Reviews For
Reviewer: JTCKNSYNCgirl Signed Date: 02/17/05 - 10:54PM Title: This decision is relying on you

what she say, what she say, lol please update soon, don't leave us hanging like that.

Author's Response: she says....actually I'm not going to say. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Rachel Anonymous Date: 02/14/05 - 12:20PM Title: This decision is relying on you

Amazing story. Really well written chica!! I didn't expect anythinhg less, I cannot WAIT for Sarah's answer! Come on dude I'm biting my nails here =)

Author's Response: Thank you Rachel! Glad you're enjoying it.

Reviewer: Leeann Signed Date: 02/13/05 - 10:23PM Title: This decision is relying on you

love the update. keep em comin

Reviewer: Teeny Signed Date: 02/13/05 - 06:55PM Title: This decision is relying on you

Wow. I can't wait to hear her decision. Yes? No? I'll think about it? I don't know whether Sarah is in the right place to be sawn in half and give away an eternal organ, but I know she feels guilty about the accident, so I could see her goign to extremes to help Chris get better. Powerful story so far, it's really coming along great Update soon =)

Author's Response: Lol. She certainly isn't in a good place to give away an organ! Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: adrienne Anonymous Date: 02/13/05 - 04:31PM Title: This decision is relying on you

OH PLEASE WRITE MORE!!!! i love the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: Wow. Okay I'll write more lol! Thanks ;)

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