Twenty minutes later, Heather was running around her dressing room like mad woman.

                "What am I going to wear?!" she yelled at Jill as she rummaged through her suitcase.

                "I don't know, Jeans?"

                "Yea, that sounds good and...."

                "How about your new superman halter top?" Jill suggested.

                "Perfect! Thank you Jill, what would I do without you?"

                "I don't know, go naked?"

                "Ha, Ha, very funny!" Heather said as she burst out laughing

                "Yeah, I thought it was." Jill said as she began to laugh too.

Just then there was a knock at the door followed by Joey's voice,

                "You ready?"

                "Yup!" Heather said as she pulled open the door.

Joey let out a low whistle,  "Damn, I didn't know it was possible for a woman to look that good in Jeans!" He said as his eyes roamed over her body.

                "Ugh, yeah and pigs fly! Come on, let's go!" Heather said grabbing Joey's hand, pulling him into the hallway and waving Good-bye to Jill.

                "What was that all about?" Joey asked

                "What was what all about?"

                "You, saying that you don't look hot?"

                "Oh" Heather said slightly blushing.               "I really don't think about it much."

                "Oh, well ok." Joey said as he began to focus on her.  She was wearing a tight pair of worn Levi 501's, with a tight blue, Superman halter, with her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail; ‘Damn, she looks good' he thought.

                "Earth to Joey come in Please." Heather said breaking into his thoughts.

                "Oh, sorry, my mind was wandering."

                "I can see that, so what was your mind wandering about?"


                "Oh." Heather said, shocked and surprised by his honesty.

                "Well here we are!" Joey said as he gestured toward the door to the Meet and Greet room.

                "Cool, so where do I pick up your kid?"

                "My kid?"            

                "Yeah, Nakita?"

                "Oh, her, Steve will bring her to ya."

                "Oh, ok."

                "After you." Joey said as Heather walked into the room ahead of Joey.

                All eyes were on her and Joey as they walked into the room, a few people noticed her and asked for pictures and autographs, she obliged them, until DRE came up and told them that she had to be going.

                "Looks like you are starting to develop quite a following." Joey whispered into her ear.

                "Yeah, I guess." Heather said as she shrugged and hoisted herself up onto the mini stage that sat in the middle of the Meet and Greet room.

                "Well, it's off to work for me, wish me luck that I don't get attacked." Joey said laughing, before kissing her on the cheek and walking away.

                "Good Luck" she mumbled as she placed her hand over the spot that his lips had occupied only seconds before.

                "How are you and the Joester, making out?" a voice beside her asked.

                "Huh?" Heather jumped, turning toward the voice.       "Oh, hi Steve and I don't know why don't you ask him."           

                "Fine, I will, but first you have a job to do." He said as he handed Nakita to her.

                "Hi, there sweetie." Heather said as she brought the dog to her eye level.

                "Cute, isn't she?"

                "Yes, she is a doll." Heather said laughing as the dog licked her nose.

                "O.K., now that we have established that, I have to go and check on the equipment for tonight's show, see ya later!"

                "Bye!" Heather called as Steve walked toward the arena.

As she directed her attention back to the guys, she caught Joey looking her direction, seeing her looking back at him; he gave her a wink and turned his attention back to the crowd in front of him.  Things were going fine until one of the fans jumped up and asked,

                "Hey, Joey. Is Heather your girlfriend?"

Heather almost passed out when she heard the girl ask, but was curious to what Joey's answer would be.

                "Umm, well, that will have to be entirely up to her, when the time comes." Joey answered casting a look toward Heather

                "So are you saying that yes she is your girlfriend?"

                "No, I am not saying that, what I am saying is-"

                "What he is saying is that YES, I am his girlfriend." Heather interrupted.

                "Since, when?" Joey asked.

                "Since now." Heather answered as she kissed Joey, gently on the lips.

                "Since now." Joey whispered as he looked longingly at Heather.

                "Well, you better get back to work." Heather said to Joey, as she realized that the room had become silent.

                "Yeah, I guess."

