Penname: SexualCoco [Contact] Real name: Bri
Member Since: Apr 07, 2007
Membership status: Member
So at the suggestion of my girl Ms. Glitter15, I decided to add some of my own stuff to the archive after being a reviewer for some time. I'm new to the writing game so bare with me! I'm just getting my feet wet before trying to hang with the great writers in fan fiction. However, I hope you all enjoy what I have written so far and if you did, thanks for reading!
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Comments by SexualCoco

Sequel to Raw Intimacy-“You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.” 

After three years, Justin Timberlake and Bethany Addison are still going strong. It seems like the world is finally spinning in the right direction for them. Unfortunately, they assumed that the only thing that could come between them would be from the outside. An unexpected turn in their relationship threatens to ruin everything they have accomplished. Subjects that should have been broached beforehand are now coming up with no solution is sight. Can love survive when love is what’s tearing them apart?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance

Series: Raw Knowledge: The Beth & Justin Memoirs
Chapters: 21
Wordcount: 42025 - Hits: 57872
Complete?: Yes - Published: Jun 15, 2007 - Last Updated: Nov 11, 2007 -
Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Oct 19, 2007 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Ok WTF? I mean yes, Justin should have told her about his health issues, but they got their baby and all that, so what's the big deal? Maybe her emotions are out of wack because of the baby because I think she's overreacting. Thanks for the update, great job!

Author's Response: He should have, but she is out of it these chapters lol. Updates are coming!

Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Oct 22, 2007 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Ok, that was a bitchy and just outright rude and embarassing thing to do. I mean granted, Justin should have told Beth about his problem, but that was just wrong of her to put him on blast like that. Well I hope these two can get their shit together and soon before the baby comes. Great update, thanks!

Author's Response: You can say that again. It was beyond uncalled for. He should have told her but Beth reacted badly. Glad you liked it!

Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Oct 25, 2007 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

WTF. This is just awful. I mean Beth has the nerve to tell Justin that he's been lying to her when she's been lying to him about Jake. *Sigh* This is the only time I'm going to beg, but PLEASE fix them. I don't think I can take anymore saddness or craziness between them (haha). Great job though and thanks for the update!

Author's Response: Yeah, Beth pulled a Justin. lol Lying is never a good sign is it? I'll work on fixing them for you, thanks for the review.

Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Nov 11, 2007 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Aww, that was a great ending and I'm glad that they worked everything out. I enjoyed this story very much, great job and I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Justin's life is in a downward spriral. Will he be able to pull himself back up or will he continue to fall?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Angst, Drama

Series: None
Chapters: 4
Wordcount: 20671 - Hits: 5947
Complete?: No - Published: Jun 22, 2007 - Last Updated: Jul 29, 2007 -
Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Jun 26, 2007 Title: Chapter 3: Nothing to See

I remember reading this story before and I liked it a lot. Keep it up and thanks for the update!

Madison thought Justin as just a memory, what happens when they run into each other after years?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama

Series: None
Chapters: 7
Wordcount: 15823 - Hits: 14157
Complete?: No - Published: Jun 25, 2007 - Last Updated: Aug 19, 2008 -
Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Jul 03, 2007 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Uh-oh, the truth is starting to unfold...great job thus far. Thanks for the update, can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Jul 11, 2007 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Ok, why won't Madison just tell Justin about Amanda? I mean it's pretty obvious that he suspects something based on the first time he saw her. I hope Madison comes clean soon. Can't wait to read more!

What do you get when the woman pretending to be JC's girlfriend starts to develop real feelings for Justin?

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Group, JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 3
Wordcount: 7674 - Hits: 4803
Complete?: No - Published: Jun 25, 2007 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2007 -
Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Jun 26, 2007 Title: Chapter 1: Caffeine & Crazy Schemes

Haha, ok I am definitely intrigued by this story. Great job, can't wait to find out what happens next!

Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Jul 29, 2007 Title: Chapter 2: Office Politics

That is scandalous! Yet I knew it was him, but why? I'm starting to think that JC would be better suited for her since her boyfriend is a jerk. Great update, can't wait to read more!

Gilda has always dreamed of meeting her "fantasy" better known as Justin Timberlake. So, when the opportunity arises and she wins a backstage pass to one of his concerts, she's more than ecstatic that her dreams are finally coming true. However, those dreams are soon ripped apart when she realizes that the man who she idolized is nothing more than a self-absorbed, uncaring and arrogant individual.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, General

Series: None
Chapters: 3
Wordcount: 8774 - Hits: 6686
Complete?: Yes - Published: Jul 02, 2007 - Last Updated: Jul 06, 2007 -
Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Jul 03, 2007 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

WTH?! First she couldn't stand the dude and now she's screwing him on a couch at the club? Yeah, she's definitely going to regret this in the morning. Great job thus far, can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Yeah i know what you mean. She certainly let her guard down...let's she doesn't regret it. Thanks for the feedback. :-)

Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Jul 06, 2007 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Aww, that was cute. I hate that it was so short, but great job!

Author's Response: I'm glad you thought they were cute. Hehe Thanks for the feedback.

If you lift me up
Just get me through this night
I know I'll rest tomorrow
And I'll be strong enough to try

So when you see me crashing

And there's nowhere left to fall
Will you lift me even higher
To rise above this al

...Sometimes surviving isn't enough. Sometimes it takes a tragedy so intense, to make us see who and what we really are.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance, Suspense

Series: Through The Darkness
Chapters: 75
Wordcount: 560840 - Hits: 209887
Complete?: No - Published: Jul 03, 2007 - Last Updated: Aug 01, 2011 -
Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Jul 27, 2007 Title: Chapter 7: Trials(cont.)

God, this story and this series is amazing! Thanks so much for the updates, can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Oct 11, 2007 Title: Chapter 9: Acceptance(cont.)

I am SO SUPER glad you updated! I was just thinking about this story the other day too. Well while I'm glad to see that Mel and Justin are getting "comfortable" with each other, I can't wait to see what happens when she tells him that she knows about the pills. I just can't wait for another update either, I absolutely love this series. Keep it up and thanks for the updates!

Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Nov 30, 2007 Title: Chapter 10: Unpredictable

Aww, that tugged at my heart just a little bit. Especially when he asked her not to leave him too? I almost cried. Great update girl!

Reviewer: SexualCoco Signed
Date: Nov 30, 2007 Title: Chapter 11: Unpredictable(cont.)

Ok and I thought the previous chapter was intense...this was just crazy. I feel bad for her, but I'm glad that she and Trace didn't take that step. Great update and I can't wait to read more.