Author's Chapter Notes:
here's an update for ya'll
*At the club*

So yeah he was standing here waiting for Justin and Juliet to show up. They were late like always probably fucking each other’s brains out. Yeah that thought shouldn’t have crossed his mind. It just pissed him off more. So what, they were trying to get over things and be friends. His best friend still fucked his girlfriend. Nothing changed that fact.

He almost laughed out loud today when Juliet said Justin wanted to beat the shit out of him. Justin wanted to hit him. He wanted to hit Justin. He doesn’t even know why he’s pretending that their relationship doesn’t bother him. She used to be his. How could it not bother him? Trace shook those thoughts from his head taking a drink of his whiskey.

‘Finally the golden couple has decided to show up to the party.’ Trace thought to himself as Justin made his way into the club with Juliet by his side. ‘Damn she looks good.’ Trace couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. She always looked hot but tonight she looked incredibly stunning showing off a nice white halter dress that looked perfect against her tan skin. Her long straight espresso brown hair was down and she looked perfect with Justin in his black Armani suit. Trace’s eyes traveled down her body checking out her long legs before taking in her white Manolo Balhniks. ‘Justin probably bought those for her’ Trace thought as he rolled his eyes.

‘Why did he have to be here again?’ Oh yeah right, he’s a co-founder. Trace looked down at the whiskey in his glass finally deciding to just shoot it down. He couldn’t take this watching Justin work the room talking to various people all the while having his arm possessively around Juliet’s waist. ‘He fucking stole her! ’ Trace put down the now empty glass ordering another one from the bartender. He should just get shitfaced it’s not like anyone would notice, they were too busy entertaining the golden couple. ‘Shit, they’re walking over here.’ Trace thought as he downed the second glass of whiskey asking the bartender for another.

“Hey man, how’s it going?” Justin said as he walked up to Trace giving him a manly handshake. ‘Fucking great Just fucking great watching you and her together ’

“Good. It’s packed in here tonight.” Trace replied as he swished the glass in his hand staring intently at Juliet.

“I know so many people came out. This is great ” Juliet said as a beautiful smile lit up her face. You know she did mean something to him. Even though they were growing apart he still felt like they could have made it work.

“Hey man, you wanna get me a beer? Babe, what do you want to drink?” Justin asked as he order their drinks. Trace looked down into his glass wishing he could just disappear. His whiskey was disappearing too quickly and he needed more if he had to put up with this.

“Um...I’ll take some JD straight...” Juliet said as looked at Justin with a very lovely gaze. ‘I think I’m gonna puke ’ Trace thought as he shot back his remaining whiskey signaling to the bartender for more.

“Okay so a beer and some Jack Daniel’s straight with two ice cubes.” Justin said as he turned to Trace and Juliet again. He noticed Trace drinking a little too fast but didn’t want to say anything. It wasn’t his place. The bartender got their drinks quickly leaving the three of them to deal with the awkwardness of what to say to each other.

“Okay so I’m going to mingle. Wish me luck ” Trace said with a quick smirk as he excused himself. He made his way through the throng of people trying to get as far away as possible from Juliet and Justin. This was going to be a long night if he had to keep putting up with this.

After a couple of drinks and various talks with random people Trace was starting to feel a bit tipsy. This was not good. This was not good at all. He could feel the anger building inside of him as he watched Justin and Juliet grind against one another on the dance floor. ‘How did they expect him to be okay with what they did? They didn’t care about him at all ’

His eyes saw green as Justin pulled Juliet closer to him as they were dancing. He watched silently as Juliet wrapped her arms around Justin’s neck pulling him close for a kiss. He watched quietly as Justin’s hands made their way down her body to grip her ass. He was grateful when the song ended watching as Juliet broke away from Justin and made her way to the restrooms.

Now he was torn. Should he follow her? Should he just let all his feelings for her go? He watched as Justin mingled, rolling his eyes as some slutty blondes threw themselves at him. ‘Why did his best friend have to fall in love with HIS girl? This whole situation was fucked up.’ Trace ran his hand over his face deciding to make his way to the bathrooms.

There she was, in all her glory. She was talking to some ladies with a beautiful smile on her face, she hadn’t even noticed him. He watched as she talked animatedly with her hands causing everyone to laugh at whatever story she was telling. Once they had all dissipated from her he walked up to her noticing her trying to walk away.

“Juliet, just stop please.” Trace said as he looked at her with pleading eyes.

“Trace, we can’t do this. Not here.” Juliet said as she looked around. She knew no one was even looking at them but she couldn’t help but feel like they were being watched.

