Penname: MochaB [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: Sep 08, 2007
Membership status: Member
25. Pisces. Born and raised Texan. I've been reading fan fiction for many, many years now. It's my secret little pleasure in life. My love of *NSYNC and JT is my not-so-secret pleasure in life and I like it that way.
Twitter: brittneymo
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Comments by MochaB

Set in New York City, Justin Timberlake and Amelia Domineck are the hottest couple in the Manhattan social scene, and their wedding is fast approaching Event of the Year status. Amelia, headstrong and domineering, is not just planning her wedding, she’s choreographing it and Justin seems to simply be along for the ride, as well as Amelia’s assistant Charlotte who after accepting the job wonders if slavery somehow became legal without her realizing it. A Lolita wedding planner, a flakey assistant, and one bridezilla converge together to bring Charlotte and Justin closer and Justin begins to wonder… is this really all that’s left for him? A ring and a promise of forever with Amelia, or does he dare to dream of something more?

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: Season 6
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 45
Wordcount: 246846 - Hits: 232256
Complete?: Yes - Published: May 12, 2008 - Last Updated: Jan 30, 2011 -
Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Dec 11, 2008 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 15 pt 2

this story, despite how sad justin is, makes me so happy. trace totally stole this chapter. it was awesome! haha. i also love the looks that have been going on between rachel and trace, but especially the many between lynn and sadie. besides trace, they know justin the best, and i'd bet a lot of money on knowing exactly what they are thinking and hoping for. "A lot can change" yes justin. you are getting closer to the light, but ugh. i wanted to cry for him when she treated the cd like it was junk. :o( and charlotte should've slapped her when she talked about her bag. i know she wouldn't, but yeah. haha. amelia feels like that guest that you can't wait to leave, while charlotte is the one that feels like she could belong in the family. and of course, amelia's gift to's not even about consideration or thoughtfulness. it's still about just showing what she can buy. showing how classy/high she is. nothing she does is based on feelings anymore.  and how sad is it that justin liked charlotte's gift more than amelia's? UUUGH!! the gift from justin to charlotte... so sweet and meangingful. :o) oh! and then coming away from their embrace...the touches! eeeeek!!! :o) :o) you should see and hear me when i read this story. update soon! now that i'm done with finals i can concentrate on what's important; my stories! haha. :o)

Author's Response: GUH YES!!!!!! Seriously writing the part where she dropped the CD ripped my heart out. Like I almost didn't wanna put it in because it was so sad but that's how Amelia is *sigh* and YES NO MORE FINALS!!!! Glad you enjoyed the section! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Dec 28, 2008 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 16

Seriously before this story is over, you HAVE to let charlie tell amelia off. Please I am begging you! My heart ached in my chest just reading the first part and charlie just taking it like that. It makes me so sad and that's upset I got over it. Haha. and why does amelia feel she has authority over what justin wants and needs? That is absolutely insane! Nobody should have authority over their significant other! Charlie just actually listens and cares about Justin and what he wants, unlike his fiance! Ugh! Oh and amelia has definitely made a mistake in thinking justin couldn't possibly fall for charlie. Mistake on her end, but great for charlie, justin, and us readers. Lol! Great revelation justin. It didn't go as far as I would have liked (yet) but it's great for now. I can't believe he has let her make him a shell of a person. You love that person?!? He loves who she used to be but he's certainly not IN love with her. He will realize and acknowledge that soon I hope. Charlie should have just told him the truth. He may have been mad, but he'd get over it once he woke up. And his reasons for giving up music, his blood, and the fact that the person that supposedly loves him and that he loves made him do it for those reasons...Biggest.Doormat.Ever! How sad. For a little while it seemed like charlie was the love interest in a romantic music video staring justin. Haha. I can't wait until you update again. You always get me going. Haha. :o)

