Penname: hp5010 [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: Oct 07, 2008
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Comments by hp5010

Set in New York City, Justin Timberlake and Amelia Domineck are the hottest couple in the Manhattan social scene, and their wedding is fast approaching Event of the Year status. Amelia, headstrong and domineering, is not just planning her wedding, she’s choreographing it and Justin seems to simply be along for the ride, as well as Amelia’s assistant Charlotte who after accepting the job wonders if slavery somehow became legal without her realizing it. A Lolita wedding planner, a flakey assistant, and one bridezilla converge together to bring Charlotte and Justin closer and Justin begins to wonder… is this really all that’s left for him? A ring and a promise of forever with Amelia, or does he dare to dream of something more?

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: Season 6
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 45
Wordcount: 246846 - Hits: 232249
Complete?: Yes - Published: May 12, 2008 - Last Updated: Jan 30, 2011 -
Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Oct 29, 2008 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 13

Crap, damn Amelia, just go away.

Loved the chapter, can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Things would be so much better without Amelia I would agree. But Justin loves her *smacks him* lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Nov 23, 2008 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 14

Good update.  I hope Justin figures out what he really wants and finds happiness again.  Good luck with finals!

Author's Response: Thanks! Finals went pretty well *happy dance* Now all I have to do is write this next section. I'm hoping to have it up by the end of the month. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Jan 06, 2009 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 17

Yeah, Justin, keep telling yourself y'all will be ok and it will magically happen...


Good update, I'm glad Justin finally stood up to her.

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Hopefully Justin will leave behind his doormat-y ways! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Feb 10, 2009 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 18 pt 4

I just want Charlie to scream at him, "You're such a fuckin' idiot!!!!!  I'm the one that loves you, not her!!!! Stop being a God damn doormat!!!"

 Great update.  Can't wait for another.

Author's Response: I KNOW RIGHT!!! Justin's not the only one that needs to man up in this story. Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Apr 06, 2009 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 21

Yes!!!!  Ok, now, if only this "incident" will give him the confidence and cajones to dump amelia...  Tho, I know it won't be that simple.  I so hope Amelia doesn't find some way to trap him...  Hmm, wonder what this business dinner is.  Great update, can't wait for more, hope you're having fun in France.

Author's Response: GUH I KNOW RIGHT!!!! Although you're probably right I don't think it's that simple -_- Stupid Justin and his stupid stubborness hahaha. And who knows what that business dinner is. Amelia must still have a few more tricks up her designer sleeves lol. France is being pretty good to me at the moment I will admit! Glad you liked the chapter and thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Apr 07, 2009 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 21

Oh crap, I just realized, they didn't use protection (assuming Charlie's not on BC pills...).  That would be an interesting turn of events if she wound up pregnant...  Anyway, probably completely off basis, but it was one of those thought that hit all of a sudden during a very boring work day.

Author's Response: GUH boring days at work/school are some of my BEST fanfic days lol. You just get so many good ideas! Interesting thought indeed! I'm not gonna say anything other than stay Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Apr 27, 2009 Title: Chapter 28: Chapter 22

Ok, these two aggrivate me to no end.  Serioulsy, he probably just had the best sex of his life and he's running back to that cold hearted bitch?  If he refers to her as "his girl" one more time, I think I'm going to crawl into the story and hit him upside is no longer curly head. RIP curls.  Both he and Charlie need some sense knocked into them.  LA should be interesting, can't wait to read what happens there as well as Trace's take on the whole situation. 

BTW, this update has been the hightlight of a very dreadful Monday.  I don't think your timing could have been more perfect.  Can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response: YAY I'm glad that this could brighten your day a little! *hugs* Seriously girl I know where you're coming from with the aggrivation. I wish they'd act right *smacks them* Hopefully updates soon! My schedule is pretty packed for the next week or so but Justin and Charlie are ALWAYS on my mind so hopefully I'll get some writing done soon. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Jul 07, 2009 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 24

"" was not the correct ending of that sentence Justin.  "Charlie" is the word you needed to use.  Great update, well worth the wait.  I can't wait to read more and I so hope Justin will get his balls back and kick Amelia to the curb.

Author's Response: I AGREE!!! Oh Justin you are so dense lol. I'm glad you thought it was worth the wait! I always worry but you guys always come through with the best support! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Aug 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 25

I think, hope, Justin is finally getting how empty, unmeaningful and unfulfilled his life will be if he marries Amelia - i.e. the R.A.T.!

This was a very good chapter and well worth the wait.  

Author's Response: EEP thank you. R.A.T. came up between Megan and I when we were trying to figure out a name for Amelia and when we'd finally decided I'd said "Roxanne Amelia Timberlake....what a shitty ring" lol and Megan totally came back with the RAD to RAT in one marraige line. Erm...just a fun fact I guess lol. I'm glad you liked the chapter! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Nov 08, 2009 Title: Chapter 34: Chapter 27

I hate that I feel a bit sorry for Amelia because of her childhood, but that doesn't give her an excuse to abuse Justin the way she does.  Someone at jjb hit it right on the head, he's suffering from battered spouse syndrome.  Part of me hates that Charlie's caught in the middle of this, but part of me says she doesn't have anyone to blame for her situation but herself.  She's chosen to have this affair with Justin.  I'm really torn on how I want this to end.  Part of me says it'd be cliched to have Justin dump Amelia and live happily ever after with Charlie - wonder fairytale ending, but not really true to life.  Part of me says I'd hate it if he were to stay with Amelia.  At any rate, I can't wait to read more. 

