floor, having to press her lips together so she wouldn't cry, or scream.

Finally Lynn passed her and touched her arm. "Thanks Alex. I just don't-"

"It's ok Lynn." She smiled as Lynn nodded and walked in the room with her son in her arms.

"You guys go on home. I'm sorry I called you out here."

"It's fine, momma. Bye. See ya Lil J."

He waved and Justin sighed and turned to go down the steps. Alex winked at Jon and followed Justin.

"Where is Paul?" Alex asked.

Justin opened the front door and let her pass him. "He's got a late night at the office. He is supposed to be back soon though."

She nodded and headed outside to her car. Justin followed her, noticing the weird look on her face. He had only seen that look one other time with her and that was on their way back form the beach that first time.

As soon as he was in her Jeep she pulled out and drove down the street.

"Mom was kinda freaked. When you went to get Jon something to drink she was so upset that she wasn't able to help him. But I told her it would be ok." She didn't respond. The silence in the car went on and on and it was driving him insane. Justin made a move at one point to ease their tension and turn up the radio but she stopped him.

"Do you mind? I kinda just want some quiet."

"What is wrong Lexia? I mean, Jon had a nightmare. I was worried too. But he is ok now."

"You don't know that! For all we know he could have the nightmare over and over again. What he is dreaming about is not healthy. It's not good for a kid to be getting this worked up over a nightmare." Her voice was raising with every word she said.

Justin just slumped in his seat. "I know you care about the kid, but he is not your responsibility. He's my brother Alex. Not yours."


His mouth dropped. "What?"

She put her car in park and fell back against her seat. "I said at least I seem to give a damn about Jon."

"I can not believe you. How DARE you say that." His voice was a whisper.

"I'm sorry. I'm just- I'm really angry Justin. These nightmares are- just forget it."

His voice was like steel. "No, you tell me."

"I don't want to tell you right now."

"ALEXANDRIA YOU TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN ON WITH MY BROTHER TO MAKE YOU THIS PISSED OFF WITH ME." She tried not to cry as his words went straight into her heart. She didn't want him to know. The anger and confusion went away and all she felt was heartbreak. She didn't want to be the one to tell him it was his own fault his brother couldn't sleep at night.

"Alexandria...I need to know."

She turned to him and looked him square in the eye. His dark pools were pleading for her to tell him, to help him.

"He is having nightmares about fame."

"What?" He didn't know if he had heard her correctly.

She licked her dry lips and said a little louder, her voice heavy with emotion. "He said the nightmares have lots of screaming girls and cameras. And everytime a camera goes off you get hurt. He tries to save you but tonight, in his dream, they got to him to. He said they almost got to me."

She tried to look away when his bottom lip quivered. She didn't know if he was trying to respond or about to cry. His straight eyebrows wrinkled in thought. He leaned back against his seat, his eyes staring shocked out at the road in front of him.

After a minute of silence, she took her car out of park and continued down the street. She didn't even notice if she had blocked in cars on the road. She didn't care. Her mind was tired, but she couldn't help but remember Jon's look when he saw his brother be interviewed at the Grammies. She even remembered the times when they would go somewhere that was primarily young females and how his small little hand would clutch hers tighter.

These nightmares weren't just affecting Jon's sleeping patterns. They were affecting his life.

She glanced at her boyfriend out of the corner of her eye and saw him nibbling on his fingernails like they were his favorite candy. Wrinkles were still in his eyebrows and now his forehead too.

Their wonderful day had just been ruined.


Alex just stood there as Justin walked up the steps to the upstairs. "Hey Justin I'm-"

She was met with a doorslam. It wasn't a hard slam, but it was loud enough she knew he was in his room. "-sorry."

It was a hard concept; a 7 year old having such dreams. But being that young he probably didn't understand the things that went with being as famous as Justin.

She wished she had never told him. She knew that this would hurt Justin. Even before she knew him she had a sense for how much his brothers meant to him, and vice versus.

She put her foot on the first step to go up and talk to him, but then stepped back down. He probably just wanted to be a lone for the time being and think about things. That's how she would want to be.