Author's Response: Justin is very doormat-like I must agree. Hopefully he wakes the hell up soon. Who knows how Amelia's going to take his newest revelation. I'm glad you're liking it and I'm glad I've got you going!!! That's what I'm here for lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Jan 07, 2009 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 17

not liking amelia becomes a conflict when reading this update. it's hard to be like, "ugh i hate her!" when reading it through justin's pov like that. he was so hopeful, and how he could see the old her coming back, and she's shifting awkwardly and stuttering and really trying, it almost made me be like, "whoop! stick with her!"...almost. aha! you almost got me! lol as uncomfortable as it made me feel at times since i was like, "yay a breakthrough!" then immediately, "but no! he needs charlie!" i really enjoyed reading this update. but of course, change doesn't come overnight and i don't think things are going to be ok for very long.

Author's Response: YAY CONFLICTED EMOTIONS!!! EXACTLY what I was going for with this chapter! I'm glad you enjoyed this one! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Feb 01, 2009 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 18 pt 3

girl, girl, GIRL! this was the bomb diggity! lol! oh man. so much to say. omgomgomg!helikesher!! gosh! well we knew it, but he freaking admitted it! i wanted to scream my head off. i love the frowns he would get when trace had his hand on her back, called her charlie, and his dislike for that stanford was pushing up on her. i live how he could picture her walking down the aisle towards him and how he mentioned her ringless fingers. i love how he got butterflies and was in awe then actually wondered if he'd feel that way when amelia walks towards him. you're only supposed to feel butterflies and be in awe of the person you love. hinthint. but gosh he admitted he likes her! and the pull they each felt throught this whole chapter. gosh. i was so pulled in by it. like i could feel my own self! haha. honestly, i know justin has taken a whole bunch from amelia, but the convo he overheard between her and her mom takes the cake. takes everything. when i read the last thing she said about him not having it, i seriously just put my head down and shook it in dsibelief. i could hear the instant rip in his heart. i could just feel the pain he had to be feeling. the one you love and still have hope for just basically said she doesn't believe in you and you are pretty much a puppet. he's like not even human to her! i don't see how he could want to be with her after this. i just can't grasp that. and she meant what she said cause she was talking candidly to her mom. i wanted to punch her so bad. haha. ugh. i just want him with charlie so bad. she really makes him truly happy, and she believes in him and the music and talent that is in his blood. i loved their convo during the dance. it was so sweet and *sigh*. and i love how michael caught their intimate moments together. hopefully they can have them framed once they get together. winkwinknudgenudge. haha. ok, i'm sorry. i just had to get all that off my chest. wonderful update. you always grab me and get me going with each new update. i can't wait to read more
happy birthday to our king!! yes, i'm a lurker. great job on that and all the other ones you made before. ;o)

Author's Response: LURKER!!! You mustn't lurk you must PLAY with us lol We welcome any pervs! And we don't bite...well unless the king asks us too *giggle* I LOVE your reactions to the different parts of the section! I used to make my friend read it on the phone with me so I could hear her reactions hahaha. Glad you liked it girl! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Feb 11, 2009 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 18 pt 4

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! RJKAJAROA!!! WHAT THE HECK?!?! i'm pretty sure that if i saw the real justin right now i'd be like, "what's freaking wrong with you you idiot?!?! leave her!!" then i'd come to reality be like, "umm...*looks around then runs away*" lol ohmygoooosh though. i was starting to get really happy, then crash! no happiness for me. i can not believe this. was he not at his own party and did he not hear those phrases come out of amelia's mouth? it's like he's accepted his doom! he's accepted his terrible life as if he can't change things! he's not married to her yet so this whole for better or for worse thing is pure crap. the beauty of an engagement. you can break that thing off with no legal problems. i'm proud of charlie for what she said to him, but man she should've really let him have it. i mean he won't listen to his own self maybe he'd listen to her? and he wished for charlie. man. it's like he's torturing himself. why?!? why won't he let himself be truly happy?!? man. this story is going to drive me crazy. haha. update soon woman. :o)

