Reviews For
Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 06/13/05 - 06:29PM Title: Bruised Hearts

That was cheating! Bringing out the little kids like that. That was so sappy and cute and sweet and I don't what else to say.

Reviewer: Nique Anonymous Date: 05/05/05 - 08:50PM Title: Bruised Hearts

Aw! That was cuuuute...who did those kids belong to anyway?

Reviewer: VevaT Signed Date: 05/03/05 - 03:22PM Title: Bruised Hearts

AWESOME I MEAN WOA!!!!! It was so touching. You are Fab-u-lous! You must teach...ME! I've been writing and I need more inspiration and you just gave it to me. I can see it now Chapter 4-Point B, the truth. BUT my chapter 3 isn't done yet so BYE!

Author's Response: guys are too sweet!

Reviewer: Lola Anonymous Date: 05/03/05 - 01:20PM Title: Bruised Hearts

That was good, update soon

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