The house, unless under extenuating circumstances, seemed to generally concede that morning was the best time of day to interact with one another. It was early one weekday morning when the seven of them were scattered about the White House. Justin, as usual, sat in the Oval Office, talking to his beloved girlfriend, while Alicia was across the room at the computer, instant messaging her own significant other in frustration.

Usher was enjoying the privacy that he’d been granted for the night, alone in he and Alicia’s room with the guy he’d met at Club U-Turn the previous night. Alicia gladly slept in the guest room so that he could do his thing, and at this point, he was certainly taking advantage of… his thing.

Britney and Lindsay were situated at the kitchen table, consuming Lindsay’s mixture of oatmeal and peaches, while discussing the typical roommate relations. "So do you think that being the youngest in the house puts you at a disadvantage?" Britney asked, thoughtfully.

Lindsay tilted her head to the side, pondering the question at hand. "Not really a disadvantage, but like – well yeah, it is."

"Well, I’m the second youngest, and I don’t really see where there’s any problem."

"But there’s a huge gap between us, you know? At least you’re 21. I’m only 18 – the baby."

"So, where do you think that the ‘disadvantage’ comes into play?"

"It hasn’t yet, but I just know that when we start hanging out at clubs and stuff, I’m gonna be like the little baby outcast. ‘Oh, poor Linds can’t get in.’ I’ve never even been to a club before, so that’s one strike against me."

"That’s not a strike," Britney laughed. "It’s just going to be a new experience for you."

I think that Lindsay being in a house with a lot of older people, no matter how immature some of us may be, is going to be a good experience for. At the end of it all, she’ll probably come away with the most fulfilling lessons.

"It’s scary though."

"What is?"

"All these ‘new experiences’ flying at you all at once. It’s like, you finally get used to high school and then they kick you out into the real world."

But now I know life doesn’t always go my way
Feels like I’m caught in the middle

"And is that why you wanted to come here?"

"I dunno. I guess so."

Britney stirred her spoon around in her oatmeal and smiled at Lindsay’s concerns – all of which, were completely valid. "I think that if that’s the case, you shouldn’t worry about what could happen. Just take the experience and love it for what it is."

Just as she finished her statement, the late-sleeping Adam came stumbling through the State Dining Room. His dark curly locks in an endearing, discombobulated state, he nudged Britney’s elbow before making his way to Lindsay’s side of the table to pull her gorgeous red hair and to lightly/affectionately slap the side of her face. He, then, hobbled to the red refrigerator to silently search for nourishment.

"I think someone has a crush on you," Britney beamed in a whisper.

Lindsay turned to look at Adam, adorably dressed down in sweats and his college sweatshirt, and smiled back at Britney. "No? You think?"


Apparently, Brit thinks that Adam has the hots for me. But, I dunno. I think he’s so cute, but I mean, he’s 23. I don’t even think he’d look in my direction.

"What are y’all talking about?" Adam finally spoke, sitting down as close to Lindsay as humanly possible.

"Just stuff," she answered.

"Linds doesn’t like being the youngest in the house," Britney inserted.

Adam took a bite of his apple before smiling reassuringly. "Don’t worry. The baby of the family always gets treated the best."

"He’s right."

"I didn’t even think of it that way," Lindsay replied, just as the doorbell rang. "I’m an only child, so I guess I wouldn’t know."

"It’s true. My sister Jamie – she gets whatever the hell she wants."

"Mail Call!" The loud sound of Christina’s strong voice resonated through the house and all of the roommates aptly responded.

"Who’s it for?" Justin asked, as everyone hustled into the foyer of the house.

"Everyone." Christina began to tear through the securely wrapped box in excitement. "It says that it’s from the MCI Center."

"Ooh," Usher interjected groggily, "Beyoncè is performing there in March!"

The group rolled their eyes at his obsession while anxiously awaiting what could possibly be in the large box. "Hurry up!" Lindsay stated, rocking back and forth between her bare feet.

"This house has a big problem with patience," Justin commented, resting his elbow over Britney’s shoulder.

"We had every right to be impatient, Mr. ‘I-got-lost-when-I-had-the-key-to-the-house,’" Britney shot back.

Alicia, impatient and annoyed, finally stepped in to help Christina open the box. Contained inside, were CDs, T-shirts, backpacks, posters – typical concert merchandise, for the most part – from a diverse collection of artists, ranging from Beyoncè and Eminem to Rascal Flatts and John Mayer. The seven of them, not even knowing why, began hopping around in circles, screaming like idiots at the prospect of working with famous people.

"Okay, calm down, you guys! We have a letter," Britney shouted. "Listen: Dear roommates. Welcome to the MCI Center staff. Over the next 4 months, we’re excited to announce that the seven of you will be a part of our promotion team."

Justin was the first to plunge into the large box of goodies and discover the smaller box containing seven more-than-special surprises – Apple iPods. "We got another note, y’all. Get to know some of the artists that you’ll be working with. Enjoy these Apple iPods, pre-loaded with over a thousand songs from just a few of your new clients."