Author's Response: Yesssss Rollercoaster of emotions this of this chapter lol. Justin's just stuck with Amelia, mentally stuck and its like he just can't get around the fact that he's with her. Its like its so damn blind that he doesn't even know that being without her is really an option. Its more an abstract idea than something that could actually happen. *sigh* Stupid boy. Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Mar 05, 2009 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 19

AAAAAAAAAH!!!! OJFJAIFIGI!!!OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGREAIFA!!!! i'm like the biggest looser EVER over here with tears of happiness in my eyes!! lol no lie. this just gets to me so much, so deeply and it's not even because it's JT, it's because of the characters and how you make this story so real. gaaaah. my heart hurt for charlie so much when amelia was the BIGGEST bitch in the world! ohmygosh! then justin called her out and i was like, "well dang, finally you idiot." lol i wanted to knock her block off so hard and so freaking far! lol but when charlie spoke up i let out this julia roberts-like laugh of joy and amazement (i.e. see the movie Oceans 12 when her character turns around and sees bruce willis), but i knew that amelia was about to let loose. i only hate that she said she was sorry. she is like justin, she's right. but i find it really weird that amelia didn't fire her on the spot. really weird. if charlie thought she was going to get fired, she should've just laid it all out there and not apologized! but she didn't because that's not her. man, that's...woah. seriously though, if you make him back his weak butt up and regret this kiss, i will be committed to the insane asylum because i will surely go bananas. yes. bananas. he knows how he feels about charlie. he knows. this kiss should be like the changing of the gears to wake his delusional self up and get thing rolling at full speed on the happy train track (i.e. dump amelia, be with charlie). six months on a wedding ring that she didn't think was good enough? boy...i ain't got nothing good to say. you know what we want. make it happen please! :o)

Author's Response: YAAAAAAY!!! I'm glad you liked it!!!! This one was kinda a roller coaster of emotions and I'm glad you felt ALL of them *bounce*  And the Julia Roberts laugh I COULD TOTALLY HEAR IT IN MY HEAD OMG!!!! And then bananas! lol That totally made me think "This shit is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!!" which really...this shit is kinda bananas *smacks Amelia* Glad you liked it girl! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Mar 25, 2009 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 20

Burn baby! You go charlie!! The best part is he doesn't even get it. Idiot. I hope he realizes what she meant soon. Can you tell that I am fed up with justin and his non existent backbone? His non existent mind? And then he made me so mad by ogling patti. Yes he's a guy, but still! He's so dense. That woman has been hitting on him since the day she signed on as their wedding planner and he still doesn't see it. He doesn't see a lot of things, but then the things he does see he makes excuses for or ignores them. Ugh! Then he mentions tucking this kiss away along with the songs he won't write and the memphis home and everything else amelia has and will make him give up. He could easily have all those things again AND charlie by giving up one thing, or person really. Its quite easy to know why he doesn't feel guilt. And all the reasons why he can't loose charlie, why he needs her in his life, etc. shouldn't that person be your wife/husband? They should be the ones being there for you and making you feel certain ways? Not your fiance's assistant right? Ugh JUSTIN WAKE UP!! I can't remember the last time I was so incredibly frustrated at a character. *sigh* update soon! And have a butt load of fun in France!! :o)

Author's Response: HE IS DENSE OMG!!!! Writing him is so frustraing sometimes but its a lot of fun too lol He's so clueless the poor kid. Glad you liked the section! Updates hopefully soon. Depends on how long it takes me to get acclaimated. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Apr 06, 2009 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 21

first let me say i'm pissed right now cause i had this incredibly long review typed out then my computer decided to perform an illegal operation and shut the freak down. UGH! so now i have to start anew and it probably won't be as great. lol

