Author's Chapter Notes:
sorry bout the wait hope u like the new chapter

I never thought the paps were horrible people I just thought that overly

pampered stars complain about having their picture taken for no good reason. 

But they are down right annoying. They have been printing all this crap in the

magazines about me calling me “Justin’s Mystery Girl”. First of all I AM NOT

JUSTIN’S GIRL. He does not own me. And I am not a mystery. I have papers to

prove that I was born and didn’t just spring up from the ocean or some crap like

that. But all my friends have been calling me and asking me what is up. I don’t

really tell anyone the truth. The truth is I am a little ashamed of it. I am not

one of those girls that just want to be famous. I just want to hang out with my

friend and have a good time. I don’t want people to know about it. This whole

thing is making Justin and I fight constantly. He wants to hold my hand in public

or give me a kiss at lunch but I won’t let him. I just want to live my life without

some crazy camera in my face. This is all Justin’s fault and he won’t stop being

a douche bag about it.

            “ You need to just deal with it. It comes with the territory” He yells at

me. We are driving in his car on the way to the studio where he is going to


            “ Can you stop being a douche bag for one second and be concerned

about me for once” I yell back at him.

            “ There is nothing I can do about it. You are just going to have to deal”

He shouts back.

            “ I don’t want to deal with it. I want to live my life and be a normal

eighteen year old” I scream. I am so frustrated with the whole thing. Justin

doesn’t care about how I feel and he is being selfish.

            “ Are you going to keep complaining about it? Do you know how many

girls would kill to be in your position and you are just throwing it away because

you don’t want to get your picture taken? You are being such a brat” He tells

me.  He might be right but there is no way in God’s good green earth that I am

going to let him talk to me like that.

            “ Are you out of your mind? Don’t talk to me like I am one of your

groupies. Stop being such a dickwad and show me some respect for once” I yell

back at him. I give him a shove in the shoulder and the car swerves a little. He

gives me a look like he is about to kill me.

            “ I am tired of your games Amaka. Stop acting like a little kid”. He

shouts at me. He is getting all red and he looks like he is going to explode.

            “ I am not the one acting like a kid. You are trying to parade me

around like some sort of prize. I am not a toy so don’t treat me like one” I say

as I look in my purse.

            “ I am sorry that I am proud that I have a gorgeous woman and I just

want to show her off. Besides you are so ashamed of me you won’t even walk

next to me in the public” Justin shouts as he grabs my purse and throws it in the

back seat.  He is absolutely right. I don’t want to be seen with him. I am

thoroughly embarrassed by Justin. I don’t want people to know that I am with

him. I don’t want anyone I know to ever meet him. It is not that he is a horrible

person even though he is. It is that I would have to admit that I like him a lot.

And that would really hurt me.



            After my fight with Justin things have been a little crazy. We haven’t

really made up but we don’t yell at each other as much. I decided to go to the

dance studio to dance away some of my stress. I just wanted to get a little

release. I am ballerina.  I love dancing and I wanted to remember what it feels

like to dance the way I grew up dancing. I am in the middle of my dance as a

bunch of people walk into the studio. I keep dancing and ignore all the noise

they are making. When I am done I turn around to give the people a dirty look

and to tell them to shut their mouths. When I turn around I am instantly

surprised at who is standing before me. It’s Britney Spears.

            Now looking at Britney she is exactly what people say she is. Her hair

isn’t brushed. She is smacking loudly on a piece of gum. She is smiling and

looking generally lost. She is barely wearing any clothes. She has fishnets with

holes on and a tummy bearing T- shirt on. She looks like she has been through a

lot but she also looks like an innocent twelve year old girl who doesn’t even

know what sex is. Even I cannot pull off that kind of innocence. There is a

reason this girl sells millions of records.

            “ Hi, I’m Britney” She says with her little southern accent. This girl is

so sweet that I think I might throw up.

            “ Hi, I’m Amaka” I say with a small smirk.

            “ Oh you are Justin’s new girlfriend”. She says to me. Her smile

deflates for a moment but perks right back up. I don’t know what to say to her

so I just nod my head.

            “ Oh how is he? I haven’t seen him in years. He was such a great guy.

Always bringing me flowers and telling me how pretty I was. I bet he just

showers you with affection” She says in a quiet voice.  I am beginning to get

confused. Justin is nothing like that.

            “ Are we talking about the same Justin?” I ask. Maybe she went out

with a different Justin.

            “ Of course silly. You are so funny. Justin always liked the funny girls.

He is doing so well nowadays. He was always so talented. I knew he could make

it out on his own” She babbles. Its like she is in her own little world and I am

just a body to make her look less crazy.

            “ You don’t let him go. Good boys like him are hard to find” She says

to me as she walks around to the other part of the studio.

            It’s official Brittney Spears is certifiable.






hillie121 is the author of 0 other stories.
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