Our job at the MCI Center is absolutely awesome. We’re going to be promoting tons of artists for when they come into town – not only to fans, but to the businesses and smaller venues that support these shows.

"Dude, these things are even personalized," he added.

This is going to kick ass.

Alicia waited for the box of iPods from Justin while everyone else tore through the larger box of CDs and DVDs. "Yo, this is unreal!" she exclaimed, searching for the device engraved with her name.

This is one of those surreal moments where I wonder, if I pinch myself, will it all go away? It’s seriously like Christmas up in here.

"Hold up," Alicia added, "We’ve got another box marked ‘Urgent.’"

Adam playfully snatched the box from her and turned around so that he could open it privately. "Oh, shit."

"What’s wrong?" Christina question in alarm.

"Well it’s just…" Adam faced the group somberly before holding up a shiny set of keys. "We got a motherfuckin’ car!"

The yelling, screaming, and jumping recommenced, the roommates ecstatic about the possibilities. "Is it outside?" Lindsay asked.

He took a look at the logo and the keys and shrugged. "It’s a Ford. Let’s go see."

Suddenly, seven people went thundering out of the front door – in their pajamas – to find their new vehicle. Oddly enough, three brand new Fords with red bows garnishing them, sat on the street in front of the house.

Alicia, who had on shorts and a tank top, went right back into the house and out of the cold. "Y’all let me know which one is ours."

Britney followed right behind her when the freezing morning hit her own bones. "Try the Expedition," she suggested.

"That has to be it," Lindsay agreed.

Adam did as implied and tried the door of the black Ford Expedition first, finding that the key wouldn’t fit. "Didn’t work."

They all stared down the line of cars. The only other options were a Taurus and an Escape. "It has to be the Escape," Justin encouraged him, draping his arm over Lindsay to radiate body heat as they rocked back and forth on the cold stoop.

Adam continued the search for their car, being sent on a wild goose chase. The original key unlocked the door to the Taurus, which contained a note and another set of keys on the dashboard. Eventually, and in aggravation, he was led back to where he started and the 2005 Ford Expedition officially belonged to the seven roommates.


"Okay, does anyone know where the hell we’re going?" Justin asked, adjusting himself into the driver’s seat of their new SUV. He watched the cameraman situate himself in the passenger seat while waiting for an answer.

"To the MCI Center," Adam retorted.

"No shit. But how do I get there?"

"Directions weren’t in the box?"

"If they were, I didn’t get ‘em."

"You guys," Christina interjected, "we’re gonna be late if you don’t figure something out."

Justin rolled his at her via the rearview mirror and sighed. "Well, how about someone run inside and print some directions. Christina."

"What? Why me? You’re the one driving, so why don’t you do it."

"Because you’re the one sitting back there whining."

"That’s because listening to you and Adam discuss it isn’t going to get us there on time."

"Well ironically, neither will you and me, so why don’t you hop your ass outta the car and find some fuckin’ directions."

The boisterous sound of Alicia cackling startled everyone, but only provoked Christina to continue. "Justin, I suggest you never talk to me like that again. You don’t know what—"

"So how about I find some directions?" Lindsay loudly conceded. "Just stop fighting, you guys. We’re meeting our boss today and we don’t need to be so uptight."

"Yeah," Adam added, adoringly watching Lindsay exit the car and scurry back up the steps to the house. "She is so fine," he abruptly declared. A host of eyes shot in his direction and he smiled bashfully. "Did I just say that out loud?"

Okay, so I have a little bit of a kinda thing for Linds. I don’t know what it is, but I think she’s hot. She has this innocence and genuineness about her that I really dig.

Adam resumed his gaze out of the window, happily anticipating Lindsay’s appearance while everyone laughed at his revelation. Britney reassuringly nudged Adam’s thigh and gave him an expectant glance. "Don’t worry – I think she likes you, too."

Eventually, Lindsay reemerged from the house, bearing that never-wavering, happy-go-lucky grin that made everyone just want to hug her. Britney immediately scooted out of the way so that she and Adam could have the least bit of privacy. She loved Linds and she was growing fond of Adam, so anything she could do to appease them, she was all for it.

Lindsay opened the car door to six gleeful faces – well, five and then Christina’s usual scowl. "Why’s everyone looking at me like that?"

"Because we hope that you have the directions," Christina answered. "Oh, and because Adam just announced that he wants to fuck you."

Even Alicia’s mouth dropped at Christina’s blatant disregard for Adam’s feelings and her willingness to mislead Lindsay that way. "Ain’t nobody talkin’ about no fuckin’. Get on in this car, girl, so we aren’t late."

"We already are late," Christina retorted.

Alicia was determined to keep her promise to Justin. She told him that Christina no longer existed, and she meant it. She said nothing back to Christina. She simply took the Mapquest directions from Lindsay so that she could reclaim her seat next to Adam, and the roommates were finally on their way to work.


Later that evening, after tons of rejoicing over their new, awesome job, the roommates decided that a celebratory dinner was in order. And they agreed to hang out at Ristorante Tosca, not far from their job.

