Author's Chapter Notes:
Trace's reaction.
She’s such a fucking bitch. She’s sitting there pretending to hang on my every word. Smiling at me. Laughing at me when I know for damn sure I ain’t that funny. It wouldn’t hurt so much because I knew we were growing apart. But they act like I’m freakin’ retarded like I’m that fucking dense I won’t notice. Fucking bitch. If I asked her to repeat everything I just said I’m sure she would just smile at me like she is now.

“Are you done baby? Or do you want more?” Juliet asked me as I finished my lunch.

“No, I’m good. So are you going to get some work done today?” I ask as she takes my plate.

“Probably not. I’m kind of waiting until we go to Justin’s.” She smiles when she says his fucking name. She smiles! They think I’m stupid, they think I don’t know. It took every fiber in my being not to smack her this morning when he was here. Granted I’ve never wanted to hit a woman in my life. But she...oh she deserves it. I saw them kissing in the kitchen. If you’re going to cheat at least close the damn fucking blinds.

I knew something was going on, I knew it. They were too close after his tour in Japan. I should have known better but she was my girl I wanted the best for her and her career. And that bastard. That bastard was my boy. I thought I could trust him to take care of her. Oh yeah...he took REAL good care of her alright! How did this fucking happen to me? How did my girl and my boy betray me like this?

“Trace, honey are you okay?” Juliet asked as she rubbed her fingers through my faux hawk.

“I’m fine.” I say with a smile trying not to grit my teeth. The nerve.

I’ve been making excuses. Trying to catch them. I knew they would mess up I knew it in my very bones, no one’s perfect. She thinks she’s so smooth coming home at four in the morning and climbing into bed. Setting her alarm clock for five and making my coffee. Bitch should win an award for everything she’s done. Everything up until now had just been speculation. But this morning. Oh this morning everything changed. I caught them kissing through the kitchen window. And then I come home and they’re in her office. In a very, compromising position.

Her fucking cheek was red! She’s been coming home with bruises and burn marks on her wrists always making some stupid excuse. He does everything I won’t do. He hits her, he chokes her, and I can’t do that no matter how much she begs. I was always taught you don’t hit girls and you don’t screw over your friends. Too bad Justin wasn’t taught the same! Maybe if I had...just maybe...she wouldn’t have cheated. No! Fuck that! It shouldn’t be an excuse! I’m tired of this.

“When were ya’ll going to tell me?” I asked in a sigh still debating with myself if I want to know the answer. I have to hear her say it though.

“Ya’ll? Tell you what? I’m confused.” Juliet said as she knitted her eyebrows together and threw me a confused look. Bitch deserves an Oscar for that performance.

“You and Justin. When. Were. Ya’ll. Going. To. Tell. Me. Ya’ll. Were. Fucking.” Treat me like a retard I can do it right back.

“Trace...” She scoffed at me. That’s it.

“I’M DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING LYING!! Tell me NOW!!” I scream at her as I get up from the kitchen table and grab her arms pinning her to the kitchen counter.

“I...I...I don’t know when. Soon I just don’t know.” She stutters out. Soon? She just doesn’t know when!

“So its okay to fucking string me along until ya’ll decide when to tell me?” My blood is boiling. How can she have the nerve? Before I even know it my hand is slapping her face. Her head whips back from the force. “Do you enjoy this? Does he hit you like this?” I’m disgusted. In her. In myself for hitting her. In Justin. I let her go and decide I need my space. Until...

“No, he fucks me when he hits me.” Juliet says to me in a smug tone. I turn around and she’s leaning against the counter like she fucking won. Way to piss me off Bitch.

“Oh you think you’re funny!” I walk across the kitchen knowing once I do this there is no turning back but I can’t stand that smug little smile she’s giving me. My right hand connects with her cheek again this time sending her reeling against the counter.

She holds herself up on the counter. Her small hands cupping her cheek as blood slowly drips from her mouth. She brings her left hand up and wipes it away. She’s fucking smiling! “Justin hits me harder. Is that all you got?”

She just had to go there. She just had to open her mouth. I fucking lose it. I mean I fucking LOSE IT! I walk up to her my hands go around her throat choking her as hard as I can lifting her up off the floor. She starts kicking her feet causing me to lose my grip and let her go. I watch her try to get away but I’m not done. I grabbed her espresso hair and pull her back to me before I throw her onto kitchen table. She wants to get hit. She wants someone to choke her. Then I’m going to give her what she wants.

This girl is strong. She pushes me off of her. She’s quick too because she’s already headed to the hallway. I reach for her long hair and grasp it. I want her gone now. I drag her into the hallway as she fights me all the way. I grab her keys open the door and toss the keys and her out.

“Go to fucking Justin’s house since that’s where you want to be.” I scream before I slam the door.
Chapter End Notes:
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