So, she went into her bedroom and walked over to her bed. She was already in pajama pants and a tank top, so she didn't change. She slipped into the cool satin sheets and sighed. Alex hoped Justin would have a night just to chill and relax.

She closed her eyes and prayed for sleep.

Justin sat in his room, on his bed, waiting. He finally changed clothes and got under the silk sheets. He ran his hand over the smooth material. The empty space beside him made him feel lonely and worse than he already did. He wanted her there to hold him and tell him it would be ok.

But she never came.

With one last look at the door, he turned out the light and sunk deep into his bed.

Next day around lunch

The click of keys was all that could be heard in the tiny office. Numbers blurred together on the Spreadsheet layout on the screen. Graphs were constantly being printed. Yet the person in front of the computer felt worn out and tired. She didn't want to be there, she wanted to be at home, in bed.

Alexandria sighed and rubbed her forehead. The migraine she had was not improving her day. She was about to reach behind her to her stereo to play some soft music and rid her tension when she heard the "bling" of an IM on her computer. She minimized the spreadsheet on rainfall data and looked at the IM.

cloudclaud26: Hey Alex?

Alex pressed respond and talked to the one of her co-workers. Claudia was a lab assistant up in observatory. She was an expert on clouds.

Lexygurl: What's up Claud?

cloudclaud26: Not much. Just wonderin if you wanna go get lunch with me in like 15? (I was too lazy to walk down a flight of stairs to ask ya in person ;))

Lexygurl: hehe, sure. Meet me in the lobby at 12:30.

cloudclaud26: k, Bye

Claud signed off and Alex was about to do the same when she heard the door open sound on her computer and looked at her buddy list. Her eyes slightly widened at the name Lexiasman20. He had a few screen names and only used this one when he was talking to her at work on IM. She thought about IMing him. But they hadn't spoken a word that morning. In fact, she hadn't seen him since the night before. Alex had left to go to the lab at 8:30 that morning and she guessed he was still asleep. After a minute or two of just staring at his name she realized he wasn't going to IM her. She didn't want to be the one to say something first. She figured when he needed her he would talk to her. She took her mouse to the X button and was about to log off of IM.

Lexiasman20: Hi

She just stared, her fingers forgetting how to type, her mind forgetting how to think.

Lexiasman20: Baby, you there?

She shook her head and regained her senses.

Lexygurl: Hey

Lexiasman20: :) how's work?

Lexygurl: Boring today. I'm tired, got a headache, and I'm doing data work. In other words, not fun.

Lexiasman20: I'm sorry. What are you doing for lunch?

Lexygurl: Going out with one of the girls that work here.

Lexiasman20: Oh, that will be fun. I just woke up. hehe

Lexygurl: Justin its 12:20.

Lexiasman20: I know, I didn't sleep good last night.

She bit her lip at the screen, knowing why he didn't. She felt that pang of emotion hit her stomach.

Lexygurl: Oh.

Lexiasman20: Yeah, I'm still in my boxers. ;) Hey, umm...when do you get off today?

Lexygurl: 3 or 4

Lexiasman20: Oh ok. Well Jon is coming to spend "guy's afternoon" with me. Hey, don't forget we gotta watch that Janet thing.

Lexygurl: Oh yeah that's tonight isn't it?

Lexiasman20: mmmhmmm

Lexygurl: What are you "mmmhmm"ing about?

Lexiasman20: nuttin'. Just it's really sexy. And my Lexy's going to like it. But anyway, I need to go before mom brings Jon and thinks I'm a bum because I'm in my underwear ;)

Lexygurl: You are a bum, baby.

Lexiasman20: :(

Lexygurl: I'm kiddin'. I gotta go to lunch. So I'll see ya this afternoon then.

Lexiasman20. Yup. Bye Lexia. I love you.

Alex smiled at the screen.

Lexygurl: Ok, I love you too. Bye.

She watched as he signed off, and after looking at his name for a minute she signed off herself.

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