Reviews For The Perfect Moment
Reviewer: grishy Anonymous Date: 08/10/06 - 11:49PM Title: Chapter 2: Taking a Chance

Your perspective is real, the level of description give to the reader an ambient.

Author's Response: I hope so.  I want to be real and descriptive!

Reviewer: kahlymilla Signed Date: 08/10/06 - 06:58PM Title: Chapter 2: Taking a Chance

I'm sort of with Justin on this one. Something about Laura just rubs me the wrong way. She's just so demanding, pushy, and she jumps to conclusions. How stupid she must've felt when proposed instead breaking up with her like she thought. And it seem that JC was having second thoughts after he proposed. Is there no hope for this couple?

Wow, Justin seems to have serious anxiety issues. He bought to have a breakdown on the grass. And Oh god, did somebody just kidnap him? I wonder especially what JC's gonna do. 

Author's Response: I really like your comments.  I don't know if there's hope for JC and Laura.  I guess we'll have to see!  And Justin is a very interesting case.  Thanks for the thoughts!

Reviewer: jrtluva05 Signed Date: 08/10/06 - 12:16PM Title: Chapter 2: Taking a Chance

holy shit!! that was freakin intense... i really love how you have started this story i like it alot.. an damn i wanna find out wht happens to justin.

Author's Response: Thanks!   I hope you sort of find out in the next chapter.  I'm glad you like it so far!

Reviewer: Kayla Anonymous Date: 08/10/06 - 01:58AM Title: Chapter 2: Taking a Chance

cant wait to see how this turns out... update soon!

Author's Response: I'm glad you are interested and reading.  That's the best!  Hopefully you like what you read next and stick with me.  Thanks!

Reviewer: Tricky_Chicky Signed Date: 08/10/06 - 12:56AM Title: Chapter 2: Taking a Chance

great start, I can't wait for more

Author's Response: Thanks for that!  I'm trying to put up more so see how you like it!

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