“I think you should at least listen to me. I think you owe me that much.” Trace said with an exasperated sigh rolling his eyes at her impatience.

“You know we can’t do this right now! Why are you even tryin’ Trace?” Juliet said as she looked toward the dance floor a small smile gracing her features. Trace’s gaze followed her eyes locking on Justin’s face watching as he began to make his way over to the restrooms.

“GOD JULES! You were MINE! Do you get that? Do you get what kind of pain you both put me through! I’m tired of hearing ‘Trace, not now’, ‘Trace this is not the time’. GOD, when is it going to be my time!?!” Trace screamed as he grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him.

“Later Trace! When not everyone is around! You and Justin have this huge important thing happening tonight and you want to bring this up!” Juliet shouted as she tried to walk away.

Trace couldn’t help himself before he knew it his arm reached out and grabbed her elbow forcefully pulling her back to him. He pushed her up against the wall. His brown eyes almost turning black as he licked his lips pressing himself into her.

“Trace stop IT! Let me go.” Juliet said as she tried to push him off of her. She could smell the whiskey on his breath knowing this was not a good thing.

“I thought you liked it when guys were rough with you? Its about time I got rough with you!” Trace said with a smirk as he forced his lips down on hers. Juliet fought against him trying to push him off of her. She didn’t enjoy this one bit.

“GET THE FUCK OFF MY GIRL!” Trace heard Justin scream as he felt himself being pulled off of Juliet. ‘Shit this is not good!’ Trace thought as his back hit the wall. His wide brown eyes met Justin’s navy blue ones. ‘Shit this is not good! Hold up I said that already!’

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing man!?! She’s not yours anymore! She belongs to me! I wouldn’t fucking do that to you!” Justin screamed getting into Trace’s face. ‘Okay do you just realize what you said?’

“ wouldn’t do that to ME!?! YOU ALREADY FUCKING DID!” Trace screamed as he pushed Justin out of his face.

“Trace man, calm down okay. You’re drunk. We’ll talk about this later. When there aren’t so many damn people around.” Justin said as Trace’s words instantly sunk in.

“I don’t want to talk about it later. I want to talk about it NOW! Ya’ll are acting like the fucking golden couple around here! Do you know how humiliating that is!?! Everyone here knows she left me for you! This is bullshit!” Trace said as he took a swing at Justin.

Justin easily blocked his fist and pushed him back. “Don’t do this man...come one....I thought we were over this.”

“NO! YOU BOTH are over it! I’m NOT!” Trace shouted as he took another swing at Justin.

“Come one man. I only got so much patience.” Justin said with a chuckle as he blocked Trace’s swing. He looked over at Juliet as if to say ‘Can you believe this?’ As he turned back around Trace shocked him by landing a right hook on his jaw. “Fucking shit...” Justin mumbled as he grabbed Trace’s arms shoving him up against the wall. “Back the fuck off man. I’m trying to end this until you’re not drunk off your ass.” Justin shouted as he let Trace go again once Trace stopped fighting against him.

“Come on baby. I think its time we go home.” Justin told Juliet as he turned away from Trace walking up to her.

“JUSTIN, watch out!” Juliet shouted as Trace came lunging at him from behind knocking him to the ground.

“Get the fuck off me man!” Justin shouted as he shoved Trace off of him. Trace however was not backing down getting up to kick Justin in the side before Justin had time to get up. “Fuck...” Justin grunted as finally he grabbed Trace’s foot twisting it before pulling him down to the floor. Trace’s free foot connected with Justin’s chin prompting Justin to roll on top of Trace pinning him to the ground as he started to wail on him. All his anger coming out in his punches, anger at himself for causing this rift between him and Trace, anger at Trace for hitting Juliet, anger at Juliet for being so damn amazing he had to have her to himself, stealing her from his best friend.

“JUSTIN STOP! JUSTIN!” Juliet’s screaming brought him out of his daze as he looked down at a bleeding Trace. “Come on baby. Stop. Get off of him.” Juliet said as she tried to pull Justin off of Trace.

Justin took her advice and got off of Trace grabbing his ribs as the pain shot through him. He watched as Juliet leaned over Trace seeing if he was okay. “Let’s go.” Justin said as he grabbed her hands pulling her away from Trace.

“Justin. He’s your best friend. You can just leave him there like that, baby. Honey, you just can’t.” Juliet said as she threw her boyfriend a confused look.

“He’s not my friend right now.” Justin told her as they continued making their way to the front of the club leaving Trace there on the floor by himself.
Chapter End Notes:
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