Author's Chapter Notes:
Finally an update! lol This is Trace's POV.
Okay I know I shouldn’t have done that. I know I shouldn’t have said that to Juliet but come on, did they really expect me to be happy for them? First, they screw me over by fucking each other behind my back. Second, they drop the bomb on me that Jules was knocked up with Justin’s kid, which they lost. And now third, they’re getting fucking married! I’ve tried to move on, hell I have a girl who’s having my baby but she’s not Juliet.

I was ready to give Juliet my name. I had her ring picked out and bought. Justin even went with me to the damn jewelry store! I was going to visit her dad and ask for her hand in marriage, the whole nine yards. Then I find out she’s screaming my best friend’s name at night.

Even now, even through everything I have found out that has happened between them I still want to be with her. I might have caused her to lose the baby but I didn’t know she was pregnant at the time if I had though I can’t say I still wouldn’t have thrown her against that table. I really don’t know that kind of seems like a fucked up thing to say but ever since I’ve found out about Juliet and Justin I’ve been fucked up in the head.

I even cry myself to sleep at night sometimes when Joanna isn’t around. I can’t help it I feel so alone without Juliet beside me. Sometimes I think if I hadn’t asked her about cheating on me she never would have brought it up. She would still pretend to love me and yeah she might go to Justin’s at night but she would always come back to me in the morning. I could have lived with that. I could’ve ignored it because she would have just lied and said the baby was mine and I would have raised it like it was even though I knew better and I would have given her that ring I bought and I would have given her my name. Somehow in my twisted mind that seems better than being without her.

I can’t help but let all those thoughts run through my head as I drive back to my place in Millington. Its too silent in this damn car thanks to Joanna since she’s not talking to me now. Doesn’t she know that gives my mind more time to think about Juliet? Joanna doesn’t know in case you’re wondering, she doesn’t know Juliet cheated on me with Justin. She doesn’t know Juliet chose Justin over me. She doesn’t even know we dated. She doesn’t know that we fucking lived together. Why? Because its none of her damn business! I need a drink.

“Are you going to explain what happened back there?” Joanna asks me and I cringe.

“Nothing happened, let’s leave it at that.” I reply shortly.

“Nothing happened! Nothing happened Trace!” Great she’s shouting at me now, somehow I would prefer the silence now. “Juliet accused you of hitting her and causing her to lose her baby! What the hell happened between you three?”

“She didn’t accuse me of hitting her...I did hit her. Apparently that also made her lose her and Justin’s baby, I’m not proud of that but it happened and I can’t take it back.” I say this with all honesty. Now she’s looking at me like I’m a monster.

“Why did you hit her?” She asks me, God she looks like I’m going to hit her or something equally as terrible.

“Because she egged me on!” I shout. I see her flinch and I sigh. “Can we talk about this when I’m not driving? I’ll explain everything to you.”

“Sure.” She hates me now. She doesn’t have to say it but I know she does. She won’t even look at me now. Not that I can blame her I can barely stand to look at myself in the mirror these days.

I pull up to my house and we just sit in the car. I know she’s not going to want to come inside. Not in a place where she has to be alone with me. See this why you don’t hit girls, because then whoever you’re dating finds out that you did and they act like this.

“Okay so you’re not driving now.” She states as she looks dead ahead out the windshield.

“I dated Juliet for three years. I was going to ask her to marry me. I was going to start a family with her and give her my last name. We even lived together. I love the girl. Then I find out that she cheated on me with Justin and was continuing to cheat on me with Justin. I find out she’d rather be with Justin than me. So I confronted her about their affair and she denied it, right to my face denied it! I lost it and I slapped her and asked her if she liked being hit by Justin because she’s a freak and she likes it when you hit and choke her during sex. So I was walking away and she responds ‘No, he fucks me when he hits me.’ so then I slapped the hell out of her. And she has the nerve to tell me Justin hits her harder and that is when I threw her on the kitchen table then out my front door in L.A. They both fucked me over that is why I acted the way I did and that is why I’m not going to pretend to be happy for them.” I tell her all this and I watch as she just takes it in.

“You love her.” She says finally turning to face me.

“No I don’t. I’m just pissed that they can be so happy together and not even care that they both killed me with their betrayal.” I say as I run a hand over my face.

“No. You said and I quote ‘I love the girl.’ not ‘I loved the girl.’ Trace. Do you still want to be with her?” Joanna asked me. What do I say to that? The girl is having my baby but I’m still hung up on my ex.

“I don’t know you tell me Joanna! I really can’t do this right now!” Yeah flip out on her Trace because anything is better than telling the truth.

“Drop me off at Justin’s mom’s house.” I look at her in shock. Great Juliet chooses Justin over me and Joanna does it too. What is up with the women I choose to date?

“I can’t stay here with you. I also need to hear their side of the story.” She says as I start up the car and head to Lynn’s house. When I pull up Justin is standing in the doorway looking down at my car with his arms crossed and his jaw clenched. He looks ready to kill me and he probably is.

I don’t say a word as Joanna gets out of the car and heads up the stairs to him. He looks at me before turning to Joanna. I see her say something to him and he finally turns his back to me and leads her into his momma’s house. This is going to be a long night for me and I can already feel my friend Jack calling to me as I head home.
Chapter End Notes:
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