                "So anymore questions?" Heather asked as she turned and took her place back on the stage with Nakita.

After the Meet and Greet was over, J.C. came up to her,

                "So what was that all about?"

                "It was all about me taking the bull by the horns and getting what I want for change." Heather said as she handed Nakita back to Steve.

                "Well, congratulations, Joey will finally stop talking about how you never pay attention to him."

                "What?  Wait!, J.C.?"


"Since when has Joey been saying this?"

                "Since you joined the tour."

                "Really? But I thought him and Kelly were so in love?"

                "Nah, that relationship was in trouble, way before you joined the tour."

                "Then what was all the hallway sex about? If he liked me that much then why in the hell didn't he just say so and get it over with instead of making him and myself crazy?"

                "I don't know Heather-" JC started to say with frustration in his voice.

                "I didn't day anything because I was scared" Joey admitted with sorrow showing in his eyes.

"Well, hey look at the time, I better go catch Jill and wish her good luck for the show tonight, see you all later, Bye!"

                "Bye!" Heather said as Joey stood there staring at her.

                "So?" Heather asked

                "So, what?"

                "So, why were you scared?

"I don't know. I guess, well it's just that I have never felt quite this way about a woman and I just rattled me a bit."

"Well, I totally understand, but by doing that you made me absolutely crazy!"

"I am so very sorry, but I am here now I hope that can make it better" Joey said as he pulled her into his arms.

"You are forgiven, but under one condition" Heather said as she nuzzled her face into his neck.

"You take me to the most exclusive club tonight to celebrate everything" She said as she now began to nibble on his earlobe.

                "Oh, club, yeah, umm I don't know?" Joey stammered unnerved by her.

                "Joey, what's wrong?"


                "If, it's nothing, then why do you look like a trapped animal?"

                "Well...." He trailed off.

                "Oh, the Kelly issue."


                "Well, hey you figure out what you are gonna do and then back to me ok?" Heather said as she dropped her arms from his neck and began to walk away from him.

                "No, wait." Joey said as he grabbed her arm to stop her.


                "Don't be like that, I want you to be my girlfriend I just have to tie up a few loose ends with her that's all" Joey said and he drew her into him.

                "Don't you think we should give this more time, I mean you just broke up with Kelly and I don't want to be the rebound girl, ya know?"

                "Yes, I know and I haven't loved Kelly in a long time.  You are  so not the rebound girl, that I promise you."

                "O.K., I believe you." Heather said as she looked down at her feet.

                "Hey, what's wrong?" Joey asked as he raised her eyes to meet his.

                "Nothing, except I am a little scared."

                "Of what?"

                "Of, this whole relationship, ya know everything."

                "Well, I am scared too, I have never cared for anyone as much as I do you"

                "Same here" Heather said as her eyes filled with tears.

                At that moment Joey pulled her even closer to him, capturing her lips with his and finally gave into his urges. Hands roamed everywhere, Joey and just reached in to fondle Heather's breast when-.

                "AHEM!" a voice boomed. Jumping apart they both looked up in to Kelly's angry eyes.

                "Oh, hi, Kelly." Joey said as he pulled Heather protectively closer to him.

                "Don't ‘hi' me, you son of a bitch!"

                "What! Just wait a damn minute!" Heather yelled as she moved away from Joey toward Kelly.

                "Oh and what are you gonna do you little priss, beat me up?"

                "Yeah, so what of it?" Heather asked as she advanced toward her, with her fists balled up.

                "OOOH, I'm really scared now the, bad, little pop star is gonna beat me up."

                "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU BITCH!" Heather yelled in Kelly's face.

                "Bitch? Who you calling a bitch? At least I don't going around stealing your boyfriend."

                "Ex-boyfriend." Joey said as he walked up behind Heather and placed his hands on her shoulders.

                "EX?" Kelly asked in surprise.

                "Yes, EX." Heather said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

                "That is news to me," Kelly said as tears started to brim her eyes.

                Turning to Joey, Heather asked,

                "Joey, you didn't break up with her yet?"

