Reviews For
Reviewer: VevaT Signed Date: 07/04/06 - 04:19PM Title: Chapter 3: A Chance Meeting

like the concept, nice update.

Author's Response: :P thanks

Reviewer: Barb Anonymous Date: 03/28/06 - 12:15PM Title: Chapter 3: A Chance Meeting

AUG More soon...I am hooked!

Author's Response: thank you. i shall try to update soon :)

Reviewer: VevaT Signed Date: 03/28/06 - 08:31AM Title: Chapter 3: A Chance Meeting

*tears* I wuved it. You can rock the jukebox if you updates again today before I leave lol. Amber and Justin are so cute. It seemed like it ended so soon. Barbeque...*grins* sounds yummy!!!!!!! *plays a country song* It rocks out loud mommy! Now are you gonna come to Lance's house and explain your self because this situation is awkward lol. I think I wanna cry some more...*tears* okay byeeeeeeee!

Author's Response: lol well im glad you like it.

Reviewer: jrtluva05 Signed Date: 03/28/06 - 01:35AM Title: Chapter 3: A Chance Meeting

Wow, so Amber is his Jt's wife eh? awesome awesome.. Oh on to the other stuff.. Good chapter hun.. keep em coming.. I really like it so far.. an i kinda had a feeling you'd use me, well my name as Jt's wife :D

Author's Response: uh huh shoulda pared amber up with like someone else or made her the evil step daughter. :P

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