oh my freaking hell.
seriously...OHMYGOOOOSH!! :oD :oD :oD :oD
heather, and i BEG of you, do not make justin take any steps back from this. when he was about the start thinking about his guilt and all that stupid mess i was like this fool better not, and he didn't a peace came over me and him too probably and the last sentence just made me sigh and melt and just think it was sooo romantic. in a way it was, along with being freaking hot and sexy and beautiful. OH MYGOSH!! final-freaking-ly! i feel like donna. my head is all over the freaking place! final-freaking-ly that they gave into their emotions and wants and needs and did the dang thing and the same goes for charlie actually telling justin like it is straight up. i was just like, oh shit son!! lol then when she said at least one of them had balls i was just like it's over man. shut it down! you go girl!! i was and am cheesing so dang hard right now i'm just giddy! i really wish all the readers could be in one room and read this at the same time because it would be really amusing. my leg was bouncing, i was pumping my fists in the air with excitement, i was a trance! dang that was hot and so worth the wait! please, please please do not let them go back. justin knows completely how he feels about charlie and his life. the dam has broken and nothing else can be placed in the back of his mind; it's all out. when he mentioned charlie writing off them i was like this fool has been writing off his whole life for the longest! writing off the kiss, his pain and hurt of being with and dealing with amelia, his own desires and need to sing again, his feelings for charlie! everything! but they can NOT go back now. that knot is like pretty much untied. one more tug (ending things with amelia officially) and no more. ok. yes. please update soon. my gosh. i'm shaking. lol so beautiful and sexy and animalistic and UGH. ok. yes. i'm not writing off that business dinner thing with amelia though. something fishy is up. ok, update soon! btw, i've been reading your journal and i love it! ok, i'm going to go bask in my happiness now. bye. lol :o) 

Author's Response: OMG that sucks about your comp being a douche! But THANK YOU for taking the time to go through and type it up again!!!! I of course loved all your thoughts on the section! I love hearing the reactions and things to the different plot points becasue you're SO dead on with how I wanted you to feel about it hahaha Its like you're in my brain!  And he HAS been writing everything off for a long time. One of the things I love about Justin in this story is he's such a flawed character. Like he's selfish and a doormat and kind of a coward but goddammit we love him anyway lol Same goes for Charlotte really. I'm glad you're reading the journal!!! I think it helps you guys to know what the crap I'm doing over here when I'm not writing hahaha Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Apr 28, 2009 Title: Chapter 28: Chapter 22

everytime i read an update there is this intense pressure that builds in my chest the more i read and by the time i get to the end it either leaves in a rush of air or at it's boiling point. the majority of the time though i'm left with it at it's boiling point wanting to punch somebody. LOL can i please punch justin? please? i just want to knock some freaking sense or guts into that...BOY! i'm probably so frustrated because they didn't get to talk and they both have their thoughts going about themselves and about each other and they haven't been able to talk this out and be honest with each other. i'm not too sure much honesty is going to happen though on justin's part. he's good at staying in imagination land and making himself not see things how they really are. they'll probably have to start yelling at each other for the truth to come out. that makes me so mad. they can't even be honest with each other until they are at breaking point. charlie didn't let justin know how she truly felt until breaking point. now they've had sex, which is a lot more than a kiss, and how is this going to be handled? thousands of miles away from the thorn in everybodys lives. they both can be such freaking cowards. yep. that's what annoys me the most. the hiding or not speaking of the truth and being honest with oneself and each other. oh and then he thought "There’s his girl." girl i nearly bust a freaking vein i got so angry. LOL man this story raises my blood pressure too much. lol i really can't wait to see how this trip goes. i really need this to be the trip where things are made right...and you know what i mean when i say right. for the sake of my sanity please! haha. :o)

Author's Response: Yeah I just kinda noticed that this story has a lot of cliff hanger type chapters. Not like CLIFF HANGERS but stuff that kinda has me being like "shit I need to write the next one!" and it seems like it's got you guys wanting to keep reading so THAT's good lol. Hahaha I know what you mean by right girl. No promises, that's all I'm sayin. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Jun 03, 2009 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 23 pt 2