                "No, I was going to right after meet and greet, but after what happened I thought it best to confess my feelings for you first."

                "Oh" Heather said as she cast a glance toward Kelly only to see her sobbing into her hands.



                "Do, you mind if I meet up with you back in your dressing room?"

                "No, I guess not." Heather answered as she gave a sigh of frustration.

                "Ok, Thanks. I will see you later ok?"

                "Yeah, later." Heather said as she walked down the aisle and through the door.

                When he saw that she was gone, Joey looked at Kelly and said,

                "Kelly, look I am very sorry but, you've known that we have been over for months."

                "No, I didn't."she hiccupped as a sob caught in her throat.

                "Oh, please, how could you not?"

                "Joey, I really didn't."

                "Kelly, we have been arguing all of the time I haven't touched you in months; that in and of itself should have given you some clue."

                "Well, I'm sorry if it didn't, I just thought that you were just tired; I don't know we had been through so much I was just trying to give you your space with that said Joey hugged her to him.

                "I am sorry Kel, I will love you, I am just not IN LOVE with you anymore" Joey said.

                "I am sorry too I just wish there was something I could do to change your mind" Kelly said as two tears coursed slowly down her cheeks.

                "Unfortunately there isn't, I'm sorry"  Joey said as he released her from his embrace, kissed her on the forehead and walked away never looking back.


As, she heard Joey approaching, Heather bolted down the hall toward her dressing room, it, was there she ran into J.C.

                "Umpf!" Heather said as she fell backwards onto the tiled floor.

                "Are you ok?" J.C. asked as he bent down next to her.

                "Yeah, nothing is hurt but my pride." She said as she patted her bottom.

                "Ok." J.C. laughed as he extended his hand to her to help her up.   Just then Joey came out of the Meet and Greet room, rushing up to them he asked,

                "Is everything ok?"

                "Yup." Heather said taking J.C.'s waiting hand.  As he pulled her up, Joey grabbed her other hand and looking at J.C. said,

                "I'll take it from here."

                "O.K., but I was looking for you anyway, you have a delivery and the guy needs you to sign for it."

                "Oh, ok, tell him I will be there in a minute, ok?'

                "No, prob.! See you all later!" J.C. said as he walked away.

                "Heather?" Joey asked as he turned his gaze back to her.


                "Why aren't you in your dressing room?"

                "Umm, I,uh" Heather stammered knowing she was caught.

                "Uh huh and just exactly how much of that Kelly's and my conversation, did you hear?"

                "Umm, not much."

                "Heather! Now tell me the truth."

                "Ok, fine I heard all of it, sorry, my curiosity got the better of me" Heather said she threw her hands up in the air.

                "Women!" Joey said as he burst out laughing.

                "Joey! The delivery man!" J.C. yelled down the hall.

                "Oh, yeah. On my way!" he yelled back.

                "Well, you better get going, I will see you later."

                "No, you will see me now, come on!" he said as he locked his hand with hers and pulled her down the hallway toward his dressing room.

                When they got there, Heather saw the deliveryman waiting impatiently, holding his clipboard in one hand and a small box in the other.

                "Sorry, for the delay, where do I sign?"

                "Right, here sir." The deliveryman said as he pointed to a blank spot near the bottom of the order form.

                "Ok, thank you for waiting." Joey said as he handed the man a twenty-dollar bill for his trouble.

                "Have a nice day sir." He said as he thanked Joey and left.

                Turning toward his attention to the other guys, Joey asked,

                "Could me and Heather be alone for a minute?"

                "Umm, sure." They all chorused, shooting Joey curious glances as they walked out of the door.

                Turning to Heather he took her hands in his and led her to the couch as soon as they sat down, Joey began to kiss her, softly at first, but then more forcefully as his passion for her grew.

                "Joey, wait!" Heather said breathlessly as she pushed him away from her.

                "What? Did I do something wrong?"

                "No, it's just that you have to know a few things before we go any further."

                "Such as?"

                "Well, first off, I am, well I have never had sex before."

                "Oh." Joey said, as his eyes grew wide.