"You know what Alicia told me last night?" Usher announced, raising his wine glass to sip from it.

A collective "What?" came from the rest of the large table.

"That her birthday is tomorrow!"

"Are you for real?" Justin inserted.

Alicia turned to face Justin and nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"’Cause my birthday is next Monday."

"Oh, hell. We gots to have a party!" Usher confirmed.

Apparently, me and Justin’s birthdays are within six days of each other. I think that just goes to show that we’re meant to be! And that this house was meant to party it up.

"You down for it?" she questioned, timidly.

"I guess, yeah."

Britney took notice of Justin’s uneasiness and smiled sweetly at him. "You know, if that’s not what you guys want, we don’t have to do that."

"Oh yes we do!" Adam jumped in. "What better excuse to party?"

Lindsay laughed at him emphatically, nestling into his side as if he were her protector – they’d been unusually close the entire day – her, using any reason she could to touch him. "Yeah, come on, guys."

"Wait a minute," Christina inevitably spoke up, "Who said that this was a group concensus?"

"Honey, shut up," Usher chided. "Nobody said that you had to come, or even be a part of it."

I usually like everyone, but Christina is a constant buzzkill, and sometimes, honey child just needs to know when to shut it up.

"What the hell are you snapping at me for? It was a simple question."

"It was a lead-in to something negative. And baby, I’m sick of hearing it."

"Yo, this is a classy restaurant," Alicia declared. "How about we just chill with the arguing."

Justin nodded in agreement, placing his arm around Alicia’s shoulder. "Yeah. Me and Licia are having a birthday party and that’s the end of it. Christina, you don’t have to come."

"Oh! Oh! Can I be in charge of decorations?" Lindsay beamed, throwing her hand up.

The table laughed animatedly – even Christina – as Adam grinned at her. "It’s not that kind of party, Linds."

I know Lindsay says some dumb shit, but that’s another one of those things that I love about her. She isn’t tryin’ to be anything she’s not.


"Hey." Justin meekly tapped at the entrance to Alicia and Usher’s room attempting to catch Alicia’s glance.

In solitude, and laid across her bed, she looked up from her book, happily. "Hey, you."

He sprawled out along the floor underneath her bed and sighed. "What are you up to?"

"What’s wrong with you?"

He sighed again. "Nothing."

Alicia swiveled from her position so that she was sitting upright and stuck her feet in Justin’s face. "What’s wrong?"

"No, it’s nothing," he smiled. "I just don’t wanna be in my room."


"’Cause Lindsay and Adam are in there."

"Lindsay and Adam are always in there. What’s the problem?"

"Go see for yourself," he replied, rolling his eyes towards the door.

Alicia quietly snuck out of her room and headed to the Green Room to peek into it, doing her best to remain unseen. On Adam’s bed, Lindsay was scandalously straddled over him as the two of them made out like there was no tomorrow. "Oh, shit!" Alicia exclaimed in excitement as she headed back down the hallway. She reentered her room to hop on the floor next to Justin. "That is somethin’ serious!"

"I told you," he chuckled.

"Man! Baby girl didn’t waste no time!"

"Dude, she is like, into it, too. She came in there with a look on her face like, ‘I’m ‘bout to tear that ass up.’"

Sometimes a girl just needs one to love her and to hold

"Is she drunk or something?"

Justin shrugged. "I dunno. I didn’t see her drink anything at dinner."

"Our baby is growing up!" she cooed, rising from the floor and heading out of the room. "You wanna come with me?"

"Where are you going?"

"To watch!"

Justin laughed heartily, shaking his head. "You ain’t right."

"Don’t act like you don’t wanna see it, too."

He thought momentarily before knowingly smiling at his roommate. He, too, quickly shot up from the navy blue carpet and snuck back out of the room, mere footsteps behind Alicia. The two of them, huddled at the threshold of the Green Room, watched Adam’s hands explore the depths of what lied underneath Lindsay’s baby blue t-shirt. Unfortunate for Justin and Licia, Lindsay’s fiery locks thrashing about blocked most of their saucy view. They continued to snicker in amusement, nonetheless.

And when a girl is with one, then she’s in control

"What are you two up to?" Britney asked, approaching the second floor on their escalator.

"Shh," Justin hissed. "Linds and Adam are goin’ at it."

"They’re fighting?" Britney poked her head into the room and instantly turned back to Alicia and Justin in shock. "Oh my God!" she whispered.

Alicia nodded. "Yeah, so shhh."

"You guys should not be watching this," she replied, gazing back into the room. "Damn."

The three of them smiled at the sight in front of them as Lindsay and Adam obliviously continued to consensually sexually harass one another.

"Man, that lucky bastard," Justin beamed.

Lindsay and Adam. What can I say? Somewhere along the line, they became inseparable. In more ways than one.

After a few more minutes, Lindsay pulled the comforter over she and Adam’s heads, leaving their audience in complete disappointment. "Well damn," Alicia sulked, "just when that shit was gettin’ good."

On the next Real World :: It’s Alicia’s birthday. It’s Justin’s birthday. Who’s going to actually get what they wished for? ::

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