Ohmydaaaaaaayuuuuum. Lol! OH.MY.FREAKING.GOSH!!! Ugh! Somebody get me a bucket of ice water please! That was so incredibly sexy...and sensual...and on fire! Ohmygosh. I've already said so much on what justin should do and it remains the same, especially since he learned that she's keeping tabs on him. And I'd like to think that his no-balls self is going to do what needs to be done, what we all hope he will do, after this, but I have high doubts that he will. He's let me down so much that I don't have much hope that he'll make the right decision at this moment. Maybe after a few more moments of letting amelia belittle him and treat him like dirt, and after his pride comes back along with his balls, he will. I have hope that he will eventually, but I foresee myself wanting to slap him silly a few more times before I want to hug him silly. Lol! I can't wait to see how the rest of this trip goes. I don't even know what to expect! This story always has my emotions and thoughts all over the place so I will just try to patiently wait for the next update. *sigh* haha. Update soon!! :o)

Author's Response: Everything that you've expressed in your review is EXACTLY how Charlotte feels GUH!!! I'm so glad that that's coming through and you guys are feeling all this stuff right along with her! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Jul 07, 2009 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 24

The only word I can think of to describe justin besides idiot, spinless, fool, and coward is ridiculous. He is absolutely RIDICULOUS. Yeah charlie somebodys going to end up hurt and its going to be you. Why is she letting him use her like this when she knows what's going to happen? It makes me sad for her. And why does justin feel like 3 years and an engagement means stuck for life? He talks about all the sacrifces he's made, HE'S made, for that relationship and all the fighting for it. He fought and made sacrifices to be in a relationship that seems more like a servant or mother/son relationship than an intimate one? I know I say the same stuff each time, and now I'm just so frustrated that I feel like I'm about to burst with pent up frustration and anger. Like the only way it can be cured is if I can reach in and shake the crap out of justin and yell at him for like at least an hour, or if charlie freaking gross a full pair and let's him know that she's not going to be used and hurt like she's allowing and setting herself up for. She has her moments, but she really needs to get her own backbone and stand/speak up. And something is fishy with his finances, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was connected to amelia. *sigh* frustration at it's best. Lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response: Justin is a guy and guy's are basically morons. its like...he's perilous to stop himself from making terrible decisions lol And he's a bad influence on Charlotte, makin her all doormat-y and what not. *sigh* Frustration indeed! I'm working on an update no worries! Hopefully this one will be out quicker. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Aug 12, 2009 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 25

What a sad sad life you lead justin. The only thing I can do is shake my head. He saw a little bit more light during that dinner, which is good, but then get to the end and it still shows how he thinks it's a done deal. Thinks they are already married and he can't escape. He has got to let go of the memories and get freaking real. This is real life dude and this is your life on amelia. Just like the drug commercials. Maybe that's what he needs. This is your life on charlie. (Haha dirty thoughts) And this is your life on amelia. *show smashed egg visual here* the only reason he felt slight protectivness come over himself in regards to that waitress is because her eyes reminded him of a certain someone. No he doesn't know about these details of chalie's life, but he knows how she makes him feel. Knows she doesn't belittle him. Know she thinks highly of him no matter how much or how little money he makes; no matter what his name can do. It's just sad now to read. Definitely entertaining still of course, but I feel so sad for him. Not sad. More like pity actually. I loved the R.A.T. line! Hilarious! And so extremely fitting! She already has that down to a "T." And seriously somebody like amelia who thrives on finding out things in ppls pasts, such as why charlie quit, and trying to find something to use to bring her down, hurt her with, use against her, etc. shows that she doesn't have a good, true, honest heart. At all. Her friends don't either. Maybe she did at one time, but it does not exist anymore. Everything she does is for her own personal gain, whether it's to up her so-called friends by re-doing a room or whatever. I don't have to mention everything else she's done throughout these chapters. So her trying to sound wounded by justin's anger...puh-lease! And he was starting to feel guilty! She's a good actress...or manipulator. Whichever term you would like to choose. I'll stick with the latter. Man. I get so caught up in this. I really just want charlie to cut justin off, and when she does I want justin to wake up and see the light and kick the rat to the curb, and finally be truly happy. But I'm sure that won't be happening in the next chapter...unless you are feeling generous. Maybe? Possibly? Lol oh! And again, I think the finances have something to do with amelia cause all bad things lead or come from her. Lol update soon!! :o)