                "Yeah. And I intend to stay that way until I am in a long term relationship."


                "Meaning, I at least want to be engaged."


                "Is that a deal breaker for you?" Heather asked as she began to get up.

                "No, wait!" Joey said as he reached his arm out to stop her.       "I'm sorry, that was just a lot to absorb at one time."

                "I understand, it would be for anyone."

                "Yeah" Joey said as his mind still raced with all that she had said.



                "I respect your wishes."

                "Huh, I think you are the first guy to do so" Heather said still in a state of shock.

                "Well I am not all guys" Joey said as he brought her down into his lap.

                "I am glad of that" Heather said as she reached up and drew him into a kiss. 

                "Me too" Joey murmured as he moved her on top of him. As he slid his tongue inside his mouth exploring its depths, a small moan escaped Heather's throat as she felt her tongue become entangled with his.  As their kiss became more heated, Heather felt Joey's hands rub the sides of her breasts through her shirt, her breath caught in her throat as shivers went through her body.  His hands continued their descent down her body, coming to rest on her waist just inches from her aching center. Heather held her breath as she felt Joey's hands slide under her shirt. Feeling her tense up Joey stopped kissing her and asked,

                "Are you ok?"

                "Yeah, I am ok" Heather said as she ran her hands down his back, pulling him toward her. She was shocked to feel his erection as he slowly began to grind into her; She let out a soft moan as his lips claimed hers once again.  After a few more minutes of this, Heather was shocked when Joey stopped kissing and moving into her.

                "What's wrong?"

                "Nothing, I don't want to start something we can't finish and besides you are on stage in an hour and a half."

                "Yeah, I do." Heather said as she sighed.


                "Nothing, I just want to stay here with you that's all."

                "Aww, baby. Come here." Joey said as he held out his hand to her, pulling her close to him.

                Looking at her watch, Heather said,

                "Well, I guess it's time for me to go."

                "I guess so, see you later" Joey said as he kissed her one more time and watched her walk away.

                "Wait, one more thing before you do." Joey said as he reached for the box that the deliveryman had left.                        "Here, this is for you." He said as he handed her the box.

                "Aww, Joey you didn't have to get me anything. Thank you." She said as she kissed him softly on the cheek.

                "You're welcome." Joey said as he caressed her shoulder.

Heather tore nervously at the tape as she wrestled with the box, after a few moments, the box still remained unopened.               

                "Here, let me get it." Joey said as he produced a Swiss army knife and sliced through the tape.

                "Thank you" Heather said as Joey handed the box back to her. With that she delved into the box only to discover a small, velvet covered one. As she gingerly opened the box, she gasped in surprise, cause there in her hand, Heather held a beautiful diamond ring with garnet and citrine stones encasing it.

                "Joey, this is beautiful." Heather said as she removed the ring from the box to examine it.

                "Read the inscription."

                Heather nodded in response as she turned the ring to read the inscription, what she read brought tears to her eyes. ‘Over and Over, I fall in love with you.  Love, Joey.'   Taking the ring from her hand, Joey brought her face up to meet his and breathed softly in her ear,

                "Will you be my girlfriend?"

                "Yes." She whispered back.

                "Thank you." He said as he slipped the ring onto her left ring finger.



                "Don't you think I should wear it on my right so that no one gets the wrong idea that we are engaged? Not that I don't want to be engaged to you, it's just...."

                "No, it's ok and you are right" Joey said as he removed the ring from her left finger and placed it on her right.               "There, all better." He said as he kissed her hand.

                "Well, I guess I better go." Heather said as she rose up off the couch.

                "Yeah, I guess, but I wish you didn't have to though." He said as he stood up beside her.

                "Me, either, but I will be out in front during the show and just think of all the alone time we can have after the show tonight." She said with a gleam in her eye as she brought his lips toward hers for a goodbye kiss.

                "Mmmm, I love your kisses and I love you." Joey said as he hugged her to him.

                "I love you, too.  Well I guess I will see you later. Bye!" She called as she pulled out of his arms and left the room.      

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