Reviews For The Perfect Moment
Reviewer: angel_from_africa Anonymous Date: 09/24/06 - 09:28PM Title: Chapter 5: Reunions

thisis a good story.. please update soon!! I wanna know what is going on!!!

Reviewer: kahlymilla Signed Date: 08/17/06 - 09:07PM Title: Chapter 5: Reunions

What! He took the proposal back? Man, that's messed up for Laura since she loves him. But what I want to know is why did he take the proposal back. And what the hell is this big secret JC's hiding, that is stopping from marrying Laura and not telling the guys. And why can he have Laura the "right way." He's not gay is he? Lmao. I don't know. That seems like something he would be scared to tell the guys. I'm still concerned with the Voodoo issue though. Oh the interview scene with that teenage girl was on point, funny. All those likes was killing me, lol. Anyway, update soon. I have to know what's about to go down.

Reviewer: Tricky_Chicky Signed Date: 08/17/06 - 02:44PM Title: Chapter 5: Reunions

Great story.  I can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: Gigi Signed Date: 08/16/06 - 09:19PM Title: Chapter 5: Reunions

What secret? What's going on?

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