Author's Response: BAHAHAHAHA SMASHED EGG VISUAL!!! That's awesome lol The thing is for some reason Justin still loves her and he knows how it feels when she hurts him and since he IS a good person he still feels guilty for hurting her. *sigh* Stupid Stupid Boy *smacks him* I dunno about a wrap up that quick lol. I'm working diligently towards it though! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Sep 16, 2009 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 26

Well I hope she actually finds and does something for herself. She needs to get back to being herself cause at the end of the day that's all she'll have and she has to live with the person she becomes. She definitely was bold at the beginning of this chapter. Forget making justin feel better though! He has brought this all on himself and he can fix things, but he doesn't. So she shouldn't feel the need to fix it, at least temporarily. She needs to not be so freaking nice. She makes sacrifices, puts her self (mentally, emotionally, physically) on the line for others...all for people who don't deserve it, are cold hearted, ignorant, and vindictive and she gets absolutely nothing in the end. Amelia most definitely doesn't give her anything except a pay check, and justin is not giving her what she desires the most, which is his heart one hundred percent. His body is great and all, but it only goes so far and she ends up feeling guilty and like crap. Stop being so effing nice! It's so sad. Everybody in this story is such a sad individual, even amelia. It's sad that she's become who she is and it's sad that she such a bia. Haha. We know why justin and charlie are sad individuals. As I read this chapter I had the thought that I think one of the reasons justin may like charlie so much is that she is like an old version of amelia. His amelia that wasn't the power and money hungry vindictive she-devil that she is today. Maybe that's a stretch since he hasn't actually had that thought exactly, but that's just what I think. But how things are going she's slowly make the transition to becoming a version of amelia, and not a good one. BUT it is great that she has caught herself ahead of time. It's so sad that she won't quite a job because of a man who she does not have...who she may never have. She better find herself and fast. And I've said it from the first time you mentioned justin's finances a few chapter back...justin, his finances, amelia - all tied together. When you prove me wrong I will admit that I was wrong, but until then...haha. Oh! It seems to me that amelia was eavesdropping on the convo between the 3 girls cause she knew they had been to Saks and that they asked charlie to go shopping with them. Yes she told them to do it, but how did she know they did it right then? I don't know. Maybe I need to re-read that part again, but I was like "something is not right." Update soon! :o)

Author's Response: Yes I've kind of come to notice that everyone in this story is kinda lame and sucky lol I didn't FULLY intend for them to be that way, like I wanted them to be flawed and as real as possible and I think that they are to a certain extent but damn lol I like what you said about Charlotte being like the old Amelia. I hadn't really thought of it that way, more so in the sense that Charlotte is very different from Amelia but you're kind of right. She's very much like Amelia used to be. I love when you guys make me see stuff in my characters that I didn't even notice before! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Nov 10, 2009 Title: Chapter 34: Chapter 27

Their feelings for each other that they let themselves feel and assumptions are like a ping pong match. Justin's for charlie, his for amelia, and charlie's for justin. And justin is so oblivious to the effect he has on charlie and her life; the choices she makes. It's terrible and sad that she even let's him have so much control. It annoys me that justin even needs a reminder of why he loves amelia. You shouldn't have to wonder then something happen and you're like "oh yeah! *snaps fingers* This is why I love her. I forgot cause she treats me like dirt all the time, but this one moment of weakness tells me where I need to be." The way amelia's family is is a representation of why she is the way she is, but that is absolutely no excuse. She's a grown woman. She doesn't have to behave the way she does. Her weak moments do not break me down and get me on her side. Charlie still makes me so mad cause she becomes weak around him and let's him guide her motions and emotions. I really want charlie to freaking man up. If he can just easily forget her and what he feels for her then she needs to be able to do so too. Don't put herself in these situations that are only going to lead to hurt. I don't even believe she needs this job. I understand she needs money to pay rent, but she should just move back home until the fall semester. If pride is keeping her from doing so she should forget that cause her pride has been diminished a long time ago. Now she just looks like a fool. It may not be noticeable on the outside, but on the inside she knows it and that's what hurts and plaques the most; that inner hurt and shame. And no he shouldn't cheat on amelia, but he can't treat charlie like this either. He's taking advantage of her kindness and friendship. He can't have the best of both worlds. He needs to stick to one and I seriously hope it's amelia so he can be miserable. He just pisses me off now. I'm done feeling sorry for him. He chose her so deal with her and don't go complaining to charlie or looking for the opposite. I just want charlie to say no and mean it. No she will not listen, no she will not be 'the other woman,' no she will not allow him to control her emotionally anymore. There has to come a time when she gets completely fed up with feeling like crap and stands up to him and for herself. I really hope that time comes soon. Whew! Glad I finally got to read this and get all that off my chest. Until next time...haha. Update soon!! :o)