Author's Response: YES I love everything you had to say on all of them. They're all so tangled up in each other and Justin is just too wishy washy right now to really breakthrough in either situation. *sigh* I'm glad you're liking it because I'm really loving writing it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Dec 20, 2009 Title: Chapter 35: Chapter 28

Great update.  I really hate both Justin and Amelia right now.  What I don't get is what Amelia is getting out of this.  She doesn't seem to love Justin.  As pointed out, she's got more money than him, so it's not a gold digging situation.  He never seems to do anything right in her eyes.  He's not from a political/society/power family. She doesn't seem attracted to him given she went 8 months without want sex from him.  So I don't get why she's with him and going through this...

And Justin... *shakes head*, loyalty is one thing, committing you life to utter misery is another.  You may love her, but you're not IN love with her.

And thank goodness Lynn & Paul see how miserable he is.  I think it's perfect she told him he didn't have to go through with the wedding.  I think he really needed to hear that.  And Paul hit the nail on the head.  Too bad Justin is too loyal to Amelia to see it's true meaning.  They've raised a good boy, loyal and a gentleman, but he's those things to a fault.  He's rather do the correct thing than the right thing.

Again, great update, I can't wait till you post more. :)

Author's Response: You ask a good question in why Amelia is still with Justin. That will all be explained soon I promise. And relatively soon. We're coming down to the wire! *excited* And I loved writing the scene with his parents, I like the idea that they raised him so well that it's kind of hurting him in this situation. It's an interesting point of view to write. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Jan 16, 2010 Title: Chapter 36: Chapter 29

Thank you Billy!  I love it when grandparents know exactly what to say.  I hope being home and talking with his family is exactly what Justin needs to finally man up and make a decision.  The fact he's seeing how Amelia treats him and that their problems are very deep is a good sign.  Having Charlottes words on repeat is also a good sign.  I just hope he finally understands what his father was trying to say.

Great update.  I needed it after a day like today.  Good luck in school and update when you can - quality over quantity!

Author's Response: GUH YES!!! I've been wanting to have Justin have a convo with his grandfather in a story for awhile now. That relationship has always intrigued me. Glad the update could brighten your day a little and thanks for the well wishes! I'm hoping to get an update out sooner rather than later but we'll see how it goes. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Jun 06, 2010 Title: Chapter 38: Chapter 30 pt 2

*runs to hug Trace*  Poor guy is getting the shitty end of the stick in all this.  I'm glad he still has the balls to stand up to Justin and try to get him to see how un-Justin he's become.  I think it's going to take Amelia mamed/hurt/killed in some freak accident like driving off the Brooklyn Bridge to stop this wedding... Or Justin growing some balls (ha!)... or his half of the guest standing up in church and yelling when the clergy goes "speak now or forever hold your peace"...


Glad this story is back.  I can't wait to read the next installment.

Author's Response: He really is!!! Trace is seriously one of my favorite characters to write because he's so irreverant but he genuinely cares about the people he loves. Glad you enjoyed the section! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Jun 08, 2010 Title: Chapter 39: Chapter 31

I was bouncing in my chair at work all day going "is it 4pm yet so I can go read her update"... I swear this was the longest day.

This was a great update. I'm so glad Justin finally realized his true feelings for Charlie, even if he was completely drunk.  And that convo between Trace and Charlie *guh*.  I so hope she gets up the nerves to stop this wedding because Trace is right, she's the only one that can.

Can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: GUH waiting till after work is the WORST I swear haha. I'm glad you enjoyed the update! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: hp5010 Signed
Date: Nov 07, 2010 Title: Chapter 41: Chapter 33

I wonder what Amelia has up her sleeve... Something just doesn't sit right with how quickly she's giving up.  And we still haven't answered the accounting question - why Justin's books seem to be off... Could the "My reputation is all I have" line be telling of some financial situation Justin isn't aware of...  I have a feeling Justin's life before this will seem like paradise compared to the hell she's about to put him through... /ramblings

Great update.  I can't wait to read more when you've got it.

Author's Response: Actually the finances thing was a screw up on my part. It was a little extra tidbit I'd added early on and as the story progressed the chapter that I was going to address that in ended up being cut because it was kind of unnecessary and I've been trying to resolve it but with only two chapters left now there isn't really a place I can do that. This is the problem with posting as you write chapter to chapter, sometimes your story shifts from your outline and then you kind of screw yourself over. All Charlotte was going to find was that Justin wasn't broke, that actually Amelia had redone his finances when they got engaged and made a few investments for him that actually MADE him money. Someone suggested that I take the chapters I cut and write them as deleted scenes. I may still do that but I don't wanna end the story and still leave you in the dark for 82397983274283 years until I get around to writing the deleted scene haha. Anyway glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!