Sunset, Sunrise

Pt. 1

He steered the black jeep into the first available spot. He looked over at the beautiful woman seated next to him. She looked so angelic while she slept that he didn’t want to wake her, but he knew if they were gonna do this he had to wake her. His fingers brushed lightly across her check. She didn’t stir. He kept stroking her cheek until she turned towards his hand. His fingertips grazed her soft full lips.

“Hey, lil’mama. You need to wake up or we won’t make it.” She kissed his fingertips before he could move them away and slowly opened her eyes.

“Hey,” she says with a smile.

“Hey, yourself.” He moved one of her braids out of her face. “We gotta go.” She looked out the window and then turned back to connect with his light blue eyes.

“But the sun it still so bright,” she complained.

“That’s the whole point remember? To be here when the sun sets.” He unhooked his seatbelt and opened his door. She let’s out a tired groan as he makes his way to the back of the jeep before doing the same.

“That’s was not my idea,” she grabbed the bag that contained the blanket and their jackets.

“No, but I thought that this would be more romantic than just watching from the house.” He reached for his guitar after getting the basket out that had their dinner in it. He made sure the instrument was securely attached to his body before they made their way to the sand. His girlfriend of four months, Niki, was heading back home the next day after spending a month with him. This would be their last sunset together for awhile. He wanted to make it one to remember.

They found a place to put their stuff down. There were still a few couples around, so the beach wasn’t crowded they ate and finished their dinner at just the right time. As if on cue, the sun started to make it’s descent in the sky. Niki leaned back into the familiar comfort of his body. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

“Mmm…beautiful,” he murmured into her hair. She turned and looked at him.

“Are you talkin’ about me or the sunset?”

“The sunset of course.” He gives her cheesiest smile. She jabs him in the side with her elbow. “Ow! What?” He was already rubbing his side.

“You don’t think I’m beautiful?” she questioned with much attitude and a pout on her face.

He guarded both sides of himself before answering, “Of course not, baby.” Her elbows were ready, but he wrapped his arms around her before she could attack again. “You are amazingly beautiful,” he whispered in ear before kissing her neck. Niki let out a giggle. ‘Gets her every time,’ he thought.

“Josh, stop,” she giggled again. “Please stop. I just ate.” When he didn’t stop, she knew she would have to use her secret weapon. She grabbed a hold of his hand and squeezed. “STOP IT NOW, JOSHUA!” His fingers immediately froze and the smile disappeared from his face as one appeared on hers.

“I’m sorry, baby.” He rubbed his stomach. ‘She only calls me Joshua when she’s upset. Just like mom. The guys don’t even call me that.’ “I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s okay,” she cut him off. She lifted one of his hands up to her lips and kissed it. He pulled her back against him.

“Good. Now, let’s finish watching the sunset.”

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