Author's Response: YES!!! I love everything you had to say. That's exactly what I was trying to get across. What I love about these guys is that they take what positive character traits they have and turn them into negative ones. Amelia takes Justin's compassion and general gentlemanly-ness and turns him into a doormat. Justin enables Amelia's determinedness and perfectionism to turn into a form of domination. Charlotte brings out the stronger more self serving part of Justin but it often backfires in her face because he only uses it to stand up to her. Justin uses Charlotte's compassion and turns her into a doormat. It makes them all so much fun to write! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!

Reviewer: MochaB Signed
Date: Feb 06, 2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I know you already posted the next chapter, but I had to say something of course. I must say that justin's misery is quite enjoyable. He's been walking around like an idiot and not feeling crap, except for occasional guilt towards amelia, for too long. He is FINALLY being severely affected by charlie, or the lack of charlie in his life. Paul is the silent man who doesn't talk much, but when he does he says something meaningful. Justin took it in what some would probably thing the wrong way and others think the right way. For some reason I feel paul and lynn wish he took it the other way. For someone who wants charlie out of his life he spoke quite openly about her when you compare to how he didn't want to talk about amelia or the wedding. And amelia giving him sex to make him feel better...well first hilarious part actually, especially when he stared at her body in criticism as she conceitedly thought her body was banging. Lol Amelia only does things to make her life easier and remain in charge. She gives justin sex so he won't mope so he won't bother her (I'm sure). She shows him love by being dominant and by material items. Kind of like she feels that's the only way she can keep him around. Scare him. Let him know who's boss. And each time he sees that worry in her eyes that he won't forgive her like in the last chapter, and he easily let's it go, I feel like she rises one more notch on the ladder. That may be wrong, but that's how it seems. I know she probably wasn't shown love like justin was from her parents, but that is NO excuse! I know she know's justin isn't like her parents. He's probably the best thing to ever happen to her actually. But whatever justin, go the easy way out. Be the coward that you are. I say this still wanting charlie to say eff you to him. Lol all I could picture though was justin and amelia in their bedroom, him in bed and amelia at her vanity, and those fast moving scenes that show the changes taking place over a long period of time. The years would be passing and showing amelia brushing her hair and justin sitting in bed, both growing old, but amelia looking healthy while justin looks like the life is getting sucked out of him with the brick wall continuing to have brick after brick pile up showing how disconnected they are and how unhappy justin is when he marries amelia. I kind of felt weird though since this is fiction, but well a good story can suck you in and seem very real. I get sucked in the uttk vortex from the first word of each chapter. Lol Anyway, I am hoping SO much that when I press next that charlie will have gained a backbone over the last two months. Now that I've left my essay...moving on! :o)

Author's Response: Guh yesssssssssss. you are dead on with Amelia. She runs along and does as she pleases and then when she senses dissention on the ranks she steps in and does something that will keep him quiet and let her do as she pleases again. The image you painted of them growing old together is seriously sad because I can see it in my head as well. Its funny that even after all Justin has done we still feel compelled to go "aw poor Justin" even though he's driving us all damn crazy